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北京语言大学22春英语语音在线作业二及答案参考1. Great _ the difficulty was, they kept on working. A) because B) so C) if D) asGreat _ the difficulty was, they kept on working.A) becauseB) soC) ifD) asDas引导的让步状语从句中形容词great前置。2. We are convinced that the present damage was due _ extraordinary circumstances _ which theWe are convinced that the present damage was due _ extraordinary circumstances _ which they were transported to you.to, under3. When we speak of a language as being dead we mean that it ( ).A. does not have a writteWhen we speak of a language as being dead we mean that it ( ).A. does not have a written formB. does not have living speakersC. has not been translatedD. has been forbidden by the government参考答案:B4. We are exporters _ long standing and high reputation, engaged _ exportation of following aWe are exporters _ long standing and high reputation, engaged _ exportation of following articles.of, in5. 【C12】Acalled asBthat isCnamed asDknown as【C12】Acalled asBthat isCnamed asDknown as正确答案:D本题考查单词用法。参阅第四题相关解释,C选项不符合题意。call与name用法一样,故A也不符合题意。beknownas(befamous)意为“作为而得名”,符合语境,D正确。6. Some people like to eat apples. But some prefer bananas _ apples.A.toB.forC.withD.against参考答案:A7. 【C10】AprofessionsBprofessionersCprofessionalsDprofessionist【C10】AprofessionsBprofessionersCprofessionalsDprofessionist正确答案:C由信息词amateurs(业余运动员)可知,此处要填的应是amateurs的反义词professionals(职业运动员),professioners和professionist均系构词错误。8. A. fish B. give c. rich D. life (i)A. fish B. give c. rich D. life (i)参考答案:D( )9. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词l/i/fe中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.l/i/terB.b/i/scuitC.coastl/i/neD.d/i/saster参考答案:C10. Do you feel like_to a movie? No, Id rather_TV.Ato go; watchBgoing; watchCtoDo you feel like_to a movie? No, Id rather_TV.Ato go; watchBgoing; watchCto go; to watchDgo; watch正确答案:A11. When I first came to Canada, I didn&39;t like the weather at all, but I _ it now Ahave beenWhen I first came to Canada, I didnt like the weather at all, but I _ it nowAhave been used toBhave used toCwas used to Dused toA此题考查be used to doing, be used to do和used to do的区别。12. _ from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he_ from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.ASufferedBSufferingCBeing sufferedDHaving sufferedD13. A.betweenB.formC.sortD.wayA.betweenB.formC.sortD.way正确答案:A14. Helen works at ( ) schoo l.( ) school is very big.A. aTheB. An. TheC. the.AHelen works at ( ) schoo l.( ) school is very big.A. aTheB. An. TheC. the.A参考答案:A( )15. All that glitters _ not gold Abe Bis Care DwasAll that glitters _ not goldAbeBisCareDwasB16. (Take) _ the financial difficulties into consideration, we&39;d better put off the plan till n(Take) _ the financial difficulties into consideration, wed better put off the plan till next year.TAKING此题含义为:考虑到财政困难,我们最好把计划推迟到明年。用现在分词作伴随状语。17. 43在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.c/ow/B.thr/ow/C.l/ow/D./ow/n参考答案:A18. _ indicate that our theory is wrong. A) The datum B) The datums C) The datas D) The data_ indicate that our theory is wrong.A) The datumB) The datumsC) The datasD) The dataDdatum意为“数据,资料”,其复数形式是data。19. Can you come here next Friday? Sorry, I _ . Acan&39;t Bmustn&39;t Cneedn&39Can you come here next Friday?Sorry, I _ .AcantBmustntCneedntDmay notA20. Chomsky refers to the child s innate endowment as _, a set of principles which aChomsky refers to the child s innate endowment as _, a set of principles which are common to all languages.A. language acquisition deviceB. innate knowledgeC. universal grammarD. basic grammar正确答案:C21. As our usual practice, insurance covers basic risks only, at 110 percent of the invoice valueIf covAs our usual practice, insurance covers basic risks only, at 110 percent of the invoice valueIf coverage against other risks is required, such as Breakage, Leakage, TPND, Hook and Contamination Damages, the extra premium involved would be for the buyers account.按照我们的惯例,只保基本险,按发票金额110%投保。如果要加保其他险别,例如破碎险、渗漏险、盗窃遗失险、钩损和污染险等,额外保险费由买方负担。