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wordUnit 2A new student单元教学计划单元教材分析:本单元围绕的主要话题是一位新同学Nancy来到了一所新的学校,她将认识新同学和新的校园。YangLing带领着她参观新的学校,并向她介绍校园中的班级与其专用教室。在Yang Ling和Nancy的对话里,我们学习本单元新的单词和句型。教师可根据学生的兴趣爱好,布置任务给学生,让他们介绍一下自己的校园,以此来操练句型,进展问答。教师也可以开发学生的聪明才智,让他们设计一所自己心目中理想的校园,最后可以根据自己的图片进展展示并介绍。教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:art room, classroom, puter room, library, music room, playground2.能听懂、会说、会读句型:Can you show her around?How many?Is there a ?Yes. There is. No. there isnt.Are there any? Yes, there are. No, there arent. Lets go and3.能运用所学单词和句型进展交流。帮助学生掌握Be there? 的问句与其回答; How many的问句与其回答。教学重难点:1. 掌握There be肯定句型,疑问句型并根据情况进展回答。2. 掌握 How many?的句型,并根据情况进展回答。3. 猜一猜物品的位置,学生进展交流。4. 能够进展看图写话。教学准备:PPT,单词卡片课时安排:5课时第一课时:Story time & Grammar time第二课时:Fun time & Sound time & Culture time第三课时:Cartoon time第四课时:Checkout time & Ticking time第五课时:Unit2复习检测Unit 2A new student第一课时教学内容:Story time & Grammar time教学目标:1、理解,掌握对话内容,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,初步表演对话。2、正确运用日常交际用语Can you show her around?How many?Is there a ?Yes, there is. No, there isnt.Are there any? Yes, there are. No, there arent. Lets go and3、能正确的听、说、读单词:art room, classroom, puter room, library, music room, playground教学重难点:1、能正确理解对话内容,朗读对话,初步表演对话2、流畅地朗读对话,并能在理解对话内容的根底上表演对话教学准备:单词卡片,人物图片,人物头饰,多媒体课件教学过程:Step1. Warm up &Lead in1. Enjoy the picturesPPT播放有关学校场所的图片T: Boys and girls, what are the pictures about?Ss: School.Ss: Yes, these pictures are all about school.2. Sing a song about school.3. Guessing gameThere are many places in the school. What are they? Lets guess.T: There are some desks and chairs in it. We can have lessons in it. Where is it?S: Classroom.T: You are right. Are there any classrooms in our school?S: Yes, there are.Step2. Learn the new words and sentences1. Learn the new words以Guessing game的游戏,同法教授新词:art room, library, playground, puter room, music room2. Read the new words3. 新授句型:Is/Are there ? Yes, there is/are. No, there is/are not.教师PPT出示本校学校平面示意图,结合新授单词,对学校场所进展问答。T: Is there a library?S: Yes, there is.T: Are there any table tennis rooms?S: No, there arent.Ask and answer in pairs. 4. 教授序数词:first, second, third与句型Its/Theyre on the floor.引导学生对教师进展提问S:Is there a puter room?T: Yes, there are two puter rooms. Theyre on the third floor.教授新词:first, second,third5. 揭示课题T: Boys and girls, today, a new student joins us. PPT出示Nancy人物形象,She s new here. Shes a new student.Unit2 A new student揭示课题,带读。T: Can you show her around? 教师示X:There is a library. Its on the third floor. There are two puter rooms. Theyre on the second floor.小组利用学校平面示意图向Nancy介绍自己学校场所具体位置。Step3. Learn story time1.Listen and answer T: Boys and girls, you did a good job. But can Yang Ling show around her school to Nancy?播放Picture 1课文录音。 Ss: Yes, she can.2. T: If youre Nancy, can you ask some questions about new school? 引导学生利用新授句型,进展提问。 S:Is there a ? S: Are there any ?3. Watch and circle T: Whats in Yang Lings school? Lets watch the cartoon and circle the place.4. Read and match T: Which floor? How many? Lets read and match.