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9Unit 8 Whe n is your birthday第I卷听力部分 (15分)I. 听句子, 选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片)(5分)1. We have a Music Festival at school every year.2. Theyre very happy at Marys birthday party.3. Do you have a basketball game in May?4. When is the En glish speech con test?5. We have a school trip every term.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.n .听对话,选出与对话内容相符的选项(5分)M Hello, Linda ! How old are you?W rm ten years old.6. A. Linda is ten years old.B. Linda is twelve years old.C. Linda is eleven years old.M Do you have a School Day at your school, Gina?W No, we dont.7. A.There is no School Day at Ginas school.B. There is a School Day at Ginas school.C. The School Day at Ginas school is October 20th.M: Hi, Alice ! Whenis Bills birthday party?W Its October fiftee nth.& A.Bills birthday is October fifteenth.B. Bills birthday is October fifth.C. Alices birthday is October fifteenth.W Hello, Eric ! Is your brother twelve years old?M No.He is thirteenyears old.Im twelve years old.9. A.Eric is thirteen years old.B. Erics brother is twelve years old.C. Erics brother is thirteen years old.M When is the Art Festival, Sandy?W Its May 19th.How about your Art Festival , Tony?M Its October 20th.10. A.Sandy has an Art Festival on May 19th.B. Tony has an school trip on May 19th.C. Sandy has an school trip on October 20th.川.听短文, 完成表格 (5分)My English teacher is Cindy Brown.She is from England.Her Chinese name is Zha ng Li.She is 36 years old.Her birthday is July 21st.She likes red.Look ! Her sweater and hat are red.My math teacher is Bill Miller.He is from America.His Chin ese n ameis Gong Wei.He is only 24 years old.His birthday is September 9th.Hedoes nt like blue.He likes black.His clothes are all black.My Chin ese teacher is Tan Mei.She is from Shan ghai.Her En glish n ameis Tin a.She is 25 years old.Her birthday is August 17th.Her mother buysa green T-shirt for her.She likes it very much.Look! Her pants are green , too.Miss Tan likes gree n.In formati on cardChin eseNameEn glish n ameAgeBirthdayFavorite colorFromZha ng LiCi ndy Brow nthirty-six13.14.En gla ndGong WeiBill Millertwen ty-fourSeptember9thblack15.Tan Meir 11.12. :August 17thgree nShan ghai第n卷笔试部分(85 分)IV .单项选择(10分)16.are you?rm twelve.A. HowB. How oldC. How muchD. What17. Jim is ten .Im ten, too.We are the same(相同的).A. oldB. ageC.dateD. birthday18. Today is my mothersbirthday.A. fortyB. the fortyC. the fortiethD. fortieth19.father is a teacher.A. Lucy and LilyB.Lucy and LilysC. Lucys and LilysD.Lucys and Lily20. There are twenty-eight or twenty-nine days inA.JanuaryB.FebruaryC. NovemberD. December21.Christmas(圣诞节)is theof Jesus Christ.A.dateB.dayC. timeD. birthday22. is the school trip?May.A. When InB. What; OnC. Where; InD. When On23. The girl is.Today is herbirthday.B. twenty ; twentyA. twentieth; twentyC. twentieth; twentiethD. twenty ; twentieth24. Do you have an Art Festival at your school?.We have it every year.B. Sorry, I dont knowD. OKA. No, we dontC. Yes, we do25. How manyare there in a year?A. mon th; sixC. mon ths ; FourB. mon ths; TwelveD. mon ths ; the twelfthV.完形填空(10分)The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Years Day.It usually 26 in January or February.Every one in _27_ likes the Spring Festival very much.Whe nthe Spring Festival comes, Li Lei usually _28_ his pare nts clea n their house and do some _29_ and _ other housework.30that day _31in China eats _32_ _ , New Years cake and some other33_ food.Li Lei likes New Years cake, but Wang Lin does nt.The Chin ese people34_ the New Years cake and jiaozi in their houses._35_ happy they are!26. A.comeB. getsC.comesD. goes27. A.America B.ChinaC. EnglandD. Australia28. A.asksB. tellsC. takesD. helps29. A.cleaningB. fishingC.readi ngD. shopping30. A.OnB. InC. OfD.At31. A.everyoneB. some oneC.no oneD. everything32. A.eggsB. meatC.jiaoziD. moon cakes33. A.niceB. oldC.bigD. best34. A.eatB. doesC.buyD .sell35. A.MuchB. VeryC. WhatD. HowW 阅读理解(30分)A(韩国).He is eight yearsDo you know Jin Mincan ? He is