The Great Gats and the American Dream 论文定稿

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普通本科毕业论文 题目:The Great Gatsby and the American Dream 盖茨比及其美国梦学 院 外国语学院 学生姓名 李嘉茵 学 号 0051843专 业 经贸英语 级 别 05级 指导教师 李春长 职 称 副教授 二OO九 年 六 月普通本科生毕业论文诚信承诺书毕业论文题目The Great Gatsby and the American Dream学生姓名李嘉茵专业经贸英语学 号0051843指导老师李春长职 称副教授所在学院外国语学院诚信承诺本人慎重承诺和声明:我承诺在毕业论文活动中遵守学校有关规定,恪守学术规范,在本人的毕业论文中未剽窃、抄袭他人的学术观点、思想和成果,未篡改研究数据,如有违规行为发生,我愿承担一切责任,接受学校的处理。学生(签名):年 月 日摘要了不起的盖茨比是菲茨杰拉德的一部名著,通过对盖茨比的悲剧的描写再现了美国20 世纪20 年代“迷惘一代”的美国梦的必然破灭。作品深刻反映了社会现实,揭示了美国社会浮华背后的精神危机,揭露了生活在美国爵士时代的不同阶层在金钱面前的不同表现和美国梦的必然破灭。主人公杰伊盖茨比是美国梦的牺牲品, 他的一生充满了悲剧性的色彩,他的梦想的破灭正是美国二十世纪前半期的写照, 他的这种梦想也是美国人当时心态的反映。盖茨比的执著追求归于毁灭, 有着其深刻的社会原因: 扭曲变质了的美国梦、美国社会的道德和价值观念的沦丧和堕落。本文首先阐述了美国梦的定义及演变,然后简介作者和作品的背景。第三部分细讲盖茨比的财富梦和爱情梦。最后认为美国梦的破灭是必然的及其给世人的启迪。关键词:了不起的盖茨比;美国梦;财富梦;爱情梦AbstractThe Great Gatsby is one of Fitzgeralds masterpieces. The author vividly presents the doomed failure of the Lost Generation in the 1920s by describing the tragedy of Gatsby. The novel reflects the social reality, displays spiritual crisis behind the vanity, and reveals how the different strata in Americas Jazz Age regarded money and the bankruptcy of the American dream. Jay Gatsby is the victim of American dream and his life is full of tragedy. The wreckage of his dream is just the reflection of American life in the first half of the twentieth century. Gatsbys dream also reflects the state of mind of Americans at that time. There are several reasons for Gatsbys failure (from his pursuit of the dream to the destruction of his life): the corrupted American dream, the ruined moral and values in America. The paper firstly tells the definition and derivation of the American dream. Then it gives a brief introduction of the background of the author and the work. The third part is the analysis of Gatsbys fortune dream and love dream. Finally, the author points out the inevitable disillusion of the American dream and presents the enlightenments of the novel.Key words: The Great Gatsby; American dream; Fortune Dream; Love DreamContents1 Introduction12 the American Dream22.1 The Definition22.2 The Development33 The Background of F. Scott Fitzgerald and the Great Gatsby33.1 The Social Background33.2 The Writing Background44 Gatsby and his American Dream54.1 Gatsby and his Fortune Dream54.2 Gatsby and his Love Dream85Conclusion12References13Acknowledgements14普通本科毕业论文 题目:Upon the Translation Strategy of Chinese Culture-Loaded Words 文化负载词的英译探讨学 院 外国语学院 学生姓名 杨林海 学 号 0083157专 业 英语(经贸方向) 级 别 08级 指导教师 职 称 二OO九 年 六 月普通本科生毕业论文诚信承诺书毕业论文题目Upon the Translation Strategy of Chinese Culture-Loaded Words学生姓名杨林海专业英语(经贸方向)学 号0083157指导老师职 称所在学院外国语学院诚信承诺本人慎重承诺和声明:我承诺在毕业论文活动中遵守学校有关规定,恪守学术规范,在本人的毕业论文中未剽窃、抄袭他人的学术观点、思想和成果,未篡改研究数据,如有违规行为发生,我愿承担一切责任,接受学校的处理。学生(签名):年 月 日摘要:随着各国之间的文化交流越来越频繁,文化交流与翻译已经建立了紧密的联系。在向世界介绍中国文化的过程中,文化负载词的翻译成了翻译者所面临的一个棘手问题。这篇论文对文化负载词进行了比较详尽的介绍和分类,并且探讨了著名翻译者在翻译文学作品中的这类词所采用的翻译策略,从而得出翻译文化负载词比较理想的翻译策略。本文首先介绍了语言、文化和翻译的关系。从而得出,翻译不仅是一种双语活动,本质上涉及了两种文化的交际活动。接着,根据一些学者提出文化负载词的含义,得出汉语文化负载词的定义和分类。本文从文化交流这个角度来研究汉语文化负载词,并找出有针对性的办法来解决如何翻译好汉语文化词。分析“归化”、“异化”两种翻译策略对十汉语文化负载词的意义。根据实际情况,灵活处理汉语文化负载词的翻译问题。在当今“全球化”国际环境下,“异化”翻译是一种总的发展趋势,它有利十保存汉语的文化韵味,从Ifu达到对汉语的推广,树立民族形象的目的。而“归化”翻译作为一种必要的辅助模式,则有利十缓和文化冲突,增进互相理解,实现跨文化交际。最后,通过翔实的例子分析,本文列出了“归化”翻译和“异化”翻译的具体方法,使文章更具实用性。关键词:文化负载词; 文化负载词的分类; 异化; 归化Abstract: With the frequent cultural exchanges among all the countries, the close relationship between cultural exchange and translation has been constructed. During the introduction of the Chinese culture to the world, one of the tricky problems facing the translator is to deal with the translation of culture-loaded words. The paper makes a detailed elaboration on the culture-loaded words and its classification, and explores translation strategies of this sort of words in the version of famous literary works by some well-known translators, with an aim to find the proper translation strategy for the culture-loaded words.The paper starts with the relationship of language, culture and translation. It summarizes translation is a bilingual activity and more essentially a bicultural activity.After the analysis of different interpretations of culture-loaded words put forward by many scholars, the definition and Classification of Chinese culture-loaded words is clear. It is advisable to study the translation of Chinese culture-loaded words from the cultural perspective so as to find out available strategies and practical methods. With detailed analysis and abundant examples, the author tries to clarify that both domestication and foreignization can stand rationally in the English translation of Chinese culture-loaded words. In the present situation of globalization, cultural blending forms a prevailing tendency. As the primary choice of translation strategies, foreignization serves to retain the cultural flavor of the source language, and help extend the influence