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Book2 Unit 1 Cultural relics Period 1. Warming upStep 1 Cooperative learningWhat makes a city great and famous? (a long history; cultural relics; many great people; important events taking place there)Step2 Discuss the pictures and tell whether they are cultural relics and not. (Page 1 on the text book)Step3 Discuss the questions with your partners.1.Doyou knowwhataculturalrelic is?2.Doesaculturerelicalwayshavetoberareandvaluable?Isitenoughto havesurvivedforalongtime?3.Areculture relicsonlyobjectslikevases orcantheybe buildingstoo?A cultural relic is something that very old, survived for a long time; may or may not have some value; manmade, created by our ancestors(祖先); tells people about the past. Period 2 ReadingStep1: Fast readingMain idea of the passage (The passage tells the history of the Amber Room in the order of time so that we can clearly know what happened to it.)Step2: 请根据中文提示提出问题,再根据课文内容回答你的提问。1为什么人们将这个礼物取名琥珀屋?2琥珀屋的式样怎样?3制造琥珀屋用了多长时间?4琥珀屋是怎样到俄国的?5琥珀屋是什么时候丢失的?6现在俄罗斯还有琥珀屋这个珍宝吗?答案:1Q:Why did people name the gift the Amber Room?A:Because several tons of amber were used to make it.2Q:What was the Amber Room like?A:The design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days and it was a treasure decorated with gold and jewels.3Q:How long did it take to build the Amber Room?A:About ten years.4Q:How did it get to Russia?A:Frederick William I,the King of Prussia,gave the room to Peter the Great as a gift.5Q:When was the Amber Room lost?A:It was lost in September 1941.6Q:Is there an Amber Room in Russia now?A:Yes,but it was newly built by studying the old photos of the former Amber Room.Step 3: Main idea of each paragraphParagraph 1 1. Why is it called the Amber Room? (It was given the name because several tons of amber were used to make it.)2. What did the Amber room look like? (The amber of the room had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey. The designed of )Paragraph 2 2. What happened to the Amber Room?A. In Prussia, the room served as a small reception hall for important visitors.B. The Czar sent a troop of his best soldiers to fight for the Amber room. C. The Amber Room was given to the Russian people as a great gift by the King.D. The room was made to be a gift to the Czar.Paragraph 3Main idea of this paragraph- Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to the palace outside St Petersburg and it became one of the great wonders.Paragraph 4 1. The Amber room was stolen by _A. Russian soldiersB. German soldiersC. People in KonigsbergD. People in St Petersburg2. In 1941, the city of Konigsberg was in _A. Germany B. Russia C. Sweden D. France Paragraph 5 How was a new Amber Room built?Main idea of this paragraph- The Russians and Germans have built a New Amber Room at the summer palace, following the old photos. Step 4: Careful readingDetailed informationJoin the correct parts of the sentences together.1 Frederick 2 In 1716 Frederick William3 Peter the Great4 In 1770 Catherine 5 In 1941 The Nazi army6 In 2003 Russians & GermansA stole the Amber RoomB sent a troop of his best soldiers to the King of Prussia.C had the Amber Room made.D had it moved outside St Petersburg.E gave it to the Czars as a gift.F built a new Amber Room after studying pictures of the old one.Step 5: Careful readingDescription & history of the Amber Room (Retell the text) 全优课堂P2Period 3&4 Language PointsStep1. Key words and expressionsWordssurvive, select, design, fancy, decorate, remove, doubt, worth, explodeExpressionsin search of, belong to, in return, at war, less than, take apart, think highly ofStep2 Useful sentences1. Frederick William I, the king of Prussia could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. P12. Once it is heated, the amber can be made into any shape. P13. It was made for the palace of Frederick I. P14. In 1716, Frederick William I gave it to Peter the Great, as a gift of friendship from the Prussian to the Russian People. P15. In return, the Czar gave the king of Prussia 55 of his best soldiers. P16. The Amber Room soon became part of the Czars Palace in St Petersburg. P17. Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to the palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers. P28. This was a time when the two countries were at war. P29. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. P210. After that, what really happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery. P211. I think highly of those who are searching for the Amber Room. P2 结合全优课堂P10Step 3 Finish the exercises on page 7-10Period 5 GrammarStep1. ExplanationAttributive clauses (restrictive or non-restrictive 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句中通常使用下列关系代词和副词关系代词:which / who / whom / whose / as 关系副词:when / where(非限制性定语从句中不用关系词that;非限制性定语从句中关系词不能省略)1.定语从句有限制性和非限制性两种。限制性定语从句中先行词不可缺少,去掉它主句意思不明确;非限制性定语从句往往是对先行词作补充说明,去掉它不会影响主句意思,它与先行词之间只有松散的关系,这种从句在朗读时,有停顿,通常有逗号与主句隔开。The chairman, who spoke first, sat on my right.The chairman who spoke first sat on my rigyt.The speech went on and on, which bored everyone.The speech which bored everyone went on and on.2.关系副词where和when也能引导非限制性定语从句。On April 1, they flew to Beijing, where they stayed several days.Im seeing the manager tomorrow, when he will be back from New York.3. that不用于引导非限制性定语从句4.which 与as 的比较:由which 引导的非限制性定语从句,可修饰句中某个成分,也可修饰整个句子,不能放句首;而as通常放于句首,后常跟expect, know, report, say, see 等动词的主动、被动语态句They have invited us to visit their country, which is very kind of them.Usually they take a walk after supper, which does them a lot of good.As is known to all, the moon travels round the earth once a month.Step 2 Exercise Finish 全优课堂 P12-13Period 6 WritingStep1 Brainstorm1.学习场所(1)校园 campus(2)图书馆 library (3)阅览室 reading room(4)实验室laboratory / lab(5)电脑室 computer room(6)书店 bookstore(7)博物馆museum(8)植物园botany(9)体育馆 stadium2. 有关交通(1)高速路 highway(2)地铁 subway /underground(3)人行道sidewalk / pavement(4)车道lane(5)交通灯 traffic lights (6) 公交站 a bus stop (7) 交通堵塞 a traffic jam ( block) (8) 交通工具 vehicle(s)3. 有关休闲场所(1)主题公园a theme park(2)迪斯尼乐园Disneyland(3)影剧院theater(4)音乐会concert(5)娱乐中心entertainment center/amusement center/recreation center/表示方位的短语有:(1) 在左边/右边on the left /right(2) 在的后面at the back of(3) 在的前面in front of(4)在的中央In the middle/center of (5) 在的北部(内部)in the north of(6) 在的南方(接壤)on the south of(7) 在的东面(相离)to the east of (8) 位于 (动词短语) lie in (on/ to)/ be located in (on/ to)/ be situated in (on/ to)2. 学习环境1.)学校应该为学生提供良好的学习环境。Schools should provide students with a good learning environment. 2.) 良好的环境有助于青少年的健康成长.。A good environment contributes to the healthy growth of teenagers.3. )公共图书馆在市民的生活中起着重要的作用。The public libraries play an important part in citizens life.3. 交通环境1.)交通便利 be/get close to convenient transport2)地理位置优越 have a(n) ideal (perfect / favorable / advantageous) geographical location 3)只需要5分钟的步行路程。It takes only five minutes walk.4) 没有公交车/出租车到达。There is no bus/ taxi available.4. 居住环境1.我的公寓周围高楼大厦林立。 My apartment is crowed with skyscrapers around. 2. 这座房子视野开阔。This house has an open vision / view.3. 我有一扇朝北的窗。 I get a window that faces north.4.这房租合理,而且地点优越。 The rent is reasonable, and moreover, the location is superior / perfect.5. 这房子很宽敞、明亮、舒适。This house is spacious ,bright and comfortable.6. 我尤其喜爱它的建筑风格。 I have a preference for its architectural style.5.描写环境,倒装句是常用的句型,如:(1) 街道后面有一条小河。 Behind the street lies runs a small river.(2) 山顶上矗立着一座50米高的塔。 On the top of the mountain stands a 50-meter-high tower.Step2. Writing 全优课堂P14 Write an article by the Ss写作提示:内容分配:(用五个定语从句完成)二十年前:80%的村民住人均面积8到20的平房(one-storeyed house)。只有5%的村民住在别墅,他们的希望住面积更大的楼房。现在:住在平房的人是零。拥有自己的别墅的人的数目增加到了45%和每个人住的面积增加到了30-50平方米。现在人民怀有的希望是住得有个性更舒适更安全。Twenty years ago,at least 80 percent of people in our village lived in one-storeyed houses which were 8 to 20 square meters per person in size. Only 5% of the villagers had villas to live in whose hope was to live in bigger-size buildings. But nowadays, the people who live in one-storeyed house is none。 What is better, the number of the people in our village who own their own villas has added to 45% and the size for each person has also doubled. The goal which we own in housing conditions is to live in more comfortable and safer houses with our own characteristics . 课后反思:4


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