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Unit11. He _ five different languages fluently.B. speaks2. He _ his arms on the table when I entered the room.B. rested3. When and where shall we _?A. meet4. After an hour of heavy rain, the storm _.D. broke down5. The boy have grown two inches or more since I _ him a year agoC. have seen6. It _ true that sun rises from the eastC. is7. Has she _ to Settle?C. been8. You _ show more respect for your eldersD. should9. Im sure he_ not mind your going with me.C. would10. It is necessary that I _ return the books to him tomorrowD. should11. Only then did he _ that he had been wrong, he might feel sorry for what he had done to you.B. realize12. Finding a solution to this problem is one of the greatest _ faced by scientists today.Difficulties13. The river _ through three counties before entering the sea just south of here.B. flow14. I prefer teaching methods that actively _ students in learningA .encourage15. The first _ at the concert got the best seat.D. arrive16. Speech is the fastest method of _ between peopleC. communication17. I was _ to have a good teacher. Without her, I could not have such an achievementB. fortunate18. Anne has set her mind to marry a wealthy man because she always thinks money will satisfy all her _A. desire19. The airline is taking steps to _ safety on its aircraft.B. ensure20. The children are taught to respect different _ of different countries.C. culturesUnit21. She _ to school by school bus at eight in the morning.B. goes2. The sun _ in the east.B. rises3. I _ always _ that mistakes.B. /, make4. My sister _ have a baby.C. is going to5. The train _ at 10:15 tomorrow morning.B. leaves6. Metal _ when heated C. expands7. She _ fine work at school. her mother said proudly.C. did8. What _ the notice_?D. does, say9. Ill tell her after Ruby_.B. leaves10. Sorry, you cant take the typewriter away, I _ it.D. am using11. After four years of study, Jen will be a _ this year. He will graduate at this summerA. senior12. Please describe it in _ so that we can find out the problem as soon as possible.B. details13. Mary is so happy today because she finally _ the degree from Harvard after three years hard work.A. receives14. The policeman asked her to _ he look of the man who robbed her. A. describe15. Jon was _ to present his ID, otherwise he was not permitted to enter.C. asked16. The manager should _ Toms decision to quit the job because the manager hasnt found a person who is more capable of doing this job than Tom.B. deny17. Boys broke into a shop and 45 _ dollars in cash.C. stole18. The police are trying to determine the series of _ that led up to the murder.B. evidences19. I took this new job because I felt that the _ future were much better.D. promisingUnit31. I _ twenty night next weekC. will be2. We _ the result tomorrowD. will know3. Tom _ his exam by 18 DecemberB. will have4. On November 1 we _ in this house for thirty years.D. will have been living5. The daffodils _ in spring. A. flower6. It _ to rain soon.B. is going7. This time tomorrow we _ in the cinema. A. will sit8. President Obama _ China in May.B. is to visit9. Quick, jump in! The train _.C. is about to leave10. I was just _ into a doze when he started up.C. falling11. You can have any of the cakes _except_ that oneA. except12. The storm continues to move west and is expected to _ the east coast of Florida tomorrowD. reach13. She tied the rope around the post and pulled it _.B. tight14. He was _ by the police, because he was charged with murderA. arrested15. Please dont sit in front of desk for a long time. You need to stand up and _ your bodyC. stretch16. The kids have been really _ today. Do you have any idea to keep them quiet for a while?B. noisy17. The boat is as long as 20 feet in _ and 6 meters in width.B. length18. He hasnt seen his family in years, communicating with them only _ through carefullychosen messengers. A.occasionally19. Alexander Graham Bel _ the telephone in 1876.C. invented20. A visit from Mary always makes me feel better- shes so funny. Its like they say, _ is the best medicine C. laughterUnit41. Mary _ a dress when she cut her finger.C. was making2. As she _ the newspaper, Granny _ asleepB. was reading, fell3. I _ your letter all the time.D. will expect4. She _ TV in her bedroom at the time of five.D. will watch5. They _ a new house at the foot of the hill last year.B. built6. I a letter when she _.D. was writing, called7. She _ here a minute ago.B. was 8. He _ a lot in his childhoodB. suffered 9. Two months ago he _ from abroad.C. returned 10. On her way to work that morning, the car _ on the icy roads.B. skidded11. Ill be sending you the for the _ washing machine.B. spend12. After five years hard work, he finally has a _ of 60,000 dollars.B. saving13. My husband lost his job this year. So we cant _ to go on vacation this year.A. afford14. Last year she _designed_ a new symbol for the company.B. designed15. Yesterday the plane _ nearly 20 people from the roof of the burning buildingD. rescued16. These boxes were made of various _materials_, including steel, wood, and paper.B. ideas17. Childrens pictures are used to _ the walls of the classroom A. dirty18. The couple is unable to have children of their own, but hope to_.A. adopt19. It was warmer now, and the snow was beginning to _.C. melt20. Paula _ a special praise for all the help she has given us.D. deservesUnit51. - Do you know our town at all? - No, this is the first time I _ here.B. have been2. Have you _ been to our town before?