of Chinese culture in international communication. Nevertheless, domestication also deserves the translators consideration in that it can eliminate cultural conflict and achieve intelligibility of the target readers. Absolute application of either of the two strategies is unscientific and one-sided. Finally, through analysis of example, this paper lists the specific methods ofdomestication and foreignization, which makes the whole thesis more complete and practical.Key Words: culture-loaded words; classification; foreignization; domestication江西财经大学普通本科生毕业论文The Great Gatsby and the American Dream1 IntroductionIn the 1920s, F. Scott. Fitzgerald, a famous American writer wrote his masterpiece called The Great Gatsby which is known for its beautiful language, subtle techniques and so on. It also reveals the disillusion of the American dreamthe disparity between material richness and spiritual emptiness which is an irony of the American value system. To certain extent, the tragedy of Gatsby is the tragedy of the time. Gatsby himself is the victim of the whole society. The 1920s in America was a time of carefree prosperity, isolation from the worlds problems, bewildering social change and feverish pursuit of pleasure. The social, cultural, and historical milieu of the 1920s reflected in its pages is not so different from our own. F. Scott Fitzgerald is widely praised as the finest and most celebrated novelist of the twentieth century America. Fitzgeralds masterpiece The Great Gatsby, as “The Great American Novel”, stands as the supreme achievement of his career. It is the classic novel about the American dream, one of the great novels of the 20th Century as it captures perfectly some essential quality of the American myth and dream of the Jazz Age. The novel has profoundly portrayed the unsatisfied desire of wealth and displayed the theme of the novelthe disillusion of American dream. The novel can enrich the readers understanding of that time and make the readers know better about the influence of American dream on American society. America in the 1920s experienced superficial economic prosperity and also the latent crisis. The superficial economic prosperity and the business development distorted the American dream. People at that time believed that money could buy everything and that, if you had money, you could get whatever you wanted. From the First World War to the 1930s, the American youth pursued the American ream blindly and feverishly. At last, their dreams were all dashed to the ground. Gatsby was not an exception. The Great Gatsby is a gripping tragedy of the realization and disillusion of the American dream. The reason why it can be distinctive from the customary money and banal love and brings amazement and warning to people is the woe in the construction of the dream. Gatsbys pertinacity and artistic charm woke up the lost dream of people. The American dream made people combine it with the better days. They believed that material wealth could help them to realize the dream while the reality was not the case. Gatsby did not understand the real function of money in society. The American dream and better days that he believed are just a great lottery which was entirely incompatible with the social reality. 2 the American Dream 2.1 The DefinitionDream means an unrealized ideal that expresses a resolution or belief. The early Americans who held this sort of dream came to America and hoped to achieve great successes in a short time. America becomes an attractive place called paradise where every person can realize their dreams, so America becomes a mythology. As we all know, “the American dream” has great effects on American history, especially on the life of American people, but what is, indeed, “the American dream”? Different people have different understanding and interpretation. The so-called American dream, is a belief that after a hard struggle the United States will be able to achieve the ideal of a better life, that is, people have to work through their own hard work, courage, creativity and determination to move towards prosperity, rather than rely on specific social classes and other assistance. Many European immigrants hold the American dream as the ideal of the United States. Despite some criticism of the American dream of excessive emphasis on material wealth and happiness, many Americans really believe that the success of such an opportunity which is not found in other countries also does not exist in America. More and more people from different nations would like to pursue their American dreams in the US. So the American dream also characterizes serious American fiction. The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott. Fitzgerald is indeed one of the representative works that reflects the illusory nature of the American dream.2.2 The Development The American