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西南大学22春英国文学史及选读在线作业三及答案参考1. Radio reception wasnt very good because of a disturbance in the atmosphere; the announcers voice sounded very _.A.disputedB.discardedC.dismissedD.distorted参考答案:D2. The firemen got _ to save the burning house. A) quickly enough there B) there quickly eThe firemen got _ to save the burning house.A) quickly enough thereB) there quickly enoughC) there enough quicklyD) enough quickly thereBthere应紧跟在动词go的后面,enough修饰副词时,应放在副词quickly的后面。3. Anger over children being killed and kids with guns has not faded. The moms have not forgotten.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B4. The reason Gore lost in the election is that he was not a devotional follower of a religion.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A5. As a matter of fact, they would rather leave for Beijing than _ in shanghai. A) stay B)As a matter of fact, they would rather leave for Beijing than _ in shanghai.A) stayB) stayingC) stayedD) to stayA“Would rather+do sth”表示宁愿做某事,后面接动词原形。句意:“事实上,他们宁愿动身去北京,也不愿意呆在上海。”6. _a computer will help prepare yearend accounts.A. UseB. To useC. Using_a computer will help prepare year-end accounts.A. UseB. To useC. Using参考答案:C7. A square is a flat area having four sides, any adjacent two sides of which _ a right angle.A.makeB.advocateC.adjoinD.shape参考答案:A8. Mark Twains first novel _, written in collaboration with Charles.D.Warner and publisMark Twains first novel _, written in collaboration with Charles.D.Warner and published in 1873, though not an artistic success, gives its name to the America of the post-Civil War period which it attempts to satirize.A.The Roughing TimeB.The Jazz AgeC.The Gilded AgeD.The Age of Innocence参考答案:C9. It was no _ that his car was seen near the bank at the time of the robbery.A.coincidenceB.conventionC.certaintyD.complication参考答案:A10. The imaginary place of Yoknapatawpha functions as an allegory of the American South.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A11. In 1704, _ founded the periodicals “the Review”.A.SwiftB.MiltonC.DefoeD.Blake参考答案:C12. Asian-American full-time faculty members make up ( ) percent of the total.A.2.6B.5.5C.4.4D.4.9参考答案:B13. As he failed to win the first prize in the badminton match, he had to _ the second.A.settle inB.settle forC.settle upD.settle with参考答案:B14. What is the attitude of Ian Lang toward the secessionist fever? ( )A.He supports the secessionist action.B.He is against it because he thinks it will harm the unity of the U.K.C.He is neutral towards the action of the secessionists.D.It is not clear in the text.参考答案:B15. Children who stay away from school do _ for different reasons.A.themB./C.itD.theirs参考答案:D16. Piscataway school board President David Grossman holds the view that school days should be shortened.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A17. _ has always been regarded as a writer who “perfected the best classic style. that American Literature ever produced”.A.Washington IrvingB.Walt WhitmanC.Henry David ThoreauD.Edgar Ellen Poe参考答案:A18. We can perhaps describe the west wind in Shelley&39;s poem “Ode to the West Wind” with all the following terms except _.A.wildB.tamedC.swiftD.proud参考答案:B19. If the managers or organizations find their get just fine without the vacationing employee, the employee will be ( ).A.paid moreB.promotedC.given more vacationD.insecure参考答案:D20. mediocre ( )A.commonB.same; equalC.prosperous or rich参考答案:A21. The Yellow River is the second _ river in china. A) long B) longer C) longest D) leThe Yellow River is the second _ river in china.A) longB) longerC) longestD) lengthC最高级可被序数词修饰。句意“黄河是中国第二长的河。”22. “For a week after the commission of the impious and profane offence of asking for more“For a week after the commission of the impious and profane offence of asking for more, Oliver remained a close prisoner in the dark and solitary room.”(Dickens, Oliver Twist) What did Oliver ask for?A.More time to playB.More money to spendC.More food to eatD.More book to read参考答案:C23. I wanted to pay for the coffee,but I found that all I had was a couple of_coins.AworI wanted to pay for the coffee,but I found that all I had was a couple of_coins.AworthlessBpricelessCinvaluableDinexpensive正确答案:A句意:我想付咖啡的钱,结果发现我只有几个不值钱的硬币。本题考查形容词词义辨析。worthless意为“无价值的,不值钱的”;priceless意为“无价的,极贵重的;invaluable意为“无价的,非常宝贵的;inexpensive意为“便宜的,廉价的”。根据句意,故选A。24. Most of English ballads were collected in the 18th century.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B25. with the view of, out, draw your attention to, in, requested, somewhat, somehow, that, conform to, awith the view of, out, draw your attention to, in, requested, somewhat, somehow, that, conform to, avoid, turn out, make out Dear Sirs,We thank you for your telegram duplicating your order of October 12 for 500 dozRubber Shoes.Although the prevailing quotations are(1)higher, we win accept the order on the same terms as before(2)encouraging business.As(3)in your previous letter, we have made(4)our Sales Confirmation No300(5)duplicate and shall thank you to send back one copy duly countersigned.We are glad to know that a letter of credit will be established in our favour immediatelyHowever we would like to(6)the fact(7)the stipulations in the relative credit should strictly(8)the terms in our sales confirmation in order to(9)subsequent cable amendments.We appreciate your cooperation and trust that the shipment which is to be dispatched after receipt of the relative letter of credit, will(10)to your entire satisfaction.Yours faithfully,somewhat$withtheviewof$requested$out$in$draw your attention to$that$conformto$avoid$turnout26. incentive ( )A.induce action or motivate effortB.hard workC.to devote ones heart to sb.