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北京语言大学21秋商务英语期末考核试题及答案参考1. Wheat prices were generally low in the autumn, so farmers could not wait for markets to improve.(语法上正确与否) ( )T.对F.错参考答案:F2. Paying an account payable increases liabilities and decreases assets.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B3. exotic的意思是:originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country ( )T.对F.错参考答案:T4. to deal with (complaints)(选出与题干意义最接近的解释)_A.处理日常事务B.论述某项事情C.处理顾客投诉D.与某人做买卖参考答案:C5. Quick ratio is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A6. Financial statements in which financial data for two or more companies are combined as a single entity are called ( )A.conventional statementsB.consolidated statementsC.audited statementsD.constitutional statements参考答案:B7. Compared with sole proprietorships and partnerships, corporations have many advantages.Such as _.A.Limited LiabilityB.Easy to ExpandC.Separated Ownership and ManagementD.Continuous Life参考答案:ABCD8. 下列英汉互译是否正确:“可比性”“comparability”。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B9. If the business relations establishes, what shall the addresser do?They will_ for conIf the business relations establishes, what shall the addresser do?They will_ for considerably large numbers.正确答案:place regular ordersplace regular orders10. If the proceeds from the sale of bond investments exceeds the carrying amount of the bonds, a gain is realized.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A11. We are pleased to write to _ you in the hope of doing business with you in this line.A.contactB.get in touchC.contact withD.get contact with you参考答案:A12. What is the explanation for the fact adults have more difficulty in acquiring additional languages than children have?(语法上正确与否) ( )T.对F.错参考答案:F13. 下列英汉互译是否正确:“普通股股利”“ordinary dividend”。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B14. A backup program _.A.makes a copy of files you selectB.returns you to the previous programC.undoes the last change you madeD.None of the above参考答案:A15. “Dividend yield rate”应译为“股利支付率”。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B16. fare的意思是:treating people equally without favouritism or discrimination ( )T.对F.错参考答案:F17. You should _ to one or more weekly magazines such as Time or Newsweek.A.ascribeB.orderC.reclaimD.subscribe参考答案:D18. These young adults established a trend of early marriage and relatively large familieThese young adults established a trend of early marriage and relatively large families that went for more than two decades and caused a major but temporary reversal of long-term demographic patterns.(语法上正确与否) ( )T.对F.错参考答案:F19. Please do not be _ by his offensive remarks since he is merely trying to attract attention.A.distractedB.disregardedC.irritatedD.intervened参考答案:C20. Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, _ themselves.A.expandingB.stretchingC.prolongingD.extending参考答案:B21. We are doing this work in the _ of reforms in the economic, social and cultural spheres.A.contextB.contestC.pretextD.texture参考答案:A22. They quickly brought down the age at marriage for both men and women and brought the birth rate to a twentieth century height after more than a hundred years of steady decline.(语法上正确与否) ( )T.对F.错参考答案:F23. Generally, there are several types of insurance: _A.property insuranceB.liability insuranceC.health insuranceD.life insurance参考答案:ABCD24. A target market represents a group of people who have similar needs and wants and are believed to have interest in the same products.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B25. Money acts as a unit of account because we can use it to measure the relative value of goods and services.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B26. 下列英汉互译是否正确:“共同变动成本”“common fixed cost”。( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A27. Cash equivalents ( )A.are illegal in some companyB.will be converted to cash within two yearsC.will be converted to cash within 90 daysD.will be converted to cash within 120 days参考答案:C28. Dark glasses are sometimes worn to _ the eyes from strong sunlight.A.preventB.careC.defendD.protect参考答案:D29. The income statement is prepared from ( )A.the adjusted trial balance.B.the income statement columns of the work sheet.C.either the adjusted trial balance or the income statement columns of the work sheet.D.both the adjusted trial balance and the income statement columns of the work sheet.参考答案:C30. According to its attributes, property can be classified into _.A.tangible real propertyB.intangible personal propertyC.intellectual propertyD.material property参考答案:ABC31. Each web page has a unique address, called a URL that identifies its location on the network.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A32. The common devices are the _ and the _.A.keyboard, printerB.keyboard, microphoneC.mouse, monitorD.mouse, keyboard参考答案:D33. This book is expected to _ the best-seller lists.A.promoteB.prevailC.dominateD.exemplify参考答案:C34. We would appreciating you sending us the latest samples with their best prices.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B35. Under the accrual basis for the accounting period concept, revenues are reported in the income statement in the period in which they are earned.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A36. A balance sheet is a list of the assets, liabilities, and owner&39;s equity of a business for a period of time.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B37. to approve(选出与题干意义最接近的解释)_A.to abide byB.to comply withC.to have a positive opinionD.to come up with参考答案:C38. Investments in stocks that are expected to be held for the long term are listed in the stockholder&39;s equity section of the balance sheet.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B39. Mrs.Black doesn&39;t believe her son is able to design a digital camera, _?A.is heB.isnt heC.doesnt sheD.does she参考答案:D40. underline的意思是:draw a line under to give emphasis or indicate special type ( )T.对F.错参考答案:T41. C is an object-oriented programming language.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:B42. Which of the following is not the e-commerce business models?A.Business-to-Business(B2B)B.Electronic fund transferC.Business-to-Customer(B2C)D.Customer-to-Customer(C2C)参考答案:B43. Money must be able to stand the wear and tear of repeatedtransactions during its life in circulation.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B44. In 1947 three scientists, John Bardeen, William Shockley, and Walter Brattain working at _ invented the transistor computer.A.BaiduB.MicrosoftC.AT&Ts Bell LabsD.Yahoo参考答案:C45. Although at times, learning a language was frustrating, it was well _ the effort.A.worthB.worthingC.deserveD.deserves参考答案:A46. Financial reports are used by ( )A.managementB.creditorsC.investorsD.all of the above参考答案:D47. Improved consumer confidence is _ to an economic recovery.A.crucialB.subordinateC.cumulativeD.satisfactory参考答案:A48. Under the equity method, a stock purchase is recorded at its original cost and is not adjusted to fair market value each accounting period.( )A.正确B.错误参考答案:A49. A check is essentially an order instructing the bank to pay a given sun to a designated person or firm.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B50. jetlag的意思是:extreme tiredness and other physical effects felt by a person after a long flight across different time zones ( )T.对F.错参考答案:T


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