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3895国开电大专科管理英语1第二大题词汇与结构题库说明:更新至2021年7月试题,可以根据试题首字母音序查找试题及答案。9 after introduction, you can ask about their journey答案To break the ice 附翻译:为了打破僵局介绍完之后,可以询问他们的旅程。eye contact is very important in western culture答案Keeping 附席译:在西方文化中,保持眼神交流非常重要。has not yet been decided答案When to hold the meeting 附翻译:何时召开会议尚未决定。means to do what you should do?答案To be punctual, on time 附翻译;means to do what you should do on time答案To be punctual 附翻译;准时意味着准时做你应该做的事情。the paperless management is widely used now, some important files are still kept as hard copies.答 案Although附翻译:虽然现在无纸化管理已经广泛使用,但一些重要的文件仍然保留为硬拷贝。these honors he received a sum of money.答案Besides附翻译:除了这些荣誉,他还得到了一笔钱。Wine do you need for the party ?答案How much附翻译;聚会需要多少酒?you deal with the data files, the more familiar you get with them答案The more 附翻译:你处理的数据文件越多,你就越熟悉它们。you get along with your neighbours, the more familiar you get with them答案The more 附翻译:你和邻居相处得越多,你就越熟悉他们。your plan and don*t stop until it is finished答案Follow附翻译:遵循你的计划,在完成之前不要停下来。A good tour guide tells visitors.答案what they couldnt miss during the trip附翻译:一个好的导游会告诉游客他们在旅途中不能错过的东西。A secretary mustbig pile of files and correspondence in office答案deal with附翻译:秘书必须在办公室处理一大堆文件和信件。A wellob description can answer a lot of questions from job seekers答案written附翻译:一份写得很好的职位描述可以回答求职者的很多问题。After you arewith all these jobs? we will discuss it.答案familiar附翻译:在您熟悉所有这些工作之后,我们将讨论它。Are you still lookinga job?答案for附翻译:你还在找工作吗?Can weanother worker to help Jimmy or find another solution?答案assign附翻译:我们可以指派另一名工人帮助吉米或找到其他解决方案吗?Can you explain your arrangements?答案in detail附翻译:你能详细解释一下你的安排吗?Charles regrettedthe TV set last year. The price has now comedown答案buying附翻译:查尔斯后悔去年买了电视机。现在价格已经降下来了。Children under fifteen are not permitted to see such kind of moviesbad for their mentaldevelopment.答案as is附翻译:不允许十五岁以下的儿童看这种电影,因为这对他们的智力发育不利。Children under fifteen are not permitted to see such kind of moviesbad for their mentaldevelopment答案which is 附痛译:十五岁以下的孩子不准看这种不利于智力发育的电影。Copying files under Linux is similarcopying files under DOS 答案to附翻译:在Linux下复制文件类似于在DOS下复制文件。Do not do anythingshould go against his will.答案that附痛译:不要做任何违背他意愿的事情。Do you require a deposit(定金)toa reservation?答案confirm附翻译:您需要押金(定金)来确认预订吗?Do you understandthe teacher said?答案what附翻译:你明白老师说的吗?Do you want to fly first orclass?答案economy附翻译:你想飞第一经济舱吗?Does David?答案like flying附翻译:大卫喜欢飞吗?Dont be afraidask a lot of questions.答案附翻译:不要害怕问很多问题。Everyone in these schoolsEnglish well答案speaks附翻译:这些学校里的每个人都英语说得很好。Everyone is veryto this boy.答案friendly附痛译:每个人都对这个男孩非常友好。Had you come five minutes earlier, youthe train to Beijing. But now you missed it答案would havecaught 附翻译:如果你提前五分钟来,你就会赶上去北京的火车了。但现在你错过了。Have youto say to me?答案anything else附痛译:你还有什么要对我说的吗?Helunch in the canteen right now.答案is having附翻译:他现在正在食堂吃午饭。He cangood English.答案speak附翻译:他会说一口流利的英语。He has been looking forward toto England for a long time.答案going附翻译:很久以来,他一直期待着去英国。He has learned English and German. Now he is going to learnlanguage答案another附翻译:他学过英语和德语。现在他要学习另一种语言。He published the journalfrom 1990 to 2020.答案annually附翻译:他从1990年到2020年每年出版该杂志。He published the journalfrom 1991 to 2015.答案annually附翻译:他从1991年到2015年每年出版该杂志。He said this wouldcompanies from creating new jobs答案prevent附翻译:他说这会阻止公司创造新的就业机会。Hello, everyone. Td like toto you our new secretary, Melinda Smith答案introduce附翻译:大家好。