高二英语模块6第二单元复习牛津版 (ppt)

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高二英语模块高二英语模块6 6 第二单元复习专用第二单元复习专用1. Many families on low _ will be unable to afford to buy their own house. A. salary B. wages C. pays D. incomes 2. Steve is such an efficient boy that he can _ more in a day than any other boy in his class. A. accomplish B. arrange C. adapt D. allocate3. Recently the newspapers have report several _ of the coal mines happening in different provinces in China and the government has taken effective measures to stop such things. A. accidents B. events C. happenings D. incidents4. Nothing _ after the terrible fire caused by the careless doorkeeper(看门的人看门的人). A. left B. continued C. kept D. remained5. Although the working mother is very busy ,she still _ a lot of time to children. A. devotes B. spends C. offers D. provides6. Beaten down on the ground, he _ to his feet and held up his head, staring at his enemy. A. raisedB. struggled C. triedD. fought7. Ive lost the game again. _! Its not that bad! A. Cheer up B. Im sorry C. It doesnt matter D. Oh, my goodness8. They showed great _ when they found out about their babys _. A. pride;disabled B. optimism;disabled C. courage;disability D. sympathy;disability9. Fish _ survival when the water level drops in the lake. A. fight for B. struggle for C. fight against D. struggle against10. The club _ the football player _ a large amount of money. A. provide; in B. inspire; with C. offer; with D. encourage; in11. Is your grandfather _? Yes, my father is taking care of him _. A. in the hospital; in the hospital B. in hospital; in hospital C. in the hospital; in hospital D. in hospital; in the hospital12. I followed a man in a blue jacket thirty minutes _ me and entered the hall. A. in the front of B. ahead of C. after D. at the back of13. I _ my classmate Linda very much._ her prettiness, she was clever and helpful. A. liked; Except for B. liked; But for C. admired; Apart from D. admired; Instead of14. Tickets are limited and can only be _ to those who apply first. A. allocated B. left C. arranged D. made15. Im afraid Im not _ the job. I _ your ability to solve the problem. A. unfit for; believe B. unfit for; believe in C. fit for;believe in D. fit for;believe1. Oh dear! Ive just broken a window. . It cant be helped. A Never mind B All right C Thats fine D Not at all 2. I must be off now. Why don t you stay here and ? A. keep Emma company B. keep company with Emma C. company Emma D. company with Emma3 He succeeded in his efforts to all the difficulties that he met with(遇到遇到). A. defeat B. fight C. overcome D. deal4. Did you tell Julia about the result? Oh, no, I forgot. I her now. A. will be calling B. will call C. call D. am to call5. The experiment they devoted themselves _at last. A. to succeed B. to succeeding C. to succeeded D. succeeded6 Everybody believes he will be the winner of the 100-metre . A. competition B. match C. contest D. race7. What happened to George? He in the car accident. A. was injured B. injured C. was wounded D. hurt8. Im so much homework every day and _after the examination. A. confused; tired of B. tired of; encouraged C. tired out; amazed D. tired of; tired out9. that he has no qualifications in business management, Ken plans to gain the necessary skills by taking a part-time course. A. Confused B. Hopeless C. Concerning D. Concerned10. There can be no knowledge practice. A. apart from B. ahead of C. independent from D. divided from 11. What are you going to do this afternoon? I am going to the cinema with some friends. The film quite early, so we to the bookstore after that. A. finished; are going B. finished; go C. finishes; are going D. finishes; go12. With the pace of modern life speeding up, _food is more and more popular. A. quickB. instant C. distant D. urgent13. As is often the case, he left in a hurry after he _his own share of the task. A. had accomplished B. would accomplish C. has accomplished D. had been accomplishing 14. Did you the meeting yesterday? No, we all the couples in their wedding party. A. join; attended B. join; took part in C. attend; attended D. attend; joined15. The mew building in our school is for us students. Though there is noise most of the day, we still feel happy about it. A. has been built B. being built C. built D. to be built1. What a day! Im about to drop. _ A. What a pity. B. Just have a good rest! C. You neednt worry about the time. D. I am sorry to hear that. 2. I dont like this kind of . There is too much information about the meetings in it. A. newspaper B. the newspaper C. the newspapers D. newspapers 3. Though injured seriously, he tried to , hoping to make his parents less worried. A. cheer upB. light up C. jump upD. take up4. To turn your dream into reality, you should first _the hard life here which you hasnt got used to so far. A. come toB. adopt to C. refer toD. adapt to5. With the money collected by no benefit performance, the people in the disaster area_ their home soon A. will be rebuilt B. will be rebuilding C. will have rebuilt D. have rebuilt6. The national entrance examinations are around the corner, some fans in my class are persuaded to _football to focus on their studies. A. quit to play B. stop to play C. quit playing D. to be quitted playing7. Under the of the psychoanalyst(心理分析学者心理分析学者), the timid(胆小的胆小的) boy seems to be more cheerful and outgoing. A. guidanceB. help C. advice D. suggestions 8. After the accident the miners told the reporters about their in the coal mine. A. lively; details B. living; events C. live; trips D. alive; experiences9. What did the professor ask us to do just now? Sorry, I about my trip to the Wolf Hill at the weekend. A. had thought B. thought C. think D. was thinking10. road you take, the drive wont be more than an hour. A. Whatever B. Whichever C. However D. Whenever11. Each time we get to the workplace, he _each of us our task in detail. A. was allocating B. has allocated C. will allocate D. is going to12. The reason why she decided to leave her boyfriend was that she didnt feel with him. A. serious B. severeC. secure D. safely13 What does she do? She is a nurse and the doctor in the operating room. A. helps B. assists C. aids D. benefit14. He more than 5,000 English words when he entered the university at the age of 15. A. has learned B. would have learned C. learned D. had learned15. By the time he arrives, all the work , with _our teacher will be content. A. will have been accomplished; which B. will be accomplished; that C. will have accomplished; it D. had been accomplished; him56. He suffered several serious i in the traffic accident and died soon. 57. On seeing her h tears, I decided to help her as best I could. 58. In that school i thinking is especially encouraged among the students. 59. Many people died during the war because of cold and h . 60. We have had both p and negative lessons in history. njuriesopelessndependentungerositive61. They are very (乐观的)(乐观的) about the future of their company. 62. You are not alone in your fight for freedom. Our (同情同情)are always with you. 63. The famous temple has been (重(重建)建) twice in the last few years. 64. What you explained made me feel more _(混淆的混淆的) about the principle. 65. I dont like driving. I do it (简单简单地地) to get some exercise. optimisticsympathiesconfusedrebuiltsimply


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