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Unit 7Work for PeaceLesson 37: Don t Fight!Learning aims:1. Master words and expressions.2. Master the using way of sentences:3. Train the speaking and listening abilities.-Language points:1. service【用法】作可数名词,意为“服务、服务业”,复数形式是services。【举例】 Britain boasts the cheapest postal services. 英国拥有最便宜的邮政服务。【用法】作及物动词,意为“向提供服务或保养”,后加名词或代词作宾语。【举例】 They serviced us in a special way. 他们用一种特殊的方式为我们进行服务。2. check作及物动词,意为“检查、核对 ”, 后加名词或代词作宾语。如:Please check your answers before handing in the paper. 在交卷之前核对一下你的答案。作可数名词,意为“支票 ”, 复数形式是checks。如:He got a pen and wrote the check. 他拿起了笔便填写了支票单。3. I tried calling you, but your phone was out of service.我试着给你打电话,但你的电话不在服务区。【用法】 句式 try doing something意为 “尝试做某事 ”,类似句式try to do something则表示 “尽力做某事 ”。【举例】 We will try to finish the work on time.我们将尽力按时完成工作。4. You knew how important the game was to me!你知道这次比赛对我有多么重要!【用法】句中的how important the game was to me 是用感叹句作宾语从句;句中的短语be important to表示 “对重要 ”。【举例】 Do you know how important this lesson is to us!你知道这节课对我们来说多么重要!Lesson 38: Making School a Better PlaceI. Learning aims:Master the new words:president, council, share, organization, provide, agreement, religion, disputeII. Learning important and difficult points:1) Student councils work to make school better places to learn.2) In December, we decided to raise money for an organization that provides food for poor people in our city.3) Anyway, we are all friends, so we try hard to understand each other.4) I think we should work together towards peace in our schools and in the world. Language Points:1. Sometimes, we plan school-wide activities.【用法】 (1) plan 为名词时,意为“计划,设计,筹划”。【举例】 We will make a plan for our trip.(2) plan 为动词时,意为 “计划,打算 ”, 其后跟不定式作宾语。【举例】 We are planning to visit Paris this summer.2. keep friends with, be friends with, make friends with【用法】 (1) keep friends with强调持续性,意为“与 保持友好关系 ” 。【举例】 Our family keeps friends with the Greens for years.(2) Be friends with强调状态,意为“与处于友好状态”。【举例】 I hope you are glad to be friends with me.(3) make friends with意为 “和交朋友 ”。该短语中的friend必须用复数形式,with 后接名词或代词。【举例】 Would you like to make friends with us?3. It s not always easy for us to reach greementana.【用法】 It sadj+. (+for/of sb.) +to do sth. (对某人来说)做是的。其中表达of sb. 时,前面的形容词指的是人的特征。【举例】 It s easy for me to drive a car开.车对我来说很容易。It s very kind of you to help me!你真好,帮助了我!Lesson 39: The Dove and the Olive BranchI. Learning aims:Master the new words:dove, olive, Noah, God, flood, float, ceremony, friendshipII. Learning important and difficult points:1) There was a lot of fighting, lying and stealing.2) There are too many bad people in the world, so I will send a great flood.3) To prepare for the flood, Noah made a large ship of wood.4) Since then, people have always taken the dove and the olive branch as symbols of peace.Language Points:1. flood【用法】作不可数名词,意为“洪水 ”,以它作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。【举例】 There was a serious flood here last month.上个月这里发了一次大洪水。2. To prepare for the flood, Noah made a large ship of wood.为了给这次洪水做准备,诺亚做了一艘大木船。【用法】句中的to prepare for the flood是动词不定式短语用在句首作状语,表示目的,它也可用在动词后;短语prepare for则表示 “为做准备 ”,与get ready for同义。【举例】Lisa is leading a happy life now.丽萨正过着幸福的生活。3. Since then, people have always taken the dove and the olive branch as symbols of peace. 自那以后,人们总是把鸽子和橄榄枝当作和平的标志。【用法】句式takeas 意为 “把当作 ”,其中的动词take 可用 have, look on 等加以替换。【举例】 I take you as my good friend all the time.我一直把你当作我的好朋友。