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中考情态动词考点(一)情态动词概说1 .情态动词也是“辅助性”动词,用来表示说话人的语气或情态。情态动词所表示的情态有:请求、命令、允诺、可能、需要、敢于、愿望、义务、能力等。2 .情态动词本身有词义,但词义不完全,不能单独用作谓语,没有人称和数的变化,且后面 只跟动词原形。如:她会唱英文歌曲。She cans sing an English song. ( F)She can sings an English song. ( F)She can sing an English song. (T)3 .有些情态动词的过去时与其原形相同,有些与原形不同。(1)与原形相同的有:must - must ought to - ought to(2)与原形不同的有:can could will wouldmay might shall - shouldneed needed dare dared have to had to(三)情态动词的否定形式: cannot - can t might not- mightn t would not wouldn t should not shouldncould not - couldn must not - mustn need not - needn ought not oughtnt may not - mayn tt will not won tt shall not shan tt dare not - daren t(二)情态动词的种类:(见下表)原形过去式词义cancould能maymight可以(或许)mustmust(had to)必须(不得不)willwouldMmshallshould应该needneeded需要daredared敢于(四)常用情态动词的用法:1. can 与 could1) . can(1)表示体力或脑力方面的“能力”,也能表示根据客观条件能做某事的“能力”He can drive.Can you jump as far as he didI can t catch up with Jim.can 与 be able to 二者都表示“能够”,区别是: can 只有现在时和过去式,而 be able to 可用于各种时态。如:I ll be able to speak French in half a year.He hasn t been able to finhisit on time.( 2)表示允许:You can go now.Can I use your bike( 3)表示推测:Who can it beIt can t be true.can 表示猜测或怀疑只用于疑问句及否定句中。2) could( 1) can 的过去式,表示过去有能力及过去的可能性。He couldn t climb up the mountain.The news could be true.( 2)表示客气地请求或委婉地陈述意见。Could you go skating with me tomorrowI m afraid I couldn t give you an answer tonight.( 3)表示惊异、怀疑、不相信等态度How could he say thatHe couldn t be in Beijing.2 may 与 might1) may( 1)表示请求、许可、可以 May I use your dictionary Yes, please/certainly.May I come in( 2)表示推测说话人的猜测,认为某一事情“或许”或“可能”发生。It may rain this afternoon.I may leave for Hangzhou next week.3 3) may 用于感叹句中可以表示祝愿或愿望。May you do well!May you have a good time!2) might( 1)用作 may 的过去式。We didn t know that he might be our new teacher.The accident might happen the day before yesterday.( 2)替代 may 来表示现在时间的动作,主要于推测(但其可能性比may 更低)。I m afraid it might snow tomorrow.You might meet him at the conference.The movie might have finished now.3)委婉地表示请求(不是过去式)。Might I ask you a questionMight you go there with me3) must( 1)表示义务,命令或必要。Soldiers must obey orders.We must be strict with ourselves.( 2)表示肯定的推测:一定He must be at home. (对现在的猜测)I think you must have made a mistake. (对过去的猜测)He must be our new teacher.He can t be our new teacher.( 3)此外还要弄清楚must 与 have to 的区别4 will 与 would1) will( 1)表示意愿、决心。此时可用于各种人称。He won t come to see you. 他不愿来见你。(表示意愿)I will try my best to catch up with her. 我将尽最大努力赶上她。(表示决心)(2)表示请求,此时仅限于“ will you (please)”句型中,仅用于第二人称和疑问句中。Will you please buy me an English-Chinese dictionary when you go to the bookstoreWill you have some rice2) would( 1) will 的过去式,表示过去的意愿和决心。He said he would do everything for her, but she said she would never see him again.They believed that we would help them.( 2)用于现在时,表示委婉地提出请求,建议或看法。此时would 的用法比 will 更加委婉。Would you please show me the way to the museumI would like to say something about it.will和would用于“劝某人接受”时,只能用 some,不能用any。如:Would you like some fish 吃点鱼好吗5 shall 与 should1) shall征求对方意见或请求,用于第一、三人称。表示“要不要”、好吗”Shall I open the windowShall the doctor come2) should( 1) should 意思是“应该”,表示劝告或建议( =ought to )You should wash your hands before dinner.We should help each other.