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2022届高3精品套餐练10套1.7 14 5阅读(2022湖北孝感市重点高中高三7月月考)Interested in learning how to read body language? Would you like to be able to tell when people are lying and understand peoples intentions? 36.Fingers can create many gestures and are great for reading body language. A pointing finger can either be someone pointing to an item or place, it can also indicate anger. If someone is curling their fingers tightly, they are usually praying for something. 37 The faster the beating is, the greater the tension inside the person may be.38 They can tell so much information about the person if you know what you are looking for. As in most situations, the same signal can be interpreted in a different way. It depends entirely on the circumstances at hand. Open eyes may mean the person is interested in the topic and it can also mean that the person is confused.The eyebrows have many uses. 39 When the eyebrows are raised, normally the person is shocked or surprised. The greater the surprise, the more raised they will be. When someone moves their eyebrow up and down quickly, they are greeting someone else or are showing they have acknowledged them.Remember reading body language is not a skill that can be learned overnight. 40 Anyway, body language is the most important language you can learn.A. Listed below are some examples of the uses.B. The more you practice, the easier it will become.C. If you do, the person will become uncomfortable.D. Remember the eyes can make the wrong evaluation.E. People say that the eyes are the windows to the soul.F. Knocking or tapping with the fingers indicates nervousness.G. Body language gives you an insight into what others might be thinking.n.阅读理解(2022福建连城一中高三第一次月考阅读C篇)The negative health effects of sleep shortages during the week cant be changed by marathon weekend sleep sessions, according to a new study.Researchers have long known that routine sleep deprivation (缺乏)can cause weight gain and increase other health risks including diabetes. But there are still some people who hope that shutting off the alarm on Saturday and Sunday will repay the weekly sleep debt and remove any ill effects.The research, published in Current Biology, ruins those hopes. Despite complete freedom to sleep in and nap during a weekend recovery period, participants in a sleep laboratory who were limited to five hours of sleep on weekdays gained nearly three pounds over two weeks and experienced metabolic disruption (彳弋亍射紊舌I) that would increase their risk for diabetes over the long term. While weekend recovery sleep had some benefits after a single week of insufficient sleep, those gains were wiped out when people returned right to their same sleep schedule the next Monday.“If there are benefits of catch-up sleep, theyre gone when you go back to your routine. Its very short-lived,said Kenneth Wright, who oversaw the research. These health effects arc long-term. Its kind of like smoking once was一 people would smoke and wouldn,t see an immediate effect on their health, but people will say now that smoking is not a healthy lifestyle choice. I think sleep is in the early phase of where smoking used to be.,Wright said that the study suggests people should prioritize sleepcutting out the optional “sleep