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Unit 3 My day一、单元教材分析(一) 单元整体情况分析本单元主要围绕一天中什么时间起床、上学、上课、吃饭、娱乐、睡觉而展开,涉及到的重点句型是:When do you ? I have/do/play/go to/这些句型在前两单元的学习中学生都有学到,另外,这些内容与学生的日常生活也是基本一致的。所以,在本单元的教学中导入新课、创设情境相对比较容易。教师在课堂上要努力调动学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生能够包课堂所学知识应用于实际生活中。(二) 各板块情况分析Story time 本板块可以分为两个教学小环节。Story time 13是第一部分,剩余的又是一小部分。但这两个部分讲的其实是同一内容。前者是以句子和图片的形式来展现My Day;后者则是通过短语和配图来展现My Day。这两部分内容共同展现了“我”上午、下午和晚上的活动。在教学的时候,从19页内容入手,让学生看图学短语,并试着用英语句子表达My Day。然后学习第18页的句子,学习如何用英语句子表达“我”的一天。Fun time 本板块有两个小部分,分别是Draw and write和Ask and answer。Ask and answer 是让学生运用“When do you? I ”的句式来就一天中各个时间段的活动进行对话。Cartoon time 本板块内容是Bobby的一个梦,在梦里Bobby饿了,后来看到一个大蛋糕。这部分内容涉及到的一个句型是:What can you ? I can因为这部分漫画内容很有趣,学生会感兴趣,可以在教学的时候鼓励学生模仿图片进行情境模拟演练,以此来帮助学生掌握学习内容。Sound time 本板块的教学内容主要是为了让学生通过听单词me, she, green, sleep, three的发音学习字母e和ee的发音。在教学时,可以采用听、说的方法让学生仔细辨识e和ee的发音情况。Rhyme time 本板块通过歌谣的形式帮助学生操练本单元的单词和句型。在教学时,可以鼓励学生替换其中的部分单词,如用seven替换six thirty,并鼓励学生把自编的歌谣念给其他同学听。Checkout time 这一板块考查的是学生对本单元知识的综合利用,在课堂上可以让学生先根据Miss Lis day所列内容进行造句练习,联系完成之后再填写My day部分。Ticking time 本板块是让学生就自己的学习情况进行自我评估,可以同桌之间互相检查并填写表格。二、单元教学目标(一) 知识目标1. 能认读单词和词组:usually, in the morning, get up, go to school, in the afternoon, play football, have lunch, go home, do my homework, in the evening, have dinner, watch TV, go to bed 并初步拼读。2. 能听懂、会读、会说单词:usually, afternoon, lunch, breakfast, homework.3. 能听懂、会读、会说句型: I usually at.(二) 技能目标1. 能理解和记忆本课时需要学习的单词,并能把本课时学习的句型灵活、熟练地运用到日常的学习生活中,做到即学即用。2. 能整体理解掌握Story time,Cartoon time部分内容,能模仿录音正确朗读课文。(三) 情感目标1. 通过本课的学习培养学生的语言表达能力,鼓励学生积极主动地参与课堂活动,大胆开口,主动模仿。2. 教育学生从小学会合理安排作息时间。三、单元教学重难点(一) 教学重点1. 能认读单词和词组:usually, in the morning, get up, go to school, in the afternoon, play football, have lunch, go home, do my homework, in the evening, have dinner, watch TV, go to bed 并初步拼读。2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型: I usually at 3. 能够朗读并表演课文。4. 发音: e , ee / i: / (二) 教学难点1. 单词 usually, lesson, homework拼写和发音。2. 能正确翻译I . at 句型。3. 发音: e , ee / i: /四、单元教学安排第一课时:Story time 第二课时:Fun time & Song time & Checkout time第三课时:Cartoon time & Sound time & Ticking time第四课时:Review and check备课方式:独立备课()集体备课()好课摘录()课题: Unit 3 My day 课时1执教与反思一、教学内容 四下Unit 3 My day (Story time )二、教学目标1. 知识目标(1) 能认读单词和词组:usually, in the morning, get up, go to school, in the afternoon, play football, have lunch, go home, do my homework, in the evening, have dinner, watch TV, go to bed 并初步拼读。(2) 能听懂、会读、会说单词:usually, afternoon, lunch, breakfast, homework(3) 能听懂、会读、会说句型: I usually at 2. 技能目标(1) 能理解和记忆本课时需要学习的单词,并能把本课时学习的句型灵活、熟练地运用到日常的学习生活中,做到即学即用。(2) 能整体理解掌握Story time部分内容,能模仿录音正确朗读课文。3. 情感目标(1) 通过本课的学习培养学生的语言表达能力,鼓励学生积极主动地参与课堂活动,大胆开口,主动模仿。(2) 教育学生从小学会合理安排作息时间。三、教学重点1. 能认读单词和词组:usually, in the morning, get up, go to school, in the afternoon, play football, have lunch, go home, do my homework, in the evening, have dinner, watch TV, go to bed 并初步拼读。