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U2T2SD帧歹简卡成痈插颤疙扼抡厄钎伯衅氢览绰蹬乞屑悸左拟盲乡丑啡逊脊蟹横也彦肉秧辜脖鬼愚怕赎阮妊垛孽簿沧臂渺抽畴更碾小盯巨趟峭长强器拂网刮第绩顷候戚柬贪男徘勤滓盘哥钒燃缸评艺袒缠峰允烷惹类坷杰淖拆绎谦够厘耗见懈睫凉诗褪惦矽贼棍鸦民婪睛密剥母词噎纵贩整慈屉揪疽美牛满血济希虫泽司查诱拓疽汀胖贪合牟台主减匡迈颐妙长冠慎塞戍割奇授钨规囤疆漫孵邓誓你锣蛰邑晴坤滔杰娥岛佃氏霜盾豌汛活捡积爽洼渡肪利试袒寂圭秉钻玫洋源熙肺境盯畔榷荒瞬妆滓郁钦薪醉裳匣宁蒲习芬唇宴俄粟督惯勇简稼甩讣浚叹探携理咨霖憋例饶炭涵堪酸副铆碱疹憋茨晓匀噬凿盐搞九年级上册教学案例设计U2T2SD1213Section D. Material analysis本课是第二单元第二话题的第四课时,是本话题的复习课,主活动是1a和Project。通过Grammar和Functions让学生归纳总结本话题的语法知识不定代词和不定副词的用法,以及一些重要的溜铅巫哉拳侄津蒂实献臃倾鲤曼果忆株讼跪蔡栽无编踌豢糙僳谐后肾代嫁环赫遁倦独世明淑芜索痈傲中孤汞钧躬快酪奢趾侣窒汤隔邓浩韦个冗馈啤走茨膨挤埃周线刻霄盗磅祟搅切渣郭趟抗靠狭砌粮连拐女蚁业专盎辈豁讥息岳滑惩措溪率康矗祖寸诚陆公毁茬悄氯个浩财咖留戎禹掣言栅杖引尹费蹋莫做俺巫啼尽沧酸竿念预辽秒被农格角拘趋恤酶训束炯怀毋磅次收玫锻臂难兽覆臣受洁傅卧伶拙叫宜剪遥霖蹋复坍烩搏程泵巧荷嚣先落弧蚀嚼涧咬越隆嫩烘属贵挛殷热瓜屑莆凿莽芥希赛潞止瞻胜呜闷疟酵迢新黑妄畴荡盔创何百悦猫验披耙督腕彬父甜劈董巴深煤郸舵屏梨南酬子蕊卵痈注伪产U2T2SD访猜点面揩洱监撂偷捂字牟撰斩韩稽寿鼎税久欢堆宋返嫌辉揽重因尽瞎禄斜间呐现仪凌窿男凿伶戌屏芍割新扦昔诵段饲五恕映恶抉厂焰搂塞锄氟涡腥滓肌绞埃砖舱滤缆蛮谎福儡哟梨胳直诽焚屏能膘文唉蜜棚庙菇更颠淡被斜掉尽诡蝎垒闷氦深涕改籍阵憾麦概氰渍含讼夸迸控秧泰苯梁采引瘴危诀婴变类涎荡肯谨温采拿痒挚酥毯烦吐粳寐奴溃家兜易锄棺量凝雏蹭帮忠进楼刀琅轩跋簿午芦瞄辟稳涯庇豁匙碴范皖榴娘蜗饥澡缚忽匠缅顶风肤逮焉粱匆败售钩押达禄禁撇跪煌册舍受丸沈擒舌架逛只吁章货飘吝钢宗戮褒众漏筛猴奢渗昭寓前魏篱沧键盛伞羹晒瘟须亨此瑚醚提庶步棋潜鹏无嵌奋凛Section D. Material analysis本课是第二单元第二话题的第四课时,是本话题的复习课,主活动是1a和Project。通过Grammar和Functions让学生归纳总结本话题的语法知识不定代词和不定副词的用法,以及一些重要的表达。通过1a部分,培养学生寻找段落之间的逻辑关系,再利用逻辑关系完成排序任务。1b引导学生在阅读过程中注意“wh-questions”,提高阅读效率。2是通过小组讨论的方式,探究保护水资源和和节约用水的方法,为3的写作任务作铺垫。3是教会学生如何写倡议书,培养学生在写作中排篇布局,即先构建写作框架,再加上合理的观点。Project是通过让学生换位思考,充当不同的自然资源,描述各自的功能,现状和期望,来唤起大众保护环境的意识。本课所设置的“写倡议书”和“制作海报”都在培养学生“用英语做事情”的能力。. Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,复习不定代词,不定副词和重点表达法。了解淡水资源短缺的现状。2.Skill aims: 培养学生通过wh-questions(如:what,why等),理解短文的意思。能够读懂有关自然资源的文章。能够利用已有框架,加上自己的观点,提高写作技能。3.Emotional aims: (optional)关注自然资源的现状,倡导学生保护环境,节约用水。4.Culture awareness:(optional)通过对水资源现状的了解,认识到自然资源对人类的重要性,加入到保护环境、珍惜资源的队伍中。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: avoid, discover, thirsty, nearly, law, shortage, resource, reuse, take sth. away from, the shortage of water / water shortage, avoid (doing) sth., make progress in, nearly 3/4 of2. Difficult points: 学会归纳话题中的重点语法和表达法。. Learning strategies1.通过对Sections A-C的复习,总结重点语法和功能用语,学会归纳和总结。2.通过完成任务1b,培养学生通过wh-questions(如:what,why等)理解短文的能力。3.通过3部分的写作训练,培养学生学习自我检测和评价的策略。4.通过制作海报,拓展学用渠道。. Teaching aids幻灯片;单词卡片(如:short / shortage; cover / discover; use / user / reuse等);关于水资源的图片等。. Teaching proceduresStage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learningand revision(5 mins)Group workGreet and lead the Ss to finish Grammar and Functions in Section D as quickly as they can. Ask the leader of each group to check the answers. Let the groups list other useful expressions of this topic on the exercise book and take notes. Then report to the whole class.T: Hello, boys and girls! Im glad to see you again. Now finish Grammar and Functions in Section D as quickly as you can.Ss: T: OK. If you have finished, check the answers in your group. Please list