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21 / 22CPA综合阶段考试辅导讲义-财会英语Unit 1 Corporate Strategy and Risk Management-Part A概述Content The environment and competitive forces Marketing and the value of goods and services Internal sources, capabilities and competences Strategic choices Organizational structurePART I The environment and competitive forces1.EnvironmentPicture 1-1Glossary: 1.Macro-environment: 宏观经济环境2.Porters diamond: 波特的钻石模型(研究国家竞争力)3.Porters five forces: 波特的五力模型4.Industry: 行业5.Sector: 部门,领域An industry is a group of firms selling the same principal product or products which are close substitutes. A sector extends the idea of industry into the public services.6.Convergence:集中,趋同7.SWOT: SWOT模型8.Opportunity: 机会9.Threat: 威胁10.Strength: 优势11.Weakness: 劣势12.Competitor: 竞争者13.Product life cycle: 产品生命周期14.Strategic group: 战略组群15.Segmentation: 细分2.The PESTEL modelThe PESTEL model looks at the macro environment, using the following headings:PoliticalThe political environment includes taxation policy, government stability and foreign trade regulations.EconomicThe economic environment includes interest rates, inflation, business cycles, unemployment, disposable income and energy availability and cost.SocialThe social/culture environment includes population demographics, social mobility, income distribution, lifestyle changes, attitudes to work and leisure, levels of education and consumerism.TechnologicalThe technological environment is influenced by government spending on research, new discoveries and development, government and industry focus of technological effort, speed of technological transfer and rates of obsolescence.EcologicalThe ecological environment, sometimes just referred to as the environment, considers ways in which the organization can produce its goods and services with the minimum environmental damage.LegalThe legal environment covers influences such as taxation, employment law, monopoly legislation and environmental protection laws.3. Porters diamondPicture1-2 GlossaryDemand condition (also called diamond condition) 需求条件,又称钻石条件Factor conditions 有利因素状况Related and supporting industries 相关和支持性行业的存在Firm strategy, structure and rivalry 企业战略、结构和同业竞争4.Porters five forces modelPicture1-3Glossary1.Threat of new entrants 新进入者的威胁2.Barrier to entry 进入壁垒3.Power of supplier 供应商力量4.Customer 客户5.Competitive rivalry between existing firms 现存企业间的竞争对手6.Substitute product 替代产品Porter looked at the structure of industries. In particular, he was interested in assessing industry attractiveness, by which he meant how easy it would be to make above average profits (for shareholders and to fund adequate investment). He concluded that industry attractiveness depends on five factors or forces.Threat of new entrantsNew entrants into a market will bring extra capacity and intensify competition. The threat from new entrants will depend upon the strength of the barriers to entry and the likely response of existing competitors to a new entrant.Economy of scaleProduct differentiationCapital requirementsSwitching costAccess to distribution channelsCost advantages of existing producersKnow-howRegulationThreat of substitute productsThis threat is across industries (e.g. rail travel versus bus travel versus private car) or within an industry (e.g. long life milk as a substitute for delivered fresh milk).Bargaining power of customersPowerful customers can force price cuts and/or quality improvements. Either way, margins are eroded. Bargaining power is high when a combination of factors arises:A buyers purchases are a high proportion of the suppliers total business or represent a high proportion of total trade in that marketA buy makes a low profitThe quality of purchases is unimportant or delivery timing is irrelevant, and prices will be forced down.There are similar alternative products available from other suppliers.Bargaining power of suppliersThe power of suppliers to charge higher prices will be influenced by the following:The degree to which switching costs apply and substitutes are availableThe presence of one or two dominant suppliers controlling pricesThe extent to which products offered have a uniqueness of brand, technical performance or design not available elsewhere.Competition/rivalryIntensity of existing competition will depend on the following factors:Number and relative strength of competitors.Rate of growth.Where high fixed costs are involved companies will cut prices to marginal cost levels to protect volume, and drive weaker competitors out of the market.If buyers can switch easily between suppliers the competition is keen.If the exit barrier (i.e. the cost incurred in leaving the market) is high, companies will hang on until forced out, thereby increasing competition and depressing profit.5.The life cycle modelPicture 1-4Picture 1-5Industry featuresIntroductionGrowthMaturityDeclineCompetitionFew playersMany new entrants and mergers/takeover. Fight for market share.Shake-out leaves only a few large playersHeavy discounting and price wars.DemandUsually higher-income buyersIncreasing market penetrationGrowth rate fails, most purchases now replacement or repeat buying. Well informed, demanding buyers.Falling demandTechnologyNon-standardNarrowing in the