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人教PEP版英语六年级上学期期末测试卷学校 班级 姓名 成绩(总分100分,考试时间120分钟)选择不同类选项。1. A. wearB. whenC. whereD. what2. A. workerB.countC. secretaryD. reporter3. A. shopB. subwayC. trainD. plane4. A. MunichB. BeijingC. AustraliaD. New York5. A. cookingB. interestingC. teachingD. watching6. A. deepB. greatC. wonderfulD. goal读一读,选择合适的选项。7. Some kids make noises on the bus, you can say,”.()A. keep clean, pleaseB. no eating, pleaseC. talk quietly, please8. The traffic lights turn yellow, please.()A. runB. stop and waitC. go9. In China, vou can see drivers drive on theside of the road.()A. rightB. leftC. straight10. Your friend lost his water bottle, so he wants to buy ;i new one in the _.( )A. post officeB. hospitalC. supermarketi 1. Your classmale is ill. She should.()A take a deep breathB. see a doctorC. listen to music12. “If you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher.”中有几处停顿?()A. 一处B.二处C.三处13. At the camp, children can try to do different jobs. If you like science, you can be a.()A. coachB. scieniisiC. postman14. an interesting film!” From this, we know they like the film.()A. HowB. WhenC. What15. He likes people, he wants a policeman.()she have pal does pen a (?)【答案】Docs she have a pen pal?【解析】【分析】【详解】she她,have有,pen pal笔友,does助动词,a 个,根据所给的问号和单词,可知句子是般疑问句,根据 所给的词义可以连成句子:她有一个笔友吗?故答案为Does she have a pen pal?【点睛】going are museum to they science the (.)【答案】They are going to (he science museum.#Theyre going to the science museum.【解析】【分析】【详解】are going to打算,the science museum科学博物馆,they他们,根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述句, 根据所给词义可以连成句子:他们打算去科学博物馆。故答案为They are going to the science museum./Thcyrc going to the science museum.【点睛】He likes making kites and singing.(对划线局部提问)【答案】What does he like doing?【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:他喜欢做风筝和唱歌。划线局部是喜欢做的事情川疑问代词what提问,特殊疑问句句子结 构为:Whal+助动词+主语+动词原形+其他?原句主语为he,问句主语也为he,是第三人称单数,助动词用does, 动词原形为like,like doing sth喜欢做某仅故答案为What does he like doing?【点睛】根据首字母或者图片提示,补全句子,每空一词。*/J?Z 1 -8 2Where is the post office? I want to send a p$*/【答案】postcard#ostcard【解析】 【分析】【详解】句意:邮局在哪里?我想寄一张 o根据图片及首字母提示可知该空填posicard明信片,前面有a修饰,故用单数形式,故答案为postcardo【点睛】19. My uncle is a f. He works a( sea. He sees a lot of fish every day.【答案】fishcrman#ishcrman 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】句意:我叔叔是一个。他在海上工作。他每天看到很多鱼。图片为渔夫,根据句意及所给所给 字母,可知该空考查名词fisherman渔夫,横线前有a,fisherman用单数。故答案为fisherman。【点睛】Excuse me. how can I get to the hospital?一Go s and turn left at the c【答案】 , straight#traight.cinema【解析】 【分析】【详解】句意:一打搅了,我怎样到达医院? 一 然后在左转。根据句意,图片及首字母提示可知第一空填 straight,go straight 直行,第二空填 cinima 电影院,故答案 straight; cinema。【点睛】W二一Whats Janes hobby?JShe likes d.【答案】dancing【解析】 【分析】 【详解】句意:一简的爱好是什么?一她喜欢o根据图示可知是跳舞dance,like后接动名词,dance的动 名词是去e加ing,故答案为dancingo【点睛】Im so tired after running. So I should do m【答案】 .more#ore . exercise#xercise【解析】 【分析】 【详解】句意:跑步后我非常累。所以我应该。根据图片及首字母提示可知该短语为more exercised。more exercise做更多锻炼,故答案为more: exerciseo【点睛】按要求选择。27. Da Ming:11Police: Its over there.Da Ming: Thank you.B. Is it far?A Where is the cinema?【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】【详解】句意:一【详解】句意:一一它在那边。一谢谢你.A电影院在哪里? B它远吗?根据图片和答语,可知大明在问电影院在哪里?应选A。【点睛】Li Hua: Whats your hobby?Liu Yun:Li Hua: Me too.B. I like drawing.A. He likes singing.