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山东省临清市2016-2017学年八年级英语上学期期中试题20152016学年度第一学期期中考试八年级英语试题(时同J20分钟 满分:120分)第I卷选择题(共65分)一.听力理解其霹分南装I分)一:听下面5小句子,*4句于后面#一个小地.机鼓中所蛤的R、B,C三个it第中透出 生力除当反应的生也谊臣.开味亦武*的相就位置.叶云曷个旬子后.蟀本苏他学钟树时同餐 国国美内网球下一小奉个芍子权,一也.B, Think you.C* I dont ihink Ad 尿它:o.C Youre vndmm已5. A* Sounds goodr(二)嘴T面H个小时延,塞个对麻后面有一个小晶,从此中期乐的A*B,C三个连事中盘 出最俵选项,把麻衣试卷的相会隹JL听更串不对话后,樵都有1 口柠钟的孙可柒回塞有些卜 冠却周诸下一小题,每个沛诺根读一遍.1友 Whcic s Johns schoolbag?A. Or. his sofaA Under his uibC In 35 betfOOn;,7, Liut门 custn basEi. shortC. build red8, Anru rehises io go to the pjrty 辰为竦_A, nttds io buy drinksti. there it snm匕ihing wrong 内岛 herC. she is noi asked to Luy food八年级英范M勘用】页.共1 01)9. What the wanian doinx at the time of snow yeAtrrday A. Learning from Mr. Zhang.K Giving a lesson to Mr. Zhnng.C. Listening to the sound of snow.10. What docs the man want Susan to do?A. Turn off the lights. 11, Save wcr.C. Protect the environment.(三)听下面三畿豺话.每段豺话后各有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个通用中选出 最住建项升标在试卷的相底位豆,听母校对话前,你*有时间阅读8个小题,*小思-妙仲 乔今后.&小题将检出5*的作*时间善彼时错读西遍.听下而一段对话,回答第J2两个小曙,现在,你有I。秒钟的时间间设这2个小区H. Where、the bookstore?A. On Ea5l Street.R On Zhongshan Street. C. On Xinhua Street.It Which bu$ can take you to the bookstore?A No. 5.B.No,1bus.C. No. 9 bus.所下面一段对话回答第13至15三个小题.现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这3个小题13. How long will the journey take?A 10 hours.B. 6 hours,C. 4 hours.14. Why doesn4 her uncle come io meet her at the station?A He is ill.B. He cant drive.C. He has no raincoat15. What will the weather be like in Hangzhou?A. Cloudy and rainy.B. Dry and cold.C. Wet and quite cold.听下面一段对话,回答第16 S 20 aL现在,你有25秒件的时间阅读这5个小题,belong io 属于16. The man think this is Rita* basketball because she.A. bought a baball yesterdayB. sometimes plays baseballC loves baMfbull moi17 what docs Bobs little brother like?一八年级英语忒照第2页(共1Q0i).A. Toy truck*B. l oy spaceship.C. Toy plane.18. Whai did Anna leave?A. A book.B. A bag.C. A diciionnry.19. Whai doM Grace usually like doing?A. Making a toy spaccshipK Playing baseball. C. Playing tennis.20. Who left a necklace?h Kathy.B. Anna.C. A boy.I(皆)听下面一双独白,独白后者五个小题,从题中所给的A.B,C三个选项中选垦住选I .并称在议裳的相应社JL听独白时你有时同网读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,3小题I 讲给出5号财的絮与时间.试我收自读两遍.2】.Hew many living uniU are there in the large building?A. Four.B. Five.C. Three.j22. The main idea of the pusckigc is about the kind of.A. living unit they love B. book they loveC music they like better会23. Where is the dancing boy?A. Inside his unit. B. Outside his unit. C. Under his unit24. Who might have been reading and listening to music?A. The boy on the first floor.B. The girl on the first floor.C. The boy on the second floor.25. The TV in the living unit of the boy on the second floor turned on because he might have been ,A. watching a football game on TVB. playing the piano with the help of the TVC. singing along with the help of the TV二、宛形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,一分10分)88下画的短文.拿疆其大宣,徐后从短文后所给的a、氏CJ)四个选项中,选出可以以人 空白处的最佳选项.