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UNIT 2Food and DrinksUnit 2 Food and DrinksListening “Between the Lines” People do not always say directly what they mean. Very often, we have to listen “between the lines”. The English language offers many ways for people to imply, rather than directly state, their meaning. To find out what a speaker really means, we can rely on such things as the context, the meaning of an idiom, and the intonation used. For example, if someone says “I have an essay to write” in answer to an invitation to go somewhere, we can infer from the context that he cannot accept the invitation. And if someone says Listening StrategyUnit 2 Food and DrinksListening Strategy“Andrew passed with flying colors” in reply to an inquiry about how Andrew did on a test, we can infer from the meaning of the idiom “to pass with flying colors” that Andrew did very well on the test. Often, intonation also helps to reveal the real meaning of a message. For example, “He is very clever” said with an ironic tone means just the opposite.You are going to hear eight short conversations between two speakers. Listen carefully and write down “Yes” or “No” to each of the following questions.Unit 2 Food and Drinks 1. Q: Does the woman enjoy the food in that restaurant? Yes 2. Q: Is the man satisfied with the restaurants service? No 3. Q: Do the children like the cake? Yes 4. Q: Does the man like chicken best? No _Listening Strategy_Unit 2 Food and Drinks 5. Q: Does the woman like the wine? Yes 6. Q: Does John want a soda? No 7. Q: Does the man like the fish? No 8. Q: Will Sue eat out with the man tonight? No _Listening Strategy_Unit 2 Food and Drinks1. M: Have you ever been to that big restaurant opposite the school gate? W: Yes, many times. Whenever my friends come to visit me, Ill take them there to eat.2. W: Is there something wrong, sir? M: My wife and I have been kept waiting for nearly an hour for our meal.3. W: Where is the cake I made this morning? M: We ate it, mom. Can you make another one for us?4. W: I hear you like chicken very much. M: Next to beef. Listening StrategyUnit 2 Food and Drinks5. M: Have you tried this wine before? W: No, never. Its my first time, but its really to my taste. 6. M: John, do you want a soda? W: Soda? I think it tastes like medicine. 7. W: Why, the fish is left almost untouched. M: Well, it would be good if it were less salty. 8. M: Hi, Sue, would you like to eat out tonight? W: Oh, Id really like to, but my sister may come to visit me this evening. Listening StrategyUnit 2 Food and Drinks I usually have meals at the school canteen. The food there is not expensive / good / delicious / not bad. There is always a variety of things to choose from / little choice. I sometimes eat out at a fast food restaurant / snack bar for a change. Hamburgers and French fries are my favorites. I dont like fast food. Its junk food and has little body-building nutrition. Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksPair WorkLanguage FocusHere are some useful sentences and structures that you might find useful in discussing the following questions.Unit 2 Food and Drinks I like fast food a lot. I know its not very nutritious but it tastes good. I prefer health food, which is rich in vitamins and minerals and low in calories. Id prefer to go to a restaurant where the food is good, even though it costs more. I like / fancy / crave for / cant stand / hate hot and spicy food / sweet and sour dishes This dish is delicious / tasteless / too salty / awful. Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksPair WorkLanguage FocusUnit 2 Food and Drinks For breakfast, I usually have meat stuffed buns (肉包) and soybean milk (豆奶) / milk and two slices of whole-wheat bread / porridge and pancakes / instant noodles. For lunch, I have rice with one meat dish and one vegetable dish or vegetable soup. I occasionally have dumplings / noodles / fried rice for lunch / supper. Im a vegetarian (素食者) and I like many kinds of vegetables, especially greens and mushrooms. Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksPair WorkLanguage FocusUnit 2 Food and Drinks Where do you usually have your meals? What do you think of the food there? What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch and supper? Do you sometimes eat out? What kind of place do you like to go to? What is your favorite food / dish / drink? How do you like health food? Pair WorkLanguage FocusPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksQuestions for Discussion You are going to talk about food and drinks. Read the following questions and discuss them with your partner.Unit 2 Food and DrinksAdditional Question for Discussion Are there any differences or similarities between Chinese table manners and Western table manners?Pair WorkLanguage FocusPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksUnit 2 Food and DrinksPair WorkLanguage FocusPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking Tasks4. What is your favorite food? (Why do you like it?) I am not picky about food and it is hard for