2017-2018学年 上海初三英语二模题型总汇编--语法选择分析报告版

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2017-2018学年 上海初三英语二模题型总汇编--语法选择分析报告版_第1页
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2017-2018学年 上海初三英语二模题型总汇编--语法选择分析报告版_第3页
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word2017-2018学年初三英语二模语法选择分析汇编One【黄浦区】26.Which of the following underlined parts matches the sound /I/?Awine B)fight C)high D)habit答案【D】音标题考查元音字母i的发音。27.As a fan of sports,Carl always takes_ active part in ball games after school.A) a B)an C)the D)/答案【B】考察词组:积极参加 take an active part in28.With an average temperature of 20 degrees,spring is _its way to Shanghai.Aon B)in Cof D)by答案【A】考察词组:在路上 on ones way29.The story sounds quite familiar _ me,and I got a little bored.Aoff B)for C)to D)with答案【C】考察词组:事物为人所熟知 sth. be familiar to sb. 用介词to30.To stay healthy,your brain needs enough_as well as your body.Aexercise B)change C)idea D)act答案【A】名词辨析:为了保持健康,大脑和身体需要足够的锻炼, 应当选exercise31.Before Jerry could say _,his father slammed the door and left the room.Aeverything B)something C)anything Dnothing答案【B】在他开口之前,肯定句用something32.Humans are _to live up to more than 150 years in the future.A)proudly B)likely C)finally D)possibly答案【B】固定搭配:be likely to do sth. 有可能做某事t leave the child alone.He is not old enough to take care of_.A)he B)him C)his D)himself答案【D】考察反身代词,宾语与主语一直要选反身代词,意为他自己34.At the age of 60,Simon is still as_ as he used to be.Astrong B)stronger C)strongest D)the strongest答案【A】形容词同级比拟,as+ adj./adv.原级+as35.Tourists are required _their cars outside the National Park and take the cable carApark B)parking C)parked D)to park答案【D】考察被动语态: 被要求做某事 be required to do sth.36.Daily homework is necessary,_too much of it may bring harm to students.Aso B)for C)but D)or答案【C】考察连词,前后句是转折关系,选but37.It was in the police office that the thief admitted _ the purse from the old lady A)steal B) stealing C) stolen D)to steal38.It is still unknown how AI(人工智能_the way of our life as well as the world.Achange B) changed C)will change D)was changing答案【C】考察时态:人工智能将会怎么改变我们的生活方式,用一般将来时39.Before OShea hosted the Joy FM program in Beijing.he_ in Hongkong for ten years.Aworks B) has worked C) had worked D)would work答案【C】考察时态:before+一般过去时代表过去的过去,用过去完成时 40.The Italian woman didnt feel a culture shock_ it was her first time to Shanghai.Athough B) since C)if D)when答案【A】考察连词:让步状语从句用though引导,表示虽然41.It is reported that the ticket prices for key tourist sites in our country _ soon.Ahave reduced Bwere reducedC) have reduced D)will be reduced 答案【D】考察时态:前面reported,后面soon,时态用过去将来时42.There _ be something. on Davids mind today. for he shows no interest in the food he likes.A)can B)must C)need D)should答案【B】There be句型与情态动词搭配,must表示肯定猜想,意为一定有43._pity it is that their team was not able to attend the Winter Olympics!A)What B)How C) What a D)How a 答案【C】考察感叹句:固定搭配what a pity44.-I wonder if you could keep an eye on my luggage when i am away. -_AThats all right.BOf course.C) You are wele.D) Why not?答案【B】考查情景对话,回答愿意帮助。s not the end of the world.Look on the bright side! -_A) I agree with you B)e onB) I will try D) My pleasure答案【C】考查情景对话,回答别人鼓励自己。Two 【长宁区】II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)26. Which of the following words is pronounced as/praiz/?A) praise B) prize C) price D) prison答案【B】考查单词音标,prize/praz/27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?A)I felt my heart beating fast.B) For breakfast I had a slice of breadC) Health means wealth.D) Go ahead! Believe in yourself.