2021-2022年三年级英语上册 lesson2 Boy,Girl and Teacher教案 (新版)冀教版

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2021-2022年三年级英语上册 lesson2 Boy,Girl and Teacher教案 (新版)冀教版一、教学目标知识方面:使学生能听、说、认识、口头运用单词:teacher, boy, girl能理解并口头运用:Whats his/her name?能力方面:通过学习怎样和别人打招呼,怎样来介绍自己,向他人介绍事物来培养学生的交际能力,锻炼语言的组织能力和知识的运用能力。情感目标:通过本课的学习,让学生知道怎样有礼貌地进行打招呼,如何做简要的介绍,做个有礼貌的好孩子。二、教学重点:1. 认识新单词:三会(会说、会听、会读):teacher 教师 boy 男孩 girl 女孩his 他的 her 她的2掌握新句子:两会(会听、会说):This is a_. 这是_。Whats his name? 他叫什么名字?His name is _. 他的名字是_。Whats her name? 她叫什么名字?Her name is _. 她的名字是_。三、教学难点:区分his和her的用法。四、教具、学具:录音机、图片五、教学资源:人称代词并列用法的排列顺序1)单数人称代词并列作主语时,其顺序为:第二人称-第三人称-第一人称即:you and I;he/she/itandI;you,he/she/it and I2)复数人称代词作主语时,其顺序为:第一人称-第二人称-第三人称即:we and you;you and they;we,you and they为帮助同学们理解和掌握英语人称代词,请记住下面的口诀:人称代词分主/宾,只有八对要区分。你(们)、它主/宾同一形,其余主/宾须分清。谓语之前主格填,动/介之后宾格跟,口语运用最灵活,表语也可用宾格。人称代词并列现,注意顺序礼貌见,二一、三一、二三一,第一人称最谦虚,若把错误责任担,第一人称须当先。六、教学流程:Class opening1. Greeting:Hello!/Hi!2. Review: 利用手偶游戏来复习Whats your name?New Concepts、教师手拿danny的手偶向一位学生提问:Whats your name?再次强调:your name?S:My name is 2、T:(指着李明)his name?(再指着班里其他男生问几次)(板书his name并领读)让学生猜his的汉语意思。再用完整的句子问:Whats his name?让生试着用完整的句子回答。再扩展到her的使用。4、T:什么情况下使用his?什么情况下使用her?从而引出boy、girl.领读并板书这两个单词,教师随便指教室里的学生,如果指的是男生,就要求学生说boy,如果是女生,就要求学生读出girl。最后,教师指着自己,看学生是否会说,于是出示单词teacher,领读并板书。5、Listen to the tape,and read after it.3.Play a game。 Memory name。游戏规则:让几名自告奋勇的学生面对全班站在教室的前面,教师站在这一排学生的一端。 第一个人说:My name is Hong. 第二个人说:My name is Bing.和Her name is Hong.(指着第一个人说) 第三个人说:My name is Ming.和 Her name is Hong.( 指着第一个人说)His name is Ming.(指着第二个人说)这个游戏一直进行到这一排的最后一个人,要求教师必须记住所有学生的名字。 4.Make a dialogue in groups. Class ClosingGoodbye!六、教学板书: Lesson 2: Boy,Girl and Teacher teacher boy girl Whats his name? His name is . Whats her name? Her name is .七、课后反思:附送:2021-2022年三年级英语上册 lesson22 How Old Are You教案 (新版)冀教版一、教学目标:1、知识目标:学生掌握下列词汇能口头运用How old are you ? I am _ years old.2、能力目标:学生能够理解并能用以下词句进行交际: old , young.能口头运用How old are you ? I am _ years old.3、情感态度目标:营造英语学习氛围,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。学生能够准确地发音,喜欢英语并愉快上课。二、教学重难点:描述特征。三、教学用具、学具:单词卡片或实物、字母卡片、录音机四、教学过程:Step1: Class opening1Greeting :T: Hello, boys and girls!S: Hello teacher!T: How are you ?S: Im fine, thanks.S: How are you ?T: Im fine, thanks.2 Listen to a song: I love you.Step2: New concepts1 . Sister , brother . Ask the students to look at the picture of Jennys family and describe what they know in English . Lead a discussion , in as much English as possible , about the pictures and sentences from Jennys photograph album .2.Talk about Jennys sister and brother, then listen to the audiotape and read.(规范学生的表达)3. The students talk about the pictures of their families with sister, brother or some other words.(表达时可应用本单元学过的知识)4. Show a picture of an old man and say: “He is an old man. He is old.” Then show a young girl. Tell them she is young. Say it, please . He/She is old/young .5. The students say sentences themselves with young and old.6. Point to the old man: “He is old. But how old is he? He is sixty years old. Put on the Jenny puppet and ask it How old are you? As Jenny , answer my own question : I am _ years old .Write How old are you ? I am _ years old on the blackboard. Show some other puppies and ask the age.7. The students ask the age each other.8.Read after the tapeStep 3: HomeworkAsk your mother How old are you? Say something next class.五、Blackboard Hand- writingLesson 22How old are you? old youngHow old are you? Im _ years old.Exercise:Fill in the blanks.1.br_ther, s_st_ _, _ ld, y_ _ _ s2. How _ are you? Im _ years old. (十岁)六、课后反思:


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