me to decide which food I like most. Meat, bread, vegetables, fruit, fish ., I like them all. It can be said that my favorites change with the season. For example, in spring, my favorite food includes vegetables and fruit. I like them because they are tasty, nutritious and easy to digest.Unit 2 Food and DrinksPair WorkLanguage FocusPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksAre there any differences or similarities between Chinese table manners and Western table manners? Chinese table manners are different from Western table manners in several aspects. One example is that, to show kindness and hospitality (好客), many Chinese would put food with their own chopsticks (筷子) onto their guests bowls or plates even though the guests indicate they do not want the food or so much of it. However, very few Westerners would do this. They would ask their guests to help themselves to the food they like.Unit 2 Food and Drinksheavy a. (of food) rather solid and difficult to digest 难以消化的skip v. to intentionally miss 故意略去;有意不去sushi n. a Japanese dish consisting of small balls or rolls of vinegar-flavored cold rice served with a garnish of vegetables, egg, or raw seafood 寿司(做成丸状或卷状的冷米饭,拌有醋,常配以蔬菜、鸡蛋、生海鲜等菜肴) Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksExercise 1Exercise 2Word BankLanguage and Cultural NotesUnit 2 Food and Drinks1. Background information In large cities such as New York and London, you can always find different styles of cuisine. And you have a variety of choices as to what to eat, from French food, Italian food, Chinese food, Japanese food, and Mexican food, to Malaysian or Thai food. Italian cuisine uses a lot of tomato sauce, cheese, and cream, and its food is more on the heavy side. Pizza and pasta (for example, spaghetti and macaroni) are popular with diners. Our own Chinese cuisine is noted for its combination of color, flavor and smell, and Sichuan-style spicy food andWord BankLanguage and Cultural NotesPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksExercise 1Exercise 2Unit 2 Food and DrinksChinese snacks are much favored by foreigners for their delicious taste. Japanese cuisine lays great emphasis on artistic presentation of its dishes. Compared to Italian and Chinese cuisine, the Japanese style of cooking is probably lighter. It uses a lot of raw food, especially raw fish, all kinds of seafood, and soy sauce with less oil and fat. Word BankLanguage and Cultural NotesPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksExercise 1Exercise 2Unit 2 Food and Drinks2. for a while for quite some time 3. Do you have any particular place in mind? Do you want to go to any particular restaurant to eat? “Do you have any particular in mind?” can be used for various situations. For example, “Do you have any particular place / movie / idea / plan / book, etc. in mind?” Word BankLanguage and Cultural NotesPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksExercise 1Exercise 2Unit 2 Food and Drinks4. natural flavors the original tastes of food, without being altered by sauces or seasonings 5. Thats fine by me. This is an informal way to show agreement to some suggestion, meaning “I like that” or “I have no objection to that”. Word BankLanguage and Cultural NotesPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksExercise 1Exercise 2Unit 2 Food and DrinksPeter and Kate havent seen each other for a while.Kate doesnt have any plans for this Saturday.Peter suggests to Kate that they have dinner together during the weekend.Peter loves Italian food, but he thinks they serve too much food in Italian restaurants.Both Peter and Kate like Chinese food and Japanese food. Exercise 1Language and Cultural NotesWord BankPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksExercise 2_Listen to the conversation and complete the following sentences. Unit 2 Food and DrinksExercise 1Exercise 2Language and Cultural NotesWord BankPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksWhat does Peter say about Japanese food? It uses natural flavors, not much oil or cream or heavy sauces.2. When and where will Peter and Kate have dinner together? They will have dinner on Saturday either at a Chinese or a Japanese restaurant. _Listen to the conversation again and write down answers to the following questions.Unit 2 Food and DrinksExercise 2Exercise 1Language and Cultural NotesWord BankPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksWhat about Dining Out?Peter: Hi, Kate.Kate: Hi, Peter. How have you been?Peter: Oh, OK, I guess. And you?Kate: Not too bad. We havent seen each other for a while, have we?Peter: No, we havent. So that makes me ask. Do you have any plan for this Saturday?Kate: No, not yet, I dont think so. Why?Peter: What do you think about getting together and Unit 2 Food and DrinksPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksCommunicative Function: Ordering a Meal at a Restaurant InquiriesResponsesWaiter / Waitress Customer Would you like to order now?May I take your order?Are you ready to order? Yes. Id like / Ill have How would you like it cooked? Rare, medium