答案【A】考查发音,较容易28. His health condition got so bad recently that he decided to go on_ diet right nowA) a B) an C) the D) /答案【A】考查词组go on a diet,应用不定冠词a29. I remember that my cousin Peter came to see us_ a very cold night last timeA) in B) on C) at D) with答案【B】考查介词on,on a very cold night,具体某一天用on30. Ted, a friend of_ is keen on taking an active part in sports regularly.A)my B)mine C)me D)myself答案【B】a friend of+名词性物主代词31. Some traditional skills are disappearing because_ young people interested in them.A)few B)a few C)little D)a little答案【A】考查few,a few,little,a little的用法与区别,较容易32. Learning to do some teamwork with_ is important in our daily life.A)another B)the other C)others D)the others答案【C】考查不定代词的用法。another指三者以上另一个,the other后常跟名词,the others指X围之内的另一些,others并不指明X围。33. Fifty percent of my monthly pocket money_ spent on entertainment.A)have B)has C)is D)are答案【C】考查spendon sth 的被动形式,be spent on,注意spend的过去式和过去分词形式;主语为零用钱,谓语动词用单数。34. _ graduates will attend the 100th anniversary celebration of the university next month.A) Thousand B)Thousands C)Thousand of D) Thousands of答案【D】此题较简单,有数词,无s,无of;无数词,有s,有of35. Martin didnt cat up all the food he ordered.,_he took the rest away.A) for B)or C)as D)so答案【D】考查连词的含义,根据句意,选so36. The waitress talked as_as she could to make the customers understand her.A)clear B)clearer C)clearly D)more clearly答案【C】as+adj./adv.原形+as,此处应用副词修饰动词talk37 Children over 120 cm tall _pay the full entry price to the exhibition show.A) can B)may C) should D) must答案【D】根据题意,must表示“必须38. Nowadays a lot of young people are trying to do more things_the old.A)to serve B)serve C)serving D)served答案【A】to do不定式表目的,“为了39._amazing it is to see so many wild animals with our own eyes in Shanghai!A) How B)What C)what a D) What an答案【A】考查感叹句,what修饰名词,how修饰形容词amazing40. Theres something wrong with our new product. We_a lot of plaints so far.A)receive B)received C) will receive D)have received答案【D】so far常与现在完成时连用,表示“到目前为止41. I dont think Julia saw me at the moment because she_with her friends on the Internet.A)is chatting B)was chatting C) has chatted D) would chat答案【B】考查过去进展时,表示过去某时正在进展的动作,根据题意,“她不会看到我因为她那时正在和朋友网上聊天。42.He offered to take me for a ride in his new car after he finished_it.A)clean B)cleans C)leaning D)to clean答案【C】Finish doing sth,表示完毕正在做的事情;finish to do sth,表示完毕当下去做另一件事43. You will see a lot of ancient buildings there_you go to that famous small town.A)because B)though C)if D)since答案【C】根据题意,应为if引导的条件状语从句,主将从现。44.-lets go to Mr. Smiths speech on western culture, shall we?_We can attend his lecture next time.A) Why not? B)Thats all right. C) Never mind D)Im afraid its too late.答案【D】根据题意,后文说我们可以下次去,说明这次太晚了去不了了。45. -Students should be allowed to have mobile phones. They can contact their parents more conveniently.-_Actually they often use them to play games.A) I hope so. B)I dont agree. C) No problem. D) Good idea.答案【B】根据题意,“实际上他们经常用它玩游戏可知并不赞同。Three 【徐汇区】26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation?A) abroadB) coat C) goal D) road答案【A】A发音 ,BCD发音27. American violinist Lindsey doesnt play _ violin in the traditional way.A) a B) an C) the D) /答案【C】乐器类要加定冠词the.28. The 2018 Winter Olympics took place _February 9 to 25 in South Korea.A) in B) on C) of D) from 答案【D】考查介词,2018年在韩国举行的冬奥会的时间是二月份的9日到25日,from.to29. The law prevents businessmen _ buying and selling ivory, tooth of the elephant.A) by B) of C) against D) from 答案【D】考查固定搭配,prevent sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事。