参考答案:A27. The stories in the Canterbury Tales are only connected by the host of Tabard Inn.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A28. Astronomers using robotic cameras said on Wednesday they_10 new planets outside our sAstronomers using robotic cameras said on Wednesday they_10 new planets outside our solar system.Ahad foundBfoundChave foundDwere found正确答案:A29. In Shakespeare&39;s comedies the heroes and heroines attained their victory without much struggle.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A30. Most of Bernard Shaws plays are concerned with _.A.religious problemsB.political problemsC.moral problemsD.all the above参考答案:D31. The chairman of the board _ on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ.A.compelledB.posedC.pressedD.tempted参考答案:C32. Each of the professions listed below is correctly paired with Dickens except _.A.reporterB.novelistC.dramatistD.clerk参考答案:C33. Queen Elizabeth2 cannot choose a prime minister, dissolve Parliament or declare war.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A34. Neo-classicism saw its decline in Dryden.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A35. The defense lawyer was questioning the old man who was one of the _ of the murder committed last month.A.witnessesB.audiencesC.viewersD.observers参考答案:A36. G.B.Shaw&39;s play Mrs.Warren&39;s Profession is a realistic exposure of the _ in the English society.A.slum landlordismB.inequality between men and womenC.political corruptionD.economic exploitation of women参考答案:D37. 伊利昂纪以战争结束前( )天的战事为描写重点。A.五十B.六十C.七十D.八十参考答案:A38. It is generally regarded that Keats&39;s most important and mature poems are in the of _.A.odeB.elegyC.epicD.sonnet参考答案:A39. 我们要求用100%金额的、保兑的、不可撤销的信用证,并规定允许转船和分批装运,凭汇票向议付行交单即期付款。我们要求用100%金额的、保兑的、不可撤销的信用证,并规定允许转船和分批装运,凭汇票向议付行交单即期付款。For payment , we require 100% value, confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit with partial shipment and transshipment allowed clause, available by draft at sight , payable against surrendering the full set of shipping documents to the negotiating bank here.40. _yourself while you are away.ALook upBLook forCLook afterDLook to_yourself while you are away.ALook upBLook forCLook afterDLook to正确答案:C41. 50%用信用证,其余的用付款交单,您看怎么样?50%用信用证,其余的用付款交单,您看怎么样?What do you say to 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P?42. He left Europe_World War II broke out.AduringBthe yearCwhileDsinceHe left Europe_World War II broke out.AduringBthe yearCwhileDsince正确答案:B43. Sir Gawain and Green Knight was created by _.A.None of the aboveB.LanglandC.ChaucerD.Bede参考答案:A44. In the writers opinion, in the future, _ Amore big political affairs, wars and dIn the writers opinion, in the future, _ Amore big political affairs, wars and disasters will make news Bnewspapers will not be printed in publishing houses any longer Cnewspapers will cover more scientific research Dmore and more people will watch TV正确答案:C45. The most striking similarities between Milton and Samson Agonistes are their blindness and unhappy marriage.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A46. 罪与罚中的人物( )是人类苦难的象征,同时又是博大的基督式的爱的象征。A.拉斯柯尔尼科夫B.索尼雅C.阿廖娜D.卢仁参考答案:B47. marital ( )A.of or relating to marriageB.wife or husbandC.to save参考答案:A48. Those cakes look nice , Can I have_?A. ItB.oneC.Those cakes look nice , Can I have_?A. ItB.oneC.参考答案:B49. The purpose of this letter is to _ the possibilities of developing trade with you. AexposeThe purpose of this letter is to _ the possibilities of developing trade with you.AexposeBexplodeCexploreDexplainC50. 荒原的主旨是“罪孽与救赎”,作者用暗示象征手法,展示西方文明的崩溃和精神荒芜。( )T.对F.错参考答案:F51. 荒原摒弃了传统的创作手法,诗人自己隐没在各种( )的意象群之中。A.客观对应物B.主观对应物C.客观表现物D.主观表现物参考答案:A52. 陀思妥耶夫斯基的创作对西方20世纪( )文学产生了广泛而深刻的影响。A.现代主义B.现实主义C.自然主义D.浪漫主义参考答案:A53. Marlowe mainly wrote tragedies.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B54. expire ( )A.at the beginningB.come to an endC.help others参考答案:B55. Pynchon&39;s fascination with popular culture is overwhelmingly evident in the novel V.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A56. Black Humor is defined as modern humor caused by anger.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B57. A man who always _ his salary can never become very wealthy.A.anticipateB.articulateC.manifestD.monitor参考答案:A58. 百年孤独中的大大小小的循环怪圈,象征了哥伦比亚甚至整个拉美的社会现实。( )T.对F.错参考答案:T59. He seemed to be looking for words_to convey his meaning as precisely as I had done.AHe seemed to be looking for words_to convey his meaning as precisely as I had done.AthatBwhereCwith whichDfrom which正确答案:C解析:句意:他似乎在寻找合适的词语来像我一样准确表达他的意思。with which指代“with words”,即“convey his meaning with words。”60. Angry Young Man of the 1950&39;s most came from _.A.the lower classB.the upper classC.peasantsD.workers参考答案:A


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