day 1-2021年高二英语暑假天天练之阅读理解专练.docx

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DayAWelcome to Shanghai Ocean Aquarium (水族馆)Covering a total area of 22.400 square meters, Shanghai Ocean Aquarium (SOA) is located in Pudong New Area. With a theme of cross Continents Through Worlds of Water/5 the aquarium is divided into 8 zones, displaying more than 300 species and a total of more than 14,000 precious fish from five continents and four oceans.What will you discover at the ocean aquarium?Take an underwater journey that starts from China and continues throughout the major continents and regions of (he world. Walk through a 200-meter-long undersea tunnel, one of (he longest of its kind in the world, to have a close contact with the color 1 ful ocean world. Admire the uniqueness of ocean life from the Polar Regions to the tropics, particularly rare and precious species from the famous Changjiang River.Opening time9:00-18:009:00-21:00 for Summer Holiday (July and August), National Day Holiday and Chinese New Year HolidayAdmissionAdult 10/Child 6Free guided tours run hourly from Monday to Saturday between 10 am and 3 pm.On Sundays, service of a VR tour is offered, 5 for each person.For groups with more than ten members, we offer free entry io 2 children (under 10) at most.Since its opening in February, 2002, SOA has received more than I million tourists every year from within China and all over the world. For more information, visit , call (86-21) 58779988 or email us at .1. in Shanghai Ocean Aquarium, visitors can do the following EXCEPT.A. admiring precious fish B. walking through underwater tunnelC. swimming in the sea D. increasing knowledge about sea life2. Two adults with 10 eight-year-oki kids will pay at least if they all employ VR(our service this Sunday.A. 80B.98C.128D.1403. Where docs this passage probably come from?A. A news report.B. A science textbook.C. A nature magazine. D. A tourist guide.【答案解析】1 .C 2. C 3. D这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了上海海洋水族馆的一些情况,如开放时间、入场费等 信息。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据 What will you discover at the ocean aquarium?局部中 Take an underwater journey that starts from China and continues throughout the major continents and regions of the world. Walk through a 200-meter-long undersea tunnel, one of the longest of its kind in the world, (o have a close contact with the color 1 ful ocean world. Admire the uniqueness of ocean life from the Polar Regions to the tropics, particularly rare and precious species from the famous Changjiang River.可知以中国为起点,贯穿世界各大洲和地区的海底之旅。穿过世界I:最长 的海底隧道一200米长的海底隧道,与五彩缤纷的海洋世界来一次亲密接触。欣赏从极地 到热带地区的独特海洋生物,特别是来自著名的长江中的珍稀物种。由此可知,在上海海洋 水族馆,游客可以欣赏珍贵的鱼、走海底隧道以及增加关于海洋生物的知识,只有C选项“在 海里游泳”文章没有提到。应选C。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据Admission局部中Adult 10/Child 6(成人10英镑/儿童6英镑);On Sundays, service of a VR tour is offered. 5 for each person.(周日提供 VR 游服务,每人 5 英镑) 以及 For groups with more than ten members, wc offer free entry to 2 children (under 10) at most.( 10人以上的团体,我们最多只提供2名儿童(1()岁以下)免费入场)由此可知,两个大 人带着10个8岁的孩子,如果他们都在本周日使用VR旅游服务,他们将支付入场费 10+10+8*6=68美元,VR旅游服务需要花费12*5=60美元,故至少需要支付68+60=128美 元。应选Co【3题详解】推理判断题。根据文章标题Welcome (o Shanghai Ocean Aquarium (水族馆)(欢迎来到上 海海洋水族饵)以及文章主要介绍了上海海洋水族馆的一些情况,如开放时间、入场费等信 息。由此可推知,这篇文章最有可能来自一本旅游指南。应选D。