并在答题卡上将谈项谯黑.I was Hying to New York m nighi. Suddenly* a slorm broke ami the plne began io M S3Md(跟簸)around,*;Ai8K 第3页(共 io页)HWhc I looked _26hc plnc. I could set ihat nearly all k p小快n&”s were worried . gid般呻 Merntdierriblcnd _也, and_llJ 网1加”卜1皿:lny ry.When th Pim finally 3- 丫血1 wW not ,心融忖工.川也. ers were hurrying 10 的。叽1“叩展 and spoke to 也酬| wM1二 33 (or such fl 1 M M 皿 been 山血The child 口弧,“力 daddy is the 上, Md he Making me hornj26从 atB. aroundC upU intQ27. A. wonderingB. expectingC dreamingK realizing28 A. probablyB. luckilyC suddenlyIK certainly29. A. Komnhing15. anythingC everythingD. noxhhM;30. A.prde13. worryC. angtrD. regret31. A. unafraidB. nervousCr activeD. und32. A. sayB. heirC. findD. think3* A. knownB watchedC. helpedD. protected34. A. whetherB. howC. whenD. why35. A. guardB. driverC. pilotD. traveler三MSW解(共30分;每题2分)同,下列斯文,从每小题所蛤的A.B.CJ)四个选项中选出一个徙回答所摄同网或能完成贤金句子的秋佳选项,并在答鼠卡上将该项涂%F Once a king got iwo nice faiconsi Jnffilfrom his son. He had nver seen、uch bcautilul lal- cofis before. He loved them so much and he ordered the best falconer to triin then io fly.I After several months, the king came (o ee how ihe iraining was goin5 on. He found .hat one Ukon had already been able to (iy high in the sky. while the other was sUying on the 加批用枝)of a tree quietly jul keeping sti I.-L 八年獭话试题第j页3J q页)hi king called all his falconers together and ordered thbut to try every way they could to make ihe other falcon fly. But none of them succeeded. One dny. while the king was tnking wk in the forest an idea came to his mind. Maybe someone who knew the natural environ- ment well could solve this problem. He _ for a farmer who lived in the forest into his pal加 10 train it at once.The next morning, the king saw the other falcon flying above in the sky freely. * it is W bdieYable |w shouted the king. How could you make it happen?!rhe farmer rep,ied,,h,s 曲 easy. 1 juit cut off the branch where the falcon rested. 0It is always the ume to human beings. Wc 川 have -wo flying wings” m our hearts as well, but we often seem not to notice them and nuy where we just for safety and( 9mforU We won t realize w. can fly so high and freely until Weekends $ 6。 $ 30 (children underIve never imagined the movie is so interesting. There are 64 kinds of animals in it After1 watched the movie, 1 learned more about animals. I would highly recommend this movie tothose animal lovers.JohnI have seen many Mttooos of this kind, but this one is surprisingly funny and I love the $weet voice in it. My brother and I just couldnFt help laughing from the beginning to the end.DavidThis morie is so well made. I went to see it with my S-/W-old son Iasi Sunday after- noon. I love ihe beautiful music while my son loves the rabbit police officer Judy very much, h shows that small animals like her can also do serious work.Nancy41. The poster shows that is spoken in ihe mcnEA. JapaneseB. FrenchCt EnglishD. Chinese42. From the poster we can know ihat the movie lasts,A. 60 minutesB. 90 minutesC. 100 mimiesD. 