[初一英语]Unit 1 教案10

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English Teaching PlanTopicUnit 1 Writing a travel guideTeaching Aims( learning target, ability aims, emotional aims )1. A:Where can tourists go in Shanghai? B:They can go to . They can . 2. Identify details that support the main idea.3. Maintain an interaction by replying to questions 4. Recognize recurrent patterns in language structure5. Develop written texts by presenting main and supporting ideas.Language Focus&Difficult Points1. Asking wh- questions to find out specific information e.g. Where can tourists go in Shanghai?2. Using modal verbs to make suggestions e.g. They can go to Peoples Square. PeriodThe first period Teaching Procedures ( Pre-task, While-task, Post-task )I. Warming up : Daily talkII. Pre-task preparation:1. T: Today , we are going to talk about the city we live-Shanghai. You know, shanghai is an international city in the world. There are many interesting places in Shanghai. More and more tourists from other countries visit shanghai. If your friends come here, would you like to show him around Shanghai? So you should design a travel guide for them. Which places would you like to show them around? (Encourage more students to give free answers) Ss may give these answers : Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower, Jingmao Building, the Bund, Shanghai zoo, Yu Garden List them on the blackboard. T: Oh, so you would suggest they go to *. PPT: suggest v. 建议 suggest sb. do sth. give sb. a suggestion. n. 建议2. Do you know some other places in Shanghai ?PPT: Show Ss some pictures to introduce some other famous places in Shanghai.3. P2 show the competition post.T: Look ,this is a competition post, it is about design a travel guide for tourists. Introduce: take part in the competitionRead the post to the Ss, introduce Shanghai Tourist Association. Teaching Procedures ( Pre-task, While-task, Post-task )II. While-task procedure:1. T: Kitty and her classmates have just been to Shanghai .They have decided to take part part in the competition. Lets listen to their dialogues Play the cassette of the dialogue for the students to listen with their books closed.Ask questions about the dialogue:Why would Peter suggest they go to Sheshan State Resort ?Because Tourists can find some aviaries, some cable cars and water world there.(PPT: teach aviaries, cable cars , and water world ) . Why would Alice suggest they go to Nanjing road?Why would Danny suggest they go to Yu Garden? 2. Play the cassette again for the students to follow reading in their books.3. Select groups of four to read the dialogue. 4. T: Id like to do some shopping. Where would you suggest I go? And Why? Id like to go sightseeing. Where would you suggest I go? And why?Id like to have some delicious snacks. Where would you suggest I go? And why? S: Id suggest you go to_.You can see / find _.There is / are _.Encourage Ss to talk more places, give them a few minutes to prepare for the free talk.5. In pairs, students discuss Write Ask the students to suggest reasons for tourists to visit the places. 6. The students write the reasons. Ask individual students to read out one of their answers.7. Encourage the students to list more places for tourists to visit and give their reasons as well. Homework1. Listen and imitate the recording of P2 for 10 times.2. Read the dialogue on P2 for 15 times and recite it fluently.3. Copy and dictate the new words and phrasesReflectionEnglish Teaching PlanTopicUnit 1 Writing a travel guideTeaching Aims( learning target, ability aims, emotional aims )1. A: Where can tourists go in Shanghai? B: They can go to . Its in the centre /south /. of Shanghai.2. A: What can they do there? B: They can see / eat / buy / visit / . 3. Listen for specific information. 4. Open and maintain an interaction by asking and answering questions. Language Focus&Difficult Points1. Using proper nouns to refer to places e.g. Peoples Square 2. Asking wh- questions to find out specific information e.g. Where can tourists go in Shanghai?3. Using modal verbs to make suggestions e.g. They can see . Period The second period Teaching Procedures ( Pre-task, While-task, Post-task )I. Pre-task preparation: 1. Ask: Where can you go in Shanghai? What can you do there? Write the students suggestions on the board. 2. Review: prepositional expressions to indicate location II. While-task procedure: 1. Give the students time to read the page. 2. In pairs, students match the places with their location on the map. 3. Ask: Where can tourists go in Shanghai? Where is it? What can tourists do there? 4. The students complete the list of places to visit. 5. Work in pairs to practise the dialogue.Select pairs to say one of their dialogues. 