5 / 4让后轮着地,向1.3.3 HIGH SPEED BUFFING MACHIN 高速抛光机Operati on seque nee操作程序Let the traili ng wheel touehdow n, lea n back the buffi ng maeh ine un til the han dle touch the floor. 后倾斜抛光机,直至手柄放在地上;文档来自于网络搜索逆时针旋转出黄色中心锁紧螺钉;文档来自于网Cou nterclockwise rotate out the locked screw in the yellow cen ter. 络搜索Place the polishi ng pad steadily on the driver, and screw tightly the bolt in the yellow cen ter.把所需的抛光垫安放在抛光垫驱动器上,拧紧黄色中心锁紧螺钉;文档来自于网络搜索Restore the high speed buffi ng mach ine un til it stands erectly.将高速抛光机恢复至直立位置;文档来自于网络搜索Lift the relax ing han dle bar and put dow n the han dle, which make the head of the buffi ng mach ine float freely upand dow n.提起手柄放松杆,放下手柄,使抛光机头可上下自由浮动。文档来自于网络搜索Connect the electricity line with the plug which connects with thegrounding line, and put through the powersupply.将电源线插入有接地线的插座上,接通电源。文档来自于网络搜索Press dow n the safety lock butt on, and rotate forwards the revolv ing han dle, and start the high speed buffi ngmachi ne. When the mach ine works, leave the thumb out of the safe locked butt on.按下安全锁定按钮,向前转动旋转手柄,开动高速抛光机。机器开动后,把拇指从安全锁定按钮上放开。文档来自于网络搜索XingImpel the high speed buffi ng machi ne forward, or make it move with a“ W it in erary, start polish on the walayer of the floor, and it should keep the buffi ng machi ne moving, so as not to damage the wax layer and the floorboard layer.向前推动高速抛光机,或移动高速抛光机走“ W形,开始对地板打蜡层抛光。要使高速抛光机保持移动,以免损坏打蜡层和地板层面。文档来自于网络搜索In order to prevent the over loading of the motor, there is the protector matched to the electro circuit of the machi ne. If the breaker shut dow n, it should wait 15 sec onds to make the machi ne repositi on.为了防止电动机过载,机器配有电路过载保护装置。断路器若断路,必须等待15秒钟后,方可使其复位。文档来自于网络搜索In the end of the polishing work in the waxing layer of the floor board, rotate the revolving handle backwards;make the butt on of the safety lock separated, the n the high speed buffing machi ne stop rotat ing.地板打蜡层抛光结束,向后转动旋转手柄,安全锁定按钮脱开,高速抛光机停止转动。文档来自于网络搜索When the work is fini shed, lea n back the high speed buffi ng machi ne, with the trail ing wheel touchdow n, in orderavoid ing the damage of the polish ing pad. Or unl ade the pad to protect it.工作完毕,保持高速抛光机向后倾斜,后轮着地,防止抛光垫损坏,或采取卸下抛光垫的方式保护抛光垫。文档来自于网络搜索The maintenance of high speed buffi ng machi ne高速抛光机的维护保养 /文档来自于网络搜索Every time whe n finish the use, it should unl ade the polish ing pad so as to avoid any damage to the pad.每次使用后,应卸下抛光垫,可防止抛光垫损坏。文档来自于网络搜索Keep the machi ne lea ning backward; keep the traili ng wheel touchdow n the floor.保持机器向后倾斜,后轮着地存放。文档来自于网络搜索After every time use, it should clea n the mach ine, wipe off the buffi ng compou nds, the dust and smear.每次使用后,清埋机座,擦拭清除抛光剂和灰尘、污垢。文档来自于网络搜索 After each time use, it should use the hot water to clea n the polish ing pad.每次使用后,用热水清洗抛光垫。文档来自于网络搜索 Twist the electricity lines on the suspended hook. Use the wet dust cloth to wipe the surface of the electricity line. Once foun ded damaged, it should replace immediately.将电源线缠绕在悬挂钩上。用湿抹布,擦拭电源线表面。发现电源线损坏,应立即更换文档来自于网络搜索 Before being produced out of the factory, the gear wheel of the high speed buffi ng mach ine and the tra nsmissi on system of the motor and so on have bee n lubricate d, so they don t n eed to use the lubricat ing age nt. 高速抛光 机齿轮、电动机等传动系统出厂前已润滑,使用中无需润滑。文档来自于网络搜索Safety notification of the high speed buffi ng machi ne.高速抛光机安全注意事项文档来自于网络搜索It can t use the high speed buffi ng machi ne on the followi ng con diti on s.发现以下情况不得使用高速抛光机文档来自于网络搜索The operator doesn t experienee professional training. 