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九年级外研版英语介词辨析专项练习(含答案和解析)含答案一、选择题1. The biggest whale isblue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters long - theheight of9-story build ing.A . a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the2. Take your time it s justshort distamctesfre torestaura nt.A .不填;the B .不填;aC. the; a D . a; the3. Inhottest reality show Running Man HI , Luhan isonly new member .A . a;不填B . a; anC. the; theD. the;不填4 . -It is reported that there isbig breakthrough in the cancer treatment .-If only my son could be brought back tolife!A . a; /B . /; aC . the; theD . a; the5 . Smoki ng, which may befun for some people, iscause of discomfort forthe people around him.A . /; aB . a; aC . a; /D . a; the6 . Tiger Watch,80-minute docume ntary, wonaward for its amaz ingphotography.A . an; anB . an, aC . a, anD . the; a二、选择题7 . The chairma n thoughtn ecessary to in vite Professor Joh nson to speak at the meeti ng.A . thatB . itC . thisD . him8 . I want to buy a fine tie for my father, butis fit for him in the shops n earby.A .no oneB .nothingC .noneD.n either9 . They all thinkto create such beautiful music with the tran spare nt cups.A .it amazedB .that amazedC .it amaz ingD.that is amaz ing10 . Excuse me, I want tobuy a birthday prese nt for my youn ger sister.OK. We have new kinds of toys for girls. You can choose or her.A .oneB .itC .themD.that三、选择题11 . One person sdoesn t depend on how much money he has mondeipwjiTianycontributions he has made to our country.A . experie neeB . valueC . wealthD . career12 . All thewas for no thi ng because the visit was can celled. Put it away now.A .polluti onB .connectionC .suggesti onD .preparati on13 . If you re good at Enhl you will have one morewhen searching for jobs.A .methodB .adva ntageC .in terestD .in terview14 . Mr. Zha ng is an excelle nt Chin ese teacher. He has over 20 years teachi ngA experienceB progressCinformationD knowledge15 Because plenty of were found, Sanxingdui Ruins was named the ScientificEducation Base for China s中国青h少年科教基地 )in March this year.AstandardsB projectsCtreasuresDinstructionss name.16 The man next door is a to Bruce. He doesn t even know the neighborAstrangerB volunteerCtrainerDteacher17As a student, getting up early and being afraid of missing the first school bell may be common for you. But thanks to new rules, you can stay in bed longer than before.AsignsBsymbolsCexperiencesDexpressions18Would you send me some of yours? I miss you very much!AmagazinesBphotosCphonesDworks19The visitor told a very _story about what he did for a in Africa.Alively ; livingBlively ; lifeCliving ; livingDalive; live20 Could you take out the rubbish and do the dishes ,Tony?Sure,Mom will be mad if she sees this ,I thinkA matterB messC troubleD difficulty四、选择题21Do you know about the story of the Little Horse Crossing the River?Yes, at last the little horse finishes crossing the river and he knows how the river is.Awide五、选择题B longC deepD clear22 You look frightened, what s up? A terrible accident happened this morning. A truck was running fast when an old man wasabout to cross the road. I bet he will not live the night.AalongB awayCthroughDin23 I want to visit Liaoning History Museum. Is it open today?No. It opens every day M o n d a y .AexceptB tillCbetweenDafter24 The workers will build a new road the two villages.AfromB amongCatDbetween25 My family is always me no matter what I decide to do. That makes me verypleased.AaboveB behindCagainstDthrough26 Jack, you should put the things away in your room. It is a terrible mess! OK, I m coming, Mum!AonB atCinDfor27 During the online learning, some parents were too impatienttheir children to solvethe problem a proper way.Ain; withBwith; inCfor; inDto; with28 How can I improve my English more quickly, Tom?listening and reading more.AAtB AcrossC ByDOn六、选择题29 The Civil Code ( 民法典 ) to be a big success and it is a milestone in our country legal science.C takes outD breaks outI can t agree more.Aturns outB puts out 30 What should I do when an earthquake happens, Dad? First of all, it s important to and hide yourself in the corners of the room.Afall downB calm downCcome downDget down31 The baby is sleeping. Would you please ?A turned the radio onB turn the radio downC turned the radio offD turn the radio up七、选择题32 Who is singing next door? It sounds like a young girl s voice. It be Jane. But she seldom sings English songs.AneedB mustCmayDcan33 Hurry up, or we