Lesson 40: The UN The Power of WordsI. Learning aims:Master the new words:suffer, form, headquarter, permanent, situation, imagine, satisfy, solveII. Learning important and difficult points:1) When the World War II was over, an organization called the United Nations (UN) was formed to help countries talk about their problems instead of fighting.2) The head of the UN, chosen by all the member states, is called the Secretary-General.3) It is not always easy for the members to reach agreement.4) Just imagine how difficult it is to satisfy all 193 members!Language Points:1. satisfy【用法】作及物动词,意为“满足、使满意 ”,后加名词或代词作宾语。【举例】 The pace of change has not been quick enough to satisfy everyone.变化的速度还不够快,还不能让所有人满意。【拓展】 satisfied 是形容词,意为“满意的 ”,用在短语be satisfied with中,意为 “对感到满意 ”。【举例】 Is your teacher satisfied with your answer?老师对你的回答满意吗?2. When the World War II was over, an organization called the United Nations (UN) was formed to help countries talk about their problems instead of fighting. 第二次世界大战结束后,一个叫联合国的组织成立了,这一组织是为了帮助国家之间商讨解决问题而不是付诸战争。【用法】句中的When the World War II was over 是时间状语从句,说明联合国成立的时间;called theUnited Nations (UN) 是过去分词作定语,修饰前面的名词organization ,意为 “叫联合国的组织”;was formed是被动语态,说明联合国被成立;to help countries talk about their problems是不定式短语作状语,表示联合国成立的目的;instead of fighting是介词短语作状语,意为“替代战争 ”,其中的instead of 是短语介词,后加名词、代词或动名词作宾语。【举例】 They live in a town calledBlue Leaf . 他们住在一个叫蓝叶子的小镇上。This club is formedto train the young football players.这个俱乐部的成立是为了培养年轻的球员。She was ill, so I attended themeeting instead of her. 她生病了,所以我替她参加了会议。3. It is not always easy for the members to reach agreement. 对所有成员达成一致不是很容易的。【用法】 句中的 for the members to reach agreement 是动词不定式复合机构作真正主语,前面的it 是形式主语, is not 是系词, easy 是形容词作表语。不定式复合结构有两种形式:for somebody to do somethingof somebody to do something这里使用介词for 或 of 与前面的形容词有关, 如果前面的形容词是kind, nice, good, polite, rude, pleased,happy, clever, foolish, wrong, careful, right等往往用介词of,其他情况往往用介词for。【举例】 It s very of you to do so你.能这样做太好了。Lesson 41: Jenny s Good AdviceI. Learning aims:Master the new words:silence, teammate, directly, check, acrossII. Learning important and difficult points:1) I m glad you can agree on something.2) Do you really want to stop being friends?3) It s good to see you are friends again.4) After all, itLanguage Points:1. silence s just a game!【用法】作不可数名词,意为“沉默、无言、寂静、无声”,以它作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。短语 in silence 意为 “安静 ”。【举例】 Why are they in silence now?他们现在为什么这么安静?2. I m glad you can agree on something我.感到高兴的是你们能就一些事情达成一致。【用法】句式agree on something 意为 “就某事达成一致意见”;类似句式还有agree with somebody,意为 “同意某人的看法”,agree to something,意为 “同意某种看法”。要注意这三个句式中介词的不同用法。【举例】 Tony, do you agree with me?托尼,你同意我的意见吗?3. Do you really want to stop being friends?你真的想要放弃成为朋友吗?【用法】句式stop doing something表示 “停止做某事 ”; stop to do something 表示 “停下来去做另一件事 ”。【举例】 They felt tired and stopped to have a rest. 他们感到很累便停下来休息了一会儿。【拓展】句式stop doing something表示 “停止做某事 ”; stop to do something 表示 “停下来去做另一件事 ”。Lesson 42: Peace at LastI. Learning aims:Master the new words:rather, peacemakerII. Learning important and difficult points:1) Steven and I were ready to beat each other!2) Thanks to Jenny, everything is OK now.3) We said sorry to each other.4) We all want peace rather than fighting.Language Points:1. rather【用法】作副词,意为“相当、很 ”,后加形容词或副词。【举例】 It was rather cold yesterday. 昨天天气相当冷。【用法】 would rather表示 “宁愿 ”,后加动词原形。【举例】 If its all the same to you, Id rather work如at果home对你.来说没有什么差别,我宁愿在家中工作。2. Steven and I were ready to beat each other! 我和斯蒂文都准备好要击败对方。【用法】句式be ready to do something 意为 “准备好做某事 ”,与 prepare to do something 同义。【举例】 We are ready to hold our sports meeting. 我们准备好开运动会了。【拓展】句式be ready for 与 prepare for 同义,表示 “为 做好准备 ”,后加名词或代词作介词宾语。【举例】 Are you ready for the meeting?你们为会议做好准备了吗?3. thanks to【用法】意为“多亏、由于 ”,后加名词、代词、动名词作介词宾语,多用在句首作状语,表示原因。如:【举例】 Thanks to her help, we could finish the work on time.多亏了她的帮助, 我们才能按时完成工作。


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