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大学英语六级写作分类模拟试卷5Writing1、Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Should Private Cars Be Encouraged in China? You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words following the outline given below.Should Private Cars Be Encouraged in China?2、Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on holiday economy. Your essay should express your own opinion of the phenomenon and provide the reasons to support your argument. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.3、Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Follow Your Own Course by commenting on the remark Follow your own course, and let people talk. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.4、Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on fake news. Your essay should focus on the reasons of fake news. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.5、Keep Connected with ParentsDirections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Keep Connected with Parents by commenting on the lack of communication between children and their parents. You should analyze the reasons and give your suggestions. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.答案:Writing1、范文With the improvement of peoples living standard, more and more Chinese people can afford private cars. Should private cars be encouraged in China? People differ in their opinions about the question.Some people believe that the increasing number of private cars indicates the improved general living standard and private cars make peoples lives more convenient and comfortable. However, others hold that private cars should be limited in China. There are mainly three reasons. Firstly, more private cars will lead to higher polluting emissions that do harm to peoples health. Secondly, cars consume a large amount of fuel, which raises the possibility of higher international oil price as China becomes a major petroleum importer and thus increases the cost of owning a private car. Finally, with more private cars running on the streets, the already congested roads will become more crowded and its also becoming increasingly difficult to alleviate the traffic jam.Taking all these factors into consideration, I naturally come to the conclusion that private cars should be discouraged in China since the growth of automobile use in the city causes so many environmental and social problems. Moreover, the government should make greater efforts to develop its overall public transportation system by building more roads, more subway and urban railway lines to make life without private cars comfortable and convenient.解析第一段简述生活水平提高,越来越多人有了自己的汽车,并引出活题是否该鼓励私家车。第二段阐明人们不同的态度:支持的人认为私家车能够使生活更方便舒适。反对的人认为:更 多的车辆会加剧环境污染;车辆会消耗大量的能源;交通状况会变得更糟。第三段阐述“我”的看法:不应该鼓励私家车,并指出政府应该做些什么。参考译文随着人民生活水平的提高,越来越多的中国人买得起私家车了。我们应该鼓励购买私家车 吗?对于这个问题,人们的看法不一。有些人认为私家车数量的增加说明人们生活水平的普遍提高,而且私家车也使得人们的生活更加 方便舒适。然而,其他人则认为私家车在中国应该被限制购买,主要有三个理由。首先,私家车数量 增多会导致污染气体排放量增高,这必将损害人们的健康。其次,汽车消耗大量的汽油,随着中国成 为主要的石油进口国,国际油价上升的可能性会增大,进而使得拥有私家车的成本增加。最后,随着 更多的汽车驶入大街小巷,原本已经拥挤的马路会变得更加拥挤,这也使得减轻交通堵塞的难度增大。把所有这些因素都考虑进去,我自然地得出以下结论:城市里汽车数量的增长带来了这么多的环 境和社会问题,私家车在中国不应该被鼓励购买。除此之外,政府应该在发展公共交通系统方面做出 更大的努力,修建更多的公路、地铁和城市铁路线,使得没有私家车的生活也很舒适方便。2、范文Holiday EconomyAs we all know, with the improvement of peoples living standards, more and more people choose to spend the holidays in scenic spots all around the world. At the same time, some debates have been aroused on the advantages and disadvantages of holiday economy. For me, I am in favor of developing holiday economy.First of all, holiday economy provides people with good opportunities for traveling, shopping and having fun. During the process, people can improve the level of their material and cultural life, and increase the sense of happiness. Furthermore, the increasing consumption can boost tourism, retail, transportation, sports and many other relative industries, whose development benefit the country and the people. Last but not the least, it can ameliorate the problems of the urban management and social service system. In addition, the government can take effective measures in time to reduce the side effects of holiday economy, such as destroying some natural resources and scenic areas.In general, we should treat the phenomenon of holiday economy correctly. We should spend rationally and take good advantages of the holiday to relax ourselves. In the meantime, the government should take measures to settle the problems in holiday economy. 3、Follow Your Own CourseGreat Italian poet Dante once said, Follow your own course, and let people talk. What we can learn from this motto is that whatever we do, we must follow our own heart rather than let the noise of others opinions drown out our own inner voice.In our life, more often than not, each of us has to make various choices. Whatever decisions we make, we should bear the principle that the decisions should be made on the basis of our will in mind. University students, for example, have to reach a hard and crucial decision upon job-hunting after graduation. Facing a well-paid job with no interest and a favorite job with the low pay, others may advise us to choose the former one, insisting that where there is a high wage there is a passion. However, that passion is short and will disappear quickly. Conversely, for the things we are interested in, well try our best to do it and the passion will be long-lasting.For all of us, no one can live our life instead of ourselves. Therefore, I arrive at the conclusion that the most important thing in our life is to follow our own course and do what we want to do. 4、范文Fake NewsOver the past few decades, there has been a steady rise in the number of fake news. In detail, some media or people make up some stories of celebrities to gain attention, such as, divorce, crime even death. The most popular one is the divorce news about Yang Mi.Three reasons can account for this social phenomenon. First and foremost, false information deliberately spread by those who hope to make money out of network traffic. In addition, there is no severe punishment for the people who spread misleading news, and the government does not make an effective and tough supervising measures. Moreover, most of fake news cater to the publics curiosity, and people dont care what the truth is at all.Personally, I firmly believe that fake news derives from inadequate governments supervision and management in the news. Thus, if the government makes relevant policies and measures to prevent fake news, the problem can be readily solved in the near future. 5、Keep Connected with ParentsMany parents feel confused that, once upon a time, their kids shared everything with them, but now they dont even look at them. With the development of modern society, it seems that more and more children arent willing to communicate with their parents.There are several reasons for this phenomenon. For one thing, many kids think that they have nothing in common with their parents. What parents chatter about is study, which makes them bored. Thus, they prefer to communicate with friends. For another, they feel that their parents dont understand them at all. What they love to do is often against their parents will and they cant get any support. As a result, the generation gap between parents and children become wider and wider.In order to change this situation, both parents and children should work together. Parents should learn to be a good listener and respect their childrens ideas, whereas children should keep connected with their parents actively.


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