BI was working the overnight shift in a remote hospital in the Rocky Mountains. Late in the evening, a young African teenager was brought into the emergency department. He lived at sea level and had never been in the mountains. After skiing all day, he fell really ill. Everyone assumed it was altitude sickness.He was sweating and had abdominal (腹部的)pain. His heart rate increased. We sent off his lab work, and his blood sugar came back at almost 600 normal is less than 100. His platelets (血小板),necessary for stopping bleeding, came in at 10.000; they should have been over 150,000. I did an ultrasound of his abdomen, and it looked like his belly was full of blood. This wasnt altitude sickness. And in the short time Id been trying to figure out what was wrong, he was getting sicker. The friends he was traveling with were terrified, and rightly so.The mystery was finally solved with an oki-fashioned microscope. When we looked at his blood, we saw some sickled (镀形的)red blood cells. Thats how we were able to diagnose sickle cell trait. If you have sickle cell trait which means you got the sickle cell gene from just one parent instead of two you have no symptoms at low altitude, but high altitude can sometimes cause the red blood cells to turn into sickle shapes and take oxygen from vital organs. This teenager didnt know he had it, but the efleet of the altitude on his blood cells was so extreme that after just a short time in (he mountains, he suffered great pain.He needed platelets immediately, but we didnt have enough at the remote hospital. And there was a snowstorm, so the medical helicopters couldnt fly. It was a scary night. Just as we were abandoning all hope, we met an ambulance that drove halfway up from the city with blood products and transferred him to the city hospital for emergency surgery. The story has a happy ending: He recovered fully.4. What do we know about the African teenager?A. He only skied for a short while.B. He lived in the Rocky Mountains.C. He had never heard of altitude sickness.D. He was unaware of (he danger of high altitude.5. What was the teenagers condition when rushed to the hospital?A. He was feeling cold.B. He was bleeding continually.C. His heart rate was going down.D. His blood contained little sugar.6. How did the doctor diagnose the teenagers sickle cell trait?A. By doing an ultrasound. B. By examining his parents.C. By using a traditional approach. D. By doing a chemical experiment.7. Which of (he following played a part in saving the teenager according (o the last paragraph?A. Luck.B. Money.C. Fame.D. Belief.【答案解析】4. D 5 B 6. C 7. A【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述一个年轻的非洲青少年在落基山脉滑雪突然 生命危及并最终幸运脱险的故事。【4题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第三段“This teenager didnt know he had it, but the effect of the altitude on his blood cells was so extreme that after just a short time in the mountains, he suffered great pain.(这个年轻人不知道自己有高原反响,但是海拔高度对他的血细胞的影响是如此 的大,以至于在山里呆了很短的时间后,他遭受了巨大的痛苦。)”可知,这个青少年没有意 识到高原的危险。应选D。【5题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第二段“His platelets (血小板),necessaiy for stopping bleeding, came in at 10,000; they should have been over 150.000.1 did an ultrasound of his abdomen, and it looked like his belly was full of blood.(他的血小板,止血所必需的,有10000个;他们本应 该超过15万。我给他的腹部做了超声波检查,看起来他的腹部充满了血。)”可知,他一直 在流血。应选【6题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第三段“T根 mystery was finally solved with an old-fashionedmicroscope. When we looked at his blood, we saw some sickled (镰形的)red blood cells. Thats how we were able to diagnose sickle cell trait.(这个谜最终用一台老式显微镜解开了。当我们 看他的血时,我们看到一些患病的红细胞。这就是我们诊断镰状细胞特征的方法。)“可知, 作者使用传统的方法诊断出青少年镰状细胞特征。应选Co【7题详解】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“The story has a happy ending: He recovered fully.(这个 故事有一个愉快的结尾:他完全康复了)”可以推断,这个青少年很幸运地脱离了死神。故 选A。CJapanese researchers are genetically changing mosquitoes so that they become carriers of a vaccine (疫苗)that could vaccinate millions for free. The researchers have already genetically changed a mosquito species so that its saliva (唾液)contains a protein that acts as a vaccine againstlcishmaniasis(利什曼病),a deadly disease that leads to terrible skin problems. The team confirmed that mice bitten by the genetically-engineered mosquito developed an antibody to the disease, meaning they had buill up immunity (免疫力).