or well done? Medium, please. Conversation 1Conversation 2Conversation 3Useful Expressions and VocabularyExerciseUnit 2 Food and DrinksWould you care for a drink before dinner?Would you like something to drink?Anything to drink? A glass of red wine, please.Pepsi, please.A large Coke, please. Customer Waiter / Waitress Can you bring us the menu?Can we see the menu? Yes, Ill be right with you.Yes, here you are. Do you have any recommendations?What are your specials? Yes. Todays specials are Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksConversation 1Conversation 2Conversation 3ExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyUnit 2 Food and DrinksPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksCommunicative Function: Buying a Meal at a School Canteen or a Fast Food Restaurant Counter Hand Customer Can I help you?What do you want?What are you going to have?What can I get you? Id like a cheeseburger, an order of fries and a chocolate shake.Ill have poached eggs and pancakes.Ill try a chicken sandwich.A bowl of dumplings. To eat here or to go?For here or to go? Ill eat here.To go. Conversation 1Conversation 2Conversation 3ExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyUnit 2 Food and DrinksDo you want something to drink? A small Coke / Orange juice, please. Anything else? Thats all. How much is that? Thatll be 16.50. Heres 20 yuan. Heres your change. Thank you. Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksConversation 1Conversation 2Conversation 3ExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyUnit 2 Food and DrinksAdditional Vocabulary shrimp and fresh mushroom (蘑菇虾仁)home-style bean curd (家常豆腐)sliced pork with green pepper (青椒肉片)scrambled eggs with tomato (番茄炒蛋)deep fried beef steak (炸牛排)Beijing duck (北京烤鸭)mixed fried noodles (什锦炒面)spring rolls (春卷)shrimp dumplings (虾仁饺子)beef noodles (牛肉面)Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksConversation 1Conversation 2Conversation 3ExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyUnit 2 Food and DrinksAdditional Vocabulary rice noodles (米粉)rice served with meat and vegetables (盖浇饭)(chicken / beef) hamburger (strawberry / chocolate / vanilla) ice creammilk shake (奶昔)fruit sundae (水果圣代冰淇淋)French fries (法式炸土豆条)mashed potato (土豆泥)saladapple piePre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksConversation 1Conversation 2Conversation 3ExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyUnit 2 Food and DrinksAdditional Vocabulary chicken nuggets (鸡块) chicken wingchicken legfruit juiceCoca-Cola(black / green / iced) tea coffeePepsi (百事可乐)7 Up (七喜)Sprite (雪碧) Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksConversation 1Conversation 2Conversation 3ExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyUnit 2 Food and DrinksConversation 1Useful Expressions and VocabularyPre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksConversation 2Conversation 3Listen to the following conversations and repeat after the recording. Then role-play them with your partner. ExerciseUnit 2 Food and DrinksConversation 1Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksConversation 2Conversation 3(At the school canteen)A: What a crowd!B: This is the worst time. The morning classes are just over. Everybody is hungry and rushes here to have lunch.A: Thats true. Im starving and I cant wait. Id rather not stand in a long line. B: Why dont we have some fried noodles?A: Noodles are sold at No. 2 Box. No queue there, you see.B: Thats great. ExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyUnit 2 Food and DrinksConversation 1Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksConversation 2Conversation 3(At No. 2 Box)Counter hand: What can I get you?A: One plate of fried noodles, please.B: Make it two.Counter hand: OK. Two plates of fried noodles. Anything else?A: How much is the tomato soup?Counter hand: Its free. It goes with the noodles.A: I see. (To B) Do you want any soup?B: Yes.A: (To Counter hand) Two bowls of soup, please. ExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyUnit 2 Food and Drinks(At a fast food restaurant)Counter hand: What can I do for you?Customer: Ill have one order of chicken nuggets and a chicken sandwich.Counter hand: Anything to drink?Customer: A small Sprite. No ice, please.Counter hand: Okay. For here or to go?Customer: For here. Conversation 1Conversation 2Conversation 3Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyUnit 2 Food and Drinks(At a Chinese restaurant)Waitress: Are you ready to order?A: Do you have any recommendations?Waitress: Yes. The Sichuan-style crispy whole fish is very good. Its todays special.A: Mary, would you like to try that? I hear its very good.B: Why not? And Id like shrimp in black bean sauce, too. Its my favorite.Waitress: Okay. Anything else?A: What about some vegetables, Mary?Conversation 2Conversation 3Conversation 1Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyUnit 2 Food and DrinksB: Yes. How about spinach?A: Spinach is fine with me. Waitress: Anything to drink?A: Yes. Id like one Bud Light, please. Whatll you have, Mary?B: Orange juice, please.Waitress: One Bud Light and one orange juice. Is that right?A: Right. Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksConversation 2Conversation 3Conversation 1ExerciseUseful Expressions and VocabularyUnit 2 Food and Drinks1. It is noontime. You are at the school canteen. Practice buying and selling a meal at the canteen with your partner. 2. You and your friend are at a Chinese restaurant / an American fast food restaurant. Practice ordering / getting a meal. One will be the waiter / waitress and the other the customer. Pre-listening TasksListening TasksSpeaking TasksConversation 2Conversation 1Conversation 3ExerciseNow make similar conversations according to the given situations. Use the structures and expressions you have learned in your conversations where appropriate.Useful Expressions and VocabularyUnit 2 Food and DrinksA Conversation Listen to the conversation and choose the right answers to the questions.Test Your ListeningUnit 2 Food and Drinks1. What is the relationship between the two speakers?a. Classmates. b. Co-workers. c. Waiter and diner.d. Strangers.Test Your ListeningUnit 2 Food and Drinks2. Where does the conversation take place? a. At McDonalds.b. At Kentucky Fried Chicken. c. At an Italian restaurant. d. At Pizza Hut. Test Your ListeningUnit 2 Food and Drinks3. What will they order? a. Pizza, salad and iced water. b. Soup, hamburger and coffee.c. Sandwich, spaghetti and red wine. d. Spaghetti, salad, coffee, Coke and iced water. Test Your ListeningUnit 2 Food and DrinksTest Your ListeningA: Well, here we are, not too crowded.B: Great! Lets order quickly so we can chat a little.A: OK. What are you in the mood for?B: Something light. I had a huge breakfast and Im still full.A: There are three salads. Or you could have soup and a sandwich.B: What are you having? A hamburger, I suppose.A: No, actually I ate out last night. We had pizza at Pizza Hut, then a late snack at Kentucky Fried Chicken.Unit 2 Food and DrinksTime to TalkMovie TimeLook at these pictures and describe them one by one. If possible, try also to find something relevant to talk about. Unit 2 Food and DrinksTime to TalkMovie TimeUnit 2 Food and DrinksTime to TalkMovie TimeUnit 2 Food and DrinksTime to TalkMovie TimeUnit 2 Food and Drinks1. A: two young people, at the counter, fast food, potato chips, popular because its convenient, but, a lot of fat, unhealthyTime to TalkMovie TimeUnit 2 Food and Drinks B: plate of seafood, lobster (龙虾), clams (蛤蜊), colourful, tasty, more nutritious (有营养的), more expensive, be careful, make sure, seafood is clean and fresh, otherwise, may feel sickTime to TalkMovie TimeUnit 2 Food and Drinks2. a man and a woman, restaurant, serve, western food, each person, plate, slice, tomato, glass of water, waiter, wait on, diners, different from home cooking, healthier and tastier, but wait longer, leave a tipTime to TalkMovie TimeUnit 2 Food and Drinks3. pub, named “The Red Lion”, building looks plain, but clean, a variety of drinks, very common in Britain, good places for social activities, people come and drink, enjoy the atmosphere, talking, more important Time to TalkMovie TimeUnit 2 Food and DrinksTime to TalkMovie Time1. A: The picture on the left shows two young people buying fast food, potato chips, to be exact. Fast food is popular because it is fast and convenient. However, fast food that is fried has a lot of fat in it, which makes it unhealthy to eat. B: The picture on the right shows some plates of seafood: a lobster and some clams. Its a colorful sight. Seafood is very tasty and it is definitely healthier than fast food, because it has less fat and its very nutritious. Theres one problem, though. Unit 2 Food and DrinksTime to TalkMovie Time2. This picture shows a man and a woman dining at a restaurant. The restaurant serves western food. Each person has ordered a plate of food. We can see slices of tomato, pieces of meat, green vegetables and glasses of water. And theres a waiter serving the food with a smile. Dining at a restaurant is different from eating at home, or at a fast food restaurant. You get a nice atmosphere there and the food is normally healthier and tastier. One disadvantage is that it usually takes longer to get a table and to get your meal. Remember when you finish your dinner, Unit 2 Food and DrinksTime to TalkMovie Time3. This picture shows a pub, which is named The Red Lion. The building looks plain, but its clean and a variety of drinks are served there. Pubs like this are very common in Britain. They are good places for social activities. So a lot of people dont come just for a drink. What they enjoy most is the atmosphere and the talking, which is more important than the drinking itself.Unit 2 Food and DrinksMovie TimeNew WordsExercise MovieTime to TalkUnit 2 Food and DrinksMovie TimeNew WordsExercise MovieTime to TalkUnit 2 Food and DrinksNew WordsMovieMovie TimeExercise Time to Talkflash flood (暴雨引起的)暴洪catastrophic a. 灾难的engulf v. 吞没;淹没levee n. 堤坝swamp v. 淹没


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