miss the beginning of the film.A shouldB mustCmayD have to34 A lot of online resources be used either by teachers at school or parents at home.AcanB shouldCneedD must35 Have you decided to take up teaching as career after graduation? I go abroad for further education instead. But it depends.AmustB shouldCmayD shall36 Please dont make so much noise. I hear the speaker very well.A needntB cantCshouldntD mustnt37 Shall we go camping this summer holiday? Nothingbe better.A shouldB couldCmustDmay38 Dr. Zhong Nanshan once said, To prevent the spread of this disease, wenever betoo careful.Acan八、选择题B mayCmustD should39 delicious food you cook! Thank you for your treat and I really enjoy it.AWhat aB WhatCHow aDHow40 Don t let any failures influence your moods, for you can never tell close you maybe to victory.AwhatB whyCwhereDhow41 How beautiful dress is ! She must be happy to get it birthday present.A the; as a 九、选择题 42 一 do your parents take exercise, William? Less than three times a week.AHow longBHow muchCHow soon43 have you had this computer? For two months.AHow muchBHow longCHow far十、选择题44 After the first lunar samples , ChangB the; like aC a; as aD a; like theD How oftenD How oftene 5 finished its task on the moon.A collectB collectedC were collectedD will be collected一、选择题45 -I wonder why he so strangely these days.-Recent pressure at study may account for his behavior.Awas acting B actedCis acting D acts46 Chinese people s spending on overseas trips year by year.Ahad risenB riseC is risingD rose47 - Do you have a driver s license?- No, but I driving. I plan to drive to Tibet this summer.Ahave learnedB was learningC am learningD had learned48 Do you feel like going to the cinema tonight? Sorry, I m sotiIre_d_an early night AhaveBam havingChave hadDhad49 Food supplies in the earthquake area . We must act immediately before thereleft.Aare being run outB are running outC have run outD have been run out50 A recent survey shows the number of people who shop in stores , while far moreare shopping online.A decreaseB decreasesCis decreasingDare decreasing51 You d better not go this way. The workers the road.Ahave repairedBare repairingCrepairedD will repair52 Hi, Tom. I can t find David anywhere. Do you know where he is? Oh, he for tomorrow s exam at home.A preparesBis preparingChas preparedD prepared53 May I speak to Mr. Brown? I am sorry. He an important meeting in his office now.AhasBhadCis havingD will have54 What about going to the cinema? There s a new mHoi,vMieocmall.ed Not now, I my brother Tony with his English.AhelpB helpedCam helpingD have helped十二、选择题55 I phoned Sarah last night, there was no answer.AandB butCorDso56 You should return the digital camera to Sally she will get angry.Aso that Bbecause C before D or57 I ve wanted to reaTdhe Little Prince for long, today I finally borrowed the bookfrom the library.AorB since十三、选择题58 Do you know In the 1960s.A where Havoc in Heaven was created C where was Havoc in Heaven created 59 Excuse me. Do you know Yes. You can go to Furong Street.A where I can get some local snacksC when can we travel to Hong KongCandD becauseB when Havoc in Heaven was created D when was Havoc in Heaven createdB where does the boy come fromD when did Jimmy come to Jinan60 Sandy, could you tell me the beautiful hair clip? Oh, I bought it in a shop near the school.Awhere you will buyB where will you buyC where did you buyD where you bought 61 Did you have a good time in Shanghai? Yes, come and look. My photos will show you .Ahow did we go thereB where we will goC when did we meetD what the trip was like62 Could you tell me ? party party The day after tomorrow.A when we had the school leavers paBrty when did we have the school leaversC when will we have the school leavers party D when we will have the school leavers 63 What did the headmaster ask you after the meeting? He asked me .Awhat I do for the project last weekBif can I finish the work on timeChow did I deal with the problemDwhy I was late for the meeting64The police wondered.Awhose handbag it isBwhose handbag it wasCwhose handbag is itDwhose handbag was it65 It s so crowded in the shop today. Do you know ? It s said that there is a special offer on the milk.Awho is coming to the shop earlyB when the shop opens the doorC where is the check-out counterD why there are so many people66 Jack will have a birthday party tomorrow. Do you know ?I m not sure. Let s call Cathy and she may know something about it.Ahow can I get