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Beauty in Comm on Thi ngs教材分析:2a-2e是本单元的阅读版块,介绍具有中国特色的传统艺术如 孔明灯、剪纸和泥塑,包括它们的制作工艺、制作原料和象征意 义等。2a的读前活动让学生谈论中国传统文化艺术。2b活动要求学生先快速寻读(scanning),找到表格中的信息,即文中所提 到的传统艺术形式和制作所需原材料。2b的一个重要的阅读策略 先总体介绍,后细节描述。2c活动指导学生关注文章细 节,帮助他们加深对文章的理解。2d活动训练文章中出现的重要短语,特别是动词短语。2e活动是开放性的读后讨论:哪种 艺术形式最简单?哪种形式最难?为什么?自己喜欢什么样的 艺术形式?为什么?这种讨论可以加深学生对中国传统艺术的 了解和欣赏,也为后面的写作做铺垫和语言储备。教学目标(Teaching aims):Knowledge aims : Master vocabulary words and target IanguageLear n some Chin ese traditi onal arts.Ability aims : Master the reading strategies:movi ng from gen eral to specific.Emotional aims : Feel the beauty in com mon thin gs,Lear n to love our country and our people.Important points : Reading comprehension and reading strategies. Difficult points?:1. Improve studentsistening and reading ability .2. Help stude nts to express their opinion freely.Teaching?Aids : multi-media, blackboard, some paper cuttings,Chin ese clay, kites and so on.教学步骤 (Teaching procedures):Step1. Warm up and lead-in?.Show someth ing in terest ing to stude nts:sky Ian terns , Chin ese paper cuttings, Chinese clay, Russian dolls ,kites and so on. Tell Ss they are Chinese traditional arts. Add some more on the screen. Prompt Ss to think about Chinese folk or traditional art.(设计目的:通过展示实物以及图片,了解中国传统艺术,激发 学生兴趣并自然引入教学内容。)?Step2. Pre-readingLook at the title and the pictures on page 38.Then answer the questions. ( Tip :注意标题、首段、读图)1. What does the passage may talk aboutA: traditi onal art B: sky lanternsC: paper cutt ingD: Chin ese clay art2. How many traditional art forms are mentioned What are theyStep3 While-readingTask1: How many parts can the passage be divided into划分)Traditi onal art formsPara. 1.Para.2Para.3Para.4A gen eral in troducti onClay artI(Tip :总体介绍Specific details and examplesmove from general to specific )细节和例子Task2: Speed challe ngeScanning Complete the chart accord ing to Para2 。Com mon in thingsObjects ofbeautymade ofSymbolsbambooSky Ian ternbamboo and paperHapp in ess and good wishespaperPaper cutt ingred paperWishes for good luck and a happy new yearclayChin ese clayartclayLove for life and beautyPractice : is are turned into(设计目的:运用Scanning技巧,迅速把握第一段的要点,寓教于乐。第二三四段,整体把握全篇总分的结构并了解文章大意完成表格。)Task 3.Careful Read ing1. Read Para.1 and answer the questionWhat do traditional Chinese art forms try to showfirst used bymade ofsymbols of3. Read Para.3paper cutt ing3.Read Para.4and complete the in formatio n about paper cutt ingThe paper is.It iswith1) Clay art pieces are The com mon pictures are(五个形容词)Traditi onal Chin ese art forms try to show the things that areimportant in the life, such as love, beauty and family .2. Read Para.2 and complete the information about sky lanternsused for2) Number thesteps 步骤)oanathngsl about piscery.shaped by hand Pring 屈鹹魁欄沟 r-dryon win dows,(设计目的:嚨过上述活动对本文wr 一r . | orfor good luck and a ha生复述课文的能力)andfaeymbols 并训new ylar.Task4 Read the passage aga in and an swer the questi on s(1-5) in 2c then check the an swers.(设计目的:再次运用scanning技巧,完成课本问题)Task5 Fill in the bla nks with the proper formsSky Ian ter ns(use) by Zhuge Kongming, He(send)them out to ask for help whe n in trouble. Today, sky Ian ter ns(make)(use) at festivals and other celebratio ns.They(light), they slowly rise into the air like small hot -air balloonsfor all to see. They(see) as bright symbols of happ in essand good wishes?Step4 .P ost-reading:Task1 Find and discuss the difficulties in pairs, give explanations ifn ecessary.Task2 Finish 2d and check the an swers.(设计目的:巩固重点词组及单词,堂堂清)Step5 Homework:Draw two min d-maps of paper cutt ing and Chin ese clay and make areport about one of them to us n ext class.Blackboard desig n:Beauty in Com mon Thi ngsRead ing课后反思:本课是一堂阅读课, 学生们对老师刚开始所提供的插图课件比较 感兴趣,学习积极性高。特别是在 2a 的讨论中,对于老师给予 的中国传统的艺术产品的图片很是好奇,想对此有更多的了解, 调动学生的积极性。 所以学生在接下来的学习中都很认真地期待 着。我觉得这是我这堂课比较成功的地方。 但是也有不足的地方, 有的学生没有把握好刚刚接触到的被动语态, 可能练习的还不到 位。再有就是在 2e 中,学生在讨论自己对中国艺术品的看法的 时候,学生不知道如何开口去说,这还要今后多组织练习。


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