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News Item 1:1. Gen eral Comprehe nsion. Fill in the bla nks to complete the2. Spot Dictation. Listen to the tape againand fill in the followi ng bla nks.SpokesmanCharles Redm ond saidIapartheid2. We regret any decisi oninvolvement in South Africa.3. Focusing on Details. Complete the following statement with details.The US State Departme nt regrets the reducti ons of US private sector involveme nt in South Africa because they couldharmful effects on black workersa. have,Admi nistratio n believesUScorporate involvementin South Africa hasprogressive forcebee n areduce US private sectortofollowi ng stateme nts accord ing to what you haveheard.the Reaga nNews Item 2:1. Gen eral Comprehe nsion. Complete the chart to provide abrief summary of the n ews item.Eve nt: Demon strati onSouth Africa officeUS embassyPlace:&HarareCity: 1乙mbabweCountry:11BlackRace:2. Focusing on Details. Fill the detailed informationaccordingto what you have heard.(1) Number of dem on strators: more tha n(2) Number of people arrested: more tha n(3) Causes of the dem on strati on:b. injurethe South Africa economy,andc. limitthe extend of US influence in South Africaa thousandfiftya. suspect ingSouth Africa the comlicity in the plane crashb. blamingMalawi for supporting the Pretoria-backed insurgents(4) Gover nment appealed for(5) An official stateme nt is expected from(6) Mugabe is just back fromLondonPrime Minister MugabeNews Item 3:1. Gen eral Comprehe nsion. Fill in the bla nks to complete the follow ingstateme nts accord ing to what you have heard.West German Chamcellor(1) Preside nt Reaga n met withHelmut hour(2) The meeti ng lasted about.the White House(3) The meet ing took place for the Presidents SDI program2. Summary. Use all the information you have gathered inExercise 1 and try to write a summary for News Item 3.Suggested versi on: Preside nt Reaga n met for about an hour today withWest Germa n Cha ncellor Helmut Kohl at the White House who expressedsupport for the Preside nts SDI program.News in DetailGen eral Comprehe nsion. Choose the best an swer (a, b, c, or d)to complete each of the followi ng stateme nts.1. West Germa n Cha ncellor Helmut Kohl_.a. has bee n in Wash ington D.C. for four daysb. is in Washi ngton D.C. for four days of meeti ngsc. has bee n in Washi ngton D.C. four hours before he talks withPreside nt Reaga nd. is in Washi ngton D. C. for a four-hour meet ing2.0ne of the follow ing is on Kohls age nda. It is_.Ia. arms con trol talksb. econo mic relati ons with South Africa* c. Germa nys policy towards South Africad. US-Soviet summit meet ing in Icela nd3. The major topic of discussion with Chancellor Kohl today isa. the agreement signed by the United States and the SovietUnion in Reykjavikb. US-Soviet arms con trol talksc. Americas Europea n allies*d. Arms con trol betwee n US and the Soviet Un io n4. Accordi ng to Preside nt Reaga n, achiev ing an agreeme nt with theSoviet Union would depe nd upon_.*a. push ing ahead with his SDI programb. the strength, realism and unity of European alliesc. weak ness or timidity on the part of Western n ati onsd. elim in at ing Ion g-ra nge missiles in Europe5. Proposal was made in Reykjavik on elim in ati ng_ .a. shorter-ra nge missiles*b. medium-ra nge missilesc. l on g-ra nge missilesd. in terc on ti nen tal missiles6. According to members of NATO, the carrying out of the proposalwould leave Europe vuln erable to the Soviet_ .a. l on g-ra nge missilesb. air-to-air missiles* c. shorter-ra nge missiles and greater superiority in conven tio nal forcesd. air and n aval superiority7. The allies want reductions in medium-range missiles_ reduct ions in shorter-ra nge missiles andconven ti onal forces.a. made after b. tied toc. made befored. made at the same time8. Chan cellor Kohl was expected to urge Preside nt Reaga na. to keep talks between the US and the Soviet Union movingb. to stop SDI programc. to compromise on talks betwee n the US and the Soviet Un io nd. to step up SDI program9. A senior administration official quoted Kohl as saying thatone millioninto the public schools.a. he has no object ions to the Strategic Defense system b. he has always bee n in favor of the Strategic Defense systemc. he has always been opposing the Strategic Defense systemd. he did not want to mention SDI in his arrival remarksSpecial Report 1. Gen eral Comprehe nsion. Fill in the bla nks with basic factsconcerning the program.(1) Program orga ni zer: a group of2. An swer the follow ing questi ons briefly.(1)It dates back almost twenty internships(2) The Bost on bus in ess com mun ity offeredan endowment programlaterto Bost on teachers.(3) Bost on bus in ess com mun ity has pumped more tha nbusiness leadersPlace:Boston(3) durati on of invo Iveme nt:almost20 years(4) Plans:a. to expa ndprogramb. to supplya permanent five-million dollar endowment fun(5)Promistudentsand(4) He afforded college withACCESSa. the grant from the1program;state scholarshipb. the(4) The bus in ess leaders say they are ready to make their biggestcommitment:a multi-million dollars scholarship program(5) Itis toenable the citys poorest kids to go on to college and to jobs afterwa(6)TheAction Center for Educational Services and Scholarshipsall the poor kids could get the scholarship for their further(8) Only thosequalified for financial aidcould get it.