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搜查令批下来了吗Seizure warrant come in yet?还没但今天的突袭计划不变Not yet, but the raids still on today.给那些蒙特罗斯佣兵来个措手不及Montrose Mercs arent gonna know what hit em.听说这次行动是想缴获武器Heard were expecting to confiscate some legit weaponry. 佣兵团一直在囤积军♥火♥Mercs have been stockpiling arms,准备扩张领地gearing up to expand their territory.我想在事态发展之前掐断这个火苗Id prefer to stop that plan before it starts.这不是他们常去的地方是个仓库吗This isnt one of their usual hangouts. Its a storage spot?佣兵团在刻意保护这里The Mercs are keeping it on the DL.情报显示有两到三人在站岗Intel says were looking at two, maybe three guys on guard.所以搜查令一到So when the warrant lands,我们就行动well make our move.对于恶作剧零容忍♥就是零容忍♥Zero tolerance for hazing means zero tolerance.你们为什么无视指挥官命令So why did you two decide to ignore your commanders? 别以为我没注意到And dont think that it escaped my notice你们只针对女性新警员that it was only female recruits that were targeted.先生们这不是个反问句Gentlemen, that was not a rhetorical question.那只是个玩笑先生亚历克西斯It was just a joke, sir. Alexis-我是说卡布雷拉警官I mean, Officer Cabrera-说她不介意said it didnt bother her.真的不介意警司Commander?发生故障时我已经进入了系统I was inside the system when the glitches started. 那到底出了什么问题So whats going on? 有个病毒让系统全面瘫痪There is a virus overloading everything. 有人入侵了系统Someone has invaded the system.网络攻击A cyberattack?洛城警局被黑客入侵了LAPDs been hacked.反恐特警队 第五季第十一集 -网络犯罪科确认这是黑客入侵了吗-对 -Cybercrime confirmed the hack? - Yeah. 既然惠特洛克正好来进行信息技术支持 But since Whitlock was already here for IT, 我让他给我们讲解一下详情I asked him to walk us through the particulars. 好的两天前洛城警局内部网络中Okay. Uh, two days ago, a virus appeared 出现了一种病毒in LAPDs internal network,病毒扩散时and as that virus spread, 造成数据库过载引起故障 it overloaded databases, causing the glitches. 你们的数据丢失Your lost data situation?就是因为这个病毒You have this hacker to thank for that. 网络犯罪科说黑客留下了签名Cybercrime said he left a signature, 自称为”假想敌”结尾两个x calls himself Shadowboxx two Xs. 男女都有可能也有可能是团伙 Or calls herself or calls themself. 从统计学上讲可能是男性 It is statistically himself但也不能低估女性的能力but I never want to underestimate anyone.不管这个”假想敌”是谁Well, whoever this Shadowboxx is,我认为他不只在我们电脑里搞破坏Im thinking he did more than wreak havoc on our computers. 雇倪兵提前知道帮派毒品科会突袭The Mercs knew about that GND raid in advance.现在又发现洛城警局系统48小时前就被入侵Now we learn that LAPDs systems been compromised for 48 hours? 感觉两件事之间有联♥系♥It all feels connected.假想敌的确能下载洛城警局数据Shadowboxx was able to download LAPD data.他们能搞到行动详情They had access to operation details,警官调配行动示意图.officer assignments, schematics.是黑客泄露了消息The hackers the leak.黑客把帮派毒品科的Handed over the where, when and how行动地点时间和方式给了雇佣兵of the Gang and Narcotics operation to the Mercs.黑客从我们系统中下载了多少信息How much info did this hacker take from our system?我不敢肯定但一定不局限于一个部门I cant say for sure, but I know that its not limited to one division- 整个系统都被入侵了the entire system is an open book.事情还没结束他是个中间商This aint over. Hes a middleman.偷取警方情报卖♥♥给犯罪分子Selling stolen police intel to criminals.帮派毒品科受到了埋伏GND walked right into an ambush.下一次假想敌可能会公布警探的地址Next time, Shadowboxx could publish a detectives home address, 让所有不论在岗与否的警♥察♥变成了靶子 making it open season on all cops, on duty or off.网络犯罪科正在设法重新保护网络Cybercrime is working to re-secure the network查出假想敌的身份and identify Shadowboxx.