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六年级第二学期英语期末测试卷听力部分(30分))2 A.B.卑I:听录音.选出相应的圈片。(5分)听黒音.为以下图片排序(5分)听录音.选出所听问句的答语。(10分)( 1. A. I play football and ping-pongI)C I often ploy ping-pong with my friends.( 2. A. I always heve breakfast.BC I had breakfast six rimes last week( 3 A. I will 90 to the pork.C. I walk to rh 4 A I need twenty.C There are twenty in the box.( 5. A. I like to ploy fftotboll.I like football best.H.四、B.I have breakfast before school.I went to the park.TVs twenty yuan.I often read books.C I often cln the rooms and dry the dishes.听录音.报摒对话内容选择正确的一项。10分) ()1. Who mokes coll?A. Sam.R Jenny.()2. What Mil they do?A. They will have a surprise party, G They will have a good-bye party.C. JackB They will have a birthdoy party.B. 5cm. Jenry, Lily and Jades family,c. irs 7:ooB. At 6-00 in the morning.)3 Who will come to the party?A. Sam# Jenny and Lily.C Som, Lily and Jenny*s family. )4. What time is it now?A. ir9:0O.B in 8:00.)5. What tinnc the porty begin?A. /t 5;00 in the afternoon.C. Zt 3;00 in the afterrwon.奄莖试部対(70分)五.报据图片提示月鲍询补全句子。(酋字毋己给岀)(5分)U heovyC. oftenC. foundC. lateC everyI. My favoirite sport b2. In summer, I like the f _. Ifscool.3. Can you see the son rhe sec? 4. They ate a bigof the porty.5. I feel cold. Can you cthe door for me?六.读一读.选出与画钱单週同类的一项。(5分)1 Flying kites is so easy. I likeA. orR ask)2 Wait a minute. I will be back soonA. hourB. before)3. They swam in the sea last summer.A. earlyB. all)4 Let s Sdy good bye to Li$o.A. hiK. hear()S Can you tell me a story?A. partyB. get七.选出正的一项.写W横饯上。(5分)l t)o you hove( some any ) wafer?2. ( This Theie ) children will hove a 9ame.3. (/ An ) apple a day keeps the doctor away.4. Every ( cgWc cckies ) has a special p cture.5. He is ( got gettinj ) ready go to Beijing.A.型项迭择。(10分)1. Can you Teach me?A.B. to swimC. to swimming)2. Samhe could stond on the ice. but he couldn r.h. thinksB. thinkingC. thought()3helps make your body healthy ond strong.A. ExerciseB Do exerciseC.Play exercise( 4.There are sixtyinhour.A. days: aB. minutes; anC.minutes; a()5.First, always have your breakfast. eat more vegetables.A. OftenB NextC.After()6.students like their new teacherA. EveryB. EachC.All( 7.bid youwhat he said?A. listenB. hearc.listened()8.u Who is that?-John.A. asksB. askc.answer()9I canft fly a kite.TVs veryA. easyB difficultc.high( 10. When you are lost, acan help youA policemanB sportC. farmer九.请根据图片提示写出答句。(10分)1. Where will you swim this summer?2. What did you do last Sunday?3. What does his father do?4. What is she doing?5. What does he like in summer?+ .谓选出正确的句子补全对话,将序号填在横线上。(10分)A: Hello, Jack. 1. B: Hi, Mr. Johnson. I brush my teeth twice a day.A: 2D: After breakfast and after dinner.A: Oky. 3B: I always have breakfast.A: Good. 4.B: About 35 minutes a day.A: You need to do more exercise.B: Okay.A: 5. A. Do you often help your parents?B. When do you brush your teeth?C How often do you brush your teeth?D. How many minutes do you do exercise?E. How often do you have breakfast?r-*如“切八B: yes. I usually clean the rooms and wash The dishesA: Good boy!十一、阅it短文,按要求完成问題。(15分)AHi, I arn Susan. I am from the U. K. But now rm studying (学习)in China, rm going to do many things in the winter holiday. First, 5 going to finish my homework. Then Tm going to take a trip. Tm going to Beijing. TVs snowy in Beijing. There is white snow everywhere So rm going to make a snowman. I can ski. My parents will come to China with me. We are going to fly there. We are going to have a nice trip. 