dream is a kind of romantic expectation and also a belief in the possibility of achieving some sort of glowing future with hard work and sincere devotion. In the early years, the American dream was Puritan desire for the freedom in religion and creation. Along with the expansion to the West, the American dream developed into the pursuit of happiness, especially of success, including career, love and wealth. After the Civil War, the American dream became more popular and concrete and it made people believe that as long as he worked hard, a poor boy could become a millionaire on this wonderful land.3 The Background of F. Scott Fitzgerald and the Great Gatsby 3.1 The Social Background When human history develops into the twentieth century, the American Dream becomes the main aim of Americans. At the end of the First World War, one of the most important literary developments took place, in which a new group of writers called “the lost generation” rebelled against former ideas and values, but they replaced the former only with despair and cynical hedonism. American literature of 1920s is characterized by disillusion of ideals and by civilization that the capitalist society advocates. The lost generation in the 1920s shows a sense of loss after the First World War. The charge that F. Scott Fitzgerald was an irresponsible writer is refuted by the composition of The Great Gatsby. He began planning the novel during the summer of 1922 which is set in the Midwest and New York at the end of the nineteenth century. At that time, he announced his decision to write “something newsomething extraordinary and beautiful and simpleintricately patterned.” (Matthew J. Bruccoli and Margaret M.Duggan, 1980: 112) The decade influences Fitzgerald and his writing a lot, just as Arthur Mizener observed that “Scott Fitzgerald had an imaginative sense of the experience of the 1920s, who was indeed a writer so closely related to his time. He was in danger of being wholly absorbed by his sense of it and of writing books that would not survive it.”( Eble Kenneth, 1973:100) Fascinated by the content of the American dream, F. Scott Fitzgerald employed what he knew and what he had, either directly or indirectly, experienced in post-war America to dramatize the disillusion that he felt amid the American greatness.3.2 The Writing Background Among American writers in the 1920s, F. Scott. Fitzgerald is crowned with the most incredible achievement in the United States. His masterpiece, The Great Gatsby, conjures up the image of the roaring twenties, the age of flapper and the Jazz Age. Its writing background was in the 1920s in America which was a time of carefree prosperity, isolation from the worlds problems, bewildering social change and a feverish pursuit of pleasure. The decade is often referred to as the Jazz Age. America had just come out of the First World War, one of the bloodiest and most violent episodes in this nations history. The protagonist, Jay Gatsby, a poor young man, falls in love with a rich girl while he is serving as an officer in the army during the First World War. She loves him but marries someone else when she has given up on his coming back to her. A few years later, he becomes rich and tries to persuade her to leave her husband for him. She nearly does, but instead stays with her husband. She kills her husbands mistress in an automobile accident. But the dead womans husband, deceived into thinking that Gatsby is responsible, kills Gatsby and then himself. F. Scott. Fitzgerald bitterly portrays the lamentable scenes he catches in the course of ethical and cultural collapse through disillusion of the American Dream. In The Great Gatsby, there is a metaphor for an entire era when he portrays Gatsbys world as an endless extravagant party, in which flappers seek frenetic pleasure. Fitzgeralds novel The Great Gatsby is a parody of the American dream, because in the experience of Jay Gatsby we have the corruption of the dream itself, that is, the traditional devotions wasted on spiritual gumdrops and material trivialities.4 Gatsby and his American Dream4.1 Gatsby and his Fortune DreamIt is the American culture that teaches Gatsby to exert himself to “go ahead” in the world. He dreames to become a great man. As a boy, Gatsby has high aspirations. He is not content with things as they are. Trying to build up family fortunes and reach his goal, Gatsby works out a schedule in studies. He forces himself to get up early every morning and then exercise with dumbbells and wall-scaling. The schedule and the resolve are nearly the same as what Benjamin Franklin wrote in his Autobiography which are also an echo of typical Benjamin Franklins resolve concerning thrift, health and the goal of advancement. In the schedule, we discover the roots of Gatsbys transcendental vision and it indicates one of the suggestions throughout the