可能会花上一段时间Its gonna take them a little bit of time,但他们迟早会抓到他的but theyre gonna get him.我们不能就这么待命They cant just make us stand by-黑客正将全城警♥察♥置于险地this hackers putting every cop in the city at risk.我和你一样都不想I dont like it any more than you do,但假想敌可能远在天边but Shadowboxx could be on the other side of the world.我们的重点应该放在这Our focus needs to be here.洛城警局停止了新行动LAPD is halting new operations.我们需要梳理正在执行的任务We need to comb through ongoing missions.找到最可能有危险的队伍保护他们Find those under the greatest threat and secure them. 卧底Undercovers.卧底警官没法轻易离开现场Officers who wont be easy to pull from the field.-他们甚至可能不知道自己暴露了 -知道了-They may not even know their covers are blown. -1 know. 还有一件事Uh, theres one more thing!假想敌还在数据库内活动Shadowboxx is still active inside the database.这个黑客能看到你访问的所有内容This hacker can see everything you access.能看到特警队在调查谁在计划什么See who SWATs looking into, what were planning?意味着他口J能会出♥售♥信息Which means he can sell it.让嫌犯在被我们抓到之前消失Make criminals disappear before we can even catch em.那就什么都不给他看We dont give him anything to see.从现在开始As of this moment,特警队所有行动离网SWAT is going off-line.赫恩斯警司成功撤离她的卧底Sergeant Hearns was successfully pulled from her undercover op. 马克欧戴尔呢他正卧底于一九帮What about Mark ODell? Hes embedded with the One-Niners.我看看欧戴尔Lets see, ODell. Yeah.已确认他在安全地点Confirmed hes in a secure location.正有队伍在接他的路上Theres a team en route to pick him up.我正在努力回想我和安妮You know, Im struggling to remember why Annie and I为什么费那么大劲让孩子少玩电脑make such an effort to limit the kids screen time.电脑多好用啊Computers are great.警官有危险Got an officer in trouble.保罗巴普蒂斯塔警官Officer Paulo Baptista.正在一个毒品走私团伙卧底working undercover inside a drug trafficking ring首领是佩德罗苏亚雷斯led by Pedro Suarez.深入的卧底任务Yeah, deep cover assignment.接头人联♥系♥不上他Handler hasnt been able to make contact,所以风化组去实地检查了一下so Vice did a soft physical check-in.他家被人强行闯入翻得乱七八糟Baptistas door was kicked in, his place tossed.邻居说看见他与人起争执Neighbor reported seeing an altercation并被强行带上了车and Baptista getting forced into a car.假想敌一定暴露了巴普蒂斯塔的假身份Shadowboxx mustve blown Baptistas cover.巴普蒂斯塔没有谈判筹码Baptista has nothing to bargain with.他还活着是因为苏亚雷斯要折磨他Hes alive to be Suarezs plaything.那我们得在苏亚雷斯厌倦前找到他Well, then, we got to get to Suarez before he gets bored. 知道他们可能会把他关在哪吗Any idea where they might be holding him?不知道苏亚雷斯的人撤出了平常的活动地点Nah, Suarezs guys backed out of all their usual spots, 离开了家vacated their home addresses.他们一定知道洛城警局掌握的信息了They must know everything that LAPD has on them.那辆车呢邻居有给出细节吗What about the car, did the neighbors give any details?黑色越野部分车牌号♥Black SUV, partial plate.不符合任何一辆在苏亚雷斯团伙名下的车Doesnt match any known vehicles in Suarezs ring.可能是失窃车辆It was probably stolen.这车是目前能找到巴普蒂斯塔警官的唯-线索Right now that car is our only lead to find Officer Baptista. 但我们不能在电脑上搜索车牌But we cant run the plate on our computers.如果假想敌看见他会通知苏亚雷斯If Shadowboxx sees, hes gonna inform Suarez.那巴普蒂斯塔就凶多吉少了Which is not good for Baptista.不是只有洛城警局Guys, LAPD isnt the only organization存储了车辆信息with makes and models on file.给车管所打电♥话♥问问Call the DMV.我刚成为警♥察♥的时候第一项任务就是Back when I was a rookie, that was practically培养一个内部线人the first assignment- cultivate an inside man.我去联♥系♥Im on it.打得不错Nicely done.我看看快速装弹后还能不能保持精准度Well see if I can keep the accuracy up after a speed reload.20队还在处理黑客的事吧Isnt 20-Squad busy with fallout from the hack?