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)o (5分)()1 Susan is from China.()2. Now Susan is in the U. K.()3 There is white snow everywhere in China.()4. Susan is going to play with the snow in Beijing.()5 They are going to Beijing by plane.BI often get up at 6:00 in the morning. I have breakfast at 6:30. I usually 90 to school at 7:OO Our classes begin at 8:20 a.m. I often have Chinese, math, English in the morning. I have lunch at 1 2:00. I have other three lessons in the afternoon Tm very happy at school. At obout 4:30 . I 90 home I have dinner at 6:00 p.m. I often watch TV at 7:00. I like - Animal World* very much. I watch it on Thirsdoy evening. I go to bed at 8:30任务-:根据魁文内容填及一 i任务二:根据短文内容,判断正(T)俣(F)o (5分)(5 分) ()1. I go to school early.)2. I dorft like to go to school.)3. I often have Chinese, math, music in the morning.)4. I have three classes in the afternoon)5 I watch u Animal World every day on TV.ActivitiesTimeGet up6:007:00Have lunch4;3O6:008:30+二.写作训练(10分)小学阶段勺上就姿结束了,在这六年甲.你杲难忘的事情是什么?请挑出一个瞬间给大家 讲讲吧。(诸注盘时公.题LI白拟.不得少于6句话)听力材料:0 1 My favourite sport is ping-pong2. Dont eat too much meat. Its bad for yourbody*3. The boy is very angry.4. They play sports for exercise every day.5. Reach up high J.1. There is a beautiful lake near our house*2. They are having a party.3 We went to a shop and bought some food yester- dny.4. Hie Ireeu lose lheir red and yellow leave5 We like to sit in the sun in summer.三. 1 Whal sports do you play?2. Hou often did you have breakfast last week93. Ulial will you du tomorrow94. How much is that pen?5 What else do you often do to help your family?四. W: Hello, rhi is Jonny spnaking Is that Sam?M: This is Sam.W: Jack will leave the duy after toniorrow Lel*s have a g(xxl-bye party for him.M: Okay. Who will come to the party?W: You. Lily and nir family.M: When does the party begin?W: What lime is it now?M: Ifs 7 :00 a. m.W- Well, the party will begin at 5: 00 in the afternoonM: Okay. I will be there early. See you. W: Bye.答案:一.1. B2. B3.A4.A5.B二、3, 1,5,4,2三.1. A2. C3.A4.B5.C四、1. B2. C3.C4.C5.A五. 1. buskelball 2 Gin 3 ship 4 cake 5 closeA. 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5 B七、1. any 点抜:疑冋句中表示“一些”使用 any。2. Tliese点拔:children为复数名词,应使用 复数指示代词thee。3. An点拨:apple为以元音音累起始的单 词,不定矩词应使用n。4. cookie点拨:every “毎一个”.后接孕数 名词。5. getting点拔:与b构成现在进行时“八、1. B2. c点拨:由下文中的动词可判斷出此句应 为一般过去时。3A4B5. B点拔:First. Ne朮用来表述事物的前后 顺序。6. C点拔:every和each都强调个体,后接 中数名词。7. B8. A9. B10. A点拨:迷路时.警察可以帮助你九、I. I will swim in a lake.2. I played football.3. He ie a policeman.4. She is washing her hands5. He likes the fan十、1. C 2. B 3. E 4. D 5. AH% A 1 F 2 F 3. F 4. T 5. TU.任务一:ActivitiesTimeGtl up6:00Go to school7:00Have lunch200(io home4:3OHave dinner6:00Go to bed8:3O任务二:I. T 2 F 3. F 4. T 5. F 十二、范文:Happy TimeThis is my last summer at this school. I cant forget my tcachcre and friends here, and I cant forget the happy time. Lust Friday afternoon, we had a party to say goodbyw We bought two big cakes We brought some fniit and food to Rchool. Wp sang songs We danced. We said thanks to our teachers and said good-bye to our friends I was sad t but I felt great. 1 will never forget my fritiiclb, my teachers and niy school.


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