操作者未受过专业培训;文档来自于网络搜索The operator doesn t learn anything of the 操作者未学习过安全操作规程; 文档来自于网络搜索The operati on of the high speed buffing machi ne is on un usual con diti on.高速抛光机运转处于不正常的条件下。文档来自于网络搜索Before using the high speed buffi ng machi ne, it should check the follow ing items towards the en viro nment.使用高速抛光机前,应对环境作以下检查:文档来自于网络搜索Know about the loose substance on the wax layer of the floor. If the loose substance sticks on the revolving pad, it will turn into dan gerous projector.清楚地板打蜡层上的松散物。松散物若粘在旋转的抛光垫上,会变成危险的抛射物。文档来自于网络搜索Check whether there are flammable liquid or gas in the environment of the polishing floor board, if there is, itshould take some safety measures.检查被抛光地板的环境内有无易燃液体或气体,若有应采取安全措施。文档来自于网络搜索Check the electricity line and the plug of the power source, to see whether there is any damage.检查电源线和口电源插座、插头有无损坏。文档来自于网络搜索When using the high speed buffing mach in e, it should pay atte nti on to the follow ing items.使用高速抛光机时应注意以下事项:文档来自于网络搜索The hands and feet should keep far from the revolv ing polish ing head.操作者的手、脚要远离旋转的抛光头。文档来自于网络搜索The operator can t step on the power source lines or twist the lines into the polishing head.操作者不得踩住电源线或电源线缠入抛光头内。文档来自于网络搜索The operator must wear special uni forms for the safe side.操作者必须安全着装。文档来自于网络搜索The polishing area can t exceed the length of the electricity line.抛光区域不得超过电源线的长度。文档来自于网络搜索When operating, it should not let go hold of the operating handle. When the electricity is cut, it should wait until the buffi ng machi ne stop revolvi ng then can relax the han dle.操作时不得擅自将操作手柄脱手。停机时,必须在高速抛光机完全停止旋转后,方可松开手柄。文档来自于网络搜索。It can t use the polishing pad which stick the dust and smear on. When it pad depositing too much dust and canclea ned thoroughly, it should be replaced on time.不能使用粘有灰尘、污垢的抛光垫抛光。积垢太多的抛光垫无法清洗干净时,应及时更换文档来自于网络搜索When replacing or installing the polishing pad, it should cut of the electricity power.更换、安装抛光垫时,必须 切断电源。文档来自于网络搜索After stopp ing the use of the high speed buffing machi ne, it should pay atte nti on to the follow ing items.停止使用高速抛光机后应注意以下事项: 文档来自于网络搜索Cut off the power source 切断电源。Lea n back the mach ine; make the traili ng wheel touchdow n the floor.向后倾斜,后轮着地存放。文档来自于网络搜索Don t lay outdoor; it should save in a dry place.不得在室外存放,并应存放在干燥处。 文档来自于网络搜索Malfu nction and solution table for high speed buffi ng machi ne高速抛光机故障分析和排除方法见下表:文档来自于网络搜索Malfu nctio n 故障Reas on 原因Solution 排除方法The electro motor doesn t work电动机不转动The machine is not connected with the electricity power 机器未接电源Connect the electricity power. 插上电源Brake跳闸Restore the break of the machine, which require 15 seconds to start the machine确定原因,恢复机器断路器(必须等15秒后方可启动机器)Building circuit breaker damaged 断路器建筑物断路器跳闸Restores the circuit breaker or changes to other power sources恢复断路器或改用其它电源The power line is not right 电源线不对Contacts with the specialized serviceman联系专业维修人员The wiring is not right 接线不对Rotating handle switch broken 扭转柄开关故障Malfunction of the rectifier 整流器故障The circuit breaker continuously cut down断路器连续跳闸Too much dust and smear deposited on the polishing pad抛光垫积尘、污垢太多Change the polishing pad 更换抛光垫Wrong chooseof the polishing pad 抛光垫选择不当Change the adequate polishing pad更换合适的抛光垫Breaker damaged 电路断路器损坏Connect with professional maintenance staffs 联系专业维修Carbon brush motor damaged 电动机碳刷磨损人员The revolving speed of the polishing pad is slow or doesn work at all抛光垫旋转速度慢, 或跟本不转Slacken of the transmission tape 传动胶带松弛Adjust the elasticity of the transmission tape调整传动胶带松紧度Rupture of the transmission adhesivetape传动胶带断裂Change the transmission tape 更换传动胶带