( 2)用来表示可能性或猜测。He should be in the office now.I should be right.( 3) should 有时能表示说话人的情感等。It s funny that they should be confident. (表示轻视)Why should I do that for you (表示不满)( 4) should 后接动词不定式(不加 to )时,若用于肯定句,表示某件事本应该完成却未完成;若用于否定句,则表示某事不该发生却发生了。You should have told us the truth. (应该告诉却没有)He should have known the importance of it. 应该知道却不知道)We shouldn t have left so early. (不应该早出来,可已经做了)6 need1) need 意思是“需要,必须”,主要用于否定句和关系问句中。You needn t come so early.Need I take part in the Party2) need 引导的疑问句,肯定回答时多用 must ,否定回答时用 needn t。Need he comeYes, he must.No, he needn t.3) need 后接名词做宾语时,表示“需要”某件事物,此时用作实义动词,与一般的实义动词用法完全一样。如:We need three apples.He doesn t need so many books.7. oughtought 只有一种形式,后面常与to 连用,意思是“应该”。You ought to visit us often.Sorry, I ought to leave now.在表示“应该”时, ought to 的语气比 should 要强,比 must 稍弱。8. dare1) dare 意思是“敢”,用于肯定结构中时,后接加to 的动词不定式。The boy dared to climb up the tree.She should dare to question her teacher.to 的动词不定式。2) dare 用于否定句或疑问句中时,与大多数的情态动词一样,后接不带Dont dare do that again!The poor girl dare not go home.9 had betterYou had better see a doctor.You had better not leave now.Had I better wait for herused to do / be used to doing / be used to do used to do 表示过去常常发生的动作, 强调过去, 只用于过去, 注意用 to do , 不用 doing 形式; 而be used to doing 意为 习惯做”, be可有各种时态;be used to do意为被使用去做,为被动语态形式。My father used to eating meat.She is used to eating meat.He wasn t used to eating in a restaurant. Knives are used to cut things.(五)含有情态动词的疑问句由 can、 may 、 must 构成的疑问句句式: Can/ May/ Must+ 主语+动词原形 +.如:Can you repair the car Could he be a good student May I borrow your rulerMust we clean the room now对 may 引出的问句,可以有下列回答方式: Yes, of course. Yes, certainly. Sure. No, you mustn t. No, you can t.对 must 引出的疑问句,回答为:Yes, must. No,needn t/ don t have to.will , would , shall 的用法will 在一般疑问句中表示客气的 “请求、劝说 ”。 would 是 will 的过去式,语气更加客气、委婉。Would you show me your picture book Will you please give me a call对 will/ would you 的回答方式有以下几种:Yes, I will. (No, I won t.)Sure . (I morry , Ican t.)All rightC. ertainly. (No, thank you .)Yes, please.shall 引出的疑问句用于第一人称, 表示征求对方意见或客气的请求。其回答方式有以下几种:Yes, please. All right. No, thank you.(六)不同情态动词的否定意义也不同(1) can 可译为 不会,如:I can t play basketba我不会打篮球。(2)当句子表推测时,用 can俵达不可能, He can t be ill. He is playing chess with Tom. (3) can好可用来回答“MayI这样的问句。 May I come in No, you mustn t. / can) cant:坯可用于固定习语中。Shecan t help crying.may 的否定式为may not , 译成 “可能不 ” , He may not be at home.( 1 ) mustn t 表示不许, 不可。 He mustn t leave his room.( 2 )mustnt也可用于以 may 表示要求时的否定回答中。 May I stand hereNo, youmustn t(can t).(1) needn 意为 不必。You needn t meet him unless you d like to.( 2 ) needn +t have+ 动词的过去分词,表不需要完成但已完成的动作,暗含时间或精力上的浪费。 You needn t have bought it.shouldn 表不应该 You shouldn t feel so unhappy over such little things.(七)易混淆点易混点一can 和 be able to两者表示能力时用法相同,但can只有原形“can”和过去式“could两种形式,在其他时态中要用 be able to 来表示。 另外 be able to 常常指经过努力, 花费了时间和劳力之后才能做到某事。 Jim can tspeak English. He could speak English at 5.We ll be able to see him nextweek. He has been able to drive.I msure you llbe able to finish it quickly.We were able to reach the top of the mountain at noon.