还在忙我过来就是看看你We are, but I wanted to check in with you希望你没受那些家伙恶作剧的影响after the crap those rookies pulled in the locker room.我说过了我不介意Meant what I said. Im fine.想要找人聊聊的话我可以的If you need someone to talk to, Im here.迪肯还有温迪医生都可以的Or Deacon or Dr. Wendy.他们把我的储物柜塞满r东西只是恶趣味而已They stuffed my locker as a stupid joke.是警司有点小题大做了It wasnt a big deal until Sergeant came,made it one,现在你把事情搞得更糟了and now youre here making it worse.我就是想帮你All I want to do is help.我可没让你帮我I didnt ask for that.别的警官看咱们呢Other officers are watching.要不就Please, just.请回吧back off.迪肯Hey, Deac?有巴普蒂斯塔警官的消息吗We any closer to finding Officer Baptista?斯特里特正仔细查找车管所的记录Uh, Streets still combing through DMV records, 车牌号♥不全相比之前用自己的系统查 working a partial plate, it just takes more time 还得多费点时间 than using our system.都怪这个假想敌跟警局对着干All thanks to this Shadowboxx, messing with the LAPD 还藏得这么深from the safety of God-knows-where, 找都找不到and we cant even go after him.那是什么Whats that?特警历史日志Oh, its an old SWAT log.你之前想过没有执行任务后You ever think back on a mission and realize 连亲手逮捕的罪犯名字都不记得 that you dont remember the name of a suspect you collared? 我们抓的人实在是太多了Weve made a lot of arrests, Deac.这又是为了谁Whos this one about?瓦多奥尔蒂斯Eduardo Ortiz.六年前因谋杀-名He was arrested six years ago for murdering 拒绝让他靠近的女性而被捕a woman after she denied his advances.你没记住他我一点也不觉得意外Well, it doesnt surprise me he didnt stick in your brain. 他又不是我们之前追捕过的人Hes not someone we chased after on a mission.对他只是那天里No, hes just one of a half-dozen 六张高危通缉令中的一个 high-risk warrants we served that day. 上面写着他还在服刑It says hes still inside.-他为什么现在找你-他刚转到-Whys Ortiz coming up for you now? - Well, he just got我所在的教堂外展部的监狱transferred to the prison where Im doing ministry outreach. 他认出了我找我帮忙And he recognized me, came asking for help.说他是清白的Says hes innocent.那里说自己是清白的人有很多Oh, right, hes one of the innocent ones.我知道但是No, I know, I know, but its.我改变了他-生的走向I changed his whole life我居然对他一点印象都没有and I didnt remember him at all.等等All right, hold up.特警只是组成尖刀的一小部分SWATs just the tip of the spear.我们又不做审判Not judge and jury.这份工作可能就是这样吧Yeah, maybe thats the job.不过我也说不好But I dont know.奥尔蒂斯让我陷入沉思This guy, Ortiz, hes got me wondering.我们的使命就在他入狱后结束了吗Is-is that where our responsibility ends?我不会劝你不要深究Im not gonna talk you out of digging into this.一点也不想I dont even want to try.-不过还是多留个心眼迪肯好的-But be careful, Deac. - Yeah.他找你帮忙肯定事出有因他的论调Ortiz sought you out for a reason, and he used an argument肯定是设计好的好搅乱你的理智thats tailor-made to mess with your head.车管所的记录还是有用的DMV records paid off.苏亚雷斯绑♥架♥巴普蒂斯塔的黑色越野找到了Found the black SUV Suarez used to abduct Baptista. 这个威廉马列拉是车主吗Okay, William Marleza, the cars actual owner?对他是苏亚雷斯下面的一个毒贩Yeah, hes a low-level drug dealer, buys from Suarez. 所以我们有了车的信息但是So we IDd the car. That still doesnt tell us还是不知道巴皙蒂斯塔被带去了哪里where Suarez took Baptista.得到的信息可不止这么一点Well, it helps more than youd think.马列拉还是一名地♥产♥经理Marleza is also a property manager.整座城市都有他负责的商业地&hearts产♥ He handles commercial real estate across the city. 这些是他目前负责的几处楼♥盘♥ These are his current buildings.藏匿的地方还不少Thats a lot of places to choose from, though.目前这四处已经被租出去了Yeah, now these four currently have tenants.