thereB what gift he prefersCwhy didn t he invite meD where the party was held十四、选择题67 Look at this mess! How much time do you think we need to clear it up? It is a big job, but . Let s all get started now.Amany hands make light workB a friend in need is a friend indeedC the early bird catches the wormD actions speak louder than words68 Is the air pollution getting better these days? No. , water in the rivers nearby is becoming worse and worse. Can you find out thereason?AIt never rains but it poursB A miss is as good as a mileC The early bird catches the wormD Burn the candle at both ends69 You know what? Susan has won a third scholarship. That s not surprising. . She devotes so much time to her study.AThe early bird catches the wormB No pain, no gainC Actions speak louder than wordsD Practice makes perfect70. Why can t you trust me? Not everything you heard is true?- Maybe not. But .A. out of sight, out of mindB . there is no smoke without fireC. a miss is as good as a mileD. actions speak louder than words十五、选择题71. How do you find the documentary DA VID Profile( 国宝档案 ). . I can t think too highly of it.A. It all dependsB . It s really wonderfulC. No one knows for certainD. It is not my cup of tea72. I ll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat?Not at all. .A. It s my pleasure B. I d rather not. C. I d like it.D. With pleasure.73. Don t forget to keep safe distanee距离)at least one meter, Mike!A. Sorry, I won t.B. No, I can t do it.C. Not at all.D. I hope not.74. . It s a pleasure.B . Thank you for showing me aroundA . Don t worry about the taskC. Be careful when you travelD. You d better get up now75. Do you thi nk the rain will stop tomorrow?. It has rained for four days. It s too wet everywhere.A . I hope notB . I don t think soC. Don t worryD. I hope so十六、选择题76. The driver wan ted to park his car n ear the roadside but was asked by the police.A . not to doB. do notC. not doD . not to do so77 . Mr. Grea found Tom _a no vel in class whe n he came in.A .is read ingB.readi ngC.readD .to read78 . The rubbishevery day is beco ming a serious problem in cities around the world.A .produceB.producedC.producerD .produci ng79 . There is someth ing wrong with his TV . He wants to get itthis after noon.A .repairi ngB.repairedC.to repairD .repair80 . The Smiths are con sideri ngto En gla nd because theythe cold weatherthere.A . not moving; aren t used toB . not to move; aren t used toC . notmoving; didn t use tD . not to move; didn t use to81 . David practicesthe pia no hard and ofte n gives won derful performa nces.A .playB .playedC .playi ngD.to play82 .My uncle regretted his house in Shanghai last year, because the house price keeps rising.A .sellB .to sellC .selli ngD.sold83 . The bad weather will last for a week. So I advise youoff the sports meeti ng.A .to putB .to be putC .putD.putt ing84 . My iPad has gone wrong. I ll have it.Why don t you have Uncle Wangit? Nobody can if he can t.A . repair; repaired B . repair; repairi ngC . repairi ng; repaired D . repaired; repair85 . They offered coursesstude nts know the importa nee of protect ing the Huan gheRiver.A . helpB . helpedC . helpsD . to help86 . In his e-mail, David promisedhis daughter duri ng her stay in Japa n.D . to visitD . talki ngt decideD . to buy whichA . visit ingB . visitC . visited87 . She couldn t waither mother the good news.A . to tellB . telli ngC . to talk88 . There are so many kinds of Mp5 in the shop. We can What about this pink one?A . what to buyB . to buy whatC . which to buy89 . There is something wrong with your bike,isn t there?Yes. I ll haveittomorrow.A repair B repairingC repaired Dto repairt wait a90 Huawei has succeeded in new software for his products. I cannew Huawei mobile.A developing, to buy B developed, buying Cdeveloping, buyD develop, buying十七、选择题91 How long you chemistry so far? For almost one year.Aare; studyingBdo; studyChave; studiedD will; study92 When will the live women s football match between China and South Korea begin on TV? Oh, it for ten minutes, ending in 4:3. China won the game.Chas been overD has begunm now very worried now and I want to find it as soonAhas finishedBhas been on93 My dog for three days and Ias possible.Ahas been goneBhas goneCis goneD was gone94 The manager reached Nanjing last Wednesday. Hethere for 10 days.Ahas beenBhas gotChas reachedDhas arrived95 Lisa her homework yet. I am afraid she cant go to the park with you.A didnt finishB hasnt finishedCwasnt finishing96 