学生自读课文,将学校场所楼层连线,并在文中找出场所的数量。5. Lets read6. Lets actStep 4. Consolidation1. Try to retell. 结合板书,尝试复述课文。2. Im a little designer. 小组合作为学校设计,制作平面示意图,并汇报。Step5. Grammar timeStep6. Homework1. 听磁带,跟读并熟读课文。2. 运用本课所学,向父母或朋友介绍自己的学校。3. 继续完善自己的学校设计。板书设计:Unit 2A new student第二课时教学内容:Fun time & Sound time & Culture time教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、会读句型:How many? Is there? Are there?2、能掌握语音:字母C的发音。3、能了解国外的文化特点: In the UK, this is the ground floor. In the US, this is the first floor.教学重难点:能介绍自己的校园或者教室布置,激发学生热爱校园热爱班级的情感。教学准备:多媒体课件,卡片教学过程:Step1.Free talkIs there a TV in the classroom?Is there a puter at school?Are there 30 classrooms at school?How many ?Can you show me around our classroom?There is a / There are someStep2. Presentation and practice1、同学分组讨论教室的布置并运用所学句型进展介绍。2、同学看图介绍课本上的教室布置This is Nancys classroom in her new school.How many desks and chairs are there in the classroom?Is there a puter?Are there any pictures?3、同学创设自己喜爱的教室并向教师和学生介绍自己的构思。4、Sound time 字母C的发音Cinema ,dance, ice cream ,juice, niceAlice and I sing and dance.And drink some nice juice.Then we go to the cinema.And have a nice ice cream.5. 学生跟着磁带有节奏的朗读,教师让学生想一想还有单词有类似的发音吗?6.通过图片展示让学生了解In the UK, this is the ground floor. In the US, this is the first floor. 让学生自己来说一说我们中国的楼房和国外的有什么区别?Step3. Consolidation1、Play a game (巩固所学单词)Whats missing?把八X单词卡片贴在黑板上,静听教师说出其中七个单词,然后教师问:Whats missing? 学生立即说出没报的单词。同样的方法复习每个单词。2、Guess猜一猜教师手里的是什么roomIs there a ? Are there any?教师告知:、指导抄写新单词和句型Step4 Homework1. 朗读拼读单词,准备默写单词、句型。2. 预习未学板块。板书设计:Unit 2A new studentIs there a ? c/s/Are there any?教后记:Unit 2A new student第三课时教学内容:Cartoon time教学目标:1、欣赏Cartoon time 复习巩固所学句型。2、能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,在熟读的根底上分角色朗读。教学重难点:1、能听、说、读、写本单元所学句型。2、能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。教学准备:多媒体课件,头饰,卡片教学过程:Step1.Free talk1、 How are you this morning?2 、Is there a TV in the classroom?4、Is there a puter at school?5、Are there 30 classrooms at school?6、How many ?7、Are you a new student?Step2. Presentation and practice1 、Play a game (1)用准备好的4幅图片让学生自己进展问答来猜一猜:Is there a ? Are there any?学生告知: Yes, there is ./ No, there isnt. Yes, there are./ No, there arent.2 、Cartoon time带着问题来观看: Who are they? What are they doing? Hows Bobby? Hows Sam?3、看图对话,图见教材,内容略。让学生先同桌准备,然后同桌看图回答如下问题。4、教师领读词组和句型:、听录音,跟读对话。6、自读对话。7、分角色读课文。1、听写单词:art room, classroom, puter room, library, music room, playground2、听写句型:Can you show her around?How many?Is there a ?Yes, there is. No, there isnt.Are there any? Yes, there are. No, there arent. Lets go andStep4.Homework1、课后分角色继续表演对话。2 、预习checkout time。板书设计:Unit 2A new student Is there a ? Are there any?教后记:Unit 2A new student第四课时教学内容:Checkout time,Ticking time教学目标:1 、能听说读写句型:Can you show her around?How many?Is there a ?Yes. There is. No. there isnt.Are there any? Yes, there are. No, there arent. 2、能正确表达、能熟练的介绍我的学校。教学重难点:1、能听说读写句型:Can you show her around?How many?Is there a ?Yes. There is. No. there isnt.Are there any? Yes, there are. No, there arent. 2、用正确的语音语调朗读对话,表演对话。