应该不可能会把巴普蒂斯塔放在这些地方So probably not where theyre holding Baptista. 这-处是在闹市区的一个十字路口Right. And this ones at a busy intersection.太过惹眼Way too conspicuous, too many eyes.这样就只剩三个可能的藏身处That leaves three possibilities.藏在这些地方的可能性都差不多He couldve taken Baptista to any one of them,时间不多了and were running out of time.系统不能用没有无人机Yeah, with the system down, we have no drones,没有交通摄像头巡警们也都忙着调查no traffic cams. Patrols hands are full-都是因为我们的系统被黑了 -那我们分一下工-cause of the hack. - Okay, so we divide up the list. 你们俩跟克里斯我找洪都和辿肯You guys get Chris, Ill grab Hondo and Deac.20小队出警20-Squads hitting the streets. All right. 出发Lets go.卢卡说马列拉东边的那处地&hearts产♥无人Luca said they came up empty at Marlezas east side property. 下一个地点在这边空的零售店门口Next building on our list is this way- empty retail走过去应该就能看到storefront, should be an easy stroll-by 苏亚雷斯是否在附近 to see if Suarez is around.有事吗You okay?你很安静啊Youve been quiet.你们之前聊被恶作剧的事Well, you know you guys were talking about getting hazed? 你说你在冲澡的时候You said, uh, someone stole your clothes衣服被人偷走了我有一次也干过这种事when you were showering. I did the same thing once. 你偷了谁的To who?一个新来的警员叫It was a recruit. Officer named, uh,阿曼达罗斯多年前的事了Amanda Ross. This was years ago. 在长滩岛那时候我觉得是开玩笑In Long Beach. Back then, I just saw it as a joke. 让楼里为数不多的几个女人之一光着身子Making one of the few women in the building walk back 走回更衣柜真好笑to her locker naked. Hilarious.说实话我本来已经忘了Honestly, Id forgotten about it 直到你刚才说起你遇到的事 until you said what happened to you. 我♥干♥的事太愚蠢了It was incredibly stupid.你是不该但你现在绝对不会做这种事了It really doesnt, Sergeant.我相信其他女性也不在乎Im sure the other women dont care, either.谢谢你卡布雷拉Well, I appreciate that, Cabrera,但看到学员被骚扰but seeing any cadet harassed,我很介意that bothers me.我和你们的队长谈过了Ive spoken to your team leaders.你俩都要坐一个月的冷板凳Youre both riding the bench for a month.解散吧Youre dismissed.走之前我得道个歉I got to get going, but I just want to apologize. 那种行为That kind of behavior,不是特警队的作风that is not SWAT.我们不是这样的Its not how we do things here.谢谢你长官Thank you, sir.卡布雷拉Cabrera?我没事至少Im fine. I mean.有免费棉条对吧free tampons, right?我听说你看到迪肯教育那些Hey, I heard you saw Deac laying down the law for the rookies 在学员储物柜里塞棉条的新人caught stuffing tampons in recruit lockers?女学员储物柜Female recruit lockers.大家都知道恶作剧已经不流行了Everyone knows hazing wont fly anymore. 他们在想什么What were they thinking?Look, it wasnt okay, but youd never do anything like that now. 但他那时候做了But he did it then.你有跟那个警员道过歉吗Have you even apologized to this officer?那是苏亚雷斯用来Hey, thats the SUV绑♥架♥巴普蒂斯塔的越野车 他们在这里Suarez used to abduct Baptista. Theyre here.好了准备行动All right, gear up.现在觉得我和我的小弟们怎么样How you feel about me and my boys now?叛徒Rat!洛城警局放下武器LAPD! Drop the weapon!洛城警局不许动LAPD! Dont move!不许动Dont move!巴普蒂斯塔你还好吗Baptista, you okay?退后Back off!克里斯后面的房♥间我掩护他们你去Chris, back room. Ill cover them, go.放轻松兄弟Just take it easy, man.-我叫你退后-放轻松-1 said back off! - Take it easy!快跑Go, go!无需增援Code 4.抓获三名嫌犯已救下巴普蒂斯塔Three suspects in custody, recovered Baptista.处于半昏迷状态支派救援小组Semi-conscious, send an R/A.-险些失败-太险了-Close call. - Too close.假想敌还是逍遥法外在散布情报And Shadowboxx is still out there spilling intel.我刚和医院方面打了电♥话♥I just got off the phone with the hospital.巴普蒂斯塔不会有事的Baptistas gonna be all right.我讨厌被这个黑客逼得打防守I just hate the feeling this hackers got us playing defense.