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吃香蕉的英文单词By the following morning he was sitting up in bed eating a bananaand lookingconsiderably better.据知情者透露,英国首相布朗为了塑形,为今年的议会选举做准备,正大吃香蕉,一天最多可达到9 根。British Prime Minister Gordon Brown is eating up to 9 bananas a dayas he tries to shape up for the General Election, an insider revealed. 意大利南方人则更可能把猴子和香蕉归为一类,因为他们之间有关系 猴子吃香蕉。Southern Italians, however, were more likely to say that monkey and banana go together because they have a relationship (monkeys eat bananas).我想,他是因为喜欢吃香蕉才希望成为僧人的。I think he wanted to become a monk because he liked to eat bananas.现在让我们吃香蕉。Let s eat the bananas now吃香.蕉的英文单词考生常吃香蕉, 可以缓解紧张的情绪,稳定心态。Examinees consuming bananas frequently can help to reduce tensionandstabilize their psychological state噜.尼喜欢吃香蕉。Lu Ni likes to eat bananas.除了吃香蕉,还有什么能够使你更幸福呢 ?Other than eating bananas, what might increase your level ofhappiness? Bring it up just one notch?你有见过谁一边吃香蕉一边伤心吗?In Thailand, the pregnant woman will take bananas while facing the plate in order to have comparatively cool environments while making babies 大象很喜欢吃香蕉。Elephants like bananas very much.吃绿色食物生女儿,吃香蕉和土豆生儿子 ?Green diets for daughters, bananas and potatoes for sons?同样地,我们发现食盐中含有钠,而我们一直在吃盐,钾也一样,想一想香蕉吧,吃香蕉也就是在吃钾。Similarly, we find it in table salt, were taking it in all the time, thesame withpotassium, think of bananas, were always eating potassium. 你喜欢吃什么 ?我喜欢吃香蕉。What do you like I like bananas跟.我一样,猴子也喜欢吃香蕉。你可以在动物园看到哦。Like me, monkeys also like to eat bananas. You can see this in the zoo.因为没人知道接下来会怎样,也许在兜了一圈以后我又重新回到原点,我又开始讨厌吃香蕉,又开始喜爱棒球比赛了。Who knows, maybe I comell full circle later on in my own life andstart hatingbananas and loving baseball again比.如说,小时候我讨厌吃香蕉,但现在我每天都吃一条;For example, when I was younger, I hatedbananas and now I eat one just about every day我.喜欢吃香蕉。我也是。I like bananas. Me too. 迪克正在吃香蕉。Dicks eating a banana我.不要吃香蕉片,我想要三勺巧克力口味的冰激凌放在华夫蛋筒中。I think Ill go for a triple scoop of chocolate surprise in a waffle cone.像我们和猴子,总是喜欢吃香蕉。Like us , monkeys also like to eat bananas他.喜欢吃葡萄还是喜欢吃香蕉 ?。Do he like grape or bananas?哪个动物喜欢吃香蕉 ?。Which animal likes to eat bananas? 妻子比自己年轻近35 岁的伯克斯先生,将其生殖力归功于爱吃香蕉。Mr Burks, whose wife is nearly 35 years his junior, has credited hislove ofbananas for his virility.


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