120 minuies43. John likes this movie because of.A. the different kinds of animalsB. the funny actorsC the sweet voiceD. the beautiful music44. It cost Nancy and her sonto watch ihe movie,八年级英谓试题第6页(共1(,页)A. $ 75B. $ 90C. $ 100D, $ 12045. According to the poster, the movie tnoMt probably tells astory,A. frighteningB. sadC trueD. funnyCWhat should we do if one of our classmates suddenly falls ill or gets hurt? Hore src some steps you should follow. But always remember to look for medical care after first aid(急救)if the wound is serious.Broken boiws(骨头hTake away clothing from the wound. Use an ice pack, lion*t move the hurt body part while waiting for the doctor to arrive.Animal bites(咬伤)- Wash the bite area with soap and water. Pack the wound with a dean cloth it it is bleeding. II the bleeding has slopped cover lhe area with a bandaxe and take the Person to the hospital. Make sure you remember what kind of animal it is so the doctor can And the right way to treat him or her al once.Fainting(昏股 I Have him or her lie with feet lifted a I tile. Donft move the body if you think there might be wounds from the fall. Make sure he or she Cftn breathe and let in fresh air. Clean the persons face with a cool cloth.Nosebleeds: Have the person sit up with his or her head liked(倾斜)forward a little. Do noi have the person lilt his or her head back because this nuy cause heavy breathing or coughing. Pinch(捏)the lower pan of the nose for at leMt 10 minutes.16. Whai should we do first when nn animal bile happens?人 Put an ice pack on the wound.B Wahh the bite area with soap and waler.C. Try(o stop the bleeding with a cleim cloth.1) . Take the hurt person to the hospital.47a When dealing with the problems of wc shoukln11 move the hurt.A. broken bones and animal bitesB. animal bites and nosebked5C. broken bonea and fainting!). (ainiing And nosebleeds18. Which of ihe following is not right when a boys nose bleeds? 八年级英语试期第7页(共1。页)Z Let his h”d not 川1bck.B. Let his head tih forward (:Let him sat up-D Pinch hi* now for ! th , rainutC%49. Wi田 M族Lifestyle.R Health.C. Sports.50.mam如。21 点A. Firn aid . some accidental wounds.K Steps of looking for medical 皿,C. Advice on WA” not io get hurl.D. Ways to ask for 聃 in hurL第R卷非选择题(55分)七:黑:篙驰句犯 A. Hello! This is Jim speaking.|B: Hi Jim J一一I A.Hi, hck.Whafsup?I B.Hmm are you free this ahernoon?E go.ng d a p2| A;A ? Areyou kiddH cd 曲 the impe 皿 will .I BtOh. thai/s too bid. 3.-A:Pm going swimming,hs comforuble to swim in this heat.BJhai a good idea. 4.A-Surc. 5.B;Le/s meei at our school gale oclock.AtOK.Sec you then.B;See you.五、语法填空供10小版每小8s 1分滞分分)同读下面材料,在空白处校要方填人适当的隼词或括号内单词的正确形式.(毋空1个单八年级英语试翅制8页(共1Q页)A lot of people around lh(* wcrld enjoy jogRing. Joking j( mean) running tltirlifiF* H n ttillthan walking. In 辰 mm岬1上由鹏)cvtniftS, 皿皿 people logging in parks 9 (连词)along city Mlrert*. JofiUmg 2p thnn rnnny sport* io start, just 10 (got) somp comfortable sports clo?hci and |jocd 11(run) hos.I enjoy 12 (jeg) with my friends Tommy md Anna. In the ealy mornings. ohen go joins in ihc p-rk. Then we nrt mdyJ介词)京小。