【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】【详解】句意:一你的爱好是什么? -一我也是。A他喜欢唱歌。B我喜欢画画。根据图片可知是画画,应选BoB. Dont be sad.【点睛】Lily: I cant go to the winter camp.Lucy:A. Wear warm clothes.【案】B 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】句意:我不能去参加冬令营。A穿上暖和的衣服。B不要难过。根据句意及图片可知B选项符合, 应选B。【点睛】Boy: Im going to be a scientist one day. What about you?Girl: Im going to beB. a pilotB. a pilotA. a coach【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:男孩:总有一天我会成为一名科学家。那你呢?女孩:我会成为。A 一名教练,B 一 名飞行员,根据图示可知是飞行员,应选B。【点睛】选择合适的词填在横线上。Wear afraid Wuhan hands ill December healthyThe novel corona virus (新型冠状病毒)is discovered (发现)in 31 in 32. 2019. A lot of peopleare 33 If you want to stay 34、you should wash your 35.36 a mask( 口 罩)when you gooutside. Dont eat wild (野生)animals. You must eat cooked food. The novel corona virus is 37 of alcohol(酒 精).So you can clean with it.【答案】31. WuhanDecember32. ill 34. healthy35. hands 36. Wear37 . afraid【解析】【分析】本文讲述了新型冠状病的发现以及预防感染病毒的考前须知。31题详解】句意:新型冠状病毒于2019年 在被发现。根据句意,推测该空应填地点。根据常识,可知新型冠状病毒首次在武汉被发现,Wuhan符合语境,故答案为Wuhano【32题详解】句意:新型冠状病毒于2019年在武汉被发现。根据句意,可知该空应填时间。December十二月,符合语境,故答案为Decembero33题详解】句意:很多人。根据句意及横线前的be动词,可知该空应填形容词。ill生病的,afraid害怕的,符合语境。 结合第7个空,可知该空应填ill生病的。故答案为小。【34题详解】句意:如果你想保持,你应该洗stay+形容词表示状态,heahhy健康的,符合语境,故答案为healthyo 【35题详解】句意:如果你想保持健康,你应该洗。根据句意,可知该空应天hands手,名词复数,wash hands洗手。故 答案为hands。【36题详解】句意:当你外出时口罩。根据句意,可知Wear戴,符合语境,主句为祈使句,用动词原形。故答案为Wear。【37题详解】句意:新型冠状病毒 酒精。be afraid。害怕,afraid害怕的,符合语境,故答案为afraid。【点睛】读一读,完成任务。Jack and Ben are good friends. One day, they(take) a walk in the forests. Suddenly they hear a sound. t40h! Bear! Look! A bear?” Jack says and climbs quickly on a tall tree. Ben Iries to climb on the tree. But he cant. What can I do? Help me, please!, Ben says to Jack. But Jack does nothing. The bear is coming. Ben lies(躺)down quickly and holds his breath(屏住呼吸).The bear smells Ben and (hen(go) away. Jack climbs down (he tree and (ask) Ben, “What did the bear say to you?” It says a friend in need is a friend indeed., Ben answers.38 .写出括号中所给词的适当形式。 (1).根据短文内容,选出正确答案。(1) Whats the story about?()A. Forest. B. Friendship. C. Love. The bear looks at the man and.()A. eats him B. plays with him C. smells(3) “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Means u()A.友谊天长地久B.患难见真情 C.多个朋友多条路40.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(1) Whal is Ben like?(2) Can the bear say to Ben?(3) How docs Ben feel at last?【答案】38.take.goes (3). asks.B .C.B39. .He is clever.No, it cant.He feels sad.【解析】【分析】本文介绍了杰克和本是好朋友,遇到一只熊杰克迅速爬上树,没有帮助本的故事。【38题详解】(1)句意:一天,他们在森林里散步。结合短文上下文,可知句子是一般现在时,主语they是第三人称复数,谓语 动词用动词原形,take a walk散步,动词短语,故答案为lake。句意:熊闻到本的气味就走开了。句中的smells是动词第三人称单数,and连接两个并列局部,该空也为动 词第三人称单数,go away走开,go第三人称单数为goes,故答案为goes。(3)句意:杰克爬下树问木。句中的climbs是动词第三人称单数,and连接两个并列局部,该空也为动词第三 人称单数,ask第三人称单数为asks,故答案为asks。【39题详解】句意:这个故事是关于什么的? A森林,B友谊,C爱,根据短文中的“It says a friend in need is a friend indeed. 可知这个故事是关于友谊的,应选Bo(2)句意:熊看着那个人。A吃他.B和他一起玩,C闻闻,根据短文中的The bear smells Ben and then goes away.可知熊看着那个人闻了闻,应选C。(3)句意:“患难之交才是真正的朋友”意思是。B选项符合,应选B,【40题详解.】(1)句意:本是什么样的人?根据短文大意,可知本很聪明,该句答语为He is clever.故答案为He is clever.句意:熊能对本说吗?根据短文大意和常识,可知熊不能对本说,该句答语为否认答语No, il cant故答案为No, it cant.(3)句意:本最后感觉怎么样?根据短文大意,可知本很伤心,该句答语为He feels sad.故答案为He feels sad.点睛】请根据旅行社提供的冬令营行程单,写一篇冬令营计划,词数不少于40个。