我想向您介绍我们的新秘书梅琳达史密斯。How do Ithe gym?答案get to附翻译:如何去健身房?I have an English classa week答案three times附翻译:我每周有3次英语课。I have been looking forward tofrom my parents答案hearing附翻译:我一直期待着收到父母的来信。I heard Lilythe song once答案sing附葡译:我曾经听过李在唱这首歌。I like the workinghere.答案atmosphere附翻译:我喜欢这里的工作氛围。I like the working atmosphere here. Its very答案friendly附痛译:我喜欢这里的工作氛围。这是非常友好的。I thinkis impolite to call people by their first names答案it附翻译:我认为直呼别人的名字是不礼貌的。I usually go to the officetrain.答案by附翻译:我通常坐火车去办公室。I will give youto finish it.答案two weeks1 time附翻译:我会给你两周的时间来完成它。I will give youto finish it答案two weeks1 time附翻译:我会给你两周的时间来完成它。Ifd like to book a table for ten under the name of Jordan? p.m.December 24山.答案at, on附翻译:我想在12月24日下午以Jordan的名义预订一张十人Id love to have a break, but I cantthe time now答案spare附翻译:我很想休息一下,但我现在抽不出时间。If there are changes, dont forgetthe related persons know答案to let附翻译:如果有变化,不要忘记让相关人员知道。If you have any questions here, please tell us. Well all beto help you答案ready附翻译:如果您在这里有任何问题,请告诉我们。我们都准备好帮助你。Ill make a list of all the documents on this filemake it more clearly.答案in order to附翻译:我将列出此文件中的所有文件,以便更清楚地说明。Imto do anything at your word.答案ready附翻译:我已经准备好按照你的话做任何事情了。Im afraid I won*t be available then. Ia friend off at five this afternoon答案will be seeing附痛译:恐怕那时我就没有空了。我今天下午五点送朋友。Im a deputy manager. Ian IT company答案work for附翻译:我是副经理。我在一家IT公司工作。Im looking forward totogether with you答案working附翻译:我期待着与您一起工作。1*111 looking forward toyou答案seeing附痛译:我期待着您的光临。Isnt it impolite to call people by their first names ? The underlined word is of the same word class(词T生) as.答案interesting附翻译:直呼人名不是很不礼貌吗?Its high time that he settled down in the country anda new life答案started附翻译:现在是他在乡下定居并开始新生活的时候了。It is very important for us to find abetween work life and home life答案balance附翻译:在工作生活和家庭生活之间找到平衡对我们来说非常重要。It maybe helpful to set your watch just two minutes?答案ahead附翻译:提前两分钟设置手表可能会有所帮助?It wax on the beachMiss White found the kid lying d end答案that附翻译:怀特小姐发现那个孩子躺在沙滩上。It will take ushour to get there.答案an附葡译:到那里要花上一小时。Jackto see you. Hell be here soon答案is coming附翻译:杰克来看你了。他很快就会来。Keeping eye contact makes the other person, welcome and comfortable答案feel附翻译:保持眼神交流会让对方感到、受欢迎和舒适。Mary has been a secretary in this companyshe graduated from Beijing University答案since附翻译:玛丽毕业于北京大学,一直在这家公司担任秘书。Mikehis colleagues when the phone rang答案was talking with附翻译:电话响起时,迈克正在与他的同事交谈。Most tour companiesadvance payment when a booking is made答案insist on附翻译:大多数旅游公司在预订时坚持预付款。Mr. Whiteshort stories, but hea TV play these days.答案writes, is writing附翻译:怀特先生写短篇小说,但这些天他正在写一部电视剧。Neither Johnhis father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train答案nor附痛译:约翰诺希的父亲都未能早起赶早班火车。Nowadays office work can be done by handvery fast speed答案at附翻译:如今,办公室工作可以通过非常快的速度完成。On ourwe were told that our rooms had not been reserved.#案arrival附翻译:在我们到达时,我们被告知我们的房间没有被预订。On their arrival, you shouldthe following points答案pay attention to附翻译:他们的到来,你应该注意以下几点。People here usuallyeach other by their first names instead of family names答案call附翻译:这里的人们通常用他们的名字而不是姓氏来称呼对方。Please give me two.答 案pieces of paper附翻译:请给我两张纸。Please handyour homework in time答案in附翻译:请及时交作业。Please payto what was discussed yesterday答案attention附翻译:请注意昨天讨论的内容。Please see the suggestions below tothat your files are not lost答案make sure附翻译:请参阅以下建议以确保您的文件不会丢失。