2. 能听懂、会读、会说句型: I usually at 3. 能够朗读并表演课文。四、教学难点1. 单词 usually, lesson, homework拼写和发音。2. 能正确翻译I . a 句型。五、教学准备 PPT,单词卡片六、教学过程Step1 warm up1.Game: quick respond2.look and sayStep2 Story time一 、看动画初步感知课文Watch and chooseQ:What is Mike talking about?A. My hobbies B. My day C. My family二、看动画学习课文第一段1. Watch and tickQ:What does Mike do in the morning?2. read and write3. 3.学生反馈时学习7:40的表达。4.学习“usually” T:We know Mike goes to school at seven forty. Lets listen what does Mike say. “I usually go to school at seven forty.”5.read and act三、学习课文第二段1.了解Mike下午上几节课T:We know Mike has fout lessons in the morning.But how many lessons does he have in the afternoon? Lets ask Mike. “Mike, how many lessons in the afternoon?”2. 了解Mike下午还做了哪些事3. listen and judge了解Mike几点做这些事的read and match4.read and act四、 自学课文第三段1.scan and circle2.read and choose3.read and sayStep 3 Consolidation1.read all the story2.retell the story3.Lets talk about“my day”Step4 Homework1. 听录音熟读课文,练习背诵。2. 用英语介绍Mike一天的生活,说给父母朋友听。3. 设计自己的时间表,并尝试介绍自己一天的生活。 七、 板书设计Unit 3 My day When do you ? I at MikeActivityTimeIn the morningget up7:00go to school7:40have lunch12:00In the afternoonplay football4:00go home4:40do my homework5:30In the eveninghave diner6:15watch TV7:00go to bed9:00备课方式:独立备课()集体备课()好课摘录()课题: Unit 3 My day课时2执教与反思一、教学内容四下Unit 3 After school (Fun time, Song time and Checkout time)二、教学目标1. 知识目标(1) 学生能听、说、读、写单词及词组:usually, in the morning, go to school, in the afternoon, go home, do my homework, watch TV, in the evening(2) 学生能听、说、读词组:get up, play football, have lunch, have dinner, at night, go to bed,(3) 学生能听、说、读、写句型: When do you ? I . at . (4) 学生会唱歌曲: 2. 技能目标(1) 学生会唱歌曲: (2) 学生能运用句型谈论自己的一天。 句型:When do you ? I at (3) 学生能正确完成书上习题。3. 情感目标(1) 教育学生从小学会合理安排作息时间。(2) 通过分层练习,激发了学生的攀比心理,提高学生答题的积极性。三、教学重点1. 单词和词组 usually, in the morning, go to school, in the afternoon, go home, do my homework, watch TV, in the evening 的听说读写。2. 句型When do you ? I . at 的听说读。3. 正确完成书上习题。四、教学难点1. homework 和usually 两个单词的发音和拼写。2. 句型When do you? I . at 的运用。五、教学准备单词卡片,PPT,英语书六、教学过程Step 1 Warming up1. Greeting and free talk2. Enjoy a song: Step 2 Revision and Presentation1. T: From the song we know Peter gets up at six thirty and go to school at seven thirty. What about you? When do you get up every day, ?S1: I get up at seven in the morning.T: When do you go to school?S2: I go to school at seven forty.Teach in the same way: have lunch have dinner play football in the afternoon go home watch TV in the evening at night go to bed 2. 出示图片,让学生读单词.3. T: Just now we talked about our day. What about Mikes day? Lets review the text. Dub for the story.4. Fun time: T: Who can be a Kid journalist? Show a timetable and finish it. T: Do you want to know something about my day? You can ask me like this: Teach: When do you? S1: When do you get up, Miss Wu? T: I get up at six in the morning. 