6. WB P3 a. Give the students time to look at the page. b. Play the recording. The students listen and choose the right pictures. c. Play the recording again. The students listen and complete the sentences. Teaching Procedures ( Pre-task, While-task, Post-task )III. Presentation 1. Show a map of China, ask a student to find the position of Shanghai. T: Where is Shanghai? S: its in east China. T: What is Shanghai famous for? Why do many tourists come to visit Shanghai? PPT: some pictures of nightsviews, shopping centers, department stores Let Ss listen to the tape ,then answer the questions. Ss listen and follow the book key points 1) make sure students know the difference between its and its 2) shop is used as a verb in this context Ss make sentence: be famous forbe famous forShanghainight views / shopping centre HangzhouWest LakeEgyptpyramidsSingaporeclean streets / beautiful parksWuxidelicious snacks 2. PPT: Show the picture of Peoples Square T: Where is it? What can you see at Peoples square? Introduce: pigeons, green grass fountains, many new buildings Introduce: Shanghai Grand theatre, the Municipal Hall , Shanghai museumTo elicit : if you go to Peoples Square, you will see a huge open area of green grass, fountains and pigeons. (if 如果,条件状语从句,主将从现) Ss practise: If you go to Peoples Square , you will see Shanghai Grand theatre, the Municipal Hall and Shanghai Museum. 3. Play the tape recorder, Ss listen and follow.Homework1. Listen and imitate the recording of P2 for 10 times.2. Read the dialogue on P2 for 15 times and recite it fluently.3. Copy and dictate the new words and phrases4. Find some other interesting places in shanghai, use If, you will to introduce.5.ReflectionEnglish Teaching PlanTopicUnit 1 Writing a travel guideTeaching Aims( learning target, ability aims, emotional aims )1. in the centre / south / east / . of 2. There is / are . 3. If you go to ., you will see / find . 4. Identify details that support the main idea. 5. Maintain an interaction by replying to questions6. Read written language in meaningful chunks Language Focus&Difficult Points1. Using prepositions to indicate place.2. Using connectives to express conditions 3. Using the introductory there to express facts. 4. Using proper nouns to refer to places.PeriodThe third period Teaching Procedures ( Pre-task, While-task, Post-task )I. Warming up: Daily talkII. Revision: PPT-introduce Shanghai and Peoples Square with pic and key wordsIII. Pre-task preparation: Introduce Shopping Paradise Ask the students to guess what it means and, if possible, give the reasons why Shanghai is known as Shopping Paradise. IV. Presentation1. PPT: Show the picture of Pudong New district. Key words: Nanpu Bridge-one of the longest suspension bridges in the world Oriental Pearl TV Tower Ss make sentence: If you go to Pudong New district, you will see. Play the tape recorder, Ss listen and follow.2. PPT: Show the picture of Sheshan Key words: a huge park, Water World, a famous church, an observatorySs make sentence: If you go to Sheshan, you will see. Play the tape recorder, Ss listen and follow.3. T: There are a lot of other places to visit in shanghai. Here Kitty and Ben have made a content page. (We always find the contents page at the beginning of a book. It outlines what the book is about.) Lets look at page 1: places to visit in Puxi. (show P31/ 5) Teaching Procedures ( Pre-task, While-task, Post-task )T: If you go to Xujiahui , you will see the Grand Gateway Plaza. It is a huge shopping centre, there are many nice shops there., Encourge Ss to say about the following S: If you go to the Bund, you will find the Huangpu River. It is a popular place. Tourist can go on Huangpu River cruises and have a meal at floating restaurant.S: If you go to Yunnan Road, you will find many restaurants and snack stalls. You can have delicious food and local snacks there. Ss talk it to their desk mates, then encourage more Ss to retell.4. Ask Ss to help co mplete the contents by introducing places in Pudong and outside the city.If yougo to _, you willV. While-task procedure:1. Give the students time to read Look and Say. Play the cassette for the students to listen and follow reading in their books. 2. Tell the students that the text on P4 is the first part of the travel guide. Give the students time to read the text on P4 silently. 3. Play the cassette for P4 only. The students follow in their books. 4. Select individual students to read out a sentence each. 5. Ask questions about the text on P4: E.g. Where is Shanghai? What is Shanghai famous for? What is Shanghai known as? Why? Where is Peoples Square? What will you see if you go there? Homework1. Listen and imitate the recording of P4 for 10 times.2. Read the dialogue on P4 for 15 times and recite it fluently.3. Copy and dictate the new words and phrasesReflectionEnglish Teaching PlanTopicUnit 1 Writing a travel guideTeaching Aims( learning target, ability aims, emotional aims )1. in the centre / south / east / . of 2. There is / are . 3. If you go to ., you will see / find . 4. Read written language in meaningful chunks 5. Use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word.Language Focus&Difficult Points1. Using prepositions to indicate place.2. Using connectives to express conditions 3. Using the introductory there to express facts. 