-系统--多操作系统篇(- system -- multi operating system Chapter)

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1-系统-2-多操作系统篇(1- system -2- multi operating system Chapter)1- system -2- multi operating system chapter.Txt, my dad said the most moved me a word: children, study hard, dad used to play mahjong are playing 10, and now in order to study for you, change to play 1 of the. Two, double system installation1, how do you make Windows XP coexist peacefully with other systems?The coexistence of versions of Windows operating systems is nothing new. WindowsXP, the latest operating system of Microsoft, can coexist peacefully with its brothers and sisters, without affecting each other. The Windows XP installation process can be broadly divided into 5 steps: gathering information, dynamically upgrading, preparing for installation, installing Windows, and completing the installation.The system information and some important settings needed during the installation are accomplished by gathering information. In the ensuing interface, because the language version of the operating system, the installation interface will replace the existing Windows version or installed on a separate partition or hard disk this option, to achieve the upgrade installation. The Windows XP installer will ask the user to fill in the product serial number. If the sequence number is correct, click next to pop up the install options dialog box.attentionBecause Windows XP supports many languages, in order to display and use simplified Chinese correctly, you must select Chinese (PRC). Otherwise, the installation of Chinese software later, including other operations involving Chinese, will be greatly limited.Recommend not to use upgrade installation. Upgrade installation will not be able to select the installation partition for Windows XP. In this way, all the original file operating system users computer will be on fire. Because the Windows XP will format the partition first, and then copy and install the file. The installer asks if the user wants to upgrade the partition where Windows XP is installed in NTFS format.Better skip the dynamic upgrade. With the dynamic update feature, users can download newer drivers and security patches from the Windows XP installation disk from the Internet, thus enabling the Windows XP installed by the user to be up to date.The installer will ask if the partition format remains unchanged or is it upgraded to NTFS. The NTFS partition format is better than the FAN32 partition format, but for the first time, its better to select the 32 bit.Click the Skip button to skip the electronic registrationThe new installation will delete all the program or system files previously installed, but a new installation of Windows XP reliability is better than the upgrade installation.2, how to install Windows 98/ME in case of Windows XP?Because Windows XP cannot directly install Windows 98/ME, so we must first use the Windows 98/ME boot computer (of course, the premise is to set a start from the in CMOS), then Windows 98/ME installed to Windows outside the XP partition. When you restart the system, you will find that there is no dual Startup menu, and the system goes directly to Windows 98. It doesnt matter. Follow the example of the recovery menu. After youve finished, you can delete the file at the end of $ in the partition of the hard disk and start with the $ character and end with $.3, how to restore the selection menu?If you install a dual system (Windows 9x and Windows XP), due to incorrect operation to remove the boot.ini file, the boot.ini will start the computer when the illegal prompt, did not choose the menu, but directly into the Windows XP, according to the following steps to restore:First, the boot sequence is adjusted to CD-ROM boot in BIOS, and then the Windows XP installation disk is put into the CD-ROM drive. After the program is loaded automatically, the system will ask you to reinstall or fix it and leave it directly. Finally, to CMOS, the boot sequence will be changed to hard disk boot, so that after the boot again, there will be a selection menu.4, use the recovery console method using Windows XP dual boot menuUnder the Windows98, the new installation of WindowsXP will automatically generate dual Startup menu, which is quite convenient. Windows XP operating system is extremely stable, but because of the double boot menu files are generally in the root directory of C, it is easy to be damaged. You can skillfully restore the damaged Windows XP dual Startup menu with the restore console method. The steps are as follows:At the beginning and reinstall the same, to select a new installation, the installation file, restart the computer, choose to enter the recovery console, the console will prompt you to log on to which Windows XP installed, generally choose the default 1 type the administrator password, you can enter the console under the Windows directory, type BOOTCFG/ADD, the console will scan the Windows installation, a few seconds after the scan is complete, prompt option to add installation, choose 1 , then the input loading identifier, enter Microsoft Windows XP Professional , suggesting that OS loading options, type fastdetect , press enter, type EXIT , restart your computer. You can see the familiar double start menu back. After entering the system, delete all the files and folders in the partition with $.5, how to delete one of the systems in the dual system?If you install a dual system (Windows, 9x, and Windows XP), how can you delete another system without damaging a system? Follow these steps to