Professor Smith promised to lookmy paper, that is, to read it carefully.答案over附痛译:史密斯教授答应看我的论文,也就是仔细阅读。Scientists have made great contributionsdevelopment of our human beings答案to附翻译:科学家为人类的发展做出了巨大贡献。See the bottom of this page for details of how to applythis job答案for附翻译:有关如何申请此工作的详细信息,请参阅本页底部。She doesnt have the funds toher design答案carryout附翻译:她没有资金进行她的设计。She feel very tired and was glad tohim.答案lean on附翻译:她觉得很累,很高兴能靠在他身上。She hasiVt the funds toher design.答案carry out附痛译:她没有资金来进行她的设计。She kept onalthough she was tired.答案working附翻译:尽管她很累,但她继续工作。She wants a job where.答案her management skills can be put to good use附翻译:她想要一份可以充分利用她的管理技能的工作。Smile a lot and befriendly as possible to everyone you meet答案as附翻译:多微笑,对你遇到的每个人尽可能友好。Such office software is popularthe executive secretaries答案with附翻译:这类办公软件深受执行秘书的欢迎。The bus came after itfor about half an hour.答案had been waited附翻译:公共汽车在等了大约半个小时后来了。The bus came after theyfor about half an hour答案had been waiting附翻译:公共汽车在他们等了大约半个小时后来了。The company hosted a(n)for their new staff.答案reception附翻译:公司为他们的新员工举办了一次招待会。The environmentalists and wild goatson the vast grasslands was a good indication of the betterenvironment答 案attendance附翻译:环保主义者和野山羊在广阔的草原上的出现很好地表明了环境的改善。The Foreign Language Department is onsecond floor.答案the附痛译:外语系在二楼。The manager will notus to use his car答案allow附翻译:经理不允许我们使用他的车。The next trainthe station at 11 oclock答案leaves附翻译:下一班火车11点离开车站。The question neverin discussion答案came up附翻译:这个问题从未出现在讨论中。The secretary has a lot of things to take up in the office since sheaway for quite a few days答案hasbeen附翻译:秘书离开了好几天,办公室里有很多事情要处理。The teacher showed the studentsthe laboratory答案around附翻译:老师带学生参观实验室。The Two parties made it clear that they would notthe invitation unless the Centre reduced its taxcomponent答案accept附翻译:双方明确表示.除非中心减少税收部分.否则他们不会接受邀请。双方明确表示,除非中心减 少税收部分.否则他们不会接受邀请。The work was doneher instructions答案according to附痛译:工作是按照她的指示完成的。They were successfula communication satellite.答案in launching附翻译:他们成功发射了一颗通信卫星。This book gives some usefulon how to save money.答案tips附翻译:这本书提供了一些关于如何省钱的有用提示。This is true of managementof workers.答案as well as附翻译:管理层如此,工人亦如此。Through the work plan, the team leader is able tothe tasks at hand, the deadlines for completion, andthe responsible parties for effective management答案identify附翻译:通过工作计划,团队负责人能够确定手头的任务、完成的期限以及有效管理的责任方。Tothe ice, after introduction, you can ask about their journey答案break附翻译:为了打破僵局,介绍完之后,你可以询问他们的旅程。We have toat the hotel before 6pm.答案check in附翻译:我们必须在下午6点前到酒店登记入住。What is your job?Imaccountant答案an附翻译:一你做什么工作?-我是会计。When will the General Manager be?答案available附翻译:总经理什么时候到?With his work completed, the manager stepped back to his seat, feeling pleasedhe was a man ofaction.答案that附翻译:工作完成后,经理回到座位上,为自己是个有行动力的人感到高兴。Within the team, a work plan can tell each member whatand why.答案is being done附翻译:在团队内部,工作计划可以告诉每个成员正在做什么以及为什么。Within the team, a work plan can tell each member what is beingand why答案done附翻译:在团队内部,工作计划可以告诉每个成员正在做什么以及为什么。You can pick a specific time and place and ask themthey want to go答案if附翻译:您可以选择特定的时间和地点,并询问他们是否想去。You have more apples thando. Butare better than yours答案we, ours附翻译:你的苹果比我们多。但是我们的比你的好。Your goal is to publish a book and havemanuscript(手稿)sent out to publishers by November2O16.答案the附翻译:你的目标是出版一本书,并在2016年11月之前将手稿发送给出版商。


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