网络犯罪组跟我说他们阻止了病毒扩散Well, Cybercrime tells me they stopped the virus from spreading, 我猜是件好事which I assume is a good thing.确切地说 他们阻断了恶意软件的自我复♥制♥Specifically, theyve disrupted the malwares self-replicating- 对他们阻止了病毒扩散是件好事Yes, they did. Its a good thing.向这把假想敌驱逐出洛城警局系统Uh, its a great first step towards getting Shadowboxx-迈出了伟大的第一步-你还有什么事吗-out of LAPDs system.- You got anything else?我知道这是网络犯罪组的案子Okay, I know this is Cybercrimes investigation,我完全尊重这点但我稍微调查了一下and I completely respect that, but I did some digging.然后发现了些什么-对黑客们不停地-And you found something? - Yeah, hackers are constantly 在试图破解洛城警局的防火墙trying to breach the LAPD security firewall,系统会记录他们的每一次尝试 and the system logs every attempt.所以我排查了那些记录So I searched through those records.没有有关这次系统入侵的There is no unusual network activity异常网络活动that could explain the current breach.如果假想敌没有攻击系统的话Then how did Shadowboxx get inside他是怎么入侵的if he never attacked the system?我认为他是从一个本来就联网的终端I think he uploaded the virus from a terminal上彳专了病毒that was already attached to the network.如果假想敌使用了一台洛城警局的电脑If Shadowboxx physically accessed one of LAPDs computers.说明他身在洛杉矶城内Then hes somewhere here in L.A.而不是在克里米亚的什么服务器农场里Not some server farm in Crimea.你能查出他用的那台终端吗Okay, can you ID the terminal he used?我只是个技术员兄弟Im just a tech, man.我把这些信息都提供给网络犯罪组了I gave all this stuff to Cybercrime.-他们都了解了 -警局联网的有几百台电脑-They have it. - Theres hundreds of LAPD-networked computers. 我们需要所有人一起找We need every pair of eyes looking.你有本事发现这些跟进下去And you were smart enough to see this. Follow it through.除非我看错你了Unless Im reading you wrong?不我可以试试看No, Ill give it a shot.全力以赴Make it your best shot.找到假想敌我们就能根除这些问题We locate Shadowboxx, SWAT could stop all of this at the source. 带苏亚雷斯去审讯室Get Suarez in the box.看看他对这个黑客有多少了解Lets see what he knows about our hacker.苏亚雷斯Suarez.袭♥警♥重罪Felony assault on a cop.贩运毒品Drug trafficking.以你的前科要判终生监禁With your priors, thats life.好消息是你要是只猫Good news is, if youre a cat,还剩八条命you still got eight more.想得美Nice try.判个九到十二年Nine to 12 years.最多了Max.只是巴普蒂斯塔警员是缉毒局Except Officer Baptista was embedded as part联合派遣小组的卧底of a DEA joint task force,所以有些算联邦重罪so theres federal charges in the mix.你花大价钱买♥♥下了所有你在洛城警局手里的罪证You spent good money buying up everything LAPD had on you, 却没有仔细看看and you didnt read it carefully?我们也许可以让联邦算你初犯Maybe we can get the feds to call you a first-timer,前提是你要给我们关于假想敌的有用情报ifyou tell us something useful about Shadowboxx.我都不认识那家伙I dont even know the guy.你们商定那些失窃情报价钱的时候You mustve exchanged a few words to set the price 肯定聊过几句吧for the stolen intel.我当时收到一封邮件I got an email.说我身边有内奸Said I had a mole problem.附了-页洛城警局关于我的档案Came with a single page of LAPDs file on me并且保证只要我付得起他手里还有and a promise he had more if I could pay. 验证可行性Proof of concept.那封邮件可能只是一个一次性账户That emails probably a throwaway account. 你是怎么付的钱Howd you pay?-用手♥机♥软件还是网络汇款-他说他要现金 -Over an app, by wire?No. - He said he wanted cash.还给了我一个闪存盘And he gave me a flash drive.说是电子汇款容易被查到Said electronic transfers are too traceable.你见过假想敌本人You met Shadowboxx, in person? 算不上他选了个拥挤的露天咖啡廊Barely. He picked a crowded outdoor cafe.他来的时候穿了件黑色连帽衫Dude in a black hoodie showed up. 拿了钱以后就不见踪影了Did the swap and disappeared.我根本没见着他的正脸I never saw his face.我只知道这么多了Thats all I got.真的Really.