易混点二can 和 maycan 和 may 均可用来征求意见或许可,意为 “可以 ” , 一般可互换2. can 和 may 表示可能性时的区别:在肯定句中用 might , may , must , 不用 can在疑问句中表示推测用can,不用might , may, must在否定句中用cant (不可能), 不用 may, must。 That can t be true.易混点三may be 和 maybe用法区别 常用位置 may be may 为情态动词, be 为动词原形, 句中作谓语maybe 副词, 大概、也许,相当于perhaps 位于句首,作状语He may be wrong , but I m not sure.易混点四 can t 和 mustn t.can t 根据其基本用法可译为: ( 1 )不会, I can t speak Enhgl.is( 2)不能,We can t doit now because it s too dark不可能, The man can t be our teacher because he is much younger than our teacher.mustn t 意为 “禁止、 不许 ”, 用来表达命令, 表示强烈的语气。 You mustn t play football in the street. It s too dangerous.易混点五 must 和 have tomust 侧重于个人意志和主观上的必要, 还可以在间接引语中表示过去的必要或业务, have to侧重于客观上的必要,可用于现在时、过去时和将来时I know I must study hard.My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in the mid-night.易混点六need , dare 的两种用法need , dare 作情态动词是, 多用于否定句、 疑问句中, 后接动词原形。 You needn t explain it to me .Dare you say that again在肯定句中, 它们后边多接动词不定式,此时为实义动词。Tom needs to fetch the bool for me .Mary dared to go across the street by herself.易混点 七 used to do / be used to doing / be used to doused to do 表示过去常常发生的动作而be used to doing 意为 现在习惯做”, be可有各种时态;be used to do意为被使用去做,为被动语态形式。My father used to eating meat.She is used to eating meat.He wasn t used to eating in a restaurant.Knives are used to cut things.练习检测1. Nobody do it. Let me A. can, try B. can t, to try C. can, to try D. can t, trying2. “ you like bananas to eat”“ Yes, please.A. Would, some B. Will, any C. Could, any D. Can, some3. “ Can you answer this question in English”“ Sorry, IA. needn t B. may not C. can4. “ I borrow your dictionaryt D. mustn t”“ Certainly, here you are.A. Must B. May C. Need D. Shall5. I see the words on the blackboard. you write a bit clearlyt, Can D. needn t, CouldA. mustn t, Can B. don t, will C. cantake a raincoat with you.t D. can6. It s a sunny day today. You A. can t B. mustn t C. needn7. I ve looked for my pen everywhere, but I find it.A. couldn t B. can t C. mustn t D. didn t8. “ I speak to Ann ”“ Speaking. ”A. Must B. May C. Need D. Shall9. Shall we go to the zoo tomorrowA. Yes, we shall B. Yes, you shallC. Yes, you will D. All right10. Mr. John, we must hand in our homework today, No, you . But you must bring it to school tomorrow.A. neednt we ; mustnt B. mustnt we ; needntC. mustnt you ; mustnt D. neednt we ; neednt11. I take the newspaper away No, you mustnt. You read it only here.A. Must; can B. May; can C. Need; must D. Must; must12. - Must I stay at home and take care of her- No, you .A. mustntB. wontC. cantD. neednt13. - Can you mend a TV set- No, I .A. mustnt B. cant C. may not D. neednt14. - Whose guitar is thisA. It must Ali s. B. It might belong to Alis.C. It must Ali D. It might belong to Ali.need,needn t, can, can t, shall,shouldn tmay,must,mustn t,have to,would15. I show him the way,I16. Can you answer this question in French No, I17. May I keep the book for three weeks No, you18. Nobody live without air or water.19. You not worry. Everything will be all right.20. I have some chocolates nowNo, you mustn t.21. Children be left alone.22. I finish my homework before I go to bed.go out for a walk That s a good idea.24. you like some fish


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