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福建省福州市2015届高中毕业班第二次质量检测英 语 试 题(完卷时间:120分钟;满分:150分) 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。满分1 50分。考试时间1 20分钟。注意事项: 1答题前,考生务必先将自己的学校、班级、姓名、班级座号和准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2考生作答时,请将答案写在答题卡上,并按照题号在各题的答题区域(黑色线框)内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效。在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。 3选择题答案使用2B铅笔填涂,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号;非选择题答案使用05毫米的黑色中性(签字)笔或碳素笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。 4保持答题卡卡面清洁,不折叠,不破损。考试结束后,将答题卡交回。第一卷(选择题 共115分) 第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上o录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题15分,满分75分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟酌时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What can we learn about the man? AHe had a stomachache BHe was giving a speech CHe was nervous about a speech2When will the man pick up the woman? AAt 7:20 BAt 7:40CAt 8:153What will the woman do this aft moon? ARepair the chairBBuy a chairCThrow away the chair4What does the man decide to do? ALook for a parking space BDrive to the department store again CGo to the department store in afew days5Where does the conversation take place? AIn the womans house BIn a-cinema CIn a shop第二节(共l 5小题;每小题15分,满分225分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独自读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6How does the man know about the play? AFrom a theatre poster BFrom affined CFrom a newspaper7Why is the man disappointed? AThe play isnt good BTickets are unavailable CHe has to work on Saturday听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8What cant the woman decide? AWhat to eat for supper BWhere to have supperCWhen to start supper.9What kind of restaurants does the man like? AThe ones with enough seats Brhea ones serving super food CThe ones near his working place笫 8段材料,回答第 10至 12题。10What are the speakers mainly talking about? AA weekend plan BA camping tripCA family dinner.11Why doesnt the woman want to go hiking? AIts clock outside BIts not excitingCIts quite tiring.12What will the speakers decide to do first? ADo some shopping BGo to the cinemaCVisit the museum.第 9段材料,回答第 13至 16题013What is the woman wormed about? AHow to get to the students union BHow to live the university lifeC How to find a map of the university14How long are the computer rooms open on weekdays? A8 hoursB9 hoursC11 hours.15Where is the students union? AOn the right of the Science Blocks BOpposite the Chemistry labs CBeside the lab B16What does the man ask the woman to? AGet familiar with the universeBHave an appointment with him on ThursdayCRite her telephone number down on the form听第 10段材料,回答第 17至 20题。17Who organizes the Winter Festival? AThe movement BA team of volunteers CThe businessmen around the town18What is special about the art exhibition? AIt will be held in a school BThere are three opening nights CThe painters of the pictures are local students19What will be held in the Main Exhibition Hall? AA music talent show BAn art exhibition CA fancy-dress party20What is the purpose of the speakers talk? ATo raise money for the festival BTo inform people of the festival C To show some of the musical talents 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45介)第二节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21An anti-corruption campaign has continued Dec25, 2013 when the Communist Party of China issued a five-year anti-corruption plan AinBon Cby Dsince22A survey shows that American teenagers have a for Integra and Twitter rather than Face bookAbasis BtalentCpreferenceDreputation23-How I wish I _ _ the geography exam! - So youre sorry that you didnt work hard Awill pass Bwoolly pass Cpassed Dhad passed24Actually, _ were done a lot to develop a low carbon economy, it doesnt live up to our expectations. Aafter Bonce Cunless Dthough25Highways across China to be free of charge for 20 days during holidays in 2015Areport Breported Cwere reported Dwill be reportedly26The problem is one less hour of sleep is not equal to an extra hour of achievement Ahow Bwhen Cthat Dwhich2711 Na, the first _ _ a ranking of world No2 in Asia, retired from tennis in September, 2014 Ato achieve Bachieving Cto have achieved Dachieved28一Have you rot the admission notice from New York University? 一Not yetForward to it Alooked, Bhave been looking Chad looked Dwill look29The footall club icedied to tighten its belt,_ giving up the idea of training abroad Amerely B generally C eventually D occasionally30Running Man, is such funny reality show has the gravity to pull you iii front of your television Awhich Bthat CwhoDas31According to Amazon China, goals from overseas would be to China w-within three days after customs procedures Adelivered Bproduced C exported D contributed32Fujians forest coverage rate has reached 6595 percent provincial environmental efforts Awith regard to Bthanks to Cin favor of Dinstead of33Shall we go on with our discussion? 一OKLets where we left off yesterday Apick up Bput on Cshow to D turn out34 It is not until I have got all the information further comments A I can make B that I can make Ccan I make Dthat can I make35- You couldnt have chosen a better gift for me - ASorry, but forget it BIm glad that you like it that much CSorry, but Ill choose another for you DIm glad that you have a gift for music第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。My grandma is good at garlanding;She could make anything bloom(开花) 36 meIn my eyes, she was inspiring and _ 37 For most of her lifeshe lived on a farm, where she 38 four children, and buried my grandpaI visited her on weekendsAfter the gardening work, I was 39 to climb the mountain, singing songs and gathering flowersSometimes the plants scratched meShe woolly say, “Beauty has a 40 I hope it was worth it.”