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Period Two Integrating Skills基础落实I 课文理解阅读 Poems on the Underground 判断正(T)、误(F)1. The purpose of the poems on the Underground was toentertain the travelling poets. ()2. Poems on the Underground was officially launched in 1986.()3. Commuters liked reading poems wherever they were.()4. The choice of poems was specially chosen.()5. The success of the Poemson the Underground enterprise showed that British people lovedpoetry.()n .单词检测1 . v. 证明是;被发现是 揭示,揭露;暴露 一瞥;迅速看一眼 赞成;同意 警告;劝小心满足需求 提供;捐 更新;刷新 装点;美化 反映,显示;表达 2. n.酒精;白酒混乱,失调;紊乱 途径;渠道 魅力;吸引力 费用 预观;预看 地区;区域 独立 想象;空想 外科医生 3. adj.内心的;精神上的 长期的 潮湿的 肮脏破旧的 欢快的 任意的;随机的 4. adv.向上;朝上 典型地,有代表性地;向来,一向 川.短语检测1. 赞成某事;满意某事 2. 异口同声的 3. 满足的要求4. 与通信IV .完成句子1. The great hall ( 装饰) flowers.2. The American Congress ( 相当于 ) the British Parliament.3. The nurses(满足的要求 )my every need.4. She (捐书 ) the library.5. I ( 赞成 ) your decision.V .单项填空1. Only those poems that the scenes of an age and express the wishes of the masses can be calledepics.A .acquireB.reflectC.approveD.foresee2. Although Zhang Lihua was accepted by a superior university , she had to do some sewing to afford herA .expansionB.expensesC.advanceD.suffering3. They were married on May 20,1964 ,and every year they have a party on their .A . anniversaryB.celebrationC. congratulationD.meeting4. The city of Beijing was very beautifully to welcome the foreign leaders and competitors.A . decoratedB.glancedC. cautionedD.accused5. Youd better cut your hair short.Our school does not long hair.A . approve of students wearingB . approve students to wearC. approve students wear7D . approve of students wore6.They on ly publish no velsthe mass market.A . cateringB. cater forC. which caterD . catering for7. The workerme not to in spect the tool mach ine without first tur ning off power.A. accusedB. advaneedC . cauti onedD. coun ted8 . The beautiful toysthe childre n from 3 to 5.A . appeal forC. have an appealB . appeal withD . have an appeal to9 .it is to jump into the river to have a swim in hot summer!A . What a funB . How a funC . What funD . How fun10 . What s it going to take to bring him to his ?A. senseB. sensesC . sen sibleD . sen selessW 微写作【写作素材】1 .我在去年的会议上 认识了杰克。2. 他是一位 专家。他能容忍别人的弱点。3. 他愿意分担别人的痛苦。他的讲座,总是 提示黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。吸引很多人。【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)能力提升完形填空I will n ever forget what my old headmaster told me.Normally whe n you are only 15 years of age you do not remember most of the things that are preached by your_1_.But , this_2_story is one such less on that I will never forget.Every time I drift off course , I_3- this story.It was a no rmal Mon day morning at an assembly , and he was_4_importa nt things in life to us.This is how the story_5_ : An old man lived in a certain part of London , and he would wake up every morning and go to the subway.He would get into the train right to Central London , and then would sit_6_and beg.He would do these things every sin gle day of his life.He sat at the same street corner and begged for almost 20 years.His house was dirty, and a stench(臭气)came out of the house and it smelled horribly.The_7_could not stand the smell anymore , so they 8_police officers to clear the place.The officers_9_the door and clea ned the house.There were small bags of_10_all over the house that he had collected over the years.The police_11_the money and they soon realized that the old man was a millionaire.They waited outside his house in anticipation to_12 the good news with him.When he arrived home that evening , he was 13 by one of the officers who told him that there was no need for him to beg any more_1 _he was a rich man , a millionaire.He said nothing at all ; he went into his house and locked the door.The next morning he woke up_15_ , went to the subway , got into the train , and sat at the street corner and continued to beg._16_, this old man had no great plans , dreams or anything significant for his life.We learn nothing from this story_U_stay ing focused on the things we enjoy doin g.We should rema in true to our course , although it may mean committing ourselves_18 things that people around us would normally_19 .Just_20 thatcommitme nt attracts wealth.1.A.classmatesB . roommatesC. pupilsD . teachers2.A.funnyB . stra ngeC. sadD . particular3.A.get rid ofB . get remin ded ofC. come up withD . put up with4.A.address ingB . agree ingC. devotingD . submitt ing5.A.we ntB . cameC. wroteD . did6.A.o n the trainB . in a supermarketC. at a street cornerD . in a school7.A.policeme nB . friendsC . n eighborsD . beggars&A.forcedB . sum monedC . orderedD . en couraged9.A.kept ope nB . left alo neC . kept stillD . forced ope n10.A.rubbishB . moneyCplasticDfood11A.tookBfoundCearnedDcounted12 A.tellBtalkCshare13 A.caughtBseenCscoldedDmet14 A.soBbutCas15 A.early as usualBlater than usualC earlier than usualDvery late16 A.LuckilyBObviouslyCUnfortunatelyDCoincidentally17 A.or ratherBrather thanC would ratherDother than18 A.toBonCinDat19 A.agreeBpraiseCdisapproveDpromiseD sayD and20 A.keep it in mind B take it for granted C think it strange D consider it unforgettable答案基础落实I .1.F2.T3.F4.T5.Tn .l.prove; reveal; gla nee; approve; cauti on ; cater; don ate; update; decorate; reflect 2.alcohol; disorder; channel; appeal; expense; barrier; preview; zone; independence; imagination ; surgeon 3.mental; long-term; damp; shabby; merry; arbitrary 4.upwards; typically川.approve of sth. 2.a chorus of 3.cater for 4.correspond withIV .l.was decorated with 2.corresponds to 3.catered for 4.donated her books to 5.approve ofV.1.B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. BI made the acquaintance of Jack at a meeting last year.He is a specialist and he is tolerant of other people s weakness.Hed like to share otherssuffering ,so his lectures always appeal to many people.能力提升1D2D3B4A5A6C7C8B9D10B11D12C 13D14C15A16 B 17 D 18A 19 C 20 A


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