六年级英语下册 Lesson 11课件 陕旅版

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陕旅版六年级英语下册陕旅版六年级英语下册Lesson 11Lesson 11(昆虫类)(鱼类)(哺乳类)(鸟类)MammalsMammals have hair(毛发) on their bodies. The baby mammal is born from(出生于) its mothers body . Mammals feed(喂) their babies on milk.Is it a mammal?Is it a mammal?Is it a mammal?Is it a mammal?( (鲨鱼)鲨鱼) Does it belong to(属于)(属于) birds family?Does it belong to birds family?Does it belong to birds family?PenguinDoes it belong to birds family?Fish familyFish familyFish live in the water. They have many scales on their skin. The young fish are born from eggs.Do they belong to fish family?Does it belong to fish family?Does it belong to fish family?(鲸)EggsPupaLarvaAdultInsectsAn insect has six legs. Its body can be divided into 3 parts: head, thorax(胸部)(胸部) and abdomen(腹部)(腹部).Is it an insect?Is it an insect? Snail Snail Is it an insect?Is it an insect?Birds birds where are youCan you show me where they areBirds birds where they areSome are flying in the skyMammals mammals where are youCan you show me where they areMammals mammals where they areSome are living on the landInsects insects where are youCan you show me where they areInsects insects where they areSome are living on the landFishes fishes where are youCan you show me where they areFishes fishes where they areSome are swimming in the river蝙蝠Does it belong to fish family?Does it belong to fish family?Does it belong to birds family?Is it an insect?Does it belong to mammal family?Good Bye!Good Bye!


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