律师谢谢你们能来Counselor, thank you for stopping by. 我之前在电♥话&hearts浬也说Like I said on the phone,我就是想问你几个问题I just want to ask a couple questions 是关于你们之前的一个客户瓦多奥尔蒂斯 about one of your former clients, Eduardo Ortiz. 别告诉我他现在找警♥察♥来帮他传话 Dont tell me hes got cops delivering his messages now. 这么说他一直想联♥系♥你So you know hes been trying to contact you?他说他还没有得到回其He says he hasnt got a reply.我是一名公设辩护律师Im a public defender with obligations现在手上有几十个客户to dozens of current clients.他的信说来说去都是一个意思And his letters are the same, over and over.他说自己是无辜的He claims hes innocent然后他要求我发起上诉and then he demands I file an appeal.你拒绝了他是因为And you refuse because.因为他不能上诉他接受了认罪协议Because its not an option. He took a plea deal.条款中明确规定了不能上诉The terms of which explicitly ruled out an appeal, 他知道这点and he knows that.你也知道很多被告人签下认罪协议都是被逼的You know that a lot of defendants feel cornered into taking a plea. 认罪是他们唯一的选择I mean, they get convinced that thats their only option. 奥尔蒂斯多次因暴♥力♥重罪入狱Ortiz was in and out of prison for violent felonies, 他是受害者的手下而且他的不在场证明也很可疑 he worked for the victim, and his alibi was shaky at best. 坦白说能把他的罪行降至二级谋杀Uh, frankly, getting his charge down to murder two还让他免于终身监禁已经是很大的胜利了and keeping a life sentence off the table was a big win. 好吧最后一个问题Okay, just last question.你觉得他说的是真的吗Do you think what he says is true?说他是无辜的That hes innocent?我一直觉得奥尔蒂斯是个聪明人You know, Ortiz always seemed to me like a clever guy. 非常有风度Super personable.但我不能因为一直纠结我的客户有罪与否But I cant compromise a clients defense而耽误了为他辩护wondering about guilt or innocence.对对那不是你的职责Right. Right, thats not your job.谢谢你Thank you.我打给了长滩瞥局Hey, so I called LBPD跟罗斯警官取得了联♥系♥to get in touch with Officer Ross,为我之前在长滩警局犯下的过错道歉apologize for what I did back in Long Beach. 顺利吗Howd it go?没道成歉我之前的搭档说她离开了警局It didnt. My old partner told me she left the force.开了一家礼品店我Opened a surf shop. I just.我很早之前就该联&h ea r ts;系&h ea r ts;她的I shouldve reached out a long time ago.现在我越来越怀疑自己I cant help but wonder.怀疑自己是不是她离开的原因If you were part of the reason she left?可能想知道只有一个办法了I guess theres only one way to find out.惠特洛克找到了假想敌用来Whitlock found the terminal that Shadowboxx used入侵洛城警局网络的终端to get into LAPDs network.第十一分局的一辆巡逻警车中的一个移&h earts;动♥设备 It was a mobile unit in a patrol car, 11th division.我检查了系统活动日志I checked into systems traffic.几天前And a couple of days ago,那辆巡逻警车上的电脑上传了一个很大的文件the computer in that patrol car uploaded a large file.这应该不正常吧And I take it thats unusual?我打给了相关的警官I called the officers involved.说是他们回到警车上时Said when they went back to their unit,发现有个人疑似在捣鼓他们的无线电they found some guy messing with their radio, or so they thought. -是假想敌-在安装病毒-Shadovvboxx? - Installing a virus.当他们检查无线电时发现打不出电♥话♥When they checked the radio and found no outgoing calls, 然后警告了那人一句就放他走了they. let him walk with a warning.在那个时候假想敌病毒已经And by that time, Shadowboxxs virus was already潜入了洛城警局的系统中loose in LAPDs main system.很不幸他可以删除巡逻警车的监控录像And, unfortunately, he was able to erase the patrol cars cameras. 他也许能删除自己的网络痕迹Well, he may have erased himself digitally,但他必须得接触那辆警车 but he had to touch the car. 靠着车窗或敲了几下键盘Lean on the window or tap the keyboard a few times.所以既然他中途被发现了So ifhe was interrupte


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