22. Our environment _ (get)worse and worse with the increase of the world population.Our environment _ (get)worse and worse with the increase of the world population.is getting23. Anita was accepted this fall at U. C. Berkeley, so shes taking some time off toAnita was accepted this fall at U. C. Berkeley, so shes taking some time off to get a masters degree._.A. That sounds exhausting.B. Thats good news!C. You bet.参考答案:B24. _ what was going to happen, I would never have left her alone. AHad I known BIf I know_ what was going to happen, I would never have left her alone.AHad I knownBIf I knowCIf I knewDIf had I knownA25. _ refers to varieties of language defined by their topic and context of use.A. str_ refers to varieties of language defined by their topic and context of use.A. stressB. toneC. registerD. intonation正确答案:C26. She was happy, _.A. So are youB. So you areC. So you wereD. So were youShe was happy, _.A. So are youB. So you areC. So you wereD. So were you答案:D27. 39在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.alr/ea/dyB./ea/chC.l/ea/gueD.w/ea/k参考答案:A28. What a vast lake!The water extends as far as the eye can seeWhat a vast lake!The water extends as far as the eye can see多大的湖啊!一望无际。29. The child was _. he made up a wonderful story when he was given only the beginning of it. A) iThe child was _. he made up a wonderful story when he was given only the beginning of it.A) imaginativeB) imaginingC) imaginaryD) imageryAimaginative富有想像力的;imaginary想像的,非真实的;imagery意象。30. He drives much _ than he did three years ago. A) careful B) carefully C) more carefulHe drives much _ than he did three years ago.A) carefulB) carefullyC) more carefulD) more carefullyD修饰动词drive应用副词形式carefully,且carefully的比较级应在前面加more。31. Dieting and Health 写作要点: 1节制饮食的好处(使人健康、苗条等)。 2过度节制饮食的危险性。Dieting and Health 写作要点: 1节制饮食的好处(使人健康、苗条等)。 2过度节制饮食的危险性。 3节制饮食应适当,以保持健康为准则。正确答案:With the development of social economy people pay more and more attention to their health and going on a diet becomes extremely popular. It keeps people from growing too fat and saves them from many conveniences and diseases related to fatness. At the same time it provides people with sufficient nutrition to keep them in a fit condition. Besides its good effects on peoples health going on a diet can also help many young girls become slim and bring their dream into reality.rn However if carried too far going on a diet could become extremely dangerous. It often happens in the cases of some young girls. With all their eagerness to have a beautiful figure they will even risk their lives to lose weight. The tragedy of young carpenter has proved this. Even if it doesnt cost their lives it will damage their health to a certain degree. Thus apart from its positive effects going on a diet has its bad side-effects. The proper way to use it is to put health in the first place. If it is good for our health stick to it; if not just abandon it.Withthedevelopmentofsocialeconomy,peoplepaymoreandmoreattentiontotheirhealthandgoingonadietbecomesextremelypopular.Itkeepspeoplefromgrowingtoofatandsavesthemfrommanyconveniencesanddiseasesrelatedtofatness.Atthesametime,itprovidespeoplewithsufficientnutritiontokeeptheminafitcondition.Besidesitsgoodeffectsonpeopleshealth,goingonadietcanalsohelpmanyyounggirlsbecomeslimandbringtheirdreamintoreality.However,ifcarriedtoofar,goingonadietcouldbecomeextremelydangerous.Itoftenhappensinthecasesofsomeyounggirls.Withalltheireagernesstohaveabeautifulfigure,theywillevenrisktheirlivestoloseweight.Thetragedyofyoungcarpenterhasprovedthis.Evenifitdoesntcosttheirlives,itwilldamagetheirhealthtoacertaindegree.Thus,apartfromitspositiveeffects,goingonadiethasitsbadside-effects.Theproperwaytouseitistoputhealthinthefirstplace.Ifitisgoodforourhealth,sticktoit;ifnot,justabandonit.32. We shah advise you by cable as soon as the goods Awill ship Bwill be shipped Cship Dare shipWe shah advise you by cable as soon as the goodsAwill shipBwill be shipped CshipDare shippedD33. Any of the items unsold at the end of the period and which we decide not to keep as stock,would be rAny of the items unsold at the end of the period and which we decide not to keep as stock,would be returned at our expense.