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有志者,事竟成。四年级第一次月质量检测英 语 试 卷得分 一、英汉互译。(20分)1. 一位新医生 _ _ 2. 你的父亲_ _ 3. 那位女孩 _ _ 4. 穿着白色的短裙 _ _5. 我的朋友 _ 6. climb trees _ 7. the boy in the tree _ _ 8. Lets hurry. _ 9. come down _ _ 10. Welcome to our school_ _二、按要求写单词。(10分)1.boy(对应词) 2.short(反义词) 3.I(同音词) 4.whos(完整形式) 5.brother(对应词) 6.let us(缩写形式) 7.man(复数) 8.were(完整形式) 9.old(反义词) 10.he(物主代词) 三、选择填空(30分) ( )1.Welcome my home . A. to B. too C. two ( )2. that boy ? Hes David . A. Whose B. Where C. Whos ( )3. your mother a nurse ? Yes. she is.A. Are B. Is C. Whos ( )4.The girl a red dress is my sister . A. in B. has C. with ( )5.Hes late the party . A. of B. to C. for ( )6.The old is my grandfather . A. man B. woman C. girl ( )7.Dont climb again . A. tree B. trees C. this trees ( )8.Wheres my cat , Mum ? Oh , Its the tree . A. on B. at C. in ( )9.Whos man over there ? Hes my father . A. this B. that C. those ( )10. -_ , whats that over that ? -Its a purse . A. Sorry B. Excuse me C. I think( )11. -Are you a student ? - _ . A. Yes , I am B. Yes , Im C. Yes , I do .( )12. - _ one? -The one in the white T-shirt.A. Whos B. What C. Which( ) 13. Whos the man_ a big head? A.in B.with C.on.( ) 14. -Who is your mothers father? -Hes my_. A grandfather B grandmother C uncle( ) 15. _ your grandmother _the black sweater?A. Is; inB. Are; inC. Is; with四、选择正确的应答。(5分)( )1. Are you new here? A . The one in the red skirt.( )2. Whos the woman with short hair? B. No, Im not.( )3. Welcome to my home. C. No, she isnt.( )4. Which one? D. Thank you.( )5. Is the woman a doctor? E. Shes my mother.五、连词成句。(10分)1. the , in , boy , tree , the , who , is ( ? )_2. me , you , here , Excuse , are , new ( ? )_3. the , with , whos , boy , big , a , nose ( ? )_4. late , are , we , the , for , party ( . )_5. one , the , in ,the , red , dress ( . )_六、把句子补充完整 (20%)1.那个妇女是谁?她是布朗夫人,她是一位护士。 that ? Mrs. Brown. Shes a .2.你是老师吗?不,我是一个医生。我是这儿新来的。 a ? No. a . Im here.3.那个女孩是你妹妹吗?哪一个?大眼睛的那个。是的。 that girl your ? one ? The one big eyes . Yes.4.穿着绿色短裙的那个女孩是谁?她是杨玲。Whos the girl the _? Yang Ling.5.这是我的朋友,迈克。_ _my_, Mike.七、阅读理解。(5分)B) 阅读对话,选择正确的答案。Mary:Hello,Im Mary. Im a new student .Nancy:Hello,my name is Nancy . Welcome to our school!Mary:Thank you . I like my new school very much .Mary:Me,too . Lets go to our class,OK?Mary:OK. Lets go . Whos that man? Is he our Chinese teacher?Nancy:No,hes our English teacher,Mr Wang . Nancy:I see .Whos that girl?Nancy:Shes Helen . Shes a new student,too . ( )1、Who is new here? A. Nancy B、Mary C、Mr Wang ( )2、Where are they now? A.In the zoo B.In the park C.In the school( )3、Does Nancy like her school?A.No B.Yes C.I dont know。 ( )4、Who is their English teacher? A.Mr Wang B.Miss Li C.Mary ( )5、Is Helen a new student,too? A.Yes,she is B. No,she isnt。 C.Yes,she isnt。 读书长见识。 四英月考一 第5页共4页


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