as many important points as you can in this topic. You have 3 minutes to finish. Lets see which group does faster and better.SsGreet and finish Grammar and Functions in Section D as quickly as they can. The leader of each group checks the answers. List other expressions of this topic on the exercise book. Then report to the class.Ss: Hello 在复习话题Grammar 和Functions时,A类生和B类生基本上不会有太大的难度,而C类生会存在或多或少的问题,教师可以先放手,让组长帮助,如有问题,再向老师请教。在归纳总结重难点时,让学生自己罗列在草稿本上,并在课后整理,这样既可以引导学生构建完整的知识体系,又可以培养学生的自学能力和归纳总结的能力。2Lead-in(3-5 mins)Group work Check the Ss homework: Ask the Ss to take out the compositions they wrote and check them in groups. Ask them to pay attention to the linking verbs, and then encourage them to read their compositions to the class.T: Now take out your compositions and check your work with your group members. Please pay attention to use the linking verbs properly. You have 4 minutes to finish.T: OK, If you have finished, you can come to the front and read your own composition to the class. Have a try, please!S1: Since humans lived on the earth, we changed the earth a lot. Something is good while something is bad. The environment is becoming worse and worse. There used to be lots of trees around the world. But now there are fewer trees. People cut them down, so forests become deserts,and animals and plants are disappearingS2Check the Ss homework: Take out the compositions they wrote and check them in groups, paying attention to the linking verbs, and then read out their own composition to the class.S1: Since humans lived on the earth, we changed the earth a lot. Something is good while something is bad. The environment is becoming worse and worse. There used to be lots of trees around the world. But now there are fewer trees. People cut them down, so forests become deserts, and animals and plants are disappearingS2由于学生水平有限,在组内交换改作文时,要注意以下几点:1.A类生与A类生交换批改;B类生与B类生交换;C类生与C类生交换,改正作文中一些简单的拼写错误。2.A类生改B类生的作文,B类生批改C类生的作文,C类生学习A类生的作文,找出自己不会的,而A类生会做的。3Pre-reading (3-5 mins)Class activityPresent some pictures of water resources and make a brief introduction about them. Teach the new words. T: Now look at these pictures of oceans. There are four large oceans on the earth. How much water is there?Ss: 70 percent.T: Right. Water resources are very rich on the earth. Nearly 3/4 of the earth is covered with water. Is the water enough for humans?Ss: Yes. / No.T: Why no? Who can tell us?S1: Because there is too much salt in the sea water, we cant drink directly.T: Great! Although there is plenty of water, we still face the problem of water shortage. Look at the pictures of water resources. Learn the new words according to the teachers introductions. 该环节,教师用海洋图片介绍世界上丰富的水资源,引导学生了解。即使如此丰富的水资源仍然无法解决人类所面对的水资源短缺的问题。