range of technologies appliedKnowledge is well understood by all players in the marketKnowledge is well understood by all players in the marketProduct characteristicsDifferences in choice, inconsistent qualityImprovement in the design and qualityStandardization of products with only small differentiationsLess emphasis on product differentiationProduction processesShort production runs with specialized distributorsMass productionOvercapacity begins to develop; long production runsHigh incidence of overcapacityCritical success factorsInnovative productProducts are able to be mass producedEfficiency in operations to keep costs lowBrand loyaltyLow overheads6.Strategic group: Have similar characteristics, e.g. size Pursue similar competitive strategies over time, e.g. heavy advertising Have similar assets and skills, e.g. quality imagePART II Marketing and the value of goods and services1.Critical Success Factors (CSF)Critical success factors (CSFs) are performance requirements that are fundamental to an organizations success. In this context CSFs should thus be viewed as those product features that are particularly valued by customers. This is where the organization must outperform competition.Measured targets for CSFs are called key performance indicators (KPIs).2.Value chainGlossaryValue chain 价值链Support or secondary value activities 辅助活动Primary value activities 基本活动Firm infrastructure 企业基础设施建设Human resource management 人力资源管理Technology development 技术开发Procurement 采购Inbound logistics 进货后勤Operations 生产经营Outbound logistics 发货后勤Marketing and sales 市场营销Service 服务Margin 利润Once CSFs have been identified, the firm needs to be analyze whether and where it is adding value (as perceived by customers) to products.Porter developed the value chain to help identify which activities within the firm were contributing to a competitive advantage and which were not.The approach involves breaking down the firm into five primary and four support activities, and then looking at each to see if they give a cost advantage or quality advantage.Primary activities:Inbound logisticsReceiving, storing and handling raw material inputs. For example, a just-in-time stock system could give a cost advantage.OperationsTransformation of the raw materials into finished goods and services. For example, using skilled craftsmen could give a quality advantage.Outbound logisticsStoring, distributing and delivering finished goods to customers. For example, outsourcing delivering could give a cost advantage.Marketing and salesFor example, sponsorship of a sports celebrity could enhance the image of the product.ServiceAll activities that occur after the point of sale, such as installation, training and repair, e.g. Marks and Spencers friendly approach to returns gives it a perceived a quality advantage.Secondary activitiesFirm infrastructureHow the firm is organized. For example, centralized buying could result in cost savings due to bulk discounts.Technology developmentHow the firm uses technology. For example, the latest computer-controlled machinery gives greater flexibility to tailor products to individual customer specifications.Human resources developmentHow people contribute to competitive advantage. For example, employing expert buyers could enable a supermarket to purchase better wines than competitors.ProcurementPurchasing, but not just limited to materials. For example, buying a building out or town could give a cost advantage over high street competitors.All organizations in a particular industry will have a similar value chain, which will include activities such as: Obtaining raw materials Designing products Building manufacturing facilities Developing co-operative agreements Providing customer serviceIt is vital that the linkages between the different elements of a value chain are considered. Firstly this is to ensure consistency. Secondly it may be that through linking separate activities more effectively than competitors, a firm can gain a competitive advantage.3.BenchmarkingBenchmarking is the process of systematic comparison of a service, practice or process. Its use is to provide a target for action in order to improve competitive position.基准分析是企业和竞争对手在劳务、实践或流程等方面系统进行比较的过程。其主要目的就是为提升竞争力而设定相关目标。The main benefits include: 主要好处包括:a)Improved performance and added value 提升业绩和增加价值b)Improved understanding of environmental pressure 更加深刻理解周边环境压力c)Improved competitive position 提升竞争李d)A creative process of change 创造性的变化过程e)A target to motivate and improve operations 促进和改进营运的目标f)Increased rate of organizational learning 提升组织学习程度PART III Internal resources, capabilities and competences1.Unique resources are those resources that create competitive advantage and that others cannot imitate or obtain.2.Core competences are the activities, processes and methods through which an organization uses its resources effectively, in ways that others cannot imitate or obtain. Examples of core competences are: sophisticated IT, a corporate culture and the ability to share and lever knowledge throughout the organization.3.SWOTPicture 1-6PART IV Strategic choices1.Related diversification (Corporate Strategy)There are two types of related diversification: Vertical integration Horizontal diversification (sometimes known