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学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考Unit 1At the GrocersLesson One1. Listen and say在杂货店。Yes. I want a box ofcolor pens, please.Goodafternoon!May I help you?露西售货人在杂货店。Which boxdo youNo. That small one.want, this big one?How much is it?售货人露西露西将钱交给售货人。Here you are.Sixteen yuan.售货人露西Thanks.Can I help you, Rex?Yes. A box ofcrayons, please.RexMax学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考2. Listen and learn May I help you?售货人Whichboxdoyouwant, this big one?售货人3. Listen, point and say Can I help you?Max一盒水彩笔一盒蜡笔Yes. Iwant a box ofcolor pens, please.露西No. That small one.露西Yes.Aboxofcrayons, please.Rex一瓶墨水一瓶胶水a box of color pensa box of crayonsa bottle of inka bottle of glue一支粉笔一张纸a piece of chalka piece of paperTape scripts (U.1, L.1,3)3. Listen, point and say1) a box of color pens, a box of color pens2) a box of crayons, a box of crayons3) a bottle of ink, a bottle of ink4) a bottle of glue, a bottle of glue5) a piece of chalk, a piece of chalk6) a piece of paper, a piece of paper4. Listen and tick1)2)一张紫色一张橙色一张粉色色纸纸纸3)一瓶黑墨一瓶红墨一瓶蓝墨4)水水水一支黄色一支绿色一支白色粉笔粉笔粉笔一小盒褐一小盒蓝一大盒蓝色铅笔色铅笔色铅笔Tape scripts (U. 1, L. 1, 4)4. Listen and tick1) A: Hello! May I help you?A: What color do you want?2) A: Good morning, may I help you?A: What color do you want?3) A: Good afternoon, can I help you?A: What color do you want?4) A: Good evening, can I help you?A: Which box do you want? This big one?B: Yes. I want a piece of paper.B: Orange. I want a piece of orange paper.B: Yes. I want a piece of chalk.B: Yellow. I want a piece of yellow chalk.B: Yes. I want a bottle of ink.B: Black. I want a bottle of black ink.B: Yes. I want a box of pencils.B: No, that small one.学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考5. Lets play设计为柜台式商店May I help you?Can I help you?学生学生A small bottleof glue, please.Yes. A bottleof blue ink.学生学生学生学生学生I want a bigA piece of redbox of crayons.paper, please.6. Read, match and color图片颜色用白色a piece of purple papera piece of green chalk1 张纸1 瓶墨水a bottle of red ink1 支粉笔1 瓶黑墨水1 盒水彩笔a box of color pens1 张纸a piece of blue papera bottle of black ink学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考Lesson Two1. Listen and sayAbagofcandies, please.What can I doAbottleoffor you?安迪Coke.售货人斯坦利Isee, abagofThatsright.Howmuch are they?candiesandabottle of Coke.安迪售货人在杂货店 , 斯坦利给店主付钱。斯坦利Here you are.Eleven yuan.斯坦利售货人安迪Thankyou.See you!Bye!学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考2. Listen and learnWhat can I do for you?售货人How much are they?斯坦利3. Listen, point and say What do you want?Max一副墨镜一瓶可乐A bag of candies and abottle Coke.斯坦利安迪Eleven yuan.售货人I want a pair ofRexsunglasses, please.一瓶酸奶一袋糖果a pair of sunglassesa bottle of Cokea bottle of yogurta bag of candies708090100seventyeightyninetyone hundredTape scripts (U.1, L.2, 3) 3. Listen and learn1) A pair of sunglasses, a pair of sunglasses2) A bottle of Coke, a bottle of Coke3) A bottle of yogurt, a bottle of yogurt4) a bag of candies5) seventy, seventy6) eighty, eighty,7) ninety, ninety 8) one hundred, one hundred4. Listen, write and say刘老师怀特老师高文迪卢华露西sunglasses3candiesCokesocksyogurtcookiesTape scripts (U. 1, L. 2, 4)4. Listen, tick and say1)A: What can I do for you, Miss Liu?B: I want three pairs of sunglasses.A: How many pairs, please?B: Three pair. I want three pairs of sunglasses.2)A: Can I help you, Mr. White?B: Yes. I want some candies.A: How many candies do you want?B: Nine. I want nine bags of candies, please.3)A: What do you want, Wendi?B: I want some Coke, Mom.A: Here you are.B: Thank you, Mom. I want two bottles of Coke, please.4)A: May I help you, Lu Hua?B: Five pairs of sandals, please.A: Five pairs of socks?B: Yes. I want five pairs of socks.5)A: What do you want, Lucy?B: I want some yogurt, Grandma.A: How many bottles do you want?B: Four. I want four bottles of yogurt, please.6)A: What can I do for you, Hao Tian?B: I want some cookies.A: How many bags do you want?B: Six. I want six bags of cookies, please.