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conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Encourages the party branch Secretary of the practice of party members give a Party lecture. Production line of advanced party members reported, their own experiences, enhance the attraction and appeal of party lecture. 4. Organization of online communication. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Boot party communist networks, mobile phone, TV, micro-learning and distance education platforms. Boot party member home participation in networked learning, interaction and three lessons, offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5. carry out the responsibility. Each branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, timely understanding of party members and cadres to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems. Party Committee should do a good job leadership learning at the same time, guidance to branch based on the development of learning programmes, and urged the implementation of three lessons system and implementing learning requirements. To take reports, customized research, participate in discussions, attend meetings of the Organization, such as supervision, and effective transmission of pressure. About consolidation of weak and lax party branches, through true strong team, promote transformation improving branch to issue that stands out, to be dealt with first in place, further study and education. 6. play the lead role. Leadership, leading cadres should set an example, and to lead by example, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others and not themselves determined not to do, we cannot lamp black, and flashlight man as himself. To enforce a rigid double about the life of the system, lead study discussion, lead in talking about experiences, give a Party lecture, report, leading to participate in organisational life, democratic appraisal, lead in duty of due diligence, according to positions, contribute to role play with learning, promoting learning education solid and effective. 7. grasp the integrated. To stick around the Center, serving the overall situation, the two combining education and completed various tasks, and implement the County Thirteen-Five combines planning, and the XX combination of scientific development and leaping development, both hands, two, avoiding two peels. By studying education, inspire party members and cadres undertaking enthusiasm, in establishing and implementing five development philosophy, solid industrial restructuring, deepening reform, poverty alleviation crucial, improving peoples livelihood and other work in the front, for example. Promotion of cadres work hard, aggressive, push development to test the effectiveness of educational work. Township two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme the Party (total) branch: for advance full strictly rule party, according to XX municipal on in city members in the carried out learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members learning education implementation programme, and XX municipal organization Department on two learn a do learning arrangements of specific筑炉工岗位操作规程1、 操作前准备11正确穿戴劳动保护用品。12检查炉壳、槽壳外形是否完好符合施工要求;施工机具是否通水、通电,操盘是否灵活,刀具是否稳固等。施工现场是否具备通风,照明等安全施工条件13熟悉图纸,施工部位的相关要求,明确施工任务和注意事项,准备必带的工具。14对施工现场的原材料外观质量检查,选砖,分类堆放,并标识。2 筑炉施工注意事项21 通用筑炉施工注意事项2.1.1 严格按图纸、施工方案、施工技术要求等技术性文件的要求施工,保证施工质量达到要求。2.1.2 施工前检查上道工序质量是否符号要求,如有问题及时与技术人员联系。2.1.3 施工中注意事前及过程控制,出现质量问题及时向车间领导汇报并整改。2.1.4 每道工序施工完后,要质量检查,及时钩缝。2.1.5 砌体必须错缝砌筑,砖缝宽度符合砌体类别或图纸要求。2.1.6 缺棱掉角的砖或经过加工的砖面,禁止砌于炉膛直接与火焰、溶液接触部位及承受重力的部位。2.1.7 拱顶应从两边的拱脚同时向中心线对称砌筑。2.1.8 拱顶锁砖不得砍削,必要时加工邻近的砖,锁砖应准确地按拱顶的中心对称均匀分布。