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Unit4 What can you do?导学案【课题导入】(教师自主设计)课前:T: Where is my English book? S1: Here you are.T: Oh, you are helpful. Thank you.上课 :T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, teacher.T: Let s chant, O K? Ss: OK!T: Great! The animals can do lots of things. What about you?What can you do at school?S1/S2/S3: I canT: You are so great Then lets go into the new lesson: Unit4What can you do? (板书课题 )Ss: Read the title after the teacherT: First, lets see the studying aims.【学习目标】1. 能听、说、读、写表达家务劳动的五个动词短语。2.能运用“I m helpful! I can 简单介绍自己能做哪些家务劳动。3. 养成热爱父母、热爱劳动、乐于助人的良好品质。(教师创设情境,呈现本课目标内容,带领学生初步感知,然后开展自主学习)T: (手持 helpful 单词卡) Then are you helpful?Ss: Yes.T: Look, ( 课件出示词组图片 )If you are helpful, tell me :What can you do?S1: I can( 通过与学优生的对话呈现词组 )T: Ok, let s ch ant together.Cook, cook ,cook the meals. Sweep, sweep, sweep the floor. Clean, clean, clean the bedroom. Empty, empty, empty the trash. Water,water, water the flowers. Im, I m, I m helpful!T: Now, please study according to the leading paper.【学习过程】1. 自读 Let s learn 部分词组,用双色笔划出不会的词组;2. 开动脑筋想一想有哪些好办法记住这些词组呢?3. 将新单词写在下面。(头脑风暴:看谁能背写下来哦!)4. 根据 Let s learn 部分图片,试着练习一下新句型吧!群学 / 展示:1. 一名同学领读本课词组,其他人跟读。2. 词组操练( 1)出示词卡,组员边做动作边说词组。( 2)一人做动作,其他人猜词组。( 3)说一说都有哪些记忆词组的好方法。1. “周末到福利院照顾孤寡老人”志愿报名现场会。组长做调查 “What can you do? ”并统计,组员到组长处报名。You can like this:(你可以这样做)A: Im helpful. I can展示要求:其他组成员一起问这一组的学生:What can you do? 组员分别回答:I m helpful, I can 方法如下:T: Let s ask them: What can you do? One, two.Ss: What can you do?S1: Im helpful, I can sweep the floor. (也可以边回答边做动作)2. 自编小对话。You can like this:( 让我们行动起来做一些力所能及的事吧!)例:3. 小组合作表演 Let s chant!. 【展示交流】同学们:大显身手的时候到了!让我们一起来分享一下自己的学习成果吧!温馨提示:准备任务组内小展班内大展(组内补充、组间质疑)(学生展示后)T: You know, when we grow up, they are old.(课件出示图片 ) Wecan help them. Weshould learn to care for Do you want to help them? Ss: Yes.othersand help them.T: What can you do? Lets see who is helpful?S1: Im helpful, I can【达标反馈】1. 图文配对A clean the bedroom B cook the meals C sweep the floor D empty the trash E water the flowers2. 根据图片补全句子。(1) I m helpful. I can _.(2) A: What can you do?B: I can _.(3) Im helpful. I can _.【学教反思】说说你这节课学会了什么?最大的收获是什么?【拓展延伸】Read and guess ( 读一读,猜一猜 )I can empty thetrash.I can watertheflowersand trees.I cankick the ball.(踢球 ) I cant fly. Im big. I cant hide ina shoe.( 藏在鞋子里 ) I have big ears and a long nose.I am an_.


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