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西 闫 乡 第 一 小 学 教 学 设 计第( 5 )周 年级 五 科目 英语 备课教师 张爱霞 教研组长(审) 课 题Unit 3 Whats your favourite food第一课时教 学目 标知识目标lets learn部分的单词:tomato,tofu,green beans,fish,potato,eggplant,cabbage,mutton,pork。能力目标在情景中使用对话中的句子,并能恰当的替换句中的单词。情感目标通过对饮食的学习,教育学生不偏食,养成良好的饮食习惯。教学重点听、说、读、写单词:tomato,tofu,green beans,fish,potato,eggplant。教学难点tomato和potato易混淆;eggplant较长;cabbage的发音较难;pork 和mutton的意思容易混;tofu的发音容易被中文干扰。考 点lets learn部分的单词:tomato,tofu,green beans,fish,potato,eggplant,cabbage,mutton,pork。易 混 点tomato和potato易混淆教学过程课前导学导:出示目标 学法指导请学生说出学过的有关食物的单词(Say some words about food)。提问:What would you like for lunch? 引导学生用Id like回答。当学生的回答中涉及到单词pork,fish,tomato,potato时,教师要适时拿出卡片,带领学生拼读。学:循标自学,找出疑难Presentation (新课呈现)教师播放lets learn部分录音,学生听两遍。教师提问:What would Mike like for lunch?引导学生回答:tomatoes and mutton。出示图片mutton,学生重复读音,教师解释pork是猪肉,mutton是羊肉。引导学生用What would you like for lunch?提问,教师分别用Id like some cabbage.Id like some green beans. Id like some eggplant. Id like some tofu.回答,并适时举起图片,让学生跟录音重复单词:cabbage,green beans,eggplant,tofu。教师要注意纠正cabbage和tofu的读音。教师播放lets learn部分录音,学生看书跟读单词和句子。教师出示lets start的图片,用拟人的方式以食物的口吻说:Look,heres some food. They are my friends. I am food, too. Im yummy to eat. Im red and round. I grow on the ground. My name begins with the letter as “tea”. What am I?让学生进行强答。教师再次出示卡片tomato,引导学生拼读记忆;然后出示卡片potato,让学生比较两个单词的异同,对比速记。 教学过程课堂合作探究展:展示检查,确定重点Lets play ( 趣味操练 )Lets chant教师播放Lets chant部分录音2-3遍,学生以小组为单位将食物单词卡片按歌词中的顺序摆好,教师请几个同学参与动画资料的操作。解:导学解难,合作探究教师出示lets start的图片,用拟人的方式以食物的口吻说:Look,heres some food. They are my friends. I am food, too. Im yummy to eat. Im red and round. I grow on the ground. My name begins with the letter as “tea”. What am I?让学生进行强答。教师再次出示卡片tomato,引导学生拼读记忆;然后出示卡片potato,让学生比较两个单词的异同,对比速记。达:达标检测,查缺补漏Consolidation and extension(巩固与扩展)(1)完成调查表(2)Reading听A lets learn部分录音,读给朋友听分层作业基础类写句子培优类句子默写补差类句子抄写3遍课后反思西 闫 乡 第 一 小 学 教 学 设 计课 题Unit 3 Whats your favourite food第二课时教 学目 标知识目标询问和回答三餐所吃食物的句型:What do you have for lunch today?I have能力目标能听懂句型,并结合这些句子表达的情境,学会恰当地替换句中的单词。情感目标通过对饮食的学习,教育学生不偏食,养成良好的饮食习惯。教学重点询问和回答三餐所吃食物的句型:What do you have for lunch today?I have教学难点What would you like for lunch?和What do you have for lunch today?的不同用法。考 点询问和回答三餐所吃食物的句型:What do you have for lunch today?I have易 混 点What would you like for lunch?和What do you have for lunch today?的不同用法。教学过程课前导学导:出示目标 学法指导Warm-up (热身)复习单词教师引导学生围绕What would you like for lunch?进行问答练习。渗透重点播放本单元歌曲What Do You Have for Lunch?,向学生呈现本课教学内容,让学生在欣赏歌曲的同时感知本节课的新语言。学:循标自学,找出疑难Presentation (新课呈现)教师根据学生的理解情况可再随意说些句子让学生理解What would you like for lunch?和What do you have for lunch today?的不同用法。