“You would be vaccinated without even noticing. You wouldnt need any drug and you wouldnt need to show up at a fixed place fbr mass vaccinations/ said Shigeto Yoshida, the associate professor who has led the research. Repeated bites would only strengthen the immunity/Similarly the mosquitoes could be used to help treat malaria (疟疾),perhaps a decade from now, said the malaria expert.Nearly one million people die each year from malaria most of them are children mainly in Africa and Asia, according to the World Health Organization. Now a problem is that no effective vaccine exists. 4*There is a treatment that works, but it is beyond the reach of people who need to worry about food fbr tomorrow/ Yoshida said.However, Yoshida expects that the gcnctically-enginccrcd mosquito will finally help wipe out the deadly disease in the developing world. Technically speaking, I believe its a matter of 1() years or so, but its not clear whether society would accept it,“ he said.Another problem is that the genetically-engineered mosquito may still pick up and spread the infected blood of a person who has already caught malaria. Yoshidas team is hoping it can solve this problem by developing a mosquito species that kills the malaria virus inside its own body.8. How have scientists turned mosquitoes into carriers of a vaccine?A. By changing their genes. B. By killing the virus in (heir bodies.C. By letting them bite mice.D. By injecting vaccines into their bodies.9. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using mosquitoes as vaccine carriers?A. Its free of charge. B. Its convenient.C. Its more effective. D. Its unnoticeable.10. What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?A. People welcome the idea of using mosquitoes to treat malaria.B. Mosquitoes carrying vaccines may still spread malaria.C. It is not long before people will use mosquitoes to get rid of malaria.D. A mosquito can kill the malaria virus inside its own body.11. The main purpose of the passage is to .A. introduce a possible solution to malariaB. encourage people lo use mosquitoes lo fight against diseasesC. show that Japan has very advanced technologyD. call on people to help people suffering from malaria in Africa and Asia【答案解析】S.A 9.C 10. B 11. A【分析】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一种可能的疟疾解决方案。【8题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段第一句J叩anese researchers are genetically changing mosquitoes so that they become carriers of a vaccine (疫苗)that could vaccinate millions fbr free.M (日 本研究 人员正在改变蚊子的基因,使它们成为一种疫苗的携带者,这种疫苗可以为数百万人免费接 种)可知,科学家通过转变它们的基因将蚊子转化为疫苗的载体。应选A。【9题详解】细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中“Now a problem is that no effective vaccine exists.(现在 的问题是没有有效的疫苗存在)可知,C项It,s more effective.(这是更有效的)不是利用 蚊子作为疫苗载体的优势。应选C。【10题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句Another problem is that the genetically-engineered mosquito may still pick up and spread the infected blood of a person who has already caught malaria(另一个问题是,这种基因改造的蚊子仍然可能感染并传播已经感染疟疾的人的血液)可知,携带疫苗的蚊子可能仍然传播疟疾。应选B。【11题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句Yoshidas team is hoping it can solve this problem by developing a mosquito species that kills the malaria virus inside its own body. (吉田的团队希望 通过培育一种能杀死自身体内疟疾病毒的蚊子来解决这个问题)可知,这篇文章的主要目的 是介绍一种可能的疟疾解决方案。应选A。【点睛】概括主旨的方法是:先看首尾或各段开头再看全文找主题句,假设无明显主题句, 就通过关键词句来概括(如议论文中寻找表达作者观点态度的词句,记叙文寻找概括情节和 中心的动词或反映人物特点的形容词)。文中出现两种或两种以上的不同观点时,务必牢记 作者的观点才是表达全文中心的。此题第4小题,根据最后一段最后一句Yoshida飞team is hoping i( can solve this problem by developing a mosquito species that kills the malaria virus inside its own body.可知,这篇文章的主要目的是介绍一种可能的疟疾解决方案。