stealers such as watching television shows or spending time on electronic devices. Even when people dont have a choice about losing sleep due to child-care responsibilities or job schedules, they should think about prioritizing sleep in the same way they would think about a healthy diet or exercise.8. What had the researchers already known before doing the new research?A. The actual benefits of weekend recovery sleep.B. Harm to health caused by the lack of routine sleep.,C. Peoples habit of shutting off the alarm during holidays.D. The relationship between body weight and sleep amount.9. What can we learn when Wright compares catch-up sleep with smoking?A. Catch-up sleep has no immediate effect on peoples health.B. People used to think smoking was a cool lifestyle.C. People know little about the harm of smoking.D. Catch-up sleep has better health effects.10. The underlined phrase prioritize sleep probably means A. extend sleep B. improve sleepC. enjoy a sound sleep D. put sleep in the first place11. What can be the best title for the text?A. Weekend catch-up sleep is a lie.B. Bad sleep habits are harmful to health.C. Smoking is not the worst thing to health.D. A new study has an unexpected discovery.III.完形填空(2022完形填空专题训练1之过关检测第2篇)My seven-year-old daughter always has her nose in a book. She even continued in the car on the long drive to summer camp, where she lost the book. This is the first lost 2 book in my life. In my childhood, my parents had always expected me to be 3 but we were poor, and I didnt 4 books. I had to borrow books. My library books lived on a 5 shelf while they were mine, and it 6 me when I had to return them to the library on the due day. However, my daughter has 7 books now than I owned during my whole childhood. So its probably my 8 that she didnt cherish the books. t4Sorry, I can*t find it, “my daughter said with a shrug, uWe just pay S20 for the book. Whats the big 9 ? ” The missing library book just met with a cold 10 from her, but it met with nail-biting 11 from me. I walked into the library in a deep 12 as if I had lost the book.Feeling the need to make her feel 13 for the book, I asked her to do the household chores. She agreed to clean up all the pets houses 14 my paying the library book. Id meant the chores to be 15 !Surprisingly, she was enjoying herself. 1 took a picture of her lovely back. So, did 1 win or lose at 16 ? Did I teach her the17of keeping a library book if the picture I took shows she is working 18 ?To my19 . my little girl knew what 20 in her life. She could devote herself to the chores as much as to thebooks.1. A. drivingB.thinkingC. readingD. viewing2.A. schoolB.referenceC. storyD. library3.A. powerfulB. practicalC. academicD. employed4.A. writeB.own C. order D.love5.A. wastedB.dusty C.presentD. specific6.A. painedB.companiedC. abandonedD. lost7.A. fewerB.betterC.cheaperD. more8.A. workB.reason C.faultD.duty9.A. worryB.questionC. caseD. deal10.A. shoulderB. powerC. refusalD. excuse11.A. impressionB. effortC. effect D. concern12.A. respectB; thoughtC. shameD. shock.13. A. eager B. responsible C. goodD. suitable14.A.in need ofB. in trade fbrC. in terms ofD. in favor of15.A. punishmentB. recoveryC. encouragement D. promise.16.A. studyingB. parentingC. arguingD. fighting.17.A. benefitB. methodC.commitmentD. demand.18.A. seriouslyB. unwillinglyC. professionallyD. constantly19.A. disappointmentB. reliefC. regretD. sorrow20.A. mattersB. proves C.existsD.growsIV.