学生问, 老师回答问题并画好钟面。T: Look, this is my day. How about yours?Ask and answer in pairsS1: When do you get up, ? S2: I get up at 6:30.5. Checkout time:Ss: Read and write. Check the answer and say Miss Lis day life.6. Song time:T: Do you want to know something about Peters day? How do you ask? Ss: When do you get up/? T: Good questions. Lets listen to the song, and try to answer: When does Peter get up/go to school? Listen to the song and try to answer the questions. Step 3 Consolidation1. Summary2. Exercises Step 4 Homework1. 背诵Unit 3 Story time。2. 背诵学生词,演唱并表演歌曲When do you get up? 。七、板书设计Unit 3 My day When do you ? I at ActivityTimeIn the morningget uphave breakfastgo to schoolhave lunchIn the afternoonplay footballgo homedo my homeworkIn the eveninghave dinerwatch TVgo to bed 备课方式:独立备课()集体备课()好课摘录()课题: Unit 3 my day课时3执教与反思一、教学内容四下Unit 3 My day (Cartoon time & Sound time & Ticking time)二、教学目标1. 知识目标(1) 学生能听、说、读句型: When do you ? I at What can you see over there? I can see .(2) 学生能朗读并表演Cartoon time。(3) 学生能正确朗读发音:e , ee / i: /2. 技能目标(1) 学生能朗读并表演Cartoon time.(2) 学生能正确朗读发音: e , ee / i: / (3) 学生能运用句型询问他人的一天。3. 情感目标培养学生大胆开口,主动模仿的能力。三、教学重点1. 发音::e, ee / i: /2. 能朗读并表演Cartoon time.四、教学难点1. 发音:e, ee / i: /2. 熟练运用本单元的词汇和句型描述人物的日常活动。五、教学准备PPT,单词卡片,练习纸,英语书六、教学过程Step 1 Warming up1. Greeting and free talk:2. Enjoy an English song: Step 2 Revision 1. T: What do you do in the morning? When? Lets talk about it.S1: I get up at six forty. 2. T: What do you do in the afternoon? In the evening? 3. Let Ss finish the ticking time 1: I can talk about my day.4. PPT呈现一些场景,让学生操练句型: When do you ? I at ( At , I )5. Let Ss finish the ticking time 2: Step 3 Presentation1. (呈现书15页Bobby 的头像。)T: Bobby gets up at six every day. Do you know when does Bobby have dinner every day? Guess.Ss: At five/six ?2. T: Yes, he has dinner at six every day. Does he have dinner at six today? What happened? Where is Bobby?A. In the desert (在沙漠里)B. In bed. Ss: B.3. T: What can they see over there? And does Bobby eat it at last? Read the story and answer. Ss: They see a big cake over there. T: Theres a nice cake in the desert. But Bobby can not eat it. Because its a dream! Bobby is sleeping and he is very hungry. So he makes a dream.4. T: Good! Well, boys and girls, lets learn the story together.Ss: Listen and repeat. Ss: Read together Act in two.5. T: What does Bobby do after he gets up? S1: He will eat a big cake. Step 4 Presentation1. T: Look, now Miss Li is here. She meets the boys.T: Listen to sound time, and answer:When do they meet? S: At three.T: Who are the boys? S: Tom, Jack and me. 2. Read and find Show the words: we, me, shemeet, three, green, sleepThe letter “e” and “ee” have the same pronunciation: /i:/ 3. Work in groups, and find some words and write down.4. Try to read: be, bee, sweep, feet, need, free, week, beef, sheep Ticking time: I know the sound of “e” and “ee”Step 5 Exercise一、根据情境选择,将序号写在括号中:( ) 1. 