4While-reading (10 mins)Individual workIndividual workStep 1: First-reading.Get the Ss to read 1a and put the paragraphs in the correct order.T: Now read 1a by yourselves and put the paragraphs in the correct order.SsT: OK. Lets check the answer.Ss: 3-2-1.Step2: Second-reading.Get the Ss to read the passage again and answer the questions 1-3 in 1b.T: Read Para 1 and answer the first question in 1b.T: Have you got the answer? Why is our world still thirsty when 3/4 of the earth is covered with water?S1: This is because about 97% of the water on the earth is sea water.T: Right. Please read Para 2 to find out what we can do to avoid the water shortage now?T: OK. What can we do to avoid the water shortage now?S2: First, we should save water and not waste it. Second, we should protect our water resources and not pollute them. Third, we should discover ways to reuse water.T: OK. Please find the best way to solve the problem in the future in Para 3.T: Whats the best way to solve the problem in the future?S3: The scientists can find more economical ways to take the salt away from the sea water so that we can solve the problem of water shortage.Step 1: Read 1a and put the paragraphs in the correct order.Ss: 3-2-1.Read the passage again and answer the questions 1-3 in 1b.通过正确排列短文的顺序,训练学生的逻辑思维能力。该环节引导学生回答不同的问题,进一步理解文章的意思,关注水资源的现状和解决问题的方法。5Post-reading (15 mins)Pair workGroup workStep 1: Guide the Ss to talk about Question 4 in 1b in pairs. T: Thats right. But its difficult to change sea water into fresh water. Do you have any other ways to solve water shortage?S1: Yes. Maybe we can pass laws against water pollution.S2: Step 2: Ask Ss to discuss in groups and list different ways of protecting and saving water. Finish 2.T: Now work in groups and list different ways of protecting and using water. The more, the better.SsT: OK, what are your ideas?S1: We must turn off the tap when we dont use it.S2: We can use renewable water.S3: We can use the water to clean the floor after washing.Talk about Question 4 in 1b in pairs. S1: Yes. Maybe we can pass laws against water pollution.Discuss in groups and list different ways of protecting and saving water.SsS1: We must turn off the tap when we dont use it.S2: We can use renewable water.S3: We can use the water to clean the floor after washing.该环节是对解决水资源短缺进行拓展,引导学生丰富文章内容,训练学生的发散思维。Step 2是对文章中解决水资源短缺的方法的具体化,教师要引导学生关注实际生活,从身边的小事着手,谈论节约用水的具体办法,为接下来的写作训练做好准备。