(9) The average gram is around $One hundred(10)Bost on stude nts have received money from thisprogram.3. Focus ing on Details. Fill in the bla nks with in formationabout Robert Weaver.(1) Robert Weavers major is(2) Now he studies in the(3) He will get his degreeairplane mechanicsWentworth Institute of Technologyin year.(Whe n?)education;summer workc. what he earned from his,andd. hisfamily contribution5,700(5) The total amount of Wen tworths bill was $4. Spot Dictation. Listen to the tape again and fill in thefollowi ng bla nks.self-preservation involvedof (3) If where you are has a supply of qualifiedpeopleenter managerial and technical-professional level jobsto(4) Philips says any scholarship stude nt whohiring prioritygive nover other job applica ntsthe participating businessby I5. An swer the follow ing questi on.five-million-dollar fund(1) The busin ess group now is collecti ng theTwo million、,dollars has already been collected.Thirty-two、,of Bost ons most in flue ntial corporati ons have joined in theprogram.(4) US Educati on Secretary predicted the programbecome a national modelwillbusiness leadersandsay theyre hav ing a hard(1) Un employme nt here isamongthe lowesttimefinding qualified job applicantsanythingbut a plusIIin the n ationThe ACESS program is notjust good public relations.There is a bitthat cant befinishes collegewill beSectio n OneIBM, following the lead of GeneralMotors, announcedtoday itspulling out of South Africa. Like General Motors, IBM says its selling its South Africanholdings because of the political and economic situati on there. An ti-apartheid groupshave praised the decisi on, but the State Departme nt says bus in ess pullouts areregrettable. Spokesma n Charles Redm ond said today the Reaga n Admi nistrati onbelieves US corporateinvoIvementin South Africa has been aprogressive force aga inst apartheid. We regret any decisi on to reduce US privatesector invo Iveme nt in South Africa. Such reducti ons could have harmful effects onblack workers, injure the South Africa n economy which has, on the whole, weake nedthe premises of apartheid and provided a means of impro ving the liv ing sta ndardsand skills of many people otherwise disadvantaged by apartheid, and it might limit theexte ntof US in flue neein South Africa. StateDepartme nt spokesma n Charles Redm on d. IBM employs some 1,500 people inSouth Africa.More tha n fifty black youths were arrested today in Harare, Zimbabwe, whe n policebroke up dem on strati ons at South Africa n offices and the US embassy. JulieFredricks reports. A group of more than a thousa nd stude nts and youths causedthousa nds of dollars of damage by burning and stoning the offices of the South African trade missi on, South African Airways, Air Malawi, and the Malawian HighCommission.The dem on strators suspected South Africa n complicity in the pla ne crash that killedMozambiqua n Preside nt Machel in South Africa and blamed Malawi for support ingthe Pretoria-backed in surge nts that are attack ing Mozambique. Zimbabwea n government officials appealed for calm, and a statement from Prime Minister Mugabe justback from a trip to London is expected tomorrow. For National Public Radio, this isJulie Fredricks in Harare.Preside nt Reaga n met for about an hour today with West Germa n Chan cellorHelmut Kohl at the White House. Kohl is the first Europea n Leader to visit the President since the Reykjavik summit. US officials say Kohl expressed support for thePreside nts SDI program.Sectio n TwoWest Germa n Chan cellor Helmut Kohl is in Wash ington D.C. for four days of meet ings.Among the issues on his age nda are econo micrelations with the US and Germanys policy towards southern Africa.But today, Kohls talk with Preside nt Reaga n was domin ated by the rece ntUS-Soviet summitmeet ingin Icela nd.NPRs Brenda Wils onreports.While no major agreement was signed by the United States and the Soviet Un io n inReykjavik, the two coun tries made progress in arms con trol talks in areas that are acen tral concern to Americas Europea n allies. Those particular areas invo Ivedisarmame nt proposals made in Icela nd, affecti ng medium-ra nge missiles and Iong-ra nge missiles over which allies have voiced some reservatio ns. This was a majortopic of discussion with Chancellor Kohl today, even though his Foreign Minister wasbriefed by the US Secretary of State only last week. In remarks welcomi ngChancellorKohl, Preside ntReaga nsounded a positive note, saying that there was ample reason for optimism. Whe nthe n ext agreeme ntis fin ally reached with theSoviet Union, and I say when, not if, it will not be the result of weak ness of timidity onthe part of Western n ati on s. In stead, it willflow from ourstre ngth,realismand uni ty.The Preside nt alsoexplained thatachievingsuch anagreementwould dependuponpushing ahead with his Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI, because it offered protection aga inst cheati ng. But members of NATO, in clud ingGerma ny, have expressed concern that elim in at ing medium-ra nge missiles inEurope as was proposed in Reykjavik would potentially leave Europe vulnerable tothe Soviet shorter-range missiles andgreater superiority in conventionalforces. They expressed doubtsthat SDI could make up for those deficiencies. The