4. Using proper nouns to refer to places.PeriodThe fourth period Teaching Procedures ( Pre-task, While-task, Post-task )Warming up: Daily talkRevision1T: If you go to Pudong New Area / Shenshan State Resort / Xujiahui / the Bund / Yunnan Road, what will you find / see? To elicit : If I go to ( a place,),I will find /see.T: whats a contents page? Where can we find it?To elicit :A contents page outlines what a book is about.Pre-task preparation: Ask: How many of you have been to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower/ Shanghai Science and Technology Museum? Where is it?Presentation1. T: We talked about a lot of interesting places during the past a few days, which places are good for shopping, which places are good for eating and which places are good for sightseeing/playing ?Encourage more Ss to tell about the places. Students work in groups of three or four. Ask each group to choose one place for shopping, one place for eating, one place for sightseeing and so on to describe. Use the target language “ifyou will find.”Teaching Procedures ( Pre-task, While-task, Post-task )2. Invite a representative from each group to come forward to talk the whole class.While-task Procedure:1. Tell the students that the text on P5 is the second part of the travel guide. Give the students time to read the text on P5 silently. 2. Play the cassette for P5 only. The students following reading in their books. 3. Select individual students to read out a sentence each. 4. Ask questions about the text on P5: Where is Pudong New District? Is it convenient to travel from Pudong to Puxi? Why? What can you see in Pudong?5. Play the cassette of the whole text for the students listen and repeat. 6. Show the students the contents page of a book. Tell them that a contents page outlines what a book is about. Give the students time to look at the contents page in Think and Write. 7. Tell the students that they have to help Kitty complete her travel guide. Remind them to refer to P4 and P5 of the Students Book for relevant information. 8. In groups, students discuss and then complete Kittys travel guide. Ask a representative from each group to read their completed travel guide. See how many different answers the students can come up with. Homework1. Listen and imitate the recording of P4,5 for 10 times.2. Read the dialogue on P4, 5 for 15 times and recite it fluently.3. Copy and dictate the new words and phrases4. Finish WB P2 ReflectionEnglish Teaching PlanTopicUnit 1 Writing a travel guideTeaching Aims( learning target, ability aims, emotional aims )1. If you go to ., you will see / find . 2. Listen for specific information 3. Open and maintain an interaction by asking and answering questions.4. Scan a text for specific information. 5. Write out a piece of work when a framework is provided.Language Focus&Difficult Points1. Using connectives to express conditions e.g. If you go to . , you will . 2. Using proper nouns to refer to places. e.g. the Bund, Xujiahui, etc. PeriodThe fifth period Teaching Procedures ( Pre-task, While-task, Post-task )Pre-task preparation: The students re-read the text on P3,4 silently While-task Procedure:1. In groups, students prepare the sentences without writing. Select individual students to say a sentence. 2. The students write the sentences. Select individual students to read out a completed Sentence. 3. WB P6 a. In pairs, students discuss how to complete the letter. b. The students write the letter. c. Ask individual students to read out the completed letter. Post-task activities:1. Distribute a copy of photocopiable P1-3 to each group. 2. In groups of five, students make their own travel guides. To complete this task, students need to design a cover, use the contents page provided as a guide and collect some photos. They also need to think of and add one more activities which tourists can do in Shanghai apart from shopping, eating and sightseeing. Teaching Procedures ( Pre-task, While-task, Post-task )3. After the groups have completed their travel guide, tell them to cut the pages out and bind them into their unique travel guide. 4. Invite a representative from each group to come forward and talk the whole class through their travel guide. Encourage the other students to give some comments or Suggestions. After all the groups have presented their travel guides, the whole class can vote for the best one. 5. The completed travel guides can be kept in the class library for future reference. WB P4-5 1. Give the students time to read the passage on P4 Explain any new words to them if necessary. 2. In pairs, students discuss the questions on P5.3. Ask individual students questions to check the answers. 4. The students write the answers.Homework1. Listen and imitate the recording of P6 for 10 times.2. Read the dialogue on P6 for 15 times and recite it fluently.3. Copy and dictate the new words and phrases4. Finish WB P6Reflection11


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