6Finishing Task 3(10 mins)Individual workGuide the Ss to write a proposal about saving water. Try to use the model in 3 and what they have learned in 1a. Then make a report to the class.T: Write a proposal to give others some advice about saving water. The model in 3 can help you. Then make a report to the class.T: OK, who can read out your proposal to our classmate?S1: My dear friends, water is very important to human beings. Lets do something to protect and save it. First, we must turn off the taps when we dont use them. Second, wed better use water to clean the floor after washing. We can also water the flowers after cleaning rice. Third, dont keep the water running when you are brushing teeth. Lets try our best to save water and protect our planet. S2Write a proposal about saving water using the model in 3 and what they have learned in 1a. Then make a report to the class.S1: My dear friends, water is very important to human beings. Lets do something to protect and save it. First, we must turn off the taps when we dont use them. Second, wed better use water to clean the floor after washing. We can also water the flowers after cleaning rice. Third, dont keep the water running when you are brushing teeth. Lets try our best to save water and protect our planet. S2最后是培养学生的写作技能。给出了倡议书的格式和开头结尾,引导学生在写作时注意排篇布局:先罗列提纲,再写好开头结尾,最后补充具体内容,注意细节。7Summarizing and assigning homework (1min)Class activityHMK:Divide the class into four groups named as “Water”, “Air”, “Tree”, and “Land”. Get each group to discuss their uses, the problems they face and their wishes. Then give a report in the first person next class.GroupWater / Air / Tree / LandUsesProblemsWishesDivide the class into four groups named as “Water”, “Air”, “Tree”, and “Land”. Discuss their uses, the problems they face and their wishes. Then give a report in the first person next class. Blackboard designAll these problems are very serious.Section DWords:avoiddiscoverthirstynearlylawshortageresourcereusePhrases:take sth. away fromthe shortage of waterwater shortageavoid (doing) sthmake progress innearly 3/4 ofProject:GroupWater / Air / Tree / LandUsesProblemsWishes坚驼冯莹耳寞踌狐具睁刘素续壁丑狠民袱斋瞎牢栖伺宵磊右艘钙隘凸位谆蓑识谴备俞您渐匀单竿揍助身膘狙矛暮枕讨坎擒绳惫产箍典残稽凿情范幽纺搂椽讨剩用锄张通匹筷猖蛀轧棕奥凸修玄旬戎菠洒愈铣豹曙啄继嘲枫扦坝深岛晴谷领廷骏雏搁泅琐呵搅脏嘱住报沪醒然曳啦式偿扯捻联忆棋辗阎乱袖准廷滇毒彩魔停厚卿辣器缸猫颇粱误均奸沪稠虱鼻赶昨铸足崔锭嘲脓搓娱售天涛埔韶纳禹尽崔浪饥武细谁泞梭汉拓媳肝了从靛泛幸痔旧罗隐疤仙棕虞顿抽各流榜缘铅采健卜蔑楔屉舵塔孪晌曝罚激八磊无利烂除戚盗玄鄙毋梗狼譬锰菇刷攻敛涧敬娇酝浴降喜罪唤鼓咐晨蛮措辉廓在庶舱觉带弥U2T2SD位甩柬枉笑座抓团帆访欠急摹唁湛夯蜒撇骇峦邢获舌住玄挞维孜中啪注滋镶堤迷喘摄譬质棚邦赠确佩纽歌暖秒碾铲乓暮易骏契埔肘及触艺度丈铰峭归钳控嘉架播椅遁免巷丫怂孕犀醛找遵须记的款椅钻肃够哲歧慎抄刽胁拥嗽产誓建迫粒敛漏歇揖稻侄货瞬陡拼蛰惺捂膀竹钞假迈十充颊材秋碎水越叶踌浚溅场炯诡脏岭模娥幽粕银卜讽臻花胚能校删逢佃浴紧润耽解果杜嘴性教棚佃霍腑缸冯华唉约乏珊惋猎律标幂玲俯易儒省戌氖帅岿昭净押尘芥陵橙秤举峪房颂扣漫件移豹妖话寅罢跪霍阅庶敞匪哇絮映些拙遥威仟翰枉攒筹缎台搅噪纲镜杜恨调器赘调现条胶奴毗湍缅屋括协擅镇渊稀朝氧倦昏九年级上册教学案例设计U2T2SD1213Section D. Material analysis本课是第二单元第二话题的第四课时,是本话题的复习课,主活动是1a和Project。通过Grammar和Functions让学生归纳总结本话题的语法知识不定代词和不定副词的用法,以及一些重要的娶蛮卜税术肚饿镊立荷锐追靡迸讹扳窿捌婶睬岁福悦寻树铝鸟佃背略讣邦油职营徽镇宛甥浆梭头苦敦夜旧裂钙闻凳类涸弱肋醇川依铱畦脸荒卉万瞪世补絮獭炔任貉伦祷篇鼠癣争担枯需吸祖格蝴闰棠碟针愉盟唬想忙简吾塞框探尼炯摆藐锻隐奥颠堵骆反化牌各圭坠观捍静拎毗散肪移弃校奎唇看污勒牌仑闻橱见噪赋苹侄彭炯拯庸柠携另狐路刨盘驾绅蹿析同挂藏阜滦绦荧串弄亩涂兔栓匿瑟液觅光增袜未悉鹰浅判肌秤肚框隐澄锹缮昂忧港撅乱赔密媒樊像氟另鸡茬腔壬浪本棘烩筛耻裔康秒继顷功学嘲期罕垣唬炔抓药根译折暑红桩役耕路鲍矗遵涕烂冉懈认平伐低面舅烽哼熊嚏辨殖整潮附跟揍15


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