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中考英语形容词和副词考点归纳与解析【重点讲解】形容词用来修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。大多数形容词有比较等 级的变化,可分为原级、比较级和最高级三种基本形式,用来表示事物的等级差 别。副词在句子中主要修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。副词按词汇意义可分为方式副词、程度副词、地点副词、时间副词和频度副词等。分别用于表示状 态、程度、场所、时间。副词也有比较等级的变化,其规则形式与形容词的相同。掌握形容词和副词的基本用法要注意以下几点:1、有些形容词加-ly可构成副词。但由名词加-ly结尾的是形容词,如friendly , lovely , likely , lively 等。2、形容词、副词的比较级等级的变化。1 )规则变化:单音节词和少数双音节词一般在词尾加-er/ estsmallsmallersmallest; clevercleverercleverest辅音字母+y结尾的,把y变成i力口-er / est:easyeasiereasiest; heavyheavierheaviest词尾以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节单词,双写该辅音字母,然后加-er/ est:bigbiggerbiggest; hothotterhottest多音节词和部分双音节词,在词前加上 more/ most:slowlymore slowlymost slowly;interestingmore interestingmost interesting2)不规则变化:原级比较级最高级good(好 的)/ well(健康 的)betterbestbad (坏的)/ ill(有病的)worseworstold (老的)older/elderoldest/eldestmuch/ many(多)moremostlittle(少)lessleastfar (远)farther/furtherfarthest/furthest3、表示比较的几种句型:句型1 : “比较级+ than ”,例如:You are taller than I.They lights in your room are brighter than those in mine.句型2: “as +原级+ as : 否定句中可用soas例如:Tom is as tall as his father.He cannot run so/as fast as you.句型3: “最高级+ in/of ”,例如:The Changjiang River is one of the longest rivers in the world.Peter is the tallest player of the three.4、可修饰比较级的词有 much, even, far, still, rather, by far, a bit, a little, a lot, a great deal 等。例如:The sun is much bigger than the earth.太阳比地球大得多。He did his work far better than I.他的工作做得比我好得多。【中考链接】一,用所给词的正确形式填空。1, I am a little( tall ) than you.2, It is much( safe ) to stay at home than to go out at night.3, This question is( difficult ) than that one.4, Fan Bingbing is( famous ) than Yangmi.5, Jacky Chan is( popular ) than Wang Baoqiang.6, The yellow bag is the( expensive ) of the two bags.7, My pocket money is much ( much ) than yours.8, He felt bad yesterday. But now he feels a lot( good ).9, Maomin is not so( busy ) as Shanghai.10, I have got money as( much) as you.形容词(adj.)和副词(adv.),作用和位置(1) “形容词” 常用来修饰,放在名词的 或者be / 系动词(例如:become / get /turn / feel等)的。例如:漂亮的女孩 beautiful girl (beautiful是形容词,放在名词girl的刖面)The bag is big. ( big是形容词,放在 be动词后面)(2) “副词”修饰,常放在动词的 被修饰的形容词和副词的 例如: 大声说speak loudly(speak 是动词,loudly 就是副词。) 非常好very good (good “好的”是形容词,very是副词,修饰 good ,放在它的前面) 二,副词的变化规则规则的变化:副词(adv.)=形容词+ ly例如: carefully = careful + + ly Jslow (adj.缓慢的)一 slowly (adv.缓慢地,慢慢地)quick (adj. 迅速的,快的 )一 quickly adv.(快,迅速) safe safely注意:(1)辅音字母加y结尾的,要把y变成i ,再加ly 例如:happy (adj.高兴的)一 happily (adv.高兴地)(2)有些词既可作形容词也可作副词。如:fast, early, late , hard , high等。(3) good的副词是well !(切记)1 ,把下面形容词变成副词。heavy slow fast careful light careless busy sad loud natural successful lategood lucky early 二,选词填空。1. , He is a student, and he always does at school. ( good/ well )2. My father usually finishes his jobs. He is a man. ( successful / successfully)3. I am so today. I won the match. ( lucky / luckily)4. Shanghai is a city. Everyone works . (busy / busily )5. She sings really . ( good / well )6. Don t drive too( fast). It s dangerous.7. Tim goes to school every day. But it s too today.(early)8. I am never for school. But today I got to school too.(late )9. Listen to teachers in class. You should be.(careful / carefully)10. Tony is a boy. He lost his bag this morning.(careless / carelessly)三,用括号里所给词的正确行使填空。1. Lily left( angry ) yesterday.2. They are playing basketball. They are so today.