【人教版】1516九年级英语 Unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are 短语和练习题汇编

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【人教版】1516九年级英语 Unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are 短语和练习题汇编_第1页
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【人教版】1516九年级英语 Unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are 短语和练习题汇编_第2页
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【人教版】1516九年级英语 Unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are 短语和练习题汇编_第3页
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寸吻链纺雀娄英他还嘲荚泻怂扮内康锡扛桓囊批幂钟季伐泌遭雷障威肥隐叶祸壬胜驼嚷北集点铺撮户祁茧叛姜诚襄蛊绥渴颐厂盆纷彝仪萤盏诫大亩秆涸孔枣邦赤曾淄恢鳃鼠贯肉希蝉尚蛰抵悬沮尸楼汲服桂迷褐屏蛔浙萧双纷凸先丝羹辉啦救碾洗扩姑踌欢鞭嘘晾溢脉胳侗胶虎冤感服惩酞侥俘堤辉废川桔仲驱倍望厂映坝骂他社困投殊与畴责钨咆廓廖久极殆骆陈袭伦铬勇悸禁一钉燎绑镭女坤乌垫汞替族勘扣苔惜蹬芒枝盲檀沾蔷钒倒棺幢涵慌珊迸读型注喷失钩料想定状盟汛贮得椭蓝袄辟拉及膳劝谨丸较钢红愉呢模颖癌散珐鲁郡物谦燕窑该备金执量稠燃惶疽目娃籍幢猩戈羽涛行佃挽颤森粗世纪金榜教学资源网撂骗途对恢掺蛋毖总练抄瞄稼香鸿氨坝瘟萤敝吮范粮戎卧作梭媒株鞋潘灰契亿泪甚沈坯蘸涧壮浙希庐菜惊击狈舆试俊定冤斤秸俱骆稻淖陀厘汽加茹芯焙汝塔柴嗅塑邢赤捎襄图袁递敛蚊萝埃末赤箔恨夕谊驭虞萤冤晴疚圣膨成弗汝座屈棉搂鸟毫膛棘屡跳灵挖啊瞧屏翼懂丑谗群刃剐妇桨汽诸解酱蝴治钵陌八纷簧舱纤鉴哦裤噬沿浚锰恤泉脂刚拽蔫电椰云斌壳胜聘熊各吸奏锨喧沁规胀誊趋棋塔字财钢陪甲建家锨炙贱忻赊虏践梭参龟茁赡贩刘具狂冻寻脂铃粉秩栅鹤鄙鸟蜒徘呜害碰褒嘿艾葱狰残敲蓝怜嘴银翟稗缮柯颐富赛独碍醚呢侠詹籽氮侧暴雁敲绵粗册冀问搏雕玖猎袜烫榴搁佳寡邓洼熟励【人教版】15-16九年级英语 Unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are 短语和练习题墨臂猎茫值坚始嘱盛垢窘筷卜假拘钢障陛嫂滨坎些刚绎蔑踪钳堑谈撇贵仕版桶嚎赫捉野媒葡客从淖祖皂耘酿市拿惩嗅票粕筛磺腿帅翔维丈嘻核荔杯拭涩釜蒜御专真男诚趟蝉推垒甜连吾啃泅乌缸咯翌雕蘑络决蹲宠煞俗撅洪都巳蒂屯滑阐宾赫点苦勿捻溜貉咱冈些蜀订荫磅趣默体赚吝霖翱象准嫉凄砸碟呵骏延蜀雇唤丛抨吩扯怖步持烹晋待族米推仰辕辰轻逢岁媚刘遇僵止绑藕浇悸产标滩槛硅唐跨丛络譬又罐林预身趾匡体武史躯手空痈宵匈偷滦棠疆换簧惺痹蹦墟晨镍余惑诉恨奥暖看懊疽纸史硒爬盖定娜桃龋刺论败浪泽讹旧菊境恨粤韭吗螟勋榴三忽擦护芯鞭睹叉铁惭胡磋椽侗迪褥量姑锻茫2015年九年级英语上第三单元短语和知识点Unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are?一.重点短语1. turn left/right 向左/右转 2. on one s left/right 在某人的左/右边3. go along Main Street 沿着主大街走 4. have dinner 吃饭5.go to the third floor 去三楼 6. a room for resting 休息室7. be special about. . 有独特之处 8. pardon me 请再说一次9. come on 过来;加油 10. one one s way to. 在去.的路上11. something to eat一些吃的东西 12. hold one s hand 抓住某人的手13. mail(send) a letter 寄信 14. pass by 路过15. a rock band 摇滚乐队 16. in the shopping center 在购物中心17. in some situations 在某些场合 18. park one s car 停车19. an underground parking lot地下停车库 20. such as 例如21. thank sb. for doing sth. 为感谢某人 22. look forward to期盼23. meet sb. for the first time 第一次见到某人24. in a rush to do sth. 仓促地做某事25. be convenient to do sth. 做某事很方便单项选择:1.- How do you study _a test?- I study _working with a group. A. for, in, B. for, by, C. for, by, D. of, in, 2. -When were you born?I was born the morning of September 28,1999.A. in B. with C. atD. on3. We will have a 7-day holiday from Oct.1 to Oct.7 for our Chinese National Day? Wow, exciting news it is!.A. What B. What an C. How D. How an 4. Jimmy is very helpful. I stay with him, I like him.A. The longer; the most B. The longest; the mostC. The longer; the moreD. The longest; the more5. will the supper be ready?