30. Please check _ passport and air ticket before leaving home.A) you B) your C) yours D) yourself答案【B】考查人称代词,空格后面有名词,就是形容词性物主代词your.31. The munity has plenty of _ for the elderly to municate with each other.A) room B) class C) program D) game 答案【A】考查可数名词和不可数名词,BCD都是可数名词,并且plenty of后面既可以加可数名词和不可数名词,BCD必须加上复数,A,当不可数名词讲时是空间,名词讲是房间,这里指的是足够的空间。32. The worlds _ glass floor bridge opened to the public in Shijiazhuang last year.A) long B) longer C) longest D) the longest答案【C】考查最高级,因为有个X围是 the world,世界上,所以是三者以上比拟用最高级,最高级的前面要加the,容易误选D,但因为前面有s去掉the。33. In the concert, I loved the Little Star best because the kids sang so _.A) lovely B) friendly C) kindly D) sweetly答案【D】考查形容词和副词,sang是动词,要用副词修饰,排除AB,属于特殊的形容词,而且结合句子的意思,不能用kindly善良地。34. There _ a singing and dancing petition every month here.A) is B) has C) will be D) will have 答案【A】考查there be 句型并且时态,there be要用就近原如此,后面是单数,并且句末的时间状语是 every month一般现在时,所以用is.35. -_does it take to get to the nearest supermarket? -About half an hour on foot.A) How far B) How long C) How soon D)How often答案【B】考查特殊疑问词how的提问方式,看回答来选择。36. These funny pictures about cakes will surely make you _.A) laugh B) laughing C)to laugh D)laughed答案【A】考查动词make的用法,主动语态中make+动词原形37. The text is available online so you _ have a copy of it now.A) cant B) shouldnt C) neednt D) mustnt 答案【C】考查情态动词,结合句子翻译能选出答案。38. To plete the project in time, the staff of the pany kept _day and night.A) work B) working C) to work D) worked答案【B】考查动词keep的用法,keep doing 一直做某事。39. _the job was very hard and tiring for him in the beginning , he didnt give up.A) Before B) Although C) Unless D) If答案【B】考查连词,结合句子的翻译能选出答案;在在开始的时候,虽然这个工作又难又累,但是他没有放弃。40. Recently a new munity library _ and will be open to the public soon.A) is built B) was built C) has been built D) will be built 答案【C】考查时态,前面有关键词recently,经常用在现在完成时的时态中。41. My brother was so careless that he forgot _his passport to the airport.A) take B) taking C) to take D) taken答案【C】考查动词forget的用法,forget to do sth.忘记要去做某事, forget doing ,忘记曾经做过的事情,在这里是我的哥哥如此的粗心,以至于他忘记要带他的护照去机场。42. Mr. White _English in school for seven years since he first visited China.A) teaches B) taught C) is teaching D) has taught答案【D】考查时态,句子中有关键的词 since,主句用现在完成时。43. Lets keep quiet in the school library, _?A) shall we B) can we C) will you D) do you 答案【A】lets 引导的句子,反义疑问句局部用shall we,let us 用will you.44. Would you mind turning on the radio a bit? I cant hear it clearly -_.A) All right B) Thats OKC) Thank you D) Not at all 答案【D】情景回答,结合句子的翻译来选择,并且要知道ABCD的意思,A,好的 B,那行,好吧 C,谢谢 D,一点都不或者不用谢。45. -_. -I cant agree more.A) Would you like some fish for dinner tonight?B) The lecture in the morning is so boring.C) Do you want to spend your weekend with us?D) Ive decided to join in the tennis match next term.答案【B】I cant agree more的意思是非常同意某人的观点,只有B,是表达某人的观点的Four 【闵行区】II.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):共20分26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others?A)I need double milk for my coffee.B)We are proud to be Chinese.C)The women shouted loudly for helpD)They are going to buy a new house.