implement:If you want to delete the Windows 9x, in Windows XP right click my computer and select properties - advanced, click on the startup and recovery in the Settings button, then the start time to 0, it will go directly into the Windows XP at startup, and not in the selection menu. Finally, delete the Windows, 9x, Program, Files, directory, and boot files, including io.sys, msdos.sys, , autoexec.bat, and config.sys (Windows).If you want to delete the Windows XP, the Windows XP directory Windows, Program Files and Documents and Settings folder in the Windows 9x environment (make sure that the disk is FAT32 format, or Windows 9X cannot access, must be converted to FAT32 format) to delete all, then delete the following documents: NTLDR, , C boot.ini, ntbootdd.Sys (if you have a SCSI device and bootfont.bin, and then use it) a boot disk (according to the 9x Windows operating system set) started in the A: type SYS C:, Windows 9xs C refaxed system.6, how do you access the NTFS partition without converting to the FAT format?If the computer is Windows 98 and Windows XP Windows XP dual system, the partition using the NTFS file format, so in Windows 98 will not be able to access Windows XP NTFS file format, how to access the NTFS partition in FAT format into the case?Using the software NTFS for Windows 98, it is designed for Windows 9x systems to access NTFS partitions, which can be used to read and write NTFS partitions in the Windows 9x environment.7, with the dual operating system drive malposition how to do?At present, there are more and more computer users will double operating system version according to the sequence from low to high to install their own computer, and is different from the C start to turn back the partition, to meet various needs, for example, to install Windows 98/XP two operating system, is usually installed on C/D partitions (assuming your computer has 5 partitions), and Windows 98 system with FAT32 format and NTFS format for Windows XP system.The problems in Windows 98 system: C, D, E can only display three partitions (C, F, G is actually three partitions, but in Windows 98 is C, D display and E), because the NTFS format is not visible in the format of FAT32, so the D/E disk Windows XP do not see the installation, and the original F and G respectively for D and E disk or disk, so in WINDOWS 98 system has a drive dislocation problem, not feeling too cool and will easily lead to consequences.So there is no way to solve the WINDOWS 98 system drive dislocation problem in case of missed? C is Windows 98, why not put Windows XP placed at the end of the F/G two partition? As a result, F/G disk in NTFS format or FAT32 format or not visible in the DOS mode, the key is to achieve the C, D, E these three partitions good place, which is also reduced due to drive dislocation problem of unnecessary losses!8. How do you use Windows 2000 drivers in WINDOWS XP?In many cases, if your hardware or peripherals are not Windows XP own driver support, you can download and install Windows 2000 driver instead, although Windows XP may have a pop-up dialog box, told the driver that you installed is not correct (not registered to Microsoft), but it can not guarantee the availability does not affect the normal use of the hardware.tipsYou can use Windows XPs System Restore feature to track any system changes you make every time, and restore it to the desired time point if necessary.9, how to make the Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP installed on the same computer together?To make Windows 9x, Windows NT,Windows 2000 and Windows XP can be installed on a single machine at the same time. You must first consider file formats that must be in FAT16, FAT32 or NTFS file formats.Windows 98 or Windows Millennium coexists with Windows XP:The file format for the A. boot disk must be FAT16 or FAT32, not NTFS; the reason is that Win98/Me does not support the file format of NTFS.The B. installation order is to install Win98/Me first, and then run the Windows XP installer directly from the Win98/Me operating system, and automatically start the dual startup screen.Windows NT 4 or Windows 2000 coexist with Windows XP:The file format for the A. boot disk must be FAT16 or NTFS, not FAT32; the reason is that Windows NT does not support the file format of FAT32. (Note: Windows 2000 can be FAT32).The B. installation order is to install Windows NT 4 or Windows 2000 first, and then run directly from the Windows NT 4 or the Windows 2000 operating system. The setup program for Windows XP automatically creates a dual startup screen. (note that Windows NT must be upgraded to version Service Pack above 5).Windows 98 or Windows, Millennium, Windows, NT 4 or Windows 2000 and Windows XP exist simultaneously:The file format for the A. boot disk must be FAT16 and must not be FAT32 and NTFS; because Windows 98 or Windows Millennium does not support NTFS, and Windows NT does not support FAT32.The installation of B. first installed Windows 98 or Windows Millennium, Windows NT 4 or Windows 2000 setup directly from Windows 98 or Windows Millennium operating system runs, (Note: Windows NT please upgrade to SP5 version of the above), then to setup the operating system Windows NT 4 or Windows 2000 run Windows XP, the automatic restart will form three boot screen.10, how to implement dual system maintenance?If you install too many software, there will be a problem. It is better to use the Ghost as backup for the entire C partition. First of all to have the Ghost software version is good, such as Ghost 2002 (low version of Ghost backup NTFS