- No, its the first time I _ here.D. ever, have come3. You dont need to describe her. I _ her several times.B. have met4. Im sorry to keep you waiting. -Oh, not at all. I _ here only a few minutesA. have been5. the concert was more successful than they _.C. have expected6. He was tired. He _ since dawn.C. has worked7. Nobody _ him since last week.B. has seen8. It _ for two hours now.D. has been raining9. She showed me the pictures she _.C. had painted10. the students busily when miss Brown went to get a book she _ in the officeD. were writing, had left11. _ people need more and more time and caring from their children when they are getting older and older.C. elderly12. I dont _ anything thats happened over the past three years.A. regret13. Theyre organizing a campaign to draw peoples _ to the environmentally harmful effects of using their cars A. attention14. He likes telling jokes and being the _ of attention at partiesC. cente15. Most people are able to laugh, a sense of _ is, simply put, the ability to be amused.B. humor16. Companies will have to _ people to stay longer, otherwise theyll find theyre short of talent A. motivate17. They were very _ about the people who lived upstairs since they have never talked to each other. A. curious18. And after _, he found a job sweeping floors for a midtown publishing company called timelyD. graduation19. He could not _ the feeling that someone was watching him.D. avoid20. They had better ask the advice of old friends, and they have to _ to accept a sad ending to a romance.C. prepareUnit61. He _ to play football on the playgroundD. was seen2. I _to go out of the classroom by my math teacher.C. was made3. Coal _ to produce electricity for agriculture and industry.B. can be used4. Rent _ in advance.D. has to be paid5. His dream was _ to a good university.B. to be admitted6. It _ that she has some supernatural powersC. is believed7. She _ to know six languages. D. is said to8. The book is _ next year.C. to be published9. We were glad that she _ a gold medal.D. had been awarded10. Id like this room _.D. to be decorated11. The train was very _, and we had to standB. crowded12. I wont discuss the _ report since time is limited. Ill just hit the high spotsC. entire13. She _ seeing him outside the shop on the night of the robbery.B. recognized14. I _ teacher Chen Yilin for she is young and charming. A. adore15. _ after the wedding, the couple flew off to Japan for their honeymoonB. immediately16. Irish history and _ inspired all of the poems he wrote in the second half of his life.B. legality17. Judging from the long distance, they _ the journey will take at least two weeks.C. estimate18. there is a difficult time ahead, but well overcome _.A. somehow19. I hadnt seen her for 20 years, but I _ her immediately.D. recalled20. I wont discuss the _ report since time is limited. Ill just hit the high spots.D. incredibleUnit71. The volleyball match will be put off if it _.B. rains2. If I _you, I would stay at homeC. were3. If he _ advice, he wouldnt have lost his job.C. had followed4. Thank you for reminding me of the time, or I _ late yesterday.D. would have been5. _ more careful, the mistake would not have been made.B. if he had been6. If I he _ job, I would do it in a different way.D. were to do7. If he had received six more votes, he _ he chairman nowD. would be8. If it _ for the doctors care, I wouldnt be speaking to you nowC. hadnt been9. If I _ there, I might go by bike.C. went10. The soup _ better if it had had less salt. D. would have been11. They are on _ for the next two weeks.D. vocation12. He _ sharply the car and stopped driving so as to avoid the dog. A. braked13. He turned and _ away, singing happily to himself. A. skipped14. Kay _ hold of my arm to stop herself from falling.C. grabbed15. He arrived home just in time to _ his brother being taken away by the policeB. witness16. Safety rules are being _ by company managers in the drive to increase profits.B. ignored17. What Robyn needed was a drink to _ her, she was too tiredA. relax18. It was true that Freddy seemed more smarter than most of his colleagues, had read more, was altogether more _.B. thoughtful19. Im trying to _my work so that I can have a couple of days off next week. . A. arrange 20. Its important for you to _ through every text in the book before the test.C. skimUnit81. My suggestion is that you _ much meat.C. not have2. Teachers recommend parents _their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety A. not allow3. The order came that the medical supplies _to Beijing for the H1N1 flusoon.C. be sent4. - My uncle suggests I _ abroad - I would rather you _ at home.A. go, stay5. Had I known about this computer program,a huge amount of time and energy _A. would have been saved6. The doctor recommended that you _ swim after eating a large meal.D. shouldnt7. Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it _ yesterdayD. happened8. It is required that the students _ mobile phones in their school,so seldom will you see them using oneB. not use9. How I wish I _ my mouth before I shouted at my mum!C. had shut10. I wish I _ young again.D. were11. _me to buy another soap when Im in town, would you?B. remind12. He spoke with considerable _ about the importance of art and literature.B. passion13. If you _ the headmasters instructions, you will be punished.B. disobey14. Experiments conducted in other countries reported similar _. A. findings15. This advertisement is intended to _ the attention of housewives .D. attract16. She smoked and drank, _ the children, and left the clothes unwashed. A. neglected17. My _ include answering the phone and dealing with customer enquiries.B. responsibilities18. Dewey was so important in the country that was _ in shaping economic policy. A. influential19. Come to the meeting if you feel you have something to _. A. contribute20. You can hire a car if you want to _ the city further. A. explore5 / 5


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