“Yes, ma ma,” Id say. “ 41 was.”I loved gathering flowers on my own 42 what I loved best was gathering them with her Even then, as a child, I knew what I 43 most from my grandma was not her flowers, but her 44 She s been gone for years, but sometimes, when I 45 down to pick a flower or pull -a weed, I see her 46 ,not mineI thought Id 47 to be a gardener tooI told myself, someday, 48 my chiller had children, Id be a gardening grandmaThen the 49 started showing up, and I discovered Id much rather run after there than go _ 50 Actually Im no gardenerIm a picker, not a plantarI 51 from my grandma in lots of ways, but this: I will always carry 52 me a heart she made from her ownI 53 plant a garden. My children are my flowers. They 54 and complete me with a beauty that is worth any price. All I need to do is 55 them with time, water them with love, and hope that someday, when they hold their first grandchild, they might see my hand第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ANearly 5 million clog bites occur in the US each year, according to the American Humane Association MsStilwell, CEO of Victoria StilwellPositively Dog; Training, offers some advice on how to read dog behavior toavoid an attack on a person or the other clog People are usually attacked by a dog they know, It happens when the relative has brought his clog over, or it happens at a friends house, says MsStilwell, “We just let ourguard owe here “Obvious signs insoluble barking, growling, if the dogs ears are flat or suddenly prick upSome dogs salivate(流口水)when they are stressed, others cower(畏缩), says MsStilwell“Dogs will wag(摇) their tails when they are upset or over-aroused Similarly, if an unfamiliar dog rolls onits back to expose its belly(腹部), it doesnt necessarily want to be pettedIt might be asking you to move away A dog that attacks is often acting out of fear, says MsStilwell Those signs of fear may include a dog yawning, turning its head assay when someone approaches, tensing up or staringSome dogs will slightly lift what Ms Stilwell calls the anticipatory paw(先行爪) , because it shows that they think smelting negative is about to happenAnother subtle warming sign is when a dog slightly lifts its lip to show teethAlso, when a dogs flat tongue is relaxed or curved at the sides, it means there is tension “If a dog is on a child and youre pulling it off, youre making the wound on the child deeper, MsStilwell says Instead,” take a coat or T-shirt ankle put it over the dogs head, she saysWhen dogs cant see, they panic and open their mouths56We can conclude from Paragraph 2 that we A should stay with our friends in case of dog bites Bshould watch out for dogs we are familiar wimp Cshouldnt be frightened of dogs we know well Dshouldnt carry anything when staying with dogs57According to the passage, when a dog _. Awags its tail, it is showing its friendliness Bshows its teeth, it means it is relaxed C lifts its front paw, it wants you to leave Dstares at you, it might feel frightened58According to the passage, when a dog is biting a chill, we should Acover its head with something Bpull it off from the child at once Cpull open the dogs mouth quickly Dfrighten it away with a coat or T-shirt59The purpose of the passage is mainly to _ . Aprevent people from being attacked by a dog B inform us of dog bites that happen in the US C warm people of the harm that dogs do to people Dchange the way people think about a dog B The 2014 Nobel Prize in Literature went to the French novelist” for the art memory with which he has “uncovered the life-world of the occupation Although the 69-year-old writer is a very popular literary figure in France, he is little known elsewhere So who is this Patrick Median, why does his memory have such an influence upon him, and what exactly has he uncovered?Median was boom in a suburb of Paris right after World War II ended in Europe in July 1945His father was a Jewish-Italian businessman who met his Belgian actress mother during the Nazi occupation of ParisAs The New Yorker magazine put it, Europeans born in 1945 share a condition - They escaped the war, but not the taint (污点)of the warMedians life has been influenced by Nazi Germanys occupation during the war, and his familys connections to itAccording to New York-based newspaper Forward, his father survived the war dishonorablyWhen Paris Jews were brought together to be sent to concentration camps, the businessman did not join them but spent the time making money from deals with Nazis on the blackmarket “The novelist has a duty to record the lives of the people who have disappeared, the people who were made to disappear, French writer Clemency Oblique, also an expert in Jewish studies, told The New Yorker magazine In his more than three dozen novels, Median has retimed again and again to the same themes: Jadishness, the Nazi occupation, and loss of identityHis characters collect pieces of old evidence, handwriting, photographs, police files, and newspaper cuttingsHis most admired novel, Missing Person, is a good exampleIts the story about a detective who h as lost his memory He tries to final out who he really is by following his own steps through history Although Medians win is a surprise outside France, people are celebrating in his home counterMedian is the 15th French literature winnerAfter Le Lazios 2008 win, it seemed unlikely that there would be another so soon,60The passage is mainly about . Aa literary figures personal affairs Ba famous novelist9s family background Ca Nobel Prize winner and his literary achievement D European peoples sufferings during World War II61Which of the following statements about Patrick Median is TRUE according to the passage?A He is a survivor of World War IIBHe tried to find back his lost identityC World War II has an impact on his lifeDHe was world-famous before winning the Nobel Prize62Median won the Nobel Prize because of _ Ahis extraordinary character B his unique way of recording history Chis characters unusual experiences Dhis special connections to the war63It can be inferred from the passage that .AMedians parents were sent to the concentration campBMedians winning the Prize was beyond expectationCMedians father had nothing to do with the NazisDClemency Oblique is also of Jewish originCNEWS BRIEFNew label-s(标签)to show calories(卡路里)The US movement ruled that all food establishments(场所)should