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代词Pronoun、代词的分类1 .人称代词2 .物主代词3 .反身代词4 .疑问代词5 .指示代词6 .不定代词1 .人称代词主格 I you he she it we you they 宾格 me you him her it us you them2 .物主代词形容词性 My your his her its our their 名词性 Mine yours his hers its ours theirs3反身代词 myself yourself himself herself itself4 .疑问代词ourselves yourselves themselveswhat which who whom whose5指不代词 this that these those6.不定代词some any all both none no one either neither each one other the other others another a few a littlesomeone, somebody, something any一 every-no-l.This pen isnt yours (你).it belongsto me (我).2. I*m not quite myself today because theres something wrong with my stomach.3. The ship sank with all 汁- goods.4. I would appreciate very much if you could change the plan a bit to make计 more workable.5. Someone did not go to the meeting, did they?Someone thinks its none of business.6. Tom*s mother kept telling him that he should work harder, whichdidn,t work.7. Who knocked at the door?I didnt ask who was.Jack is one of those men wh 工 am sure always do their best even in the most difficult situations.This dog of 口”(我们)never bite.LYou, he and I should return on time.(I, you, he)单数人称代词并列作主语时,其顺序为:第二人称一 第三人称一 第一人称2. We, you and they should return on time.(we, you, they)复数人称代词作主语时,其顺序为:第一人称一 第二人称一 第三人称3. It was A that made her angry.A. I and John B. John and I4. u A try to finish it” , said the officer.A. I and you B. You and I (长官对下属)1. When he arrived0】 went straight to the bank. (John he)在复合句中,如果主句C,7 J , 10和从句主语相同,代词2. Who broke the vase?主语要用在从句中,名-B .词主语用在主句中A.I B. Me C. Myself D. My3. Have more winjeLZl、一 乂 “A. I B. me C. myself D. myNT . R 在尚知对话中,当人称代词单独使用或在not后,多用宾语。4. I wish to speak to Mary.This is A .在电话用语中常用主格。A. sheB. herC. herselfHe is old enough to look after himself When she came to ersejfhe found she wasin a deserted island.We hid oursefcfnd the tree and tried to catch what they were talking about.几个常考反身代词的短语与句式Come to oneself 苏醒玩得开心表达致力于穿衣 发觉自己在congratulate oneself on 暗自庆幸enjoy oneself express oneselfdevote oneself todress oneselffind oneself inhelp oneself to sth. 随便吃hide oneself躲藏keep. to oneself保守秘密make oneself +过去分词使某人自己seat oneself坐下talk / say / think to oneself 暗自思忖.The little boy first took off one shoe and then took off the pther9. bo the students in your classstudy hard?Some of them do, ersjust don*tcare.10. Bruce and John have arrived, but the otfGdenfs in the class havent yet.Saying is one thing, but doing jonotheranother/the other/others/the otheronethe other 只有两个 one another, another. some others, others.具体数字the others全部其余的人或物泛指“别的人或物(不是全部)”others = other people/thingsthe others = the other +复数名词“剩余的全音 the other=the other + 单数名词(两者中的另外一个)another 泛指另一个What he told me is 十his . He was going to leave for Beijing the next week.He didnt come. 丁人。 is why he didnt know.B. This (these) 一般用来指时间和空间上较近的人或物;而that (those)常指时间和空间上较远的人或物。C. This (these) 一般指后面要提到的事物;而that (those)常指前面讲过的事物。11. Life in the city is quite different from thatin the country.12. How about the price of thesewashing machines?They are at least equal in price to, if not cheaper than, at other stores.thosethe onesthat常代替前面提到过的单数名词或不可数 名词,those代替前面提到过的复数名词.13. A sheep fed on this kind of special grass usually grows much faster than on ordinary, a + 名词=one14. Sheep fed on this kind of special grass usually grow much faster than 旦至ordinary.复数名词=nes15. The sheep_ed on this kind of special grass usually | grow much faster than ne oneqtjnary. fne ones thosethe +单数名词=the one that the+ 复数名词=由。ones thoseone, ones,one与ones可以用来代替前面提到过的可数名词,one指单数,ones指复数。注意:1)one 与 ones既可指人也可指物。2) one前不能加不定冠词,除非中间 有形容词。3) one可单独使用,作“任何人”解。例:I don want the big apple. I want a small one.One should believe in oneself.1. Why don*t we take a little break ? 一Didnt we just have one?one2. I cant find my hat. I think I must buyo xx . . .thatXthe.one3. The hat you bought is bigger thanIbought.4. I cant find my hat. I don1 t know where I put IL.比较辩异one, that和计one表示泛指,that和it表示特指。tha十与 所指名词为同类,但不是同一个,而计与 所指名词为同一个。16. Friendship will not come to you naturally when you show to others.17. Have you finished all of theexercises?Yes, completely. Zone is left.18. Is there anyone who is goingto the Great Wall? None19. Who is going to the Great Wall? No one Nobody20. None of us would like to go with him.no one 与 noneno one指人,回答“who”none指人或物;测重于”数量,多少“none of 一(力no one of (X)21. Have you informed Tom and Annthat some foreign experts will visit our company at 8:00 tomorrow morning? Yes, I have. But both of them asked me to tell you that they would not be able to come.22. bo you speak Chinese, or Japanese?I dont speak eitherof them.sides of thei.eitherboth23. There are trees on street.24. Can you come for dinner onSaturday or Sunday?I*m afraid neither day is possible.either9 neither (adj. pron.)either (两者中的任何一个)+谓语动词(单数)neither (两者中无任何一个)+谓语动词(单数)all, both, eitherboth (两者都)+谓语动词(复数)all (三者或三者以上全部)+谓语动词(复数)作同位语时,两者都位于行为动词之前,系 动词之后.1) Both the methods are (be) good.2)他们俩都是老师.3)他们俩都参加了这个晚会.4) All of the milk was (be) spoiled.5)万籁俱静 All was/is (be) silent.6)大家都沉默了 . All are (be) silent.7) All we need is (be) more money.some / any1. Would you like some coffee?2. Here are three novels. You may read any you like.3. Have you got any better today?4.1 havent heard from any of my old friends these years.5. Some book on this topic was published last year.some与单数可数名词搭配,表示未知的人或物,相当 于 a (an)或 a certain.every与each的区别:every只能做形容词,不能单独使用.Every of the boys (X)(1) .两者所指的侧重点不同,each指许多人或物中的“各个”,侧重个别;而every指人物中的“每个”,侧重整体。(2) . each指两个或两个以上的人或物中的“每 个“;而every则指三个或三个以上的人或物 中的“每个”。every / each side of the square (正)each side of the street (正)every side of the street (误)A.whatB. which C. thatL你喜欢哪几个姑娘?(有范围)(无范围)B girls do you like best?2.你喜欢什么样的姑娘?A girls do you like best?3.1 cant make out A he is driving at.4.He said he saw me there, B was a lie.A.whichB. who1. Who is to blame?2. Which of the two were you talking about?25. We can十 believe that he drew such a big conclusion according to what he took for granted.26. What kind of food would youlike to eat?Anythirfcftjf Japanese.How about Korean, then?27. Your coffee smells great!Its from Mexico. Would you like some28. Itll take me about five hours toget to my granny s. 一 Why not takesomethiread?29. Who can you see in the room?I can see nothing.no onenobody


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