DNOT that long ago, the world wondered whether clean energy could survive without government support. Now the question is how far it can spread. The number of electric vehicles, which was about I million in 2015, last year reached 2 million. In electricity generation, too, trend is with (he greens. In the first half of this year wind, solar and hydro generated a record 35% of Germanys power.Greater success is breeding greater ambition. California is proposing (o reach 60% renewable energy by 2030: 176 countries have clean-energy goals. Hawaii, Americas most oil-dependent state, has promised to be 100% renewable by the middle of the century. So have 48 poor countries vulnerable to climate change. This week the number of multinationals making a commitment to running their operations on 100% renewable energy rose to 100.But not every target is helpful. To see why, consider that goal of 100% renewable energy. It makes solving climate change seem easy. In fact, though wind and solar can generate the whole countrys electricity some day, renewables still account for less than 8% of the worlds total power output. Moreover, cleaning up electricity is only part of the battle. Even though gas-fired heating and cooking can be at least as big a source of greenhouse-gas emissions, renewable heating gets little attention. Transport policy is unpredictable, too. Carmakers may hit their goal of annual sales of 10 million electric vehicles in a decade, but battery-powered road transport, shipping and aviation arc drcams. A much-quoted claim that America could rely on wind, solar and hydro alone for its electricity has recently been bitterly criticized by a group of respected academics.Most importantly, a 1 ()0% renewables target confuses means with ends. The priority for the planet is to stop net emissions (净排放量)of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide. Pulling too much emphasis on wind, solar and other renewables may block off belter carbon-reduction paths. After decades of investment, it is wrong to leave nuclear power off the table. Carbon emissions in Germany actually rose because it chose to phase out nuclear power gradually and so burned more coal. New technologies, such as direct air capture systems designed to separate carbon dioxide from the air, may in time prove vital. Likewise, greater energy efficiency could reduce emissions by even more than using renewables would.12. Il can be inferred from the passage that .A. the problem of climate change will be solved by using 100% renewable energyB. with new technologies, Germany successfully cut down carbon emissionsC. it is probable that ships will one day be powered by batteryD. America is not likely to completely rely on wind, solar and hydro energy one day13. According to the passage, carbon emissions may be reduced by .A. promoting energy efficiencyB. blocking off carbon-reduction pathsC. using non-renewable heatingD. abandoning electric vehicles14. The underlined phrase phase out in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to .A. ignore B. reduce C. use D. invent15. In which column can this passage be read?A. Fashion B. Politics C. Economy D. Education【答案解析】12. D 13. A 14. B 15. C本文是说明文。短文主要介绍了人类的主要目标是遏制全球变暖,而不是实现百分百再 生能源。再生能源对环保和经济产生了诸多的影响【12题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段“A much-quoted claim that America could rely on wind, solar and hydro alone for its electricity has recently been bitterly criticized by a group of respected academics.” 一种经常被引用的说法,即美国可以只依靠风能、太阳能和水力发电,最近遭 到了一群受人尊敬的学者的严厉批评。可知美国不可能完全依靠风能、太阳能和水力发电, 应选D。【13题详解】细节理解题。根据最后一段“Likewise, greater energy efficiency could reduce emissions by even more than using renewables would”同样,更高的能源效率可以比使用m再生能源减少更 多的排放。可知提高能源效率可以减少碳排放。应选A。【14题详解】词义猜想题。根据最后一段“Carbon emissions in Germany actually rose以及后文so burned more coal德国的碳排放量实际上上升了,因为它选择逐步淘汰核能,因此燃烧了 更多的煤炭。此处phase out和后面的more对立,所以这里是减少。应选B。15题详解】推理判断题。短文主要介绍了人类的主要目标是遏制全球变暖,而不是实现百分百再生 能源。再生能源对环保和经济产生了诸多的影响。由此判断出短文来源于经济模块,应选C。


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