put the calorie information of their foods on their menus Within a year chain restaurants, like fast food chain KFC, will have to say clearly on their menus how many calories their fried chicken wings, fries, and other items contain Amusement parks, movie theaters and supermarkets will also have to follow the rulesThe move is designed to fight against the problem of obesity(肥胖)in the US Antibiotics leading to world problemsThe entire world is facing this problem: antibiotic resistanceAnd the resistance will lead to the deaths of 10 million people across the world by 2025, predicted a new reportreleased by the UK movementAntibiotics are used to destroy or slow the growth of harmful bacteria in our bodiesBut overuse and misuse of them can encourage bacteria to develop new ways of overcoming antibiotics,which makes it increasingly di佑cult for humans to fight diseasesAustralia is the worlds most expensive destination for international students, according to a study done by Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation(HSBC)They have to spend an average of $42,000(about 258,000 yuan)a year to study at Australia universities. Singapore is not far behind, with an average yearly cost of $39,229, followed by the US at $36,564 and the UK at $35,045However, Australias education quality only ranks joint fourth with Canada, well below the US, the UK, and Germany In addition, interactional students studying in Germany only have to pay about one-sixth the cost of studying in Australia The Interactional Olympic Committee has canceled the 28-sport cap for future summer OlympicsBut each summer Games will still only be allowed 10,500 athletes and 310 eventsCountries that could host the games will discuss plans with the committee during a new invitation stage before bidding. They are also allowed to hold events curtsied their own countries and get financial support from the committee. No changes will be introduced for the 2016 OLYMPICS IN Rio de Junior, Brazil.64The news brief covers Amedicine, disaster, finance, eventsCbusiness, medicine, economy, sportsBservice, health, education, eventsDhealth, medicine, education, sports65The underlined word “antibiotics in Line 7 refers to .Aserious diseases Bharmful bacteriaC medical drugs D varieties of resistance66Which of the following fits in the blank best in the news brief?AInternational students in AustraliaBAustralian study most expensiveCThe cost of studying overseasDAustralias extrication quality67Which of the following statements is best supported by the news brief?A It is necessary for the UK movement to try hard to encourage using lots of antibioticsBIt is Australias best education quality that will cause students to make a wise choiceCSome events may be held outside the host country in future summer OlympicsDPompom sold in cinemas in the world will soon have calorie information labels DThe clearing of my parents home has made me think about the importance, even centrality of books to the houses life and soul The house, and our lives in it, would not have been the same without booksThe force of the statement comes home to me as I see what happens when shelves arc emptiedThe rooms suddenly look uncomfortably bareI always rather took it for granted that books furnished a roomThe only rooms in our house without books were the darning-room and the bathroomsOtherwise there were books everywhere: in all the bedrooms, in the drawing-room and in the piano room which became my parents comfortable winter studyI couldnt help feeling that books were rather like people: some more formal and boring, others more entertaining; some simply for show, others with unpromising outsides but rich interiorsThey clad more, in fact, than furnish a room, they were companions who cull offer insights, good adviceNow the books are being contributed (not all, to be sure, but very many) , and I fear for their future, almost as if they were refugees(难民). “Havent sulfate labella”, goes as the old Latin saying, originally written by Retentions; it meant that the fate and future of books were determined by the capability of the reader But the meaning of the phrase has been misunderstood by time and is now associated with the physical fate of particular books, how they have passed from owner to ownerThis is how Walter Benjamin read the saying when he wrote his essay Unpacking My Library”, which analyses the extraordinarily close relationship between a collector and his or her books.As I deal with the books many are going to charity (慈善) shops and I hope they will find good homes I cant help wondering if my generation is the last that will oversee such a process. Books are disappearing, as more and more are bought in electronic form and exist only as bytes of information on E books or other devices. Does this matter? Could books become more spiritual, as they lose their physicality?She followed the children to the door, wondering at her heavy heartWhat could it come from? There was nothing in life for her to fear of course, except for the children, and it was stupid to fear for them They were all safe; safe and strong and rooted deep in health, and little Mark was stepping off into his own life as the others had done But she felt afraid What could she be frail of?She could not bear to let them leave her and stood with them in the open door-way for a momentEly rubbed her soft cheek against her mothers handPaul, seeing his mother tremble in the keen March air, said, “voter, if Father were here hed make you go inThats a thin dressAnd your teeth are just chattering 66Yes, youre right, Paul, she agreed; nits foolish of MelThe children gave her a hearty round of good-bye hugs and kisses, and went clown the stone-flagged path to the roadThey were chatting to each other as they wentTheir voices sounded at first loud and gay in their mothers earsThen they sank to a murmur, as the children ran along the roadWhen the murmur died away to silence, there seemed no sound left in the gray valley, empty and motionless been the steep dark walls of pine-covered mountains


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