语法填词IV.语法填词(2022云南昆明市重点高中高三开学摸底测试)It is reported that at present a city in Japan has a problem with graffiti(涂鸦).However, it is not the usual type of graffiti with paint from spray cans 61 (use) to write on walls. It is graffiti in sand.Officials in the city of Tottori are asking tourists to give up 62 (write) messages and drawing pictures in the sand of its giant sand dunes (沙丘).The officials say the graffiti causes damage to the dunes, 63 destroys the pleasure others get in looking at the sand.More than 3,300 cases of sand graffiti1 64 (occur) at the tourist spot in the past decade. In January, two overseas tourists were ordered 65 (erase) a 25-meter-long message that read Happy Birthday Natalie1.The Tottori Sand Dunes are famous throughout Japan 66 their natural beauty. They are the largest and longest sand dunes in the country and form part of 67 scenic coastal park on the sea of Japan coast. The biggest dune is 50 meters high.The local government wants to improve tourists* understanding of the 68 (important) of the dunes. It will set up much 69 (many) signs in English, Chinese and Korean asking people to respect the dunes. A spokesman said, “We are concerned about whether the rules are 70 (complete) understood, and we want to continue to protect views of the beautiful sand dunes.n2022届高3精品套餐练10套答案1.7选5阅读(2022湖北孝感市重点高中高三7月月考)36. G: 37. F; 38. E; 39. A: 40. B :本文是一篇说明文。能读懂身体语言是一种技能,本文介绍了几个身体语言所能表达的意思,并给出了建 议。.36. Go X * Interested in learning how to read body language? n 以及后文介绍的各种身体语言可知,G. Body language gives you an insight into what others might be thinking (身体语言让你知道其他人在想什么)符合语境,故 选G。.37. Fo 根据后面句中的“The faster the beating is, the greater the tension inside the person may be.” 可知,敲打的越 快,人体内的紧张程度可能就越大。本句介绍了敲打手指所表达的意思。选项F. Knocking or tapping with the fingers indicates nervousness(用手指敲打表示萦张).中a nervousness w与下一句中“tension”为同义词替换,符合 语境,故选F。.38. Eo根据本段内容可知,本段主题是读懂眼睛在身体语言中的表达。根据下一句They can tell so much information about the person if you know what you are looking for. ” 的代词 “ They ” 和句意“眼睛能表达多种信息” 可知,该空是引出下文,强调眼睛的重要性。选项E. People say that the eyes are the windows to the soul( 睛是心灵的窗户)符合语境,故选E。.39. Ao根据上文“Theeyebrows(眉毛)have many uses.”可知,本句承上启下,根据后面列举的例子“When the eyebrows are raised,和 “ When someone moves their eyebrow up and down quickly,” 可知,选项 A. Listed below are some examples of the uses(下面列出了 一些使用示例)符合语境,故选A。.40. Bo 根据前面一句 Remember reading body language is not a skill that can be learned overnight.“可知,读懂身 体语言不是能在一夜间学会的技能。应该多加练习才能习得,因此B. The more you practice, the easier it will become(练习得越多,就越能读懂身体语言)符合语境,故选B。.II .阅读理解(2022福建连城一中高三第一次月考阅读C篇)【答案】8. B: 9.A; 10. D; 11.A;【解析】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了睡眠不足的危害以及阐述了通过补觉对人们的健康没有立竿见影 的影响。8 题详解】B 细节理解题。根据第二段“Researchers have long known that routine sleep deprivation (缺乏)can cause weight gain and increase other health risks, including diabetes.(研究人员早就知道,常规睡眠不足会导致体重 增加,并增加其他健康风险,包括糖尿病。)”可知,在进行这项新研究之前,研究人员已经知道了缺乏日常睡 眠对健康的危害。故选B。9题详解】A细节理解题。根据第四段赖特说的话“These health effects are long-term. Its kind of like smoking once was-people would smoke and wouldnt see an immediate effect on their health, but people will say now that smoking is not a healthy lifestyle choice. I think sleep is in the early phase of where smoking used to be.