想问朋友什么时候起床: A. What day is it today?( ) 2. 想问现在几点: B. What can you do?( ) 3. 想问今天星期几: C. What time is it now?( ) 4. 想问对方会干什么: D. When do you get up?( ) 5. 想问上午有什么课: E. What lessons do we have in the morning?二、用适当的介词填空(at, in, behind, on, after, .) 1. I get up six every day.2. Lets go and play football Sunday.3. Su Hai has a skating lesson school.4. Wheres my football? Its the door.5. I have a basketball match the afternoon.6. We can see many stars(星星) night.Step 6 Homework1. 背诵并表演Cartoon time。2. 练习Sound time,和同学们分享各自优美的语音语调。七、板书设计Unit 3 My dayWhen do you ? What can you see over there? I at I can see e, ee / i: / we she me meet three Who are we? Tom, Jack and me. We meet Miss Li at three.备课方式:独立备课()集体备课()好课摘录()课题: Unit 3 my day课时4执教与反思一、教学内容四下 Unit 3 My day (Review and check)二、教学目标1. 知识目标(1) 学生能听说读写单词及词组:usually, in the morning, go to school, in the afternoon, go home, do my homework, watch TV, in the evening(2) 学生能听说读词组:get up, play football, have lunch, have dinner, at night, go to bed(3) 学生能听说读写句型:When do you ? I . at (4) 学生能正确发音:e , ee / i: /(5) 学生能唱歌: (6) 学生能朗读并表演Story time和Cartoon time2. 技能目标学生能够正确地运用所有单词和句型表达自己每天的活动及描述自己的一天。3. 情感目标通过本课的学习培养学生的语言表达能力,鼓励学生积极主动地参与课堂活动,大胆开口,主动模仿。三、教学重点1. 话题:Daily activities2. 能够朗读并表Story time和Cartoon time四、教学难点1. 完成习题。2. 能够在日常生活中准确、恰当地运用学过的单词、短语和句型。五、教学准备 PPT,练习册六、教学过程Step 1 Warming up1. Greeting and free talk 2. Sing and act English songs: Step 2 Revision 1. 在黑板上画一个钟面,以游戏方式复习时间的表达。T: What time is it?Ss: Its 2. Do a survey.T: What time do you get up?S1:I get up at seven.T: What time do you go to school?S1:I go to school at seven thirty. 让学生完成书上的调查表,A: What time do you ?B: I at 3. 介绍自己的一天Hello, my name is _. Im _. I get up _. I go to school_. Step 3 Revision 1. Recite for Story time 2. Dub for Cartoon time Act Cartoon time in groups of two.3. Show the words: we, me, she, meet, three, green, sleepThe letter “e” and “ee” have the same pronunciation /i:/ Read and try to say some words.Step 4 Consolidation一、判断下列各组单词画线部分读音是否相同,用“”“”表示。1. cake make ( )2. cap skate ( )3. me red ( )4. tree green ( ) 5. bed pen ( )6. desk she ( )二、选择括号内正确的单词填空。1. I dont have (some/any) lessons on Saturday.2. Lets play football (on/in) Sunday.3. We can watch TV (in/on) the evening.4. They go to the bed (at/in) nine (at/in) night.三、连词成句。do, go, you, school, day, when, to, every(?) I, dinner, thirty, usually, have, six, at(.) many, have, do, how, lessons, in , morning, you, the(?) Step 6 Homework1. 复习Unit 3 各部分的内容。2. 完成相关练习,注意解题方法。七、板书设计Unit 3 My day Story time Cartoon time Sound time Ticking time


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