2.1.9 喷火嘴,出料口预制砖要安放准确,砌体质量可靠。2.1.10 电热元件、热电偶孔的位置必须正确。2.1.11 冬季砌筑工业炉时,工作地点和砌体周围温度均不得低于+5;耐火泥浆的温度不得低于+5;砌筑红砖用的砂浆不得低于+10。2.1.12 使用浇注料要按使用说明进行搅拌、加水、困料和施工。2.2电解槽施工注意事项2.2.1湿法砌筑各部砖缝泥浆必须饱满,不准有空隙。各部湿砌耐火砖缝,卧缝不大于3mm,边部立缝不大于2mm,顶头缝不大于3mm。2.2.2砌筑前将槽壳上的污垢和周围砖表面上的泥浆清理干净方可进行作业。2.2.3砌筑时从四个角部开始作业,立缝不大于1.5mm,卧缝不大于3mm,相邻碳块错台之差不大于5mm。2.2.4侧部炭块加条应砌在两大面第二块炭块与第三块炭块中间。加条尺寸不小于90mm。2.2.5碳胶泥使用温度5090,使用前将碳胶泥调均,立缝,卧缝碳胶泥必须饱满,不准有空隙。2.2.6调整时,用木锤或胶锤和撬棍调整,严禁用金属锤敲打,以防损伤炭块。2.2.7侧、角部砖块背缝均用氧化铝粉填充,填充要饱满。2.3工业炉筑炉施工注意事项2.3.1 搅拌浇注料,搅拌时以手将混合料捏成团(球状),投向空中300mm,落在手中,球体呈稍微偏平,挤在手缝中的状态为标准软度,即为标准加水量。2.3.2 搅拌好后进行耐火浇注料施工,施工中应用振动棒振捣密实,按照图纸尺寸施工。2.3.3浇注料施工使用插入式振动棒,使用插入式振动器时浇注料厚度不应超过振动器作用部分长度的1.25倍,用平板振动器时,其厚度不得超过200mm。振捣时间不能过长,不能有空洞,以见所振部位有水泥浆冒出为止。2.3.4砌筑过程中要严格拉线操作,炉墙水平误差每米不大于3mm,炉墙垂直误差每米不大于3mm。2.3.5加工耐火砖可采用切割机加工,也可采用手工加,但都须加工准确,保温砖用手板锯加工。2.3.6错缝砌筑砖面搭接不小于60mm。2.3.7膨胀缝内不能有灰浆或其它杂物。2.3.8砌筑完以后要对炉膛内耐火砖进行勾缝。3、施工中的安全注意事项3.1 一般规定3.1.1 在脚手架脚手板上运料或砌筑作业时,不得奔跑或多人集聚。3.1.2 从砖垛上取砖时,应由上而下阶梯合拿取,不得一码取到底或由下面掏取,整砖或半砖应分别递送。3.1.3在高处砍砖时,应面向墙的里侧,有得对着别人或面向外站直身子砍砖。跳板上碎砖杂物应随时清除。3.1.4严禁站在墙上砍砖、钩缝、检查大角垂直度、清扫墙面或行走。上下脚手架时应走通道,禁止攀爬支架。3.1.5在脚手架上作业时,严禁自行拆除脚手板及脚手杆。3.1.6使用切砖机、磨砖机或用手加工砖板时,应戴手套和防护眼镜,并不得面对面的进行作业。3.1.7 砌筑炉膛及烟道内衬,应有充足的照明和良好的通风。作业人员应戴安全帽。3.2物料运输3.2.1对于负责物料运输的操作人员应检查提升设备的清洁、紧固、润滑、保护接地等情况,确认合格,方可启动。3.2.2 负责物料运输的操作人员,应时刻注意作业面上传来的信号,绝对服从信号员的指挥。3.3 筑 炉3.3.1 炉子的钢骨架、炉管上,不得直接悬挂电线。3.3.2 磨砖机、切砖机的使用,应遵守施工机具的安全操作规程,作业人员应站在砂轮片旋转方向的侧面,严禁站在砂轮片正面并防止手被砂轮片碰伤,作业时,切、磨砖不得用力过猛。3.3.3 向深坑或设备内吊运材料,应在顶部设平台、围栏。内部分层作业,层与层之间应设隔离层防护。3.3.4拱胎支架,必须牢固,炉窑拱顶必须对称砌筑。在拱胎上堆放砖均匀对称。3.3.5大、中型的炉窑和半园状的拱顶砌筑,应锁紧一环,再砌一环。拱砖放衬缝与水平夹角砌成30度时,必须用金属钩子将拱砖固定。3.3.6 回转筒体内衬作业,托板和支撑要均衡紧固,转动时,筒体内不得有人和料具。3.3.7大中型耐火砖、耐火混凝土和石炭砖块吊装砌筑时,吊梁、索具、夹具必须牢固。3.3.8进入烟道、烟囱内检查时,应有人监护。4、设备及工器具操作注意事项41手持电动工具在使用前检查外壳、手柄、插头、开关、漏电保护、防护罩是否完好,确认后方可使用。42操作电动工具握持要稳,用力均匀,不得用劲过猛,以防刀片或部件伤人。43搬运中禁止用缆线拖拉电动工具,以免拉断或磨破缆线。44在更换电动工具的部件时,要先拉闸断电,或拔下插头,确认无电后方可更换。部件要更换正确,拧紧螺丝,防止松动操作。45在操作中必须戴上防护眼镜,用完的手持电动工具放在干燥处保管,防止受潮。46使用碳块切割机、切砖机要戴上防护眼镜,要先检查水、电。先放水,再通电。操作中动作稳和缓,防止材料崩裂或电机负荷过大。47操作搅拌设备要检查电源是否接反,加料量要适当,防止搅拌设备负荷过大,干料搅拌均匀后,按规定加水,使用完后要及时清理搅拌设备内的剩余残料。48切砖机安放要稳,平整,不得倾斜,使用前应先检查操作台,或轮轴是否灵活,刀片有无松动,是否需要更换,经检查确认以后方可启动。严禁在刀片旋转中摆放需要加工的材料,不得改变砖块的方向和位置。49在操作中设备出现故障应立即拉闸断电,严禁在机械运转中检修。410切砖操作人员应戴防护眼镜和口罩。411在切砖前应将需加工的材料摆放正确,用夹具夹紧,通水、通电,加工材料。严禁在刀片旋转中摆放需加工的材料,不得改变砖块的方向和位置,操作过程中禁止其他人员站在操作平台的水面。412刀片被卡在材料中,应先断电适当退让刀片,再通电、通水,缓慢进刀。禁止快速操作。5、清洁生产注意事项5.1 施工完后要及时断水端电,能利用的耐火材料,要充分利用。5.2 施工完后要做到工完料尽场地清。phthalate 0.44g, accurate to O.0001g. Placed in an Erlenmeyer flask, add water, 75mL to make it dissolve. Join the 23 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, place the Erlenmeyer flask on a magnetic stirrer for mixing. Titration of the calibration standard solution of sodium hydroxide, until just pink in the Erlenmeyer flask is not fading, read the consumption number of ml of standard solution of sodium hydroxide. Secondary calibration the same benchmark sample. Concentration expressed as molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, as in the formula: M-sodium hydroxide standard solution concentration, mol/l; MO-weigh the weight of potassium hydrogen phthalate, g; V-consumption volume of standard solution of sodium hydroxide, mL. Secondary determination to get the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide standard solution, the absolute value of the difference of no more than 0.0002, then taking the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. Sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample volume: weighing samples you have mixed 10G, accurate to 0.1g, pour into the Erlenmeyer flask add 100mL distilled water, oscillating mix. Erlenmeyer flask drops 23 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution, placed on a magnetic