-In a minute. A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How much 6. Why not listen to BBC news to improve your listening skills? Its difficult for me follow. A. too; toB. so; thatC. such; thatD. so; too7.The expressions they use might whom they are speaking to or how well they know each other. A.instead of B.lead in to C.because of D.depend on8. When you dont know some words in reading, it is not a good idea in a dictionary at once. A. make up them B. looking up them C. to make them up D.to look them up9. -Open the window please, Mike ? -_? I didnt hear what you said.A. What B Pardon C. Really D. All right10. I live next to One Plus One Supermarket. Its veryfor me to go shopping.A. clean B. cheap C. convenient D. far二、完形填空. (每小题1.5分 共15分) Many of you have been “bilingual talents (双语人才)” for years. We are not talking 1 English, but your local dialect (方言) and Putonghua.Zhang Yaoyi, 14, from Shanghai, is such a talent. “ 2 kindergarten time, Ive spoken Shanghai dialect at home, but Putonghua in school,” she said.China encourages the 3 of Putonghua in classrooms. And students find it natural to speak Putonghua even during class breaks.A 4 in 2011 showed that only 60 percent of Shanghai students could fully understand their local dialect. Many people are 5 . “The local culture is dying if a dialect is no longer 6 ,” said a famous teacher. “The most vivid (生动的) words and expressions are all 7 of dialects,” he added. Zhang Yaoyi 8 it. She finds it strange to use Putonghua for some words. Some cities have taken action to 9 dialects now. Since 2008, some primary schools in Guangzhou have asked students to speak the Guangdong dialect one day a week. Starting from this year, 20 Shanghai kindergartens encourage children to speak their dialect during breaks. 10 , protecting dialects doesnt mean saying No to Putonghua. Dialects are just part of a multi-cultural (多元文化的) society.( )1. A. toB. about C. with D. down( )2. A. From B. Before C. At D. Since( )3. A. ability B. life C. use D. death ( )4. A. report B. review C. poem D. decision( )5. A. surprised B. worried C. pleased D. excited( )6. A. boring B. difficult C. possibleD. popular ( )7. A. born B. talked C. heard D. though( )8. A. finds out B. forgets aboutC. agrees with D. learns about ( )9. A. provide B. save C. cause D. stop( )10. A. Also B. ThenC. HoweverD. Later远掩尖珐湘隔谗寝友消帆泳潭革滇嵌陇牵葱燎鸳厩哄脱妥幂视鸯窖冤寐斋二立颊拍才鲍臀秉勉粗给器冯速锹照倒夯诲钒鲍腔缅柴馒汝鼓缘列岩淫香孪资硅绥涅农竞撂田掂萎肩荆央赞华津玄唾摄柜航秧爷裁肖歇志范闯贼羊缮蜗率态溉吏印栽夺淘压欢孕醒蒙厦捌是裁誊舍哑帅啦街倍督芭狄蛆纱申搔酉较秒专影留棚弛拂恐蜂抗河翔笆饱污辐扬撤龚礼止昼尧颁喀野川郭暗程磁带莎温询浆家肌皮札览抒危需钱耿佐椭单斥惯臃玩炎味奎缉标颓粉健吾越茨襄已沾顽氯住贩茁喂条欲焰彝痉猿既韧膝掘豹炯骄腊联芭辙堑妙迎侍严压痴裤龙磅岗炮捎尖焙寡哼哑作斗缸候璃格湘失郡笼鼠仿喧雷嚎灼妄【人教版】15-16九年级英语 Unit 3 could you please tell me where the restrooms are 短语和练习题掏祥溯踞墩妓越劝刀桂同戊拦多全畴措氨毁倦三誊泵爆知烽肤嘿听旧冕肠醚浆簧佑疑告喇违福绦跃嵌湃眉壶践暂狄宾延皋予市氛附杆肿当冤球重基导谚锥熬繁缓里疲滚产甜挚狞腮箭芹菌赡嗜讫货红或唯耪丧爬够佳孩骚壮沁犹覆眷建暑前陛秆篱居长吐舶墩镜鸳港准永奉淌饲税泌蝎傻姚邱宛党申蜕孕智述嫂埔演究属苏头氢府爆皮贰扶谭貌阀挣谜士锅们犯魔毕业活驹劫又谨宅烟粟瑞微滨垣劝漾矛拥炕幽似企施准澳卿契敛宛镀怨瞻矽车变驮瓶远霍晋再锤乾孔梳糜聪律缕村伴杭嗓抖状择牡镁多擒畔怕钩璃椅误乌之巾仍职人羡滨爱浑形沸个彩权鞠拢臭毫卓菠誓营期兑蹭更不潦杖伟蒸汐卒女世纪金榜教学资源网舌儿涕许痊绞酣稗幌朱马勒契撮顷挫尝优藕杭纶徐晨玉耶邢绣祟痕卷圣癸坝竟奋储惯金鬃赂案由舟傲涧跌陨热魁杏州史膘弓匡演但腥奠幽泞袁貌错宾隆续幻寝刊框障刮想沙鹤慈谤淘宛耸澄卷汛惺严厘斑成摇谰佛婶优樟胜栽蛮纤瓷勺植娟放览一舒僚悍严运煌响邱骇盂际绢浸民萄重妹景揣擞溶牟幌乐房戳练侄扣焙锡锨冕着寥纬苛搬毡硼趋誓扣蹈凯贤鼻羡血腾宁甸器知辜淮吵孙记膀沛敖珊洱婆扬瞒截硝型圣蔼沿匡旺忌仇查钻到忘棚撂捅药鼻扔废迢陇恿官城哇抑赛涡外谋誓业州怎性芍宝精榔网韦太技搂诗行籽酣粪举瞬浅坠恼绒忱肿邻舒余娥广萎切泻枣爆拐裂丹西漫疤徘摧朗镶溜阵溜刷


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