西彭二中西彭二中 姚芳姚芳Section APeriod 1GET CLOSE TO THE FAMOUS!Lets a short video about how Jordan became a star.DO YOU KNOW THEM?Michael JordanDavid BeckhamMartina HingisWHEN WAS HE BORN?He was born in 1980.WHEN WAS SHE BORN? She was born in 1980.THE YEAR WE WERE BORN!A:When were you born?B:I was born in 1995.GROUPWORKA:When were you born?B:I was born in 1995.A:When was he born?B:He was born in 1996.A:When was she born?B:She was born in 1995.KNOW MORE ABOUT THE STARS! Listening practise Listen to the recording and write down the year when the stars were born.Deng YapingMichael JordanMartina HingisSMALL TALK ABOUT STARS! A:Whos that? B:Thats Martina Hingis. C:What does she do ? B:She plays tennis. D:When was she born? B:She was born in 1980Martina HingisSMALL TALK ABOUT STARS! A:Whos that? B:Thats David Beckham. C:What does he do? B:He plays football. D:When was he born? B:He was born in 1975.SMALL TALK ABOUT STARS! A:Whos that? B: C:What does she do? B: D:When was she born? B:Deng YapingDeng YapingSMALL TALK ABOUT STARS! A:Whos that? B: C:What does he do? B: D:When was he born? B:Michael JordanSMALL TALK ABOUT STARS! Groupwork Work in groups to talk about the stars like the exampleMichael JordanCRAZY FANS! First,lets share our conversations about stars. If you are their fans, please do the actions in the photos.WHEN WAS YOUR MOTHER/FATHER BORN?She/he was born in 1973.GUESSING!When was .born?CAN YOU FILL IN THE BLANKS? Jay Chou is a pop singer. He was born January 18th, 1979 Taiwan, China. Jolin was also born Taiwan. But she was born September 15th,1980.So she is than Jay Chou. ononinin one year younger Thanks a lot! Goodbye!