复习基变序有规律,结尾字母是基变序有规律,结尾字母是 th; 一、二、三,特殊记,结尾字一、二、三,特殊记,结尾字母是母是 t, d, d;八去;八去t, 九去九去e; f 要要把把ve替。替。ty 将将 y 变成变成 i, th前面前面有个有个e;几十几,也好记,只变;几十几,也好记,只变个位就可以。个位就可以。1 January First 1st3 月月12日日March twelfth2 February second 2nd8月月8 日日August 8th3 March third 3rd1月月5日日January 5th4 April fourth 4th7月月20 日日July 20th5 May fifth 5th12月月1日日December 1st6 June sixth 6th9月月9日日September 9th7 July seventh 7th4月月3日日April 3rd8 August eighth 8th11月月2日日November 2nd9 September ninth 9th2月月14日日February 14th10 October tenth 10th5月月30 日日February 14th11November eleventh 11th6月月23日日June 23rd12December twelfth 12th10月月21日日October 21st跟我学单词 yesterday昨天昨天 June六月六月 stop停止停止;(停车)站(停车)站 road路路 turn转向,把转向,把变成变成 driver司机司机 meeting会议,集会会议,集会 word单词单词 hard努力地;困难的努力地;困难的 start开始,动身开始,动身 sport meeting运动会运动会比一比,说一说(1) Whats the date today? Its June 2nd. (2) What was the date yesterday? Today is June 2nd,so yesterday was June 1st. It was June 1st. WHAT WAS THE DATE YESTERDAY? IT WAS JUNE 1. IT WAS CHILDRENS DAY.June 1June 1Childrens DayChildrens DaySep. 10Teachers DayWHAT WAS THE DATE YESTERDAY? IT WAS JUNE 1. IT WAS CHILDRENS DAY.Oct. 1Nationals DayMar.8Womens DayJan. 1New Years Day