Olivia, are you sure your aunt back from America? Yes. My mom told me. Im going to see her now.Ahad comeB cameCis coming97 Oh, your spoken English is very good, Linda. Thank you. I in England for three years.Ahave studiedB studiedCwas studyingD wont finishD has comeD study十八、选择题98 From the picture we know, so happy that they are wild with joy.Athe children feelB did the children feelC the children are feeingD do the children feel99 Good morning, and in case I you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!Awont seeB wouldnt seeCdont seeD didnt see100 I want to buy that kind of cloth because Ithe clothwell.Ahave told;washedB have been told;washesC have been told;washedD was told;washes101 A Midsummer Nights Dream at the Theatre Royal on 19th June, and then toursthroughout Scotland.AopensB is openedC will openD will be opened102 Due to the countrys growing rate of urbanization, Chinas migrant population tobe over 200 million by 2020.A. predicts B . is predicted C . will have been predicted D . will be predicted103.Have you see n my e-mail about our TESL project?Yes. Luckily I checked my e-mails yesterday. Normally Imy e-mail box for days. A. haven t openedB . didn t epC. hadn t openedD . don t open104 . - Do you like the new pen?-Yes, itvery well.A . is writte nB . writesC . is writ ingD . has writte n105 . -1 don t know if Aunt Li to look after these-hometalyildren” tomorrow morning.-If heI will phone you.A . comes;will come B . comes;comes C . will come;will come D . will come;comes106 . This kind of bookswell and theyout last week.A . sells; were sold B . is sold; soldC . sells; soldD . is sold; were sold107 . Have you ever bee n to Beiji ng?Yes. In fact, Ithere for three years but now I work in Suzhou.A . have studiedB . studiedC . would study.D . was study ing108 . Will Jack go to the concert with us?Sure! Not only Jack but also a nu mber of his football teammatesgoing with us.A . areB . wereC . isD . was十九、选择题109 . What kind of music do you like?I like musicI can sing along with.A . whoB . whereC . thatD . whe n110 . How was your trip to Yan gzhou?Won derful. I think I have just visited the best placecan show us the beauty of Spring.A . whatB . whoC . thatD ./111 . The boysfrom America like Chi naA . who isB . areC . which isD .who are112 . The girlis wearing a beautiful hat is my sister.A . thatB . whereC . whoseD .which113 . Great cha nges have take n place in our city in the past ten years. Everyth ingcomes into sight is so new to me.A . thatB . whichC . whoD . whom二十、选择题114 . I hear you are going to visit Disn eyla nd n ext mon th. May I go there with you?I m afraid not,you have a ticket.A . ifB . uni essC . un tilD . as soon as115 . Mr. Wang, can I go to play football with my classmatesschool is over?D. as many asI love youD . although-development. selfA. as soon asB. as well asC. as good as116. Your parents love you so muchthey seldom say.A . uni essB. thatC . because117 . Labour educati on is an importa nt course for stude ntsExactly. schools put it into practice, stude nts will lear n a lot.A . WhileB . Un lessC . IfD . As118 . The old couple insist on living in a small village among the mountainsthey canget closer to n ature.A . un tilB . uni essC. even thoughD . so that119 .Do you ofte n take exercise in the morning every day?Yes. I go jogging every morningthere is heavy air polluti on.A . un tilB . uni essC . ifD . as120 . The local sn ack tastes spicy and sweet.Well,you are here, why not have a try?A . sinceB . becauseC . thoughD . uni ess【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除一、选择题1 . C解析:C【解析】【详解】考查冠词。句意:最大的鲸鱼是蓝鲸,它可以长到29米长,有9层楼那么高。第一空用the+n表示类别,是指 blue whale这一类动物;第二空用a表示泛指。故选 C。2 . D解析:D【解析】【详解】考查冠词。句意:慢慢来,一一从这儿到那个饭店只是很短的一段距离。表示泛指用a/an;表示特指用the。a short distanee泛指一段距离”;特指双方都知道的那个饭店,用 the。故D选项正确。3 . C解析:C【解析】分析句子,可知前后两个空格都是特指的,故用定冠词the。根据句意,可知选 B。句意:在热播的电视节目奔跑吧,兄弟3”中,鹿晗是唯一的一个新成员。4 . A解析:A【解析】考查冠词。 a big breakthrough 一个大的突破; bring back to life 使活泼 , 使生动 , 使苏醒,根 据句意选 A 。5A 解析: A 【解析】 考查冠词的用法, fun 为不可数名词,故前不加冠词,第二空是泛指,一个起因,句意:吸 烟对某些人可能会有趣,但对他周围的人来说是一种不舒服的起因。故选 A 。6A 解析: A 【解析】 试题分析:根据句意:观虎,是一个长达 80 分钟的记录片,它以其惊人的摄影赢得了奖 项。考查冠词的用法,根据符合形容词80-minute是元音因素开头的故用 an,因此用不定 冠词a; 一个奖品是以元音音标开头的单词,因此用不定冠词an。故选A考点:考查冠词。二、选择题7B 解析: B 【详解】 句意:主席认为邀请约翰逊教授在会上发言是有必要的。考查形式宾语。根据句子结构可知,空处的词是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式 “to invite Professor Johnson to speak at the meeting.;作形式宾语的词只能是it。故选 B。8C


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