2021-2022年三年级英语上册 3A unit12教案 广东版开心

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2021-2022年三年级英语上册 3A unit12教案 广东版开心Teaching aims:1. review the aords we have learned in the previous units;2. review the sentences we have learned in the previous units.Teaching difficult points:The review of those new sentences.Teaching aids:Courseware, cards, etc.Teaching procedure:1. Review the target of units 9-11. What color is it? Its. (colors) How old are you? Im. (ages) How old is he / she? He / She is. (ages) What do you like? I like / dont like. (food) 2. Review the words of units 9-11. Key words: red yellow blue green orange purple balloons candles presents cookies plates cups cake cheese ice-cream bread salad soda 3. Review alphabet: Ss /s/ Tt /t/ Uu /ju:/ Vv /v/ Ww /w/ Xx /ks/ Yy /j/ Zz /z/ 4. Have Ss finish the exercises in Ssbook Pages 61-62. Have Ss have a test. (Units9-12)Writing on the blackboard:What color is it? Its. How old are you? ImHow old is he / she? He / She is. What do you like? I like / dont like.red yellow blue green orange purple balloons candles presents cookies plates cups cake cheese ice-cream bread salad soda 附送:2021-2022年三年级英语上册 3A unit1教案 广东版开心Teaching objective:1. Language functions: Greeting and farewells2. Language structures:Whats your name? Im .3. New vocabulary:hello, hi , goodbye, bye , apple. banana, bear, cat, carrotTeaching key points:Ask someones name and answer. Teaching difficult points:Whats your name? Im.Teaching aids:(1) Pictures cards (2) Recorder.Teaching steps:Period one(Conversation, vocabulary, target, practice 1,2)1 Greeting. 2 Sing the song “Good morning to you”.Ask one of the students to e out to sing.3 The teacher say like this:T: Hi, Im Miss Lu. S: Hi, Im Tom. T: Hi, -. Now, its your turn.4. The teacher walks among pupils and demonstrates. T: Hi, Im Miss Lu. S: Hi, Im Kate. (The teacher may help .) 5. Open the books and listen to the recordings. First, pupils listen to the recorder silently. Then read the dialogue after the recorder. Later on, practice in pairs and groups.6. Ask one student out or just let him stay behind his desk.T: Hi, Im Miss Lu. Whats your name? S: Im Tony.7. Read the sentences after the teacher several times. And ask the pupils to guess the Chinese meanings.8. Conversation: Listen to the recorder. Read after the tape. Activity:Group 1,2 act Gogo, group 3, 4 act Tony read the conversation together.9. Learn the vocabulary. Write down the words on the blackboard. 10. Listen to the tape and read the target together.11. Listen to the tape and do the practice 1,2.Homework: a. Read the text more than 5 times.b. Prepare a greeting Performance in pairs for the next period.板书设计:Unit one Hello!Hello, Im Gogo. Whats your name? helloHi, Im Tony. higoodbyebyePeriod two(Song, activity1,2, alphabet.) 1 Show two words I and Im. T: Im Tom. I am Tom.S: I am Zhang Fang. T: I am Miss Lu.( Writing on the board .I and I am ).T: I am Miss Lu. S:I am Man Hong. I am Chen Tian. I am Mei Qi.The class read the sentences after the teacher.2 . Holding up the names.T: I am Zhang Dong. I am Miss Chen.I m Cheng Hong. I m Zhang Gang.S: Im -. I am -.1. Take away the names.T: you, please.Courage him her to say. I am Tom. I am Kate. I am Cheng Hong.I am Miss Li. Let them to say one by one.2. Showing the action and say slowly with emphasis.T: Hello, I am Miss Lu.Write down the sentences on the blackboard.Ask the pupils to read after the teacher with emphasis on the word “ Hello”.3. (Showing action and say.)T: Now open your books, please.Ask the pupils to read, playing attention to the pronunciation of “am”.Then the teacher gives manding words the pupils say very quickly.4.T: Pointing to the two students. S: Hello , . Hello, . The pupil acts, he she stand up.)T: Thank you , . Ask the other students to act as the teacher.5. Play a game .Ask the pupils to read and match the names. (Activity 1)6. Activity 2: Point and say about the picture.7. Listen to the recordings to sing a song and read the words of alphabet.8. Listen and chant.9. Homework: Read the words of page 8 and write them four times each word.板书设计:Unit one Hello!Hello, Im Gogo. Whats your name? Hi, Im Tony. Nice to meet you.apple banana catant bear carrot


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