Tips:迪斯尼乐园:Disneyland ,东方明珠塔:the Oriental Tower冬令营行程单1.26乘坐大巴车上往上海 入住酒店晚上.看电影).27参观上海博物饵 中餐KFC1.28辿斯尼乐园游玩 而参观东方明珠塔 乘坐动年返程【答案】范文:We are going to the winter camp. We are going co take a bus to Shanghai on Jan. 26th. We are going to slay in the hotel. And we are going to see a film in the evening. On Jan. 27th, we are going to Shanghai Museum. We are going to eat KFC at noon. On Jan. 28th, we are going to Disney. On Jan. 29叫 we are going to visit the Oriental Pearl Tower. Then we are going to return by train.【解析】【分析】【详解】1.题干解读:该题目要求根据行程单写一份旅行计划,注意时态是一般将来时。2.参考词汇和句型:参考词汇:Disneyland迪斯尼乐园,the Oriental Tower东方明珠塔,take a bus乘坐大巴车,see a film看电 影,Shanghai Museum上海博物馆,by train乘火车参考句型: We are going to.: We are going to stay.: And we are going to see.; We are going to eat.; We are going to visit.; Then we are going to return.【点睛】B. help; isA. helping; to be16. Lets there, because it is.()A. to walk; nearB. to walk; far连词成句或按要求写句子,请注意大小写和标点。17. left, the, Turn, bookstore, at (.)C. helping; beC. walk; near18. My mother works in a supermarket.(对画线局部提问)she have pal does pen a 19. going are museum to they science the (.)He likes making kites and singing.(对划线局部提问)*/*/ 5 ;根据首字母或者图片提示,补全句子,每空一词。20. Where is the post office? I want to send a p.21. My uncle is a f. He works at sea. He sees a lot of fish every day. 餐Excuse me, how can I get to the hospital?and turn left at the c25. Whats Janes hobby?25. Whats Janes hobby?She likes d26. Im so tired after running. So I should do m按要求选择。27. Da Ming:Police: Its over there.Da Ming: Thank you.A. Where is the cinema?B. Is it far?28. Li Hua: Whats your hobby?Liu Yun:Li Hua: Me too.A He likes singing.B. I like drawing.29. Lily: I cant go to the winter camp.)Lucy:A. Wear warm clothes.B. Dont be sad.30. Boy: Im going to be a scientist one day. What about you?Girl: Im going to beA. a coach选择合适的词填在横线l:oB. a pilotWear afraid Wuhan hands ill December healthyThe novel corona virus (新型冠状病毒)is discovered (发现)in 31 in 32. 2019. A lot of peoplearc 33 If you want to stay 34. you should wash your 35.36 a mask( 口 罩)when you gooutside. Dont eat wild (野生)animals. You must eat cooked food. The novel corona virus is 37 of alcohol(酒 精).So you can clean with it. 读一读,完成任务。Jack and Ben are good friends. One day, they(take) a walk in the forests. Suddenly they hear a sound. Oh! Bear! Look! A bcar?n Jack says and climbs quickly on a tall tree. Ben tries to climb on the tree. But he cant. What can I do? Help me, please! Ben says to Jack. But Jack does nothing. The bear is coming. Ben lies(躺)down quickly and holds his breath(屏住呼吸).The bear smells Ben and then(go) away. Jack climbs down the tree and (ask) Ben, “What did the bear say to you?” h says a friend in need is a friend indeed.” Ben answers.38 .写出括号中所给词的适当形式。 (1)(2)(3).根据短文内容,选出正确答案。(1) Whats the story about?()A. Forest. B. Friendship. C. Love. The bear looks at the man and.()A eats him B. plays with him C. smells(3) “A friend in need is a friend indeed.M Means ()A.友谊天长地久B.患难见真情 C.多个朋友多条路40.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(1) What is Ben like?(2) Can the bear say to Ben?(3) How does Ben feel at last?41.请根据旅行社提供的冬令营行程单,写一篇冬令营计划,词数不少于40个。Tips:迪斯尼乐园:Disneyland ,东方明珠塔:ihe Oriental Tower1.冬令营行程单乘坐大巳车前往上海 入住酒店晚上.看电影参观上海博物饵- 中餐KFC迪斯尼乐园游玩 参观东方明珠塔 乘坐动车返程参考答案选择不同类的选项。