教学准备:多媒体课件教学过程:Step1. Free talk:1、 How are you today?2、 Nice to meet you.3 、Is there a in the classroom?5、Is there a at school?6、Are there any classrooms at school?7、How many ?8、Can you show me around our classroom?Step2. Presentation and practice1. Look at the picture, answer these questions:出示图:Which room is it?Is there a classroom?Is there a library?Is there an Art room?Is there a music room?Is there a puter room?Where is the classroom?Its on the_.Where is the library?Its on the_.Where is the art room?Its on the_.Where is the music room?Its on the_.Where is the puter room?Its on the_.2.学生分组交流图片内容并完成表格3.学生展示汇报自己完成的表格,教师校对。Step3. Consolidation1. 学生设计自己喜爱的教室布局,展开讨论,并像我们介绍图片2. 学生设计自己喜爱的学校布局,展开讨论,并像我们介绍图片3. Listen and number.4. Ticking time.5.Do some exercise book. 6.默写句子(1) There is a music room in the classroom.(2) There are some puter rooms at school.(3) Are there any students here?Step 5 Homework1. 完成补充练习和课时练习。2. 熟背本单元课文。板书设计:Unit 2A new student教后记:Unit 2A new student第五课时教学内容: Unit2复习检测课教学目标:进展一些练习,让学生对于本课更加清楚,并能够熟练掌握本课单词和句型。教学重难点:熟练运用本课单词和句型并能够在实际情境中熟练运用。教学准备:试卷教学过程:Step 1 ReviewRead story time and cartoon time in roles.Step2 Do some exercises一、判断如下各组单词画线局部发音是否一样,用“T或“F表示。 1. nice dance 2. juice cake 3. ice cream 4. cinema much 5. clock cup二、英汉互译。1、在第一层 2、three music rooms3、一名新来的学生 4、how many rooms5、带我们参观 6、in the playground7、太高 8、in front of our school 9、去看一看 10、a new library三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1、 (be) there any peaches in the basket?2、There arent (some) swings in the park.3、Can you tell shethe news?4、There isnt anybreadon the table.5、How many(library) are there in your city.6、The teachers office is on(one) floor.7、Let (we) go and enjoy the meal.8、This is(Mike) basketball.9、(be) there any water in the bottle?10、There(be) two glasses of juice on the table.四、单项选择。 1、How manyare there in your class? A. boy B. boys C. girl 2、Liu Tao is playing the swing. A. in B. between C. on 3、The students arethe playground. A. on B. in C. behind 4、Push ,Mike. A. I B. we C. her 5、any soup here? A. Are there B. There are C. Is there 6、There are three bedrooms onfloor. A. the third B. third C. first 7、Thereany milk in the fridge. A. isnt B. arent C. are 8、Are theremusic rooms in it?. A. a B. some C. any 9、Can you showaround? A. I B. we C. me 10、There isEnglish book on the desk. A. a B. an C. some五、从栏中找出与栏想对应的句子,将其序号填在题前括号里。 1、How many classrooms are there in the school? A. Yes, there are. 2、How many pencils do you have? B. No,there isnt. 3、Is there a bedroom in the house? C. There are thirty. 4、Are there any pens in the pencil case? D. I have ten. 5、Whose pencils are they? E. Theyre Wang Bings.六、根据中文完成句子。1、 这是我的朋友南希布莱克。 is my,Nancy Black.2、 他是一名新学生。There twenty in this building.3、 冰淇淋太冷了。The ice creamtoo.4、 卧室在第二层。The bedroom is floor.七、看图完成对话。1、 A: balls are there in the room?B:Let me have . There eight.A:the football?B:Its the .2、A: the classroomthe second floor?B:Yes, . A:desks are there in it?B: 30.教后记:9 / 9


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