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word中考英语阅读简答专项训练阅读下列短文,然后根据短文容回答问题。ANearly all American students in colleges and universities pay for their education. There are many expenses. First of all, there is tuition (学费). At some schools, the tuition is very high, ten thousand dollars a year or more. At other schools, it may only be a few hundred dollars a year. At some munity (社区) colleges, tuition is free. There are other expenses as well. Many students leave their homes to go to schools in other cities. They may live in dormitories or apartments ( flats), and they must pay for it. Finally, students must buy textbooks for their courses. Some families start saving money for their childrens education when the children are small. Many students work to save money for tuition. They can also get loans (贷款) from the government. They pay the money back to the government when they finish their education. 阅读短文,回答问题或完成答句,每题词数不超过5个1. Which students pay for their education?_ in colleges and universities pay for their education. 2. How much is the higher tuition? It is _ or more. 3. Are there any free tuition colleges?_.4.Why do many students live in dormitories or apartments?Because they_. 5. What must students buy finally? They must _. 6. When do many students pay back their loans from the government?They pay them back_. BSome people want to be shot into space after their death, others want to lie deep under the sea. But most people want to go into the freezer(冷藏库).These are believers in cryogenics(低温冷冻学). Now some diseases cant be cured, but they may be cured sometime in the future. So some people hope that their bodies can be frozen after they die. When a cure is found, warm up his or her body, bring it back to life and take the cure. Once the body is frozen, it is kept in liquid nitrogen(液态氮) at a temperature of 328 degrees below zero. Now around a thousand people are going to take cryogenic treatment(处理), though most scientists say it wont work. If we freeze huge creatures(生物) like humans, every one of their cells(细胞) will be broken. Can they be brought back to life in the future? 根据短文容回答下列各问题。7. Where do most people hope that their bodies are kept after their death?_8. Why do they want the world to keep their bodies well?_9. How do scientists usually keep a dead mans body?_10. How many people are going to take cryogenic treatment after they die?_CA rich man was once riding along the road and saw an old man digging in his garden. On the ground lay a young tree, ready to be planted. The rich man called out to the old man, “What kind of tree are you planting there, my good man?”“This is a fig(无花果) tree, sir. ” He said. “A fig tree?” the rich man was very surprised, “Why, how old are you, may I ask?”“I am ninety years old.”“What!” cried the rich man, “Youre ninety years old. You are planting a very young tree now and itll take years to give fruit. You certainly dont hope to live long enough to get any fruit from this tree. ” The old man looked around the garden. Then he said with a smile, “Tell me, sir. Did you eat figs when you were a boy? ”“Sure,” the man did not know why he asked this question. “Then tell me this,” he said, “Who planted the fig trees?”“Why-why? I dont know.”“You see, sir.” went on the old man,“Our forefathers(祖先) planted trees for us to enjoy and I am doing the same for the people after me.”The rich man was quiet and said, “You are right,my good man. We should do some things for the people after us. Thank you very much.” Then he rode away. 根据短文容回答下列各问题。11.What tree was the old man planting when the rich man saw him?_12. How old was the old man?_13. The old man was planting the tree to get himself some fruit to eat,wasnt he? Who was he planting the tree for? _14. Did the rich man eat figs when he was a boy? _15. What should we do for the people after us? _DIn general,laws for children are a good thing. One hundred years ago in industrial countries, children worked 18 hours a day in a factory at age seven. The factory owner could beat a child who fell asleep or was not fast enough. Both parents and teachers could do the same. Today, there are many laws about children all over the world. Some people think children must obey rules or they should be punished,others do not agree. The Inuits or Eskimos in Alaska almost never punish their children. The parents dont hit them. If the children go too far,the parents punish them by making fun of them. Children in other parts of the world are not as lucky as Eskimo children. American parents can spank(打臀部) their children at home,but a teacher cannot hit a child in a public school. This is also true in Germany. In contrast(对比), it is against the law for anyone to hit a child in Sweden. Swedish parents cannot spank their children. The children also have a special government official who works for their rights. There is even a plan for children to divorce from their parents though this is not a law yet!根据短文容回答下列各问题。16. How were children treated in industrial countries 100years ago? _.17. What does the author mean by “go too far?”_.18. Can a teacher in Germany hit his students in public school? _.19. What kind of people can beat children in Sweden? _.20. What does it mean by “a plan for children to divorce from their parents?”_.ESydney is a young city. Its history goes back just over 200 years. But in Australia, it is the oldest city. It is also the countrys largest city. Sydney is the capital of New South Wales and the most populous(人口稠密的) city of Australia. The climate(气候) of Sydney is very good. Its not too cold during the winter and not too hot during the summer. The sky is blue,the air is fresh(清新的), birds sing in the garden. People who live in Sydney seem to have an easy life style. They will tell you, “Dont worry. ”Many people think that Sydney is one of the most attractive cities in the world. It has many tall and modern buildings. Among them, Centrepoint Tower is the tallest. Standing on the 305-metre(80 storeys) tower, you will have a great view(视野) of the city. Sydney is famous for its deep harbor(港口) .The harbor has many bays(湾) and beautiful surf beaches. Among them, Bondi beach is the most popular. Sydney Harbor is not only beautiful, it also serves as a large port. Ships carry wool, wheat and meat from Sydney to other countries. People living in Sydney like to call themselves Sydneysiders. They are mostly friendly and easygoing. When they are not working, they love to have a good time at the beach, swimming and sailing. 