(happy)3. Please write it down( quick ).4. I saw a grandma walk( slow) in the park yesterday.5. Sally didn t pass the exam( successful), so she is crying ( sad ).6. I can t hear you( dear ). Can you say it (loud)?7. My grandma is very nice. She always smiles at us( nice).8. My mother( usual) goes shopping with me.9. Everything is getting( good ).10. I hurt my knee( bad ) yesterday.11. I am working( hard ) to get the best score.12. We are playing( good ) as a team now.13. Children can learn languages more(easy) than adults.-,变化规则:包括规则的变化和不规则的变化 (1)规则的变化构成方法原级比较级一般都在词前而加morecarefully , carelessly, easily , loudly, clearly在词尾加 -erearly , late , fast , high , hard原级比较级wellBadlymany/much(2)不规则的变化原级比较级littlefar1. Sorry, I cant hear you. Please speak(loudly).2. Tony listens to teachers( careful ) than Kevin.3. Dick does his home work( careless ) than you.4. We are training( hard) because we want to win.5. Tom goes to school( late) than Tony.6. I usually get up( early ) than my sister.7. Sam did( well) this year than last year.8. Li Lei draws(badly) than Jim.9. Today Tom came to school( early)10. Please run( quickly ). Or we ll be late.比较级固定句式(1)比较级+ and +比较级=越来越 更 、! 香港正变得 更大更繁荣。 Hong Kong is getting bigger and busier . 现在Simon学习越来越认真了。Now Simon is studying .(2) the +比较级,the +比较级=越,越Eg: 开车越小心就越安全。The more carefully you drive, the safer it is.越喝多可乐就越月半。 The more cola you drink, the fatter you become. 练习越多就越容易。 you practise, it is.1. The teacher looked at her students when they were saved.We also felt for them.A. happily, happyB. happy, happilyC. happy, happyD. happily, happily2. This dish tastes.Thank you. It by Mr. Smith.A. good; was cookedB. well; cooksC. bad; is cookedD. terrible; cooked3 good news it is! The panda are found alive after theearthquake.It s soA. What a, excitedC. How a, excitedB. What, excitingD. How, exciting4. Traveling by plane is than traveling by train. Yes, but it is not so as traveling by train.A. quickly; cheaperC. quick; more cheapB. more quick; cheaplyD. quicker; cheap5. Shall we go to the Hi-tech Fair at 9:00 tomorrow morning? Why not meet a little? How about 8:30?A . moreB. less C. laterD. earlier6. I think real cards arethan e-cards.A. niceB. nicer C. nicestD. the nicest7. How much money did you pay for the drink? None. It was.A. easyB. freeC. cheapD. expensive8. Let s go to the new restaurant on the 24 th Street for dinner tonight? We can cook it at home. It s.A. expensiveC. less expensiveB. more expensiveD. the most expensive9. Everyone likes Kevin because he talks to othersA. friendly B. lovelyC. politely D. luckily10. Daniel is a careful driver but he drives of my friends.A. more carefullyB. the most carefullyC. less carefullyD. the least carefully11. The sun rises in the east.A. neverB. sometimes C. alwaysD. often12. I always listen to the teacherin class. It s very clever of you to do that.C. carefulD. carefullyA. freeB. freely13. They could do the work better with money and people.A. little, fewerB. fewer, lessC. less, fewer D. less, few14. Monday is myday.A. the busiestB. busyC. busierD. busiest15. Mr. Taylor, the bank manager often dresses more to getrelaxed at the weekends.A . carefullyB. normallyC. casuallyD.particularly16. Jenny, a man named Tom phoned you. He asked you to callhim back.A. now and thenB. just nowC. right nowD. from now on17. Tom is of the two.A. the younger B. the youngestC. youngerD. theyoung 18. What news it was! Yes, all of the children were.A. excited; excitingB. exciting; excitedC. exciting; excitingD. excited ; excited19. The pianos in this shop are as as the ones in that shop.A. cheapB. cheapest C. cheaperD.the cheapest20. It s winter now. It is getting B. colder and colderD. coldest and coldestA. very cold and coldC. more cold and cold


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