学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考5. Lets practiceModelA: What can I do for you?B: I want two pairs of shoes.A: What color?B: Yellow. How much are they?A: One hundred and eightyuan.2 双黄色鞋子3 双棕色手套2 副白色墨镜2 双红色2 条黑色长鞋子裤4 双绿色袜子¥ 108¥45¥ 86136¥ 132¥ 166. Look, read and circle饭桌上有 6 瓶可乐, 8 瓶酸奶, 3 块蛋糕 (一课桌上有5墨镜 ,9 瓶胶水, 7 瓶墨水,个完整蛋糕还剩下的3 块 ),盘子里有 2 片桌子下有4双凉鞋。面包1) There are six bottles of Coke / seven bottles of Coke on the table.2) There are four bottles of yogurt / eight bottles of yogurt on the table.3) There are two pieces of cake / three pieces of cake on the table.4) There are five pairs of sunglasses / three pairs of sunglasses on the desk.5) There are six bottles of glue / nine bottles of glue on the desk.6) There are nine pairs of sandals / four pairs of sandals under the desk.学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考Lesson Three1. Listen and read 设计青蛙和癞蛤蟆学习以下音标,以下设计成小黑板。/ p / b / t / d /peabeeteadeeppigballteethdolphinpinkbooktodaydoctor/ i/greenfifteencleanteamreadseeteachersealmeetshemeatcream2. Look and number 分别在下列图中留空,学生填写数字。一只绵羊在青草地上吃草,一个老奶奶坐在树下桌边喝茶,桌子上放有一盘桃子,一盘豌豆,小蜜蜂飞来坐在老奶奶的膝盖上1 sheep2pea3 knee4 bee5 peach6 tree7 tea3. Listen and chantIm a young sheep,driving a big j eep.两幅小诗均配插图Im an old sheep,小羊在开大吉普,老羊在睡觉having a sweet sleep.Come, comeplease. 在海边,一个茶摊,一个孩子在招呼其他人来喝茶 Come to my tea, please.Come to drink some tea.Come to drink tea by the sea.Work in groups and make your new chant.学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考4. Talk with your friendsA: May / What can I do for you?B: Yes. I want three bottles of ink. / Three bottles of ink.A: .Yes. I want threeB: .Hi! Can I helpbottles of ink.you?Which one, the smallThe big one.one or the big one?What color?Howmuchare they?Here you are.5. Read and matchIt is a new term. I need to do some shopping.I want a box of crayons and some paper, please. I want a pair of running shoes, please.How much money altogether, please? Oh, Im sorry. I donthave enough money.Blue.Twelve yuan.Thanks.店员算了一算,要 78 元(话泡 78yuan)。青蛙道歉,因为钱不够。青蛙拎着购物袋走在去商店的路上。(云朵里出现商店)青蛙对店员说要一盒蜡笔几青蛙问店员总共多少钱。 (云朵青蛙对店员说要一双跑鞋。张纸。(用云朵表示说话内里出现几张钞票)(云朵里出现跑步动作和跑容)鞋一双)学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考6. Talk and writePrice ListItemPriceMilk 4.00 / boxCandy12.00 / bagTea 3.00 / bottleInk 6.00/ bottleGlue 5.00 / bottleChalk 2.00 / boxShoe55.00 / pairSunglasses 66.00 / pairHow much are 3bags ofcandies,please.售货人学生 2(用 4线格子 )1) A: Good morning!A: May I help you?A: How many boxes?2) A: _!A: Can I help you?A: _?3) A: Good afternoon!A: What can I do for you?A: _?Thats twenty-four yuan.I want 6 boxesof milk, please.售货人学生 1How much of 4 pairsof shoes, please.学生 3售货人B: _!B: Yes. I want some milk.B: _.B: Hello!B: _.B: _.B: _!B: I want _.B: _.学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考Children s GardenSong timeMy Pencil ( 配图 )黄色和褐色相间的铅笔,带有橡皮擦,由长到短几支,表示越用越短。My pencil is yellow and brown.My pencil is thin, thin and long.My pencil has a rubber on.The rubber is tiny, not long.My pencil is with me all day along.We write, we draw along.She and he, you and me,We grow up.My pencil sets down.Culture clipsAn American DrugstoreI want to buy candies, but IWhy? My drugstorecantfind a grocers near here.sells candies.中国小孩美国人Adrugstore sellsYes. In America, a drugstorecandies?also sells candies, just like agrocery store.学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考Story corner1. Listen and enjoy the storyIts getting colder and colder and Giraffe goes into Bears storeBear: May I help you, sir?Giraffe: Yes. It s very cold. I need a scarf.Bear: OK. What color do you like?Giraffe: Purple, please.Bear: Here you are. Please try it on.Giraffe: Oh, it s too short.Bear: Let me seeYeah! Pass me ayellow one and blue one.Baby Bear: Yes, sir!Bear: Try it on again, please.Bear: Pass me a pink one and aGiraffe:HmmIt s notlonggreen one.enough.Baby Bear: Yes, sir!Bear: Please try it on again.Baby Bear: Its long enough.Giraffe: Yes. Many thanks. Now I have a colored neck.长颈鹿围着一条由以上围巾连接起来的彩色围巾Giraffe has _ scarves now.学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考2. Act out the story with your friends学习资料


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