根据短文容回答下列各问题。21. How old is Sydney? _22. How is the climate of Sydney? _23. How tall is Centrepoint Tower? _24. What is Sydney famous for? _25. What do people living in Sydney love to do when they are not working? _FJohn Smith was an old porter. He worked at the station. Every day he was busy carrying heavy things for the people. He was careful with his work. He was kind to everyone. He was always ready to help others.One morning he stood in the station. He was waiting for the train. Just then he saw a man running towards the trains with a big bag in his hand.“No train is starting. Why is he in such a hurry?” the old man thought to himself.He went up to the man and asked, “May I help you?”As soon as the man saw the porter, he stopped running.“Can I catch the 10:35 train to London?” the man asked. He looked worried.The old porter looked at him for a few seconds and said, “Well, sir. Id like to help you, but I cant answer your question because I dont know how fast you can run.” Then he explained to the man, “The 10:35 train to London left five minutes ago. Can you run fast enough to catch it?”26. What was Johns job?27. Where do you think the man was going?28. Why did the man run towards the trains and look worried? 29. What time was it when the man got to the station? 30. What do you think of John Smith?GJohn Brown, an office worker, lives in Washington, He inherited(继承) $ 1,000, 000 when he was 23. He didnt feel happy at all. His college friends were looking for their first jobs, but he didnt have to. John decided to keep living a simple life like everyone else. He didnt tell any of his friends and gave $ 100, 000 of his money to a charity(慈善团体) that helped poor children to live better lives, but he is much happier. Up to now,John has helped 15 children from poor countries all over the world, $ 200 a month for each. The child does not receive the money in cash(现金). The money pays for the childs school expenses, food, medical care and clothing. John receives a report each year on the childs progress. They can write to each other, but usually the children do not speak English. When John first heard about these children, he wanted to help them. “It was not anything special,” he said, “Until I had the chance to go to these countries and meet the children I was helping, I did not know anything about the type of life they had.”Once John went to meet a little girl in Africa. He said that the meeting was very exciting. “When I met her, I felt very very happy,” he said, “I saw that the money was used for a very good plan. It brought me closer to the child in a way that giving money alone cannot”“ I want to do everything I can. I will go on helping those children in need, “he added. 根据短文容回答下列问题,不超过五个单词:31. What kind of life is John living?He is living a _. 32. Did John want to look for a job or stay at home after he got the money? _ 33. Does John only help the poor children in Africa? _34.The child receives the money in cash, doesnt he? _35. Why did John say that the meeting with the little girl was very exciting?Because he saw his money was well used and this made him_. 36. How do you like John Brown?He is_HIts hard to make friends if you stay at home alone all the time. Get out of the house and do things that will put you in touch with(接触) other people. Its easier to make friends when you have similar interests.Dont be afraid to show people what youre really good at. Talk about the things you like and do best. People will be interested in you if there is something interesting about you.Look at people in the eye when you talk to them. That way, theyll find it easier to talk to you, or people may think youre not interested in them and may stop being interested in you.Be a good listener. Let people talk about themselves before talking about “me, me, me”. Ask lots of questions. Show an interest in their answers.Try to make friends with the kind of people you really like, respect (尊敬), and admire (羡慕)not just with those who are easy to meet. Be friendly with a lot of people. That way, youll have a bigger group of people to choose from and have more chances for making friends.37. How can we have more friends, get in touch with other people or stay at home?38. When Jim talks to people, he always looks right, left, or at the floor. Do you think its right? Why or why not?39. Cindy always talks about herself when she talks to other people. What advice (it80 do you think she needs to follow?40. What should you do if you want to have more chances for making friends?41. Whats the main idea of the passage?IThanksgiving Day is a very special day for people in the United States. They celebrate it on the last Thursday in November. Canadians also celebrate Thanksgiving Day, but they do it on the second Monday of October. In Britain, where this festival is called Harvest Festival, people celebrate it earlier in the year, in September.A harvest is the fruit you take from the trees and the crops you take from the ground. In North America and Britain, harvest time for most fruit and crops is in the autumn. In these countries and other Christian places, people give thanks to God on a special day of the year. They thank God for the good things that have happened during the year and for the good harvest they have had. People usually take small boxes of fruit, flowers, and vegetables to their churches to show their thanks.The first thanksgiving service (仪式) in North America took place on December 4th, 1619 when 38 English people, arrived in America to make their home in the new country. They held this service not to thank God for the harvest, but to thank God for their safe journeys. The next year, many more English people arrived. They had a bad winter, but fortunately the harvest was good. they decided to celebrate it with a big meal. They shot and killed small animals to eat and cooked everything outside on large fires. About 90 Indians also came to the meal. Everyone ate at tables outside their houses and played games together. The festival lasted three days.A Thanksgiving Day celebration was held every year for a long time, but not always on the same day of the year. Then, in 1789, President George Washington named November 26th as the Day of Thanksgiving. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln changed the date, and said that the last Thursday in November should be Thanksgiving Day.Nowadays, North Americans around the world get together with their families on this day to eat good food and have a happy time.42.Is Thanksgiving Day celebrated on the same day in North American countries?43.When did the first thanksgiving service take place in North America?44.Who made the last Thursday in November Thanksgiving Day in the USA?45.What does the word “fortunately” mean in Chinese?46Translate the sentence They thank God for the good things that have happened during the year and for the good harvest they have had. into Chinese.JReading for pleasure is the easiest way to bee a better reader in English. It is also the most important way.Some students say they dont want to read for pleasure. They say they want to use their time to learn the rules of the language and new words. They say that pleasure reading is too easy.Many experts (专家) say pleasure reading is very important for learning English. Dr. Stephen Krashen, a famous expert on learning languages, says that pleasure reading helps you learn many important things about English. Students learn more grammar and more words when they read for pleasure. They also learn more about good writing.Dr. Krashen tells us that pleasure reading helps each student in a different way. Each student needs to learn something different. Pleasure reading makes it possible for each student to learn what he or she needs.Reading for pleasure is not the same as studying. When you read for pleasure, you choose your own books, and you dont have to remember everything. There are no tests on your pleasure reading books. Pleasure reading will help you:learn how English speakers use Englishread faster in Englishfind examples of good writing in Englishlearn new wordslearn about the cultures (文化) of English speakers47. Is pleasure reading important for learning English?48. Which is the easier way to bee a better reader, pleasure reading or studying?49. What do some students think of pleasure reading?50.How can we bee better readers?51. Whats the greatest advantage (优点) of pleasure reading?KHave you ever heard of a girl of 15, who set up a pany of her own? Wendy Wong is the girl. She started the business two years ago. She has already written several successful puter games. They are so popular that over half a million games are sold every year. Now all of her family work in her business, and she is still at school.She gets up early in the morning, and then she talks with her family about the business over breakfast. Every day she goes to school in her own car with a driver, for she is not old enough.She enjoys her school, but some of the work is too easy for her to feel interested. She usually gets A grades in all her subjects, so the other students often ask her for help. She finished her homework in half an hour after her driver takes her home. After dinner, she goes to her office and goes on working on her puter, writing games until 2 am. She does not usually need so much sleep as other children.根据短文容,回答问题。52. When did Wendy Wong start the business?_53. What has Wendy Wong already written successful?_54. How does Wendy Wong go to school every day?_55. How about her grades in all her subjects?_56. How long can she finish her homework?_LIf you are studying English, the Language Study Fair (游乐会)that is being held this month will certainly attract you. The fair is going on between the 28th and 30th of June at the National Education Centre. It is held to answer all your questions about self-study no matter how your English is. The Language Study Fair gives a very good chance for you to see and to get all kinds of information to help you improve the way you study. Over 350 producers of educational materials (材料)will be at the fair. e along to this, and you wont waste your money in the future on materials that are out-of-date, or books that you just dont need. Weve got lots of different things for you to see and hear. There will be stands (展台)showing different kinds of self-study textbooks and talks by educational speakers on the best ways to study by yourself. Were sure youll also enjoy watching people using the latest puter programs to make studying English alone so much easier. This is for you to make good decisions about what to buy. You can e to the fair from nine thirty to five. Tickets cost 5 each, or 3 if youre a full-time student. All tickets can be booked by ringing the ticket hotline. The number is 9847711. So, we hope to see you there! 57.Who will go to the Language Study Fair? _58.What will attract those who go to the Language Study Fair ? _59.What will you buy if you want to make studying English much easier? _60.What is the opening time of the fair ? _61. How can you get a ticket for the fair ? 【参考答案】A篇【文章大意】几乎所有的美国大学生都要支付教育费用。首先是学费。有些学校的学费很贵,高达一万美元一年甚至更多。还有其它的费用,如住宿费。最后还有教材费。有些家庭在孩子还小的时候就开始积攒教育经费,很多学生通过工作来挣钱支付学费,他们也可以向政府借贷,毕业后再还。1. Nearly all American students 2. ten thousand dollars a


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