1. A. wearB. whenC. whereD. what2. A. workerB.countC. secretaryD. reporter3. A.shopB. subwayC. trainD. plane4. A. MunichB. BeijingC. AustraliaD. New York5. A. cookingB. interestingC. teachingD. watching6. A. deepB. greatC. wonderfulD. goal【答案】I.A2. B3. A 4.C5. B6. D【解析】【分析】【1题详解】A穿,B何时,C哪里.D什么。BCD为疑问词,A为动词。应选A。【2题详解】A工人,B计数,C秘书,D记者。ACD为名词,B为动词。应选B。【3题详解】A商店,B地铁,C火车,D飞机。BCD为交通工具,A不是交通工具。应选A。【4题详解】A慕尼黑,B北京,C澳大利亚,D纽约。ABD为城市,C为国家。应选C。【5题详解】A做饭,B有趣的,C教,D看。ACD为动词,B为形容词。应选B。【6题详解】A深的,B伟大的,C精彩的,D射门。ABC为形容词,D为名词。应选D。【点睛】读一读,选择合适的选项。7. Some kids make noises on the bus, you can say,”.()A. keep clean pleaseB. no eating, pleaseC. talk quietly, please【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:一些孩子在公共汽车上吵闹,你可以说,“。A请保持干净,B请不要吃东西,C请小声 讲话,根据句意可知C选项符合,应选Co【点睛】The traffic lights turn yellow, please.()A. runB. stop and waitC. go【答案】B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:交通灯变黄了,请。A跑,B停下等待,C走。根据常识可知黄灯应停下等待,B选项符合 题意,应选Be【点睛】8. In China, you can see drivers drive on the side of the road.()A. rightB. leftC. straight【答案】A【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:在中国,你可以看到司机在路的 行驶。right右边的,left左边的,slraighl直的,根据常识,可知在中国司机在路的右边行驶,应选Ao【点睛】9. Your friend lost his water bottle, so he wants to buy a new one in the.()A. post officeB. hospitalC. supermarket【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:你的朋友的水瓶丢了,所以他想在买一个新的。A邮局,B医院,C超市。C选项符合题意,应选C。【点睛】Your classmate is ill. She should.()B. see a doctorC. listen to musicA. take a deep breath【答案】B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:你的同学病了。她应该。A深呼吸,B看医生,C听音乐,根据题意可知生病了要看医生, 应选B。【点睛】“If you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher. ” 中有几处停顿?()A. 一处B.二处C.三处【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:如果你喜欢运动,你可以成为教练,运动记者,或体育老师。每个逗号处需要停顿一次,故有三 处停顿,应选C。10. At the camp, children can try to do different jobs. If you like science, you can be a.()A. coachB. scientistC. postman【答案】B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:在营地,孩子们可以尝试做不同的工作。如果你喜欢科学,你可以成为一个。A教练,B 科学家,C邮递员,根据题意可知喜欢科学可以成为一个科学家,应选Bo【点睛】an interesting film!” From this, wc know they like the film.()A. HowB. WhenC. What【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:“多么有趣的电影啊!”从这句话中,我们知道他们喜欢这部电影。该句是感叹句,其构成为: What + (a/an) +形容词+可数名词单数+其它! How +形容词/副词+主语+谓语!应选C。【点睛】He likes people, he wants a policeman.()B. help; isC. helping; beA. helping; to be【答案】A【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:他喜欢帮助人们他想成为一名警察。like doing sth喜欢做某事,后跟动名词,help的动名词形 式为helping,want to do sth想要做某事,后跟不定式,应选Ao【点睛】11. Lets there, because it is.()A. to walk; nearB. to walk; farC. walk; near【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:让我们步行去那吧,因为它很。let sb do sth让某人做某事,后跟动词原形,walk是原形,near 在附近,far远的,根据句意可知因为它很近,应选C。【点睛】连词成句或按要求写句子,请注意大小写和标点。12. left, the. Turn, bookstore, at (.)【答案】Turn left at the bookstore.【解析】【分析】【详解】Tum left左转,lhe定冠词,bookstore书店,at在,根据所给句号和单词,可知句子是祈使句,根据词义连成 句子:在书店左转。故答案为Turn left at the bookstore.【点睛】My mother works in a supennarket.(对画线局部提问)【答案】Where does your mother work?【解析】【分析】详解】句意:我妈妈在一家超市工作。根据动词works可知该句是一般现在时,划线局部是in a supermarket, 是一个地方,故对地方提问用特殊疑问词where,放在句首大写首字母,第一人称my改为第二人称your,主语是 your mother,故助动词用单数形式docs,放在特殊疑问词后面,动词works改为原形work,故答案为Where docs your mother work?【点睛】


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