(这些对健康 的影响是长期的。这有点像曾经的吸烟人们吸烟不会看到对健康的直接影响,但现在人们会说,吸烟不是 一种健康的生活方式选择。我认为睡眠和吸烟一样处于早期阶段。)”可知,当赖特将补觉与吸烟进行比较时, 我们能了解到补觉对人们的健康没有立竿见影的影响。故选A。【10 题详解】D 词义猜测题。根据后文“cutting out the optional sleep stealers, such as watching television shows or spending time on electronic devices.(放弃那些可选的“偷睡行为”,比如看电视或玩电子设备。)“可知,研究建 议人们应该优先考虑睡眠,所以prioritize sleep为优先考虑睡眠”之意。故选D。,11 题详解】A 主旨大意题。根据第一段“The negative health effects of sleep shortages during the week cant be changed by marathon weekend sleep sessions, according to a new study.(一项新研究表明,一周内睡眠不足对健康 的负面影响并不能通过马拉松式的周末睡眠训练来改变”及全文可知,本文主要介绍了睡眠不足的危害以及 阐述了通过补觉对人们的健康没有立竿见影的影响。所以“Weekendcatch-upsleepisalie.(周末补觉是个谎言。)” 作为文章标题最为合适。故选A。III .完形填空(2022完形填空专题训练1之过关检测第2篇)【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,主要讲述的是“我教育女儿的经历:我在童年时期因为家庭经济 状况不好没有钱买书,所以对从图书馆借来的书很珍惜;我的女儿现在拥有很多书,但却对弄丢从图书馆借 的书毫不在乎,这让“我”意识到有必要让她接受惩罚1. C 根据文章第一句My seven-year-old daughter always has her nose in a book.“可推知,我的女儿甚至在去 夏令营的途中在车里继续看(reading)书2. D 根据下文第二段中的“Themissinglibrarybook”可知,此处是指“我”的女儿把从图书馆借的书弄丢了。故 选D。3. C 根据本句中的but we were poor”和下文的I had to borrow books.”可推知,在我”的童年时期,父母一直 希望“我”能够学业成绩优秀。academic”学业(成绩)优秀的“符合语境,故选C。4. B 根据上文“we were poor”可知,在童年时期,我们家很穷,所以“我没有书。故选B。-5. D 根据语境可知,因为买不起书,只能从图书馆借,所以“我对从图书馆借来的书很珍惜,把这些借的书 放在特定的(specific)架子上。-6. A 根据语境可知,当“我”不得不将借的书在到期日归还给图书馆的时候,“我”感到很苦恼。故选A。7. D 根据语境可知,“我”的女儿现在拥有的书比我整个童年时期拥有的都要多,故选D。8. C 根据语境可推知,女儿拥有的书太多而不知道珍惜,这可能是“我”的过错(fault)。9. D 根据“my daughter said with a shrug, We just pay $20 for the book. Whats the big ?可知,我” 的女儿认为弄丢了一本从图书馆借来的书没有什么大不了。big deal ”没什么大不了”是固定搭配,故选D。10. A 根据上文内容可知,那本从图书馆借的丢失的书遭到了女儿的冷遇(女儿根本就没把这件事放在心上)。 meet with a cold shoulder”遭受冷遇符合语境。11. D 根据本句中的“but”可推知,与女儿的不在意相比,那本从图书馆借的书的丢失却令我焦虑不安。 concern忧虑,担心“符合语境。12. C 因为女儿把从图书馆借的书弄丢了,所以当“我”走进图书馆时,内心深感惭愧(shame),好像这本书是 “我”自己弄丢的。13. B 根据语境可知,经过女儿弄丢从图书馆借来的书却对此不在乎这件事,“我”感到有必要让她意识到自己 对弄丢这本书负有责任,所以“我”要求她做家务杂活。14. B她同意把所有的宠物房间都打扫干净,作为对“我”偿还那本丢失的书的交换条件。in trade fbr作为对 的交换”符合语境。inneedof需要“:in terms o广就而言“;in fhvor oP赞同,支持15. A 根据语境可知,我本来是要把家务杂活当作对她的惩罚(punishment)。recovery恢复;encouragement”鼓 励“;promise“承诺16. B “我”在为人父母方面是成功还是失败呢?此处parent用作动词,意为“做的父亲(或母亲)、17. C 如果“我”拍的这张照片显示她正认真地(seriously)干活,那我让她明白了保存一本从图书馆借来的书 的承诺吗? commitment“承诺,允诺承担”符合语境。benefit好处,益处“:method”方法,办法“;demand要求18. A 参见上题解析。unwillingly”不乐意地,不情愿地“:professionally”专业地,职业地“;constantly1,经常地, 持续不断地19. B 根据下文“She could devote herselfto the chores as much as to the books.“可推知,令我宽慰的是,“我”的 女儿知道在她的人生中什么是重要的。t。ones relief是固定搭配,意为“令某人安慰的是“,符合语境。20. A 参见上题解析。此处matter是动词,意为“要紧,重要IV .语法填词(2022云南昆明市重点高中高三开学摸底测试)T【答案】1. used; 2. writing; 3. which: 4. have occurred: 5. to erase ;6. for; 7. a; 8. importance; 9. more ; 10. completely ;【解析】本文是一则新闻,介绍日本一个城市号召游客不要在海滨沙滩随意涂鸦,影响其他游客的体脸和 感受。1. usedo本句需要用过去分词短语作定语,修饰前边的spray cans,表示被动意义。2. writing o give up doing表示“放弃做某事”,是固定搭配。3. whicho关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句并充当从句的主语。4. have occurredo in the past decade表示“在过去十年“,常与现在完成时连用。5. to eraseo order sb to do sth表示“命令某人做某事6. fore本句考查be famous for短语,表示“因为而著名“,原句被throughout Japan隔开增加了理解难度。7,ao这里是第一次提到一个优美的海滨公园,故应用不定能词。8. importanceo结合语境此处需要一个名词作介词宾语。9. more。结合语境应用比较级表示“更多标志”,提醒不同国籍游客不要在沙滩随意涂鸦。10. completelyo修饰动词应用副词。“我们担心这些是否完全被游客理解二


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