partition) to copy all files, Ghost to the H:Ghost directory in the Windows XP system, and then use the Windows 98/ME boot disk boot the machine (need to be set in the BIOS as a guide, because from DOS) the system does not recognize the first five NTFS partition, so when the H disk drive into C at the command line type CD C:ghost, and then start Ghost 2002, you can choose in Ghost partition window to see the 6 partition all the. We only select the C partition as backup, and save the GHO file to the H disk. The Windows XP, can use Ghost to quickly restore (first proposed by Ghost for finishing C fragment backup).Because the Windows XP system has a relatively small probability of the problem, the space occupied by the hard disk is relatively large, and it is not very cost-effective to use Ghost as backup. As long as the system restore function is used, several restore points can be created.In addition, also need to backup the C root directory of boot.ini, , NTLDR of the three files. These files are related to the dual startup menu. If for some reason lost two start menu, then use the system can start to boot the machine, copy the three files to the root directory of C can retrieve the dual boot menu.If for some reason the double system cannot start (the probability possibility is almost zero, unless the hard disk physical damage), can use the Windows XP installation CD guidance system to repair, also can directly use the Ghost reduction of C partition.11, how to choose the best backup time?The general application software, as far as possible installed in the Windows XP system, the folder where the application software is E:Program files, the reason why the first backup using Ghost, rather than install software, mainly considering the following points:The backup Windows XP is the cleanest system, and there is no garbage in the system folder and registry;The software version has been upgraded too quickly, and now the 5 version of a software is installed. The next time Ghost is restored, it may have been upgraded to version 10;Many software is green software. Once you install it, you can run it directly next time after you restore the system with Ghost. And the number of these software is quite large. Such as the commonly used QQ, Foxmail, ACDSee, FlashGet, CuteFtp, Flash, and so on. The software is installed in Windows 2000, and can also be run directly in Windows XP.12. Let Windows XP use the start menu and desktop of other systems?Before installing Windows XP, the users various applications, tools, software and games are often installed, and after the installation of Windows XP, is not all the need to reinstall it? The answer is No. A simple way to transplant the desktop shortcut of the original OS and the start / program menu to the Windows xp. Taking WINDOWS ME as an example: the desktop shortcut icon in C:WindowsDesktop, start / program menu in C:WindowsStart MenuPrograms, and WINDOWS XP desktop shortcut icon in the D:Documents and Settings user desktop , start menu in D:Documents and program / Settings user name start menu WINDOWS XP (under the program installed in the D disk, user name used for the installation of WINDOWS XP, the former name) will be copied to the latter, in the copying process in the case of the same content when the answer can be prompted to overwrite.This will occur in three situations: 1 can be used immediately, often do not need to register some green software; the need to re register, such as FLASH, click the FLASH icon to use, the system pop-up registration interface, then enter the registration code can be used; the need to re install, such as OFFICE XP. Note: reinstall at this point should be consistent with the path used by the original operating system, so as not to add new space overhead.13, let Windows XP share the IE favorites with windows 98/MEIf you install Windows XP, you also retain the original windows 98.If you have these two systems to the Internet, there is a problem: you use the Windows XP IE, a web site add to favorites, but when you use the 98 IE, but can not see the site, namely Windows XP and Windows 98 IE favorites are not synchronized.Method 1: website copy methodCopy the URL in Windowss IE favorites directory (C:WINMEFavorites) to the IE favorites directory in Windows XP (D:Documents, and, SettingsxxxFavorites), if XP is on the D disk, and XXX is the user name) ().shortcomings each time the increase and arrangement of the two systems can not be synchronized, repeated copies and more trouble.Method two: registry modification methodFix two IE favorites to the same directory by modifying your respective registry. Steps are as follows:Create a directory called c:my Favorites.In the Windows XP click Start run, type regedit, and then click OK to find HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShell FoldersPlace the value in the Favorites data item in the registry key (the value should be D:Documents, and, SettingsxxxFavorites, XXX is the user name), and change to c:my Favorites.In the Windows 98/ME click Start run, type regedit, and then click OK to find HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent VersionExplorerShell Folders, the value of the Favorites data in the registry key changed to c:my Favorites.In this way, the c:my Favorites folder becomes the IE favorite shared by Windows XP and Windows 98. The action on any of the IE favorites can happen immediately in another IE.advantages each time the system is added and arranged, the two systems can synchronize and do not need to copy.


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