以下内容仅供参考:A:Id like tofu, green beans and cabbage for lunch. But no green beans today.B:What do you have for lunch today?A:I have cabbage and tofu.启发学生比较What do you have for lunch today?和What would you like for lunch?的不同, 说出What do you have for lunch today?的功能。 第( 1)周 年级 五 科目 英语 备课教师 张爱霞 教研组长(审) 教学过程课堂合作探究展:展示检查,确定重点情景对话教师将所学食物卡片拿在手中,请一名学生任意抽取1、2张单词卡片,然后说:Heres your lunch. What do you have for lunch today?启发这名学生根据单词卡片的内容用I have来回答问题。以上活动进行几轮以后,教师将What do you have for lunch today?I have进行板以接龙的形式让学生依次抽卡片操练What do you have for lunch today?I have的语言结构。解:导学解难,合作探究Lets talk学生自己试着朗读对话。教师播放录音,学生跟读句子。启发学生说说What about you?的意思和用法。学生分角色表演对话。达:达标检测,查缺补漏Exercise (练习)Listen and tick or cross共同核对答案。Ask and write启发学生说说提问早餐和晚餐吃什么的问句:What do you have for breakfast/dinner?同时板书显示breakfast和dinner。在问答中完成以下表格: Breakfast Lunch DinnerMe My partner分层作业基础类写单词培优类3遍补差类5遍课后反思西 闫 乡 第 一 小 学 教 学 设 计课 题Unit 3 Whats your favourite food第三课时教 学目 标知识目标掌握句子What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes,tofu and fish.能力目标准确理解Read and write中对话的意思。情感目标通过对饮食的学习,教育学生不偏食,养成良好的饮食习惯。教学重点掌握句子What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes,tofu and fish.教学难点理解句子That sounds good.的含义。考 点What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes,tofu and fish.易 混 点tomato和potato易混淆教学过程课前导学导:出示目标 学法指导Warm up (热身)口语练习教师提问:(1)What do you like for lunch/breakfast/dinner? (巩固A部分单词和句型) (2) What day is today? (3) I like Sunday and Saturday. What about you? (复习星期名称单词)(4) What do we have on ? (复习on加星期名称单词的介词词组)学:循标自学,找出疑难Presentation (新课呈现)谈论一周三餐 (1) 教师提问:What do you have for lunch on Mondays?引导学生理解意思后用I have或We have 回答。 (2) 变化星期名称提问:What do you have for lunch on.?学生回答。 (3) 进一步扩展范围:What do you have for on?引导学生在理解的基础上回答。教学过程课堂合作探究展:展示检查,确定重点Read and write (1) 播放Read and write的动画或录像,学生观看,整体理解对话内容。 (2) 教师指画面提问:(可根据学生理解能力适时重复播放句子) This is Amy. What does Amy have for lunch on Mondays? (学生只要说出tomatoes, tofu and fish就可以了。) What would she like for dinner?(学生回答:potatoes and green beans) (指桌上的纸)What is this? (单词menu在新知呈现中已学过,再次强调它的发音和意思。) Is she hungry? Is Mew Mew hungry,too? (3) 教师说: Here is the school menu. That sounds good.学生重复句子。 (4) 学生独立阅读对话,然后完成Finish the sentences部分,教师巡视,做一些有针对性的辅导。 (5) 学生跟录音朗读对话。分角色练习对话,可以在星期、三餐(breakfast,lunch,dinner)、食物方面做必要的替换。练对话。解:导学解难,合作探究谈论菜谱 (1) 教师出示自制菜谱,如下: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayBreakfastHamburger Hot dog Milk and egg Sandwich BreadLunch Tomatoes and beef Chicken Mutton and carrotsEggplant and porkfish dinnerPotatoes noodles Beef and onionsTomatoes and eggsDumplings(2) 教师说:Here is our school menu. That sounds good. 教单词:menu 。借助手势和表情让学生理解That sounds good.