在此期限结束时,任何未销出而我们又不准备库存的产品将退还给你们,退货费用由我方负担。34. Zhou Qiren, a professor in Beijing University, believed that business in the market economZhou Qiren, a professor in Beijing University, believed that business in the market economy must_the right balance between their pursuit of profits and the needs of customers.AregainBassumeCstrikeDdecline正确答案:C35. The textile market was weak and moreover, it has slumped with the US embargo on imports.The textile market was weak and moreover, it has slumped with the US embargo on imports.纺织品市场本来就疲软,美国禁止进口的消息传来之后,行情更加暴跌。36. 请按发票金额的110%投保。请按发票金额的110%投保。As usual, the goods have been insured on WA terms37. We have shown maximum flexibility in order to bridge the wide _ existing between the two sides.We have shown maximum flexibility in order to bridge the wide _ existing between the two sides.AgapBmapCcapDgayA38. Many people prefer text messages(短信)to actually talking. Almost overnight, text messagesMany people prefer text messages(短信)to actually talking. Almost overnight, text messages have become the preferred form. of communication for millions. But even as industry calculations show that Americans are now using mobile phones to send or receive more text messages than phone calls. Those messages are under great pressure because of the danger they can pose by distracting users. Though there are no official casualty(伤亡)statistics, there is much evidence that the number of fatal accidents resulting from texting while driving, crossing the street or engaging in other activities is on the rise. The act of texting automatically removes 10 I. Q. points, said Paul Saffo, a technology trend forecaster in Silicon Valley. The truth of the matter is that there are hobbies that are incompatible(不相容的). You dont want to do mushroom-hunting and bird-watching at the same time, and it is the same with texting and other activities. We have all seen people walk into parking meters or walk into traffic and seem startled by oncoming cars. In the latest fight against text messaging, the California Public Utilities Commission announced an emergency measure on Thursday temporarily banning the use of all mobile devices by anyone at the controls of a moving train. The ban was adopted after federal investigators announced that they were looking at the role that a train engineers text messaging might have played here last week in the countrys most deadly rail accident in four decades. A California lawmaker is also seeking to ban text-messaging by drivers, a step already taken by a handful of other states. We have had far too many tragic incidents around the country that are painful proof that this is a terrible problem. said Joe Simitian, who wrote the California law requiring drivers who are talking on a cell phone to use hands-free devices.What can we know from the second paragraph?AText messaging may result in many accidents.BText messaging has caused most of the accidents recently.CMany people are going to text messages instead of telephoning.DThe government is now trying to stop text messaging.正确答案:A第二段提出论点读和写手机短信会引起交通事故,故选A项。39. Where else have you worked, or have you always worked here? ( )A. Ive been doingWhere else have you worked, or have you always worked here? ( )A. Ive been doing construction work and its been a busyseason.B. No , I didnt come to work here yesterday.C.Oh , no. Ive only had this place since last year.I was in Clinton Hospital.参考答案:C40. The noise of desks _ could be heard out in the street.A.opened and closedB.to be opened and closedC.being opened and closedD.having been opened and closed参考答案:C41. No sooner_seen her father than she ran to him.Ahad sheBshe hadCis sheDwas sheNo sooner_seen her father than she ran to him.Ahad sheBshe hadCis sheDwas she正确答案:A42. We wish to point out that stipulations in the relative L/C must strictly conform to the stated in ouWe wish to point out that stipulations in the relative L/C must strictly conform to the stated in our sales confirmation so as to avoid _ the L/C subsequently.AamendBamendmentCamendingDto amendC43. 