乩 Ai weekends, we Eiime MS in U () counUyside, h i more_(而) jogging m the d we (eel good tn the (r*h ur. The more yo go jogging the healthier you will fcel.Jusi try 大,单词拼写(共10小时I号小腮1分膺分10分):福据句危及括号内所砧汉俯或音标提示写出单间的正种形式用空一风 16. English(一)k very difficult for me.17. The(AO) Of。皿 city iOO.000.18. W will phy对)hek % tem19. Thn wu - tnffic(事故)时 lhc road-20. The novel(描述)版 life of an Ud bdy.2L You should Jprshis/ spcakmK English every day.22. /mdpns/ of people visit the old city every year.23. The news is /iksaitig/.24. Everyone is here/iksept/ you., 25. Tht fames /cktws/ is very kind.七J8源袭达(共lOJhM超2分)阉读下面斯文,根据其内容完成后而各项任务,3)1 have just received t leiwr from my broihuJim. He is in Australia.他在那儿巳经 隹了 个月 了, Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a greai number of different plac5 in Australia. Ik has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice springs a small town in ihe cenirt o( Australia. I k will soon vtil Darwin. From there, ht will fly to Penh. My brother has never been abroac before, so he is finding this trip very exciting.26 请帖处射线句子详为双婚.八年吸英班试题第9页(共10页)27 .愤将处烈蚊句”为英诙28 . h Alice spring* Rmall ton 卜汉29国在文拿中找出与所旨句孑含义相同的句表He will go to Perth by plan*30. Tim fhinkt the trip is成为人们沟通的桥帕怎样学好英语是我们一代在探八、赵百豪达(晴分20分),清从听、说、读.写四方面谈谈你的世界在发屣,文化在交收,英语已经索的问题,几年的学习他历你一定积累了许多成功的经验建仪.栗求I词此80左右(开头巳给出,不计入忘同数j :2.字迹工案,谙声流畅,表达正速辑清晰.- flow to learn English wellE岫力 is important and useful to g How can we learn it well? Here is my advice.20162017学年便第一学期期中考试八年级英语参考答案一.听力充鬣17&MH【If.W* 16fmA 21一匹川1胱二、克窟 / 2670BACD0 33-35ACflAC三.图也相售 到一相加AD Clfl5CBABD种、SBCDHA说喇L迎景回北,、!”汴65分.175小M.,的SH烦 沏小垣神小理? 5K y*7w,, 厂 - . t与用崎都案不存者不用.2. WaJd E liarj. WTim arc yw gQmg tc de then7I. Clt 1 gturiih yttu?k Wliwn nod wlwg %hll【we trvwi?UL9,h本共5小%小|】办.工与后始a激本身,犬事宜文a段,目舞仝情景交际星里,也得分,工诵任M词需可做俚,百分时艮HH我忸的影事也懵的情和.五,6, mejg r .乐 er 3-lii* s*. ci 14 81sILziegB12 於环” 13.fr SUhs 1 ?. Inn.UWN 木攘I。力,相 L分1与责鲁制F将*利I队六 J工 gramnar IT. popu屈g IS.egBiMi 9. Mridmc 20jM ribtsFL KKlkv 黑 M;lm,?J. rio ing ?机 OJCCpt 25.明,本卷其iq巾也.节小盟l次.z.与fe再发m料#不用分.比.26.笠事事收利弟弟用胃用奈,.27. H. hiu bddn tturi ior 理翼 rethis2g. A unall t/wrt.29. H* 3画 fly 9 P和k3D. nncingKfitl $O5小如ME?3,.冬的量由集不冷灾豪义止痛l的由同更更击,也篇分“3.送性.尊俊据耳出课,用公旧发K.WrtJ金也造曲城印厦的情外,唳G式郴用表R姬融停力停邠5”承第八人”集有善乱钻mtn西IM in fetrn E* 田卜.词小 X;鹏乂皿3叱M M帆IM g 修朋口 |? Ht.皿皿,, tiw.u.-WE 4gMMb Mein k 叮初喻M* mt! png Wildling 加*J # 皿;山/ kdpM ih.8Z.明海山Hd gi Ei呷i la otou tt mvd r ptmuli.e. L2 k wukiflf W,/0 愠 0fc6rt 刑 gk.m ftwr anviakn 卯/口 Wt-d ht:ncri1氏吗屋让二中:七力由Ehx THnL me e-d M,:8时滴 rid m城“沁皿 1丁 , mod for tii 毋 Im. #e *c3d rwjee -www ffd 乂加川%四曲are,In am nl. 1 loA:* ul .* 0的6 邛一 ,X Hy. z Mill|.4匕内分跳竹,皮小巧太抬分.人作疗R八先收tti*蕈的内常k谒百初力的足K朽次箫&稿询个次的胃东惠 wk幅.居后抡h.里k”消昭、Qjtmj?超升年ur12分q*n内乳4r),3kq入员后那 交际MITI比部分中风主2分I最H怖分仍30什九将双M贵曲.席,n的一方 “尸标EZHQ;武洞母式老乱-大t 6小亍士才淖勺;乂界才:多于田术川,K.事费K多月青二现率-小内介,二1外自农疳什用电的IT卡:.小 n莺上斌#曲令K解0大0分内整翳重%/文5.达前妙格国情” ., 力弓:.:心斯显求的大略匈勖修而支政”虞,修 皆足,弗h佬.山所馨束,长由“甚冒畔第淳书甲*充电入逆济生.新二*t分i沙腹蒯钾刖神格.解&擎妙艺 苜h第胤,i- 1*0*-v*g * r


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