的意思,并重复句子。 (3) 提问:What do you have for on?先帮学生在表格中找答案,再引导他们用We have 回答问题。 (4) 学生分组看表格进行问答: A:What do you have foron? B:We have Group work (1) 将准备好的表格发给学生,要求每个学生采访三名同学周六和周日的午餐,并在表格中记录:What do you have for lunch on Saturdays/Sundays?(2)学生两人一组在纸上根据所给单词完成4句话的拼写。(3)教师对能正确拼出4句话的小组应给予适当奖励。达:达标检测,查缺补漏仿照课文自编一段对话进行表演。 分层作业基础类对话练习培优类默写对话补差类抄3遍对话课后反思西 闫 乡 第 一 小 学 教 学 设 计 第( 5)周 年级 五 科目 英语 备课教师 张爱霞 教研组长(审) 学习内容Unit 3 Whats your favourite food第四课时学习目标学习单词tasty,salty,sweet,sour,fresh,healthy,并能用这些单词对一些食物进行简单的描述。 学习重点学习单词tasty,salty,sweet,sour,fresh,healthy,并能用这些单词对一些食物进行简单的描述。学习难点Healthy的发音较难掌握。学习过程:导:出示目标 学法指导Warm up ( 热身)猜谜语教师说几个关于食物的谜语让学生猜,并适时引出本课单词:(1) Its yummy to eat. It is made of bread and ham. Its name begins with the letter as “ha”. What is it? 当学生说出hamburger时,教师说:Yes. Hamburgers are salty. Hot dogs are salty. Sandwiches are salty. 让学生感悟salty的意思.(2) They are a kind of fruit. They are round and small. Some of them are purple, some of them are green. What are they?当学生回答出:They are grapes.时,教师说:Yes,they are grapes. Some grapes are sweet. Some are sour. Peaches are sweet, they are not sour. Lemons are sour, they are not sweet.让学生充分理解单词sweet和sour的意思。学:循标自学,找出疑难Presentation (新课呈现)Lets learn (1) 教师出示一袋白糖,说:Heres some sugar. 再用舌头添一下,以适当的语气说:Its sweet. 然后让学生边品尝边认读单词sweet,提示单词中的字母组合ee发i:。(2) 教师拿出一袋盐,说:Look,they are not sugar. They are salt.品尝一点后表现出形象的表情,说:Very salty. 引导学生学习单词salty,提示字母组合al在salty中的发音,一边学生记忆单词的拼写。(3) 教师出示一小瓶醋:This is vinegar. Its very sour. 让学生用鼻子闻味,学习并认读单词sour。(4) 教师出示一根新鲜的黄瓜,问:Whats this? 学生回答:Its a cucumber.继续问:Is it salty? Is it sour? Is it sweet?并分别引导学生做出相应回答。教师说:Its a fresh cucumber.引导学生学习单词fresh. 让学生说说现在季节中有的新鲜的蔬菜和水果:are fresh.(5) 教师出示一个西红柿,问:Is the tomato salty?Is it sweet? Is it sour?Is it fresh?学生回答后,教师说:Tomatoes are healthy, too. Tofu is healthy. Mutton is healthy. Onions are healthy. 引导学生理解单词healthy的意思,带读单词,强调healthy中ea和th的发音,帮助学生准确掌握单词的读音。让学生说出一些对健康有益的食品:is/are healthy.(6) 教师将西红柿切好放入空盘中,拌入白糖,自己先尝一口:Its tasty. Its my favourite.然后让学生在品尝中学习单词tasty。然后教师说:Tomatoes are my favourite.学生初步了解favourite的意思,并练习发音。(7) 教师播放lets learn部分录音,学生跟读单词和句子。(8) 教师范写四会单词,让学生跟写1、2遍。展:展示检查,确定重点Lets play ( 趣味操练 )猜单词(1) 教师拿出盐、糖、醋的三杯溶液,请一名学生品尝其中的一杯液体,并根据其味道呈现出不同的表情,让其他同学猜单词。(2) 该游戏进行几组后,变换要求,让品尝的学生有意不表现出正确的表情,其他小组猜是何味道。Lets chant(1) 教师播放Lets chant部分录音,学生听声音、看文字。(2) 学唱本课时歌谣。(3) 根据儿歌的韵律和歌词中的句子结构创新更多描述食物的语句,并进行汇报表演。解:导学解难,合作探究Story time(1) 教师说:Oh!Im hungry now. I have fish for lunch today. But my fish is salty. Lets go to a restaurant.(2) 教师播放Story time部分课件,学生观看。(3) 让学生自己阅读故事。达:达标检测,查缺补漏III. Consolidation and extension完成练习册课后反思


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