as concentric diversification)2.Vertical integrationTaking over a supplier (backwards vertical integration) or customer (forwards vertical integration)AdvantagesDisadvantagesCostEconomies of combined operationsEconomies of internal controlEconomies of avoiding the marketQualityTap into technology enhanced ability to differentiateBarriersAssured supply/demandDefense against lock-outCreate barriers by controlling supplies/distribution/retail outletsCostIt may not be cheaper to do it oneself especially if suppliers have economies of scaleIncreased operating gearingDulled incentivesCapital investmentReduced flexibility to switch to cheaper suppliersQualityCut off from suppliersReduced flexibility to switch to better suppliersDiffering managerial requirement3. Unrelated/conglomerate diversification Diversifying into completely unrelated business Not clear where added value comes from except if an ailing business is turned round Often leads to loss of shareholder valueAdvantagesDisadvantagesIncreased flexibilityIncreased profitabilityAbility to grow quicklyBetter access to capital marketsAvoidance of anti-monopoly legislationDiversification of riskNo synergiesNo additional benefit for shareholdersNo advantage over small firmsLack of management focus4. Development method of Corporate Strategy Organic Acquisition Alliances5. Ansoffs matrixPicture 1-7ExistingNewExistingConsolidationWithdrawalEfficiency gainsMarket penetration/growthThis could involve cutting prices, spending more on advertizing and/or minor product improvements.Product development Basic idea is to get more money from existing customers. Can be particularly good if using existing resources, distribution channels, etc New products could arise from R&D, joint ventures, buying in other peoples products or licensing.NewMarket development This involves finding new markets for existing products. These could be new segments in current markets (e.g. new age group) or overseas markets. CSF is market attractivenessDiversificationThis could be related to what we do at the moment (e.g. vertical integration) or unrelated (conglomerate diversification).6. Porters generic strategiesMichael Porter stated that a firm that is wishing to obtain competitive advantage over its rivals is faced with two choices.Basis of completionCompetitive ScopeLower costDifferentiationBroad targetCost leadershipDifferentiationNarrow targetCost focusDifferentiation focus7. Strategy evaluationThere are three conditions for successful choice.SuitabilityWhether the options are adequate responses to the firms assessment of its strategic position.FeasibilityAssesses whether the organization has the resources it needs to carry out the strategyAcceptabilityConsiders whether the options meet and are consistent with the firms objectives and are acceptable to the stakeholders.PART V Organization structure1.Organizational structurea)Functional structure 职能结构b)Divisional structure (product division, geographical division)事业部结构(产品事业部、地区事业部)c)SBU (strategic business unit) 战略业务单元d)Matrix organization 矩阵组织2.Centralization vs. decentralization 集权抑或分权Advantages and disadvantages of centralizationAdvantages: 优点a)Co-ordinated decisions and better management control, therefore less sub-optimizing (协调决策和管理控制,减少次优决策)b)Conformity with overall objectives goal congruence is more likely to be achieved(有助于整体目标的一致性)c)Standardization (标准化)d)Balance between functions, divisions, etc (在职能、事业部之间取得平衡)e)Economy of scale (规模经济)f)Top managers become better decision makers (高级管理层成为更好的决策者)g)Speedier central decisions may be made in a crisis delegation can be time-consuming. (遭遇危机可以较快决策应对)Disadvantages: 缺点a)Those of lower rank experience reduce job satisfaction. (底层员工缺乏工作满意度)b)Senior management do not possess sufficient knowledge of all organizational activities. (高级管理层不大可能掌握组织内方方面面活动的足够知识)c)Centralization places stress and responsibility onto senior management.(集权制使高层领导承担较大压力和责任)d)Subordinates experience restricted opportunity for career development toward senior management positions. (下属员工向上发展的职业机会有限)e)Decisions often take considerable time. (决策往往花费较多之间)3.Mintzbergs structural configurations明茨伯格组织构型理论Building blocks and coordinating mechanisms构建模块和协调机Picture 1-8Building blocksa)Strategic apex 战略顶点b)Techno structure 技术结构c)Operating core 作业核心d)Middle line 中间层e)Support staff 支持性人员f)Ideology 思想体系、意识形态Coordinating mechanism, that together with the building blocks make up the detailed configuration of the organization.构建模块和协调机制构成了具体的结构构型。1.Comments on divisional structuresAdvantagesDisadvantagesFlexibility divisions can be closed or created to respond to changes in organizational strategySpecialist expertise is built up relating to a particular product or market segmentManagers of divisions have a greater personal interest in the strategy for their own division.The enabling of performance management (and hence control) of businesses by head office from a distance.High central management costsDuplication of effort with all functions represented within divisionsVertical barriers between divisions that may prevent information sharing and co-operation between divisions.Strategic management can be a complex hierarchical process.


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