答案:A; A发音 ,BCD发音a27.Take a look at_booklet on the shelf.It tells you how to use the new cooker.A)a B)anC)theD)/答案:C;特指加定冠词the.28. Linda came back home_half past ten last night.Thats really too late.A)atB)onC)inD)for答案: A; 具体时刻前用at29.Its important for_to know that honesty is the best solution when in trouble.A)we B)us C)ourD)ours答案:B; 介词后做宾语用宾格 30. The government says that they are going to build the third_road in the town.A)wideB)wider C)widestD)the widest答案:C; 有序数词修饰的最高级前省略the31. The audience was surprised_the result of the singing contest.A)fromB)with C)atD)about答案:C; be surprised at sth. 对某事感到惊讶32. Though it was very dangerous,_hesitated when entering the burning lab.A)everybody B)nobodyC)anybodyD)somebody答案:B; 出现though, 让步状从,尽管很危险,没有人犹豫33. Hes put on so much weight that his clothes arent_ any more.A)wonderfullyB)beautifullyC)expensiveD)fit答案:D; put on so much weight表示增重很多,所以对应衣服不再适合34.Alice would rather_ in an air-conditioned room in such hot weather.A)stayB)to stayC)staysD)staying答案:A,would rather do35.Tracey suggested_ basketball in Sports Club after school.A)playsB)to playC)playD)playing答案:D; suggest doing直接跟动词用doing; suggest sb.(should) do.36 The writer_ his new book in the hall of our university at the moment.A) introducesB)is introducingC)introduced D)would introduce答案:B; at the moment=now 现在进展时37.So far,the little boy_ to 2l countries with his parents and two sisters.A)was travelling B)had travelled C)has travelledD)is traveling答案:C,考查时态 so far截至目前,现在完成时。38.Workers_ the construction of Underground Line 23 by the year of 2025. A)pleted B)will pleteC)pleteD)had pleted答案:B考查时态,by the year of 2025一般将来时标志。39.Work really hard,_you can realize your dream of being a pilot.A)but B)soC)orD)and答案:D; 表示顺承与递进and。40. We will have to cancel the baseball match _the weather improves.A)unless B)becauseC)has soon asD)if答案:A; 考察条件状语从句,如果天气没有改善,就要取消比赛41._amazing the latest Disney animation cartoon is!A)What B)What a C)What an D)How答案:D; 原句主语为the latest Disney animation cartoon,主语前是amazing,强调形容词/副词用how42.Jack and his friends sometimes take a walk along the beach after dinner,_?A)did they B)didnt they C)do they D)dont they答案:D; 考查反义疑问句,前半句为肯定,一般现在时,反问局部用否认。43. According to the law,traffic_ keep to the left in England.A)may B)mustC)needD)can答案:B;属法律规定类用must44.-Jiang,an oversea student,was killed at her own home in Japan.-_.A)I dont agree.B)I hope so,but I dont think so.C)Im sorry to hear that.D)Thats very kind of you.答案:C; 情景交际,结合句子的翻译来选择,A:我不同意。B:希望如此,但我并不这么认为。C:听到这个很遗憾。D:你太善良了。45.-Were going hiking this weekend.Would you like to join us?-_.A)Yes,Id like to.B)Never mind.C)I am busy now.D)Ill take your advice.答案:A; 情景交际,would you like to.?答语用Id like/love to,A:是的我愿意。B:没关系。C:我现在很忙。D:我会采纳你的建议。Five 【奉贤区】. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(20分)26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A) Have you read the headline of China Daily today?B)Robert was really eager to talk about his life in the army.C) His friendship meant a great deal for her, especially when she was in trouble.D)Susan had a pleasant night on her birthday with her friends. 答案:B A是发/e/ ,B是发/i:/ ,C是发/e/ ,D是发/e/27. Kids_130cm are for free rides in the public transport system.A)under B)below C) over D)above答案:A 身上下于用under28. My uncle served in the army in the 1950s when he was in his_.A) twenty B) twenty-two C) twenties D) twentieth答案:C in ones twenties 固定搭配,在某人二十多岁的时候29. After moving to their new house, the Lees bought some_in the mall nearby.A) furniture B)chair C) table D) shelf 答案:A furniture为不可数名词,其他为可数名词30. That project requires close teamwork. _will be achieved unless we work welltogether. A)Nothing B)Anything C) Something D) Everything 答案: A 句意为:这个项目要求严密的团队合作。