广东省中考英语 第二节 常考话题专项训练(一)个人情况家庭朋友与周围的人人际关系课件 人教新目标版

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广东省中考英语 第二节 常考话题专项训练(一)个人情况家庭朋友与周围的人人际关系课件 人教新目标版_第1页
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广东省中考英语 第二节 常考话题专项训练(一)个人情况家庭朋友与周围的人人际关系课件 人教新目标版_第2页
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广东省中考英语 第二节 常考话题专项训练(一)个人情况家庭朋友与周围的人人际关系课件 人教新目标版_第3页
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听力专项训练听力专项训练第二节第二节 常考话题常考话题专项训练专项训练第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentively(一)个人情况,家庭、朋友与周围的人,人际关系A.听句子听句子根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在题前括号内。每小题听一遍。 ( )1.Where was Jackie Chan born?B第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentively ( )2.What present did Bob get from his father?B( ) 3.What does Tony want to be?B第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentively( ) 4.What are they doing?B( ) 5.Which picture is right for the passage?A第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentively录音材料:1. Jackie Chan came into this world in 1954 in Hong Kong.2. On Bobs birthday, his mother bought him a beautiful T-shirt and his father sent him a book.3.Tonys father wants him to be a pilot.But he likes cooking.He wants to be a cook.4. Mr.Brown is playing table tennis with his son.5.My name is Mary.Look! This is my family photo.They are my father, my mother and I.第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentivelyB.听对话听对话回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在题前括号内。每段对话听两遍。第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentively 听第一段对话,回答第6小题。( ) 6.Where does the mans brother live? A.In the city. B.In the village. C.In the town.B录音材料:W:Has your brother found a house in the city yet?M:No, hes still living in a village far away from the town.第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentively听第二段对话,回答第7小题。( ) 7.How old is the boy? A.21. B.22. C.23. B录音材料:W:Welcome to our company.How old are you?M:I shall be 23 years old next year.第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentively听第三段对话,回答第8小题。( ) 8.What does the man want to buy for his father? A.A shirt. B.A wallet. C.A tie.C录音材料:W:Tomorrow is Fathers Day. What will you give your father as a present?M:I want to buy a tie instead of a wallet.第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentively听第四段对话,回答第9小题。( ) 9.What did the boys father do ten years ago?A.An athlete. B.A teacher. C.An English teacher.A录音材料:W: Is your father an athlete?M:No, hes a teacher, but he used to be an athlete ten years ago.第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentively听第五段对话,回答第10小题。( ) 10.How many people are there in Jacks family? A.Five. B.Six. C.Seven.B录音材料:W:Jack, you are a student.What about the others in your family?M:My father is an English teacher.My mother is a doctor.They are both very busy. And my sister is a nurse. My grandparents are old.We live together happily.第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentively 听第六段对话,回答第1112小题。( ) 11.What class is Meimei in?A.Class 12, Grade 7. B.Class 11, Grade 7. C.Class 7, Grade 7.( ) 12.Are they primary school students or middle school students now?A.Primary school students. B.Middle school students. C.Neither.BB第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentively录音材料:M:Hi,Meimei, nice to meet you here in our middle school.W:Me too, Liangliang.What class are you in?M:Class 12, Grade 7.How about you?W:Class 11, Grade 7.第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentively 听第七段对话,回答第1315小题。( ) 13.Whats Anns report about? A.The best present. B.A piano. C.A football.( ) 14. Who gave Mary a piano? A.Her father. B.Her friends. C.Her uncle.( ) 15.What did Bill get from his uncle? A.An MP3. B.A piano. C.A football.AAC第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentively 录音材料:M: What is your report about?W:Its about the best present my classmates received.M:Would you like to say something about it?W:Sure. Mary got a piano. Her father gave it to her on her 7th birthday.M:Thats an expensive present. What about Bill?W:Bill got a football from his uncle.M:When did he get it?W:Last week, when his uncle came back from England. M:Thats really a good report. Im sure your teacher will like it.W:I hope so.第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentivelyC.听独白听独白请你根据所听内容,在每小题给出的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在题前括号内。独白听两遍。( ) 16.Lucys mother is _.A.a teacher B.a nurse C.a doctor( ) 17.Lucy dreams to be _.A.a teacher actor C.a doctorCC第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentively( ) 18.Lucys mother often _ after work.A.cooks dinner B.reads books C.does housework( ) 19.Lucys mother treats people _.A.kindly B.unfriendly different waysCA第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentively( ) 20.Lucys mother feels _ every day.A.bored B.happy C.sadB第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentively录音材料: Im Lucy.I think my mother is the best mother in the world.I love her very much and she loves me very much, too.She is a doctor in Local Hospital, she is very kind to people.I want to be a doctor like my mother.She is the busiest people in my family, she always gets up early to cook for us and then she goes to work, she works very hard.After work she gets home and does a lot of housework.She is very tired, but she says she is very happy.She is friendly and outgoing.I think she is a great mother.第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentivelyD.听填信息听填信息你将听到的是一篇关于成龙的短文,请你根据所听内容填写下面的表格。并请将答案写在相应题目的答题位置上。短文听两遍。第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentivelyAprilAustraliafilmsstarfans第二节 常考话题专项训练Listen attentively录音材料: Jackie Chan was born on April 7th, 1954 in Hong Kong, China. His parents left the mainland for Hong Kong a short time before he was born. His parents named him Chan Kongsheng, which means “born in Hong Kong”. When Jackie was 7 years old, his family moved to Australia, and later, back in Hong Kong. Jackies father sent him to Beijing to study and work in 1961. Jackie studied and worked 19 hours a day. When Jackie was 17, he began to do dangerous performances in films. In the early 1980s, Jackie went to Hollywood, but he wasnt successful there. He went on to make films in Hong Kong and had great success. Finally, in 1985, Jackie Chan became a star in the Unite States. Today, Jackie Chan has fans all over the world. 谢谢观看!


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