a boy from South Korea old and his birthday is August 31st.Boys and girls like to call him Cancan .Ca ncanlikes eat in g.He likes red,too.At his home , you can see lots of red clothes.Cancans family is not small .Inhis family there are five people.They are Cancan,his father , mother, brotherand sister.Ca ncansbrother is Jin Mingzai.Hessix yearsonly four years old.Herold.His birthday is May Ist.His sister is Jin Mingzhi.Shesbirthday is January 21st.In South Korea , Cancan has a good friend.Hername is HuangEn hui.E nhui and Cancan are great stars in South Korea.36. Whats Jin Mincans age?A. Four.B. Five.37. When is Jin Mincans birthday?A. May 1st.B. January 21st.2nd.38. What color does Jin Mincan like?A. Green.B. Yellow.C. Seven.D. Eight.C. August 31st.D . SeptemberC. Blue.D. Red.39. We dont knowage.A. Jin Mincans B . Jin Min gzaisC . Jin Min gzhis D . Hua ng En huis40. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Huang Enhui is a great star.B. Jin Mingzhi and Huang Enhui are good friends.C. Huang Enhui is Jin Mincans cousin.D. There are four people in Jin Mincans family.BVera is thirteenyears old.She was born on July 27th.Mrs.Smithis hermother.Today is Veras birthday.There is a party for her.Lots of her friends come to her birthday party.A birthday cake is on the table.There are some bananas, oranges, strawberries and apples on the table, too.But Vera does nt like them.What does she want ? Can you guess?Just then Vera sees a red card in hermothers hand.lt says : Happy birthday toyou, dear Vera.There is a nice prese nt for you.Ope n the box on your dresser, you can find it.Vera runs to her dresser and ope ns the box.Ah, a n ice T-shirt ! How glad she is!41. When is Veras birthday?A. NovemberB. SeptemberC. July 27th.D. July 29th.42. Wheres Mrs.Smiths present?A. On the desk.B. In the box.C. In the dresser.D . In the drawer.A.Apples.B.Bananas.44.How old is Vera?A.13.B.14.45.There arenton the table.43. What does Vera want?A. applesB. strawberriesC. A T-shirt.D.A book.C. 15.D . 16.C. oran gesD.ice creamsCOctober1st basketball game2nd3rd4th5th Vassias birthday6th school trip7th8th9th volleyball game10th11th12th13th Marias birthday14th Marias birthday party15th16th17th speech con test18th19th20th21st22nd En glish speech con test23rd24th25th26th27th28th29th30th Rehanas birthday31st根据吉娜十月份的记事日历,回答下列问题。46. When is Marias birthday?47. What does Gina have on the ninth of October?48. When does the school trip start?49. What do they have on the 22nd of October?50. Whose birthday is the 30th of October?vn.用所给单词的适当形式填空(5分)51. The baby is on ly ten( mon th) old.52. Her birthday is May(five ).53. Do you have(China ) Speech Con test every year?54 . Does your class go on school(trip ) ?55 . We have En glish(party ) every mon th.vrn.补全对话(10分)A. Can you come ?B. When is it ?C. That day is also my thirtee nth birthday.D. Do you have a soccer game ?E. A nd we also have a basketball game on October 25th.A: Do you have a volleyball game at your school?B: Yes, we do.A: 56.B: Its September 28th.A: 57.B: Yes, we do.Its October 17th.58.A: When is your school trip?B: It s May 20th.59.A: Oh? Thats great.B: I want to have a birthday party on that day.60.A: OK thanks.IX.书面表达(20分)假如你叫梅(May),根据下列表格写一篇不少于50词的短文。称呼MayFatherMotherBrother生日十二月二十六日三月二十三日六月十九日七月十八日年龄1518职业教师教师答案. 1.D 2.A 3.E 4.B 5.Fn.AAACA川.11.Tina 12.twentyfive 13.July 21st 14.red 15.AmericaIV. BBDBB DADCBV. CBDDA ACAADW. 36. D 37.C 38. D 39. D 40. A 41. C 42.B 43.C 44.A 45.D46 Its October 13th.47 She has a volleyball game.48 It starts on October 6th.49 They have an English speech contest.50 Rehanas birthday.Vfl. 51 mon ths 52 fi fth 53Ch in ese 54 trips 55partiesW. 56.B 57.D 58.E 59.C 60.AIX.参考范文:My name is May.Im fifteen years old.My birthday is December 26th.There are four people in my family.They are my father, my mother, my brother and I My parents are teachers.My fathers birthday is March 23rd and my mothers birthday is June 19th.My brother is 18 years old.And July 18th is his birthday.Were very happy.


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