除非我们配合的好,否如此什么也 完成不了。所以根据句意选择nothing31. At school, we are taught_knowledge_how to behave well. A)neither; nor B)either; or C)not only; but also D)not; but 答案:C 根据句意可选择C,A是既不.也不.,B是要么.要么.32.-Mum, the Chinese medicine tastes so _I dont want to take it. -But, dear, it will cure your cold. A) delicious B)deliciously C) terribly D)terrible 答案:D taste是感官动词,后接形容词,系表结构,根据句意是味道不好,所以选D33. Jack tried a new barbers shop today because he_the old one. A) wasnt strict with B) wasnt satisfied with C)wasn t proud of D)wasnt surprised at 答案:B 考查短语,A. be strict with sb. 对某人很严厉;B. be satisfied with 对.感到满意;C. be proud of 对.自豪;D. be surprised at 对.吃惊34.-have you heard that some horrible things might happen in 2020? -dont worry! The news_ be true.A) mustnt B)may not C)neednt D)cant答案:D 情态动词表推测,所以选cant35. In April, the weather in some places changes a lot. People remember when they have_four seasons in one week.A)organized B)described C)expressed D)experienced答案:D 根据句意可选择experience v.体验,经历;organize v.组织;describe v.描述,形容,描绘36. According to my brother, fishing is an excellent hobby to_. A) pick up B) take up C) put up D) turn up答案:B 考查短语,pick up 捡起;获得;开车接某人;学会 take up 开始;占据;从事 put up X贴,举起,搭建 turn up 出现;调大37. It is 4:30 p.m. Ben and Leon_their work, so they are playing chess now. A) are finishing B)finished C)have finished D) will finish答案:C 句意为:现在是下午四点半,Ben和Leon已经完成他们的工作了,所以他们现在正在下象棋。根据句意,选择现在完成时。38. The manager asked Tom if he_for the extra work the next weekend. A)es B)will e C)would e D) had e答案:C 考查宾语从句的时态问题,if在这里是“是否的意思,原句应为一般将来时,改为宾语从句,需要改为过去将来时39. - These plans are all nice. I havent decided which one to choose. -Iits OK. You_ plenty of time to decide. A) gave B)were given C)will give D)will be given答案:D 句意:你还有很多时间去决定。在这里,考查了被动语态,而且根据时态选择了D40.-what should I do, doctor? -_healthy, you should take more exercise. A) Keep B)Keeping C)To keep D) Being kept 答案:C 考查了不定式做目的状语,句意为:为了保持健康,你应该多锻炼。41. _the words of pop songs_a good way to learn English.A) Memorize; is B)Memorize; are C)Memorizing, is D)Memorizing, are 答案:C 动名词做主语,谓语动词用单数,所以选C42._exciting news it is! Beijing will hold the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.A)How B)What C)What a D)What答案:B 考查感叹句,而且news是不可数名词,所以选what43. Im planning a trip to the beach tomorrow, but still cant decide_. A) where Im going B)how Im going to get thereC) why I am planning it D)when im planning it答案:B 根据句意可选B44.-We failed in the singing petition. -_Better times are waiting for you. A) No problem B)Best wishes C) Cheer up D) Good jobB) 答案:C 句意为:我们在歌唱比赛上失败了。振作起来,更好的机会正等着你们呢。A是没问题,B是最美好的祝愿,D是干得好。 45. -Hi, Cindy! I m glad you could make it to my birthday part. -_.A)Thats fine with me.B) Thank you for inviting me.C)Im happy you like it.D)Its very kind of you. 答案:B 根据句意,选择BSix 【静安区】II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)26.Which of the following words is pronounced as /b:ri/?A)bringB)boring C) brownD) borrow答案:B; 考查单词音标27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?A)How do you pronounce this word? B) This fountain weles all visitors .C) Which country would you most like to visit? D) Its difficult to climb the mountain.答案:B; B发音a ,ACD发音n28. I apologized to the teachernot finishing the exercises in time.A) forB)atC) as D) of答案:A; 考查固定搭配apologized sb.for sth.29. How much time do you spend_


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