novel that Gatsbys dream is deep-rooted in the American dream. However, the young Gatsby is nothing.At the age of seventeen, Gatsby meets Dan Cody on the Lake Superior. Dan Cody, a fifty years old man, is very rich from his many gold and silver mines in Mexico. Then Cody does business in Montana and accumulates millions of properties. Actually he is a typical playboy who brings the couth and bad habits of border brothel and hotel to the eastern coast areas. When Gatsby makes acquaintance with Cody, Cody is squandering what he earned in his youth which goes against with Gatsby dream, but Gatsby admires him. Under the influence of Cody, Gatsbys thoughts and pure dream begin to deteriorate. Then Gatsby goes to the service, he falls in love with wealthy Daisy. Daisy eventually marries Tom Buchanan because of his status and money. However, the love failure does not let him frustrated and depressed. On the contrary, it stimulates his fighting spirit. He finds out what he wants to be. His ideals include money, a good job, a beautiful car, a mansion, an ideal wife and so on, among which money is the material base. As everyone knows, one can do nothing without money. Then Gatsbys dream has material change and at that time, he is extremely hollow and depraved. In order to make more money, Gatsby connives with gangland and tries all dirty means. In a few years, he changes from riches to rags through bootlegging. Then he spends the bulk of his energy acquiring wealth and appearing wealthy to prove that his dream has come true. First, Gatsby changes his name when he gets rich, for he doesnt want others to know his hard experience in the past and he is afraid that people like Tom may look down upon him. So he constructs a new identity for himself because he is uncomfortable with his actual background. Then he moves into Long Island, east of New York which is divided in the novel by a courtesy bay into two egg-shaped islandsEast egg and West egg. They are dissimilar in every particular detail except in shape and size. The bay is a line of demarcation which separates the upper class from the lower class. The very rich live in big mansions in East egg while the poor and middle class inhabit in small and shabby houses in West Egg. Here the places where lives can show off his social status. One of the most fantastic descriptions in the novel is about his luxurious mansion which is also another way to appear wealthy. Compared with the Buchanans cheerful redand-white Georgian colonial mansion inherited from their noble ancestors, Gatsbys house is simply a factual imitation of the Hotel de Ville in Normandy. In order to show off his great fortune, Gatsby builds a house by imitating the old aristocratic style. Whats more, Gatsbys mansion is sparking under thin beard of raw ivy. This suggests his desire of incorporating into the upper class. Besides the colossal mansion, Gatsby is also noted for his most fabulous parties held in his mansion every weekend night. Every time when Gatsby holds the party, he would ask the servants to make up his mansion for the party and hire a big group of musicians to play music for dancing, which makes his parties decent and attractive. Apparently, the parties are lively and crowded with numerous guests, and for Gatsby, the parties are held to make an impression. He was engaged in his wealthy dream, enjoying the envy from other people. With his showiness about money, Gatsby thinks his dream has come true. He lives in a huge mansion, holds lavish parties, wears pink suits and silver shirts, and prefers his big automobiles to be in a showy cream color. He has gained what other rich people have and the poor dream of. His identity, status and wealth have got others recognition which makes him think that he has been elevated into the upper class. However, all his realized dreams are fabricated and his dreams have never come true. In his eyes, the party is a tool to gain social recognition, which is held to show his social equality with the noble people like the Buchanans. The parties do succeed in drawing people from all walks of life, but Gatsby doesnt gain social recognition and sincere relationship as he wants. On one hand, Gatsby deliberately hides himself from the crowded guests. He has no interest in getting involved in the party. He needs to hide his real identity and carefully plays the role as a rich nobleman. On the other hand, the guests come to the party only for the sake of reveling and merry-making. Most of the guests belong to the dull and careless community. For example, Doctor Webster Civet drowned last summer up in Maine, Clarence Endice who came to the party and had a fight with a bum named Etty in the garden, and Henry L. Palmetto killing himself by jumping in front of a subway train in Times Square. They are empty


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