一 You look a little depressed. Is anything wrong?A. Maybe you need to take a holidayB一 You look a little depressed. Is anything wrong?A. Maybe you need to take a holidayB. Its really bad, for I didnt pass the examC. Thank you a lot. I really appreciate your help参考答案:B44. We take this opportunity to in form you that we are now in a position to make promptshipment of theWe take this opportunity to in form you that we are now in a position to make promptshipment of the goods.兹奉告,该商品可即期装运。在此例句中,译者运用了减词法,译文比原文大为简明,减去了take this opportunity这一陈腐的表达,省略了三个人称代词,还用“可”字代替了原文中in a position这样繁复的表达方式。45. 在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与给出单词/e/ffect中斜杠标出的字母的读音相同。请找出这个词( )。A.d/e/terminationB.d/e/btC./e/ndlessD.b/e/nt参考答案:A46. One in five people on our labor force is directly or indirectly involved in the agriculturOne in five people on our labor force is directly or indirectly involved in the agricultural industry.正确答案:我们劳动力中有1/5的人直接或间接地从事农业。我们劳动力中有1/5的人直接或间接地从事农业。47. One way of talking about the different stages in getting used to life in a new countrOne way of talking about the different stages in getting used to life in a new country is the distinction of euphoria , depression ,( ) and acceptance.A. adjustmentB. admirationC. criticismD. shock参考答案:A48. Mice in northern Europe go away from homes when_.Athey are short of foodBthere is nMice in northern Europe go away from homes when_.Athey are short of foodBthere is not enough spaceCits getting warmer in the low landDits getting colder in the mountains正确答案:B49. We _ to be careful of rats since the whole street was full of rubbish. Awarned Bhave warWe _ to be careful of rats since the whole street was full of rubbish.AwarnedBhave warnedChave been warned Dwere warningC50. What do you find hardest in English?_.Well, you just need lots of practice. WWhat do you find hardest in English?_.Well, you just need lots of practice. Why dont you buy a radio? The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes.A. I find listening really hard. Sometimes its just impossible to understand.B. Im limited in vocabulary, which influences my reading and writing.C. I dont like English at all.参考答案:A51. _ is a certificate which combines the invoice with the insurance policy._ is a certificate which combines the invoice with the insurance policy.Combined certificate52. This offer is based on an expanding market and is competitive.This offer is based on an expanding market and is competitive.此报盘着眼于扩大销路,而且很有竞争力。53. You can infer from the passage that the people who are presently supposed to pay the highYou can infer from the passage that the people who are presently supposed to pay the high est percentage of their income in taxes are the _.ArichBmiddle classCpoorDbusinessmen正确答案:A解析:第2段开头讲现在政府采用“progressive tax”,所以交税多的人即为富裕的人。54. 【C8】AincreasesBimprovesCadvancesDraises【C8】AincreasesBimprovesCadvancesDraises正确答案:B四个词中只有improve能与health搭配,表示改进或增进健康。55. 【C2】AabundantBadequateCscarceDrare【C2】AabundantBadequateCscarceDrare正确答案:C56. 18在下列四个单词用斜杠标出的字母中,有一个与其他部分的读音不同。请找出这个词( )。A.w/i/ndB.k/i/ndC.f/i/ndD.m/i/nd参考答案:A57. Nothing could stop _.A.him comeB.that the cameC.him from comingD.him to come参考答案:C58. Which of the following belongs to the communicative approach?A. Focus on accuracy.C. FoWhich of the following belongs to the communicative approach?A. Focus on accuracy.C. Focus on strategies.B. Focus on fluency.参考答案:B59. 【C11】AhowBwhereCwhatDwho【C11】AhowBwhereCwhatDwho正确答案:D此处问“当一个紧急情况发生时,我们将召唤谁”,选疑问代词who。60. _ is a credit that is added another bank&39;s (usually the advising bank) confirmation to the_ is a credit that is added another banks (usually the advising bank) confirmation to the beneficiary. This constitutes a definite responsibility of _ in addition to the undertaking of the issuing bank.A confirmed L/C$The confirming bank


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