allies, in particularWest Germa ny, want reduct ions in medium-ra nge missiles tied to reducti ons inshorter-ra nge missiles and conven ti onal forces. Chancellor Kohl was expected topress these points and to urge Preside nt Reaga n to compromise on SDI to keeptalks betwee n the US and the Soviets moving. Speak ing through an in terpreter inhis arrival remarks, Kohl did not men ti on SDI, It rema ins our goal, and I know that Ishared with you, Mr . Preside nt, to create peace and security with ever fewer weapons. In Reykjavik, tha nks to your serious and con siste nt efforts in pursuit of peace, amajor step was take n in thisdirecti on. And we must now take the opport un itiesthat prese ntthemselves without endangering our defensive capability.After the meet ing betwee n Kohl and the Preside nt, a senior adm ini strati on officialquoted Kohl as say ing that he has always bee n in favor of the Strategic Defensesystem. At the White House, rm Brenda Wils on.Sect ion ThreeA group of bus in ess leaders in Bost on today announ ced pla ns to expa nd a collegescholarship program to in clude any eligible Bost onhigh school graduate. The bus in ess leaders announ ced pla ns for a perma nentfive-millio n dollar en dowme nt fund, and they also promise to hire any of the studentswho go on to complete their college educati ons. An drew Kaffery of member statio nWBUR has the report.The Bost on bus in ess com mun itys invo Iveme nt in the Bost on public school datesback almost twenty years, from work intern ships to an en dowme nt program for Boston teachers. Bus in ess has pumped more tha n one millio n dollars into the publicschools. Now bus in ess leaders say theyre ready to make their biggestcommitme ntyet: amulti-milliondollar scholarship program that will enable the cityspoorest kids to go on to college and to jobs afterward. The program is called ActionCenter for Educational Services and Scholarships, or ACESS. Accordi ngtoDanielCheever , the Preside ntof Bost onsWheelock College,ACESS in not a blank check for the eligiblegraduates. First Well help them get as much aid as they can from other sources, andsec on dly, well provide the last dollar scholarship.I should add, of course, they have to qualify for finan cial aid; that is, were not handingout money to students who dont need it. The average grant is around five hundreddollars and already the program has give n one hun dredBost on stude nts moretha n fifty thousa nddollars in scholarship mon ey.Other assista nee from the program has helped those stude nts raise more than sixhundredthousanddollars in additionalfinancial aid.School officials say this program will help a system where 43% of the students livebelow the poverty level, and almost half who enter high school drop out. RobertWeaver was on Bost on high school graduate who could not afford college. Hes in theACESS program now and will get a degree in airplane mechanicsnext year fromthe WentworthIn stitute of Tech no logy in Bost on. I got the Pale grant and the state scholarship,but there was still a gap. There was like a twen ty-three hun dred-dollar gap. Wentworths total bill was fifty-seve n hun dred, soI had to fill that amount with worki ng over the summer, my familycontribution. I paid for my own books, my own tools, things like that.But without ACESS I would nt be where I am today.This program comes at an importa nt time for the city of Bost on. Un employme nthere is among the lowest in the n ati on and bus in ess leaders say theyre having ahard time finding qualified job applicants.So the ACESS program is not just good public relati ons. Bus in ess leaders, likeEdward Philips, who is the chairman of the ACESS program, say theres a bit ofself-preservation involved. Over time,we believe this program will in crease the flow of Bost on reside nts into Bost on bus inesses and that, of course, is a self-serv ing opport un ity. If where you are has asupply of qualified people to en ter man agerial and technical-professionalleveljobs, that cant be anything but aplus. Philips says any scholarship student who finishes college will be given hiringpriorityover other job applicants by the participatingbus in esses.College stude nt Robert Weaver says the program hasin spired other high school stude nts to stay in school. I went back tomy high school yesterday,Bright onHigh School, and I talked to asenior class, the gen eral assembly, and I was telli ng them basically what rm invoIved in, and basically, to get yourselves motivated and go look for those ACESSadvisers. Theyre not going to come to you all the time. You have to get outthereand get it if you want totakeacco unt for your own life, because no one else is going to do it for you.And that really pumped them up, and now that theyre aware, and they know thatACESS advisers are there, things will be a lot easier for them.The bus in ess group is in the middle of a five-milli on-dollar fund drive. Two millio ndollars has already bee n collected. Thirty-two of Bost ons most in flue ntial corporations have already joined in, with twenty more soon to follow. The program has drawnthe praise of US Education Secretary William Benn ett, who predicted it willbecome a n ati onalmodel. For Natio nal Public Radi o, Im Andrew Kaffery in Bost on.


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