2021-2022年一年级英语下册 Module4 Unit12 A boy and a wolf period1教案 (新版)沪教牛津版

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2021-2022年一年级英语下册 Module4 Unit12 A boy and a wolf period1教案 (新版)沪教牛津版_第1页
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2021-2022年一年级英语下册 Module4 Unit12 A boy and a wolf period1教案 (新版)沪教牛津版_第3页
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2021-2022年一年级英语下册 Module4 Unit12 A boy and a wolf period1教案 (新版)沪教牛津版Content (Period 1)Aims1. To learn the new words: wolf, boy, farmer, narrator2. To use the key pattern to introduce oneself e.g. Im the boy.Language focus1. To pronounce the words: wolf, farmer, etc.2. To use the pattern correctly: Im the .Teaching aidsMultimedia, word cards, object and masksProceduresStepTeachers activityStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparationSing a song Daily talkSing a songTS活跃课堂气氛。通过简单的对话引出新知识。While-task procedure1. Learn: boyAsk ten boys to stand up. T: How many boys? T: Tall boy, short boy One and two Tall boy, short boy I see you.2. Learn: wolfShow a picture.T: Is this a dog?Is this a tiger?T: Whats this?Its a wolf.T: Is this a wolf?What color is it?T: Wolf, wolf A brown wolf Wolf, wolf I see you,3. Learn: farmerT: Take out a fork.Look, Im a farmer.Use “farmer” to make a sentence.4. Learn: narratorShow a flash. Watch the beginning of the story.(The narrator is just describing the story)T: Look, He/she is a narrator.T: (Point to the narrator)Who is he/she?T: He/She is the narrator.5. Learn: ImT: Who is he?(Point to the student in the class)T: Hes a boy. And Im a girl.Take out some masks. T: Now Im the .Who can make a sentence like me.S: Ten boys.Read the word: boy.Read the rhymeS: No.S: No.Read the word wolf.S: Yes, its a wolf.S: Its brown.Say the rhyme and ask the students to make the new rhyme.Read the word: farmer.S1: The farmer is fat.S2: I see a farmer.S: Read the word “narrator”.S: He/She is the narrator.S: Whos he/she?Work in pairs.S: Hes.Put on the mask S: Im the.通过旧句型引出新单词,让学生更易接受和理解。模仿简单的儿歌巩固新单词。形象的图片再配上旧句型,学习单词。让学生发挥想象,打开思维的空间,编出一些有关wolf的新儿歌。以实物来刺激,让学生感知农民伯伯所需要的工具。鼓励学生用所学到的知识创编新句子。通过学生感兴趣的小品表演来吸引学生的眼球,来感知新单词的真正意思。利用对话操练来巩固新知。带上头饰表演出自己现在的角色。Post-task activity1. Have the students put on the masks and make a short dialogue in groups.2. Have the students listen to the story and act it out.e.g.:S1: Im the farmer.S2: Im the boy.S3: Im the wolf.S2: Hello!S1: Hi!S1: Oh! A wolf! Help!S2: Go away!在对话表演中帮助学生记忆新词和句型。锻炼学生的听力水平,激励学生的学习兴趣和热情。Assignment1. Listen and read the words and the sentences. P462. Preview P47P48P49 板书设计boy Im the.wolffarmernarrator教学反思附送:2021-2022年一年级英语下册 Module4 Unit12 A boy and a wolf period2教案 (新版)沪教牛津版Content(Period 2)Aims1. To use the verb help to request assistance. e.g. Help! Help!2. To use wh-question to get simple responses. e.g. Wheres the wolf?3. To use the key pattern to indicate that something is approaching. e.g. Here e the farmers.Language focus To use phrases and sentences to municate with other students.Teaching aidsMultimedia, etcProceduresStepTeachers activityStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Greetings.Who is he?Who is she?Is he ?How many?2. Show the word cards 1. Greetingsa. T-S1b. S1-S22. Read the words:boy wolf farmer narrator 热身运动,活跃气氛, 同时复习前面所学的单词为下文作铺垫。While-task procedureWhile-task procedureLearn the story of “A boy and a wolf”.Show the flash of this story, with the help of pictures, masks and body language. Then ask the question.2. Learn : helpT: Who says “Help! Help!”?Create the different situations. Let the students to say “Help! Help!. 3. Learn : Where s the wolf?No wolves.T: Can you see the tiger in the classroom?T: Wheres the tiger? No tigers.T: Can you see the wolf at first?T: Wheres wolf? No wolves.T: No lions.T: Wheres the dog?T: Wheres the bear? 4. Learn: Here e the farmers.T: When the boy says ”Help! Help!” , who is ing? T: Here e the farmers.T: Show the boy. Who is ing?T: Here es the boy.T: Create some situations and let the students to say: Here e(s) the .Watch the flash.S: The boy.Read the word: helpS: Help! Help!.S: No, I cant.S: No, I cant.S: Wheres the lion?S: No dogs.S: No bears.Work in pairs. S: The farmers.S: The boy.S: Here e(s) the .通过观看flash让小朋友感知整个故事的内容。通过情景的创设,让学生在体验中学习。鼓励学生用所学到的单词进行对话。Post-task activity1. Let the students to listen to the story and repeat after the tape.2. Divide the students into groups. Put on the masks. Each group will play one of the characters in the story.3. ”Dont tell a lie”.1. Listen and repeat.2. Act out the story.让学生进行故事表演,在情景中体验会话的乐趣,培养学生的语音交际能力。Assignment1. Listen to the tape and read( P47P48P49)2. Listen to the new story (Workbook P46P47P48) and act it out with your parents.板书设计helpWheres the wolf?Here e(s) the .Dont tell the lie.教学反思


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