stirrer stir. By titration with sodium hydroxide standard solution calibrated until just pink in the Erlenmeyer flask is not fading, read the consumption number of ml of standard solution of sodium hydroxide. Determination of the number of measured on the same sample twice (2)-(4) 5, said of the results of calculation methods: pH 10G 0.1mol/L standard sodium hydroxide solution consumed by the sample size represents the number of ml, type: X-sampleprogramme, and XX city learning education implementation programme spirit and town party implementation programme requirements, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, ensure learning education made effectiveness, Promotion of all party members and consciously respect the party Constitution, abide by party rules, armed with XI series of important speech by General Secretary head, guide, and promote the work, be qualified party members and learning arrangements are hereby makes the following specific programmes. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1, Constitution Party rules learning of the party Constitution, a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, grasp conditions, rights and obligations of party members, bearing in mind that oath, clear qualified party member criteria and conditions. Learning the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPCs disciplinary regulations, the Chinese Communist Party Member Rights Ordinance and so on, mastering self-discipline standards of four must, the four upholdings, mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions. 2, and learning series speech to XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) and out poverty work to dream into really-XI comrade in XX work during advocate practice line immediately on do documentary and XI General Secretary on immediately on do important discusses, for basic textbook, learning understand XI General Secretary series important speech of basic spirit, learning understand Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy of basic content, learning understand XI General Secretary on Fujian, and A series of important instructions of the XX and XX of important ideas, inheriting and carrying forward the General Secretary during the XXs sigewan and will do it right away and other fine traditions and work style, mastery and improvement of self-cultivation, fulfill the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Grasp to master the following main aspects: (1) which is the spirit of the ideals and beliefs of calcium, establish a correct world Outlook, Outlook on life and values, (2) is the national dream, Chinese dream the dreams, the dreams of the people of the nation, is the dream of the Chinese nation in modern times most of the great core Essentials is the national prosperity, national revitalization, the happiness of the people, (3) China Color Socialist is achieved Chinese great revival of way, enhanced road confidence, and theory confidence, and system confidence; (4) four a full strategy layout is new of history conditions Xia party ruling acting political total strategy, consciously with four a full led the work; (5) insisted innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared development is relationship China development global of one deep change, according to new development concept do job; (6) practice line Socialist core values, Carrying forward socialist morality and the traditional Chinese virtues, (7) comprehensive strictly administering the party is a joint responsibility of all party members, each branch must be implemented and


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