牛津高中英语必修一Unit 1 School life 重点知识归纳 当堂训练 课后巩固(含答案).docx

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牛津高中英语必修一Unit 1 School life 重点知识归纳 当堂训练 课后巩固(含答案).docx_第1页
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牛津高中英语必修一Unit 1 School life 重点知识归纳 当堂训练 课后巩固(含答案).docx_第2页
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牛津高中英语必修一Unit 1 School life 重点知识归纳 当堂训练 课后巩固(含答案).docx_第3页
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Ml UI School life一、词形变化enjoy(n./adj.) joy; joyful; enjoyable1. experience(adj./opp.) experienced; inexperienceddevote(adj./n.) devotion; devoted2. literary(n.) literaturechallenge(adj.) challenging3. encourage(n./adj./opp.) courage; courageous; encouragement; discouraged; discouragementsatisfy(adj./n./opp.) satisfied; unsatisfied; satisfaction; dissatisfaction; satisfactory; unsatisfactory4. graduate(n.) graduationdonate(n.) donation5. depend(adj./n./opp.) dependent; independent; dependence; independenceapprove(n.) approval; disapprove; disapproval6. host(n.) hostessfluent(n.) fluency; influent7. poem(n.) poet; poetryselecl(adj./n.) selective; selection8. Spain(adj.) Spanish二、重点可识中纳记忆清单1 . 一个有经验的工人 an experienced worker=a worker with rich experience 在.方面没有经验 be inexperienced in sth.=have experience in/of (doing) sth.一次难忘的/愉快的经历 an unforgettabie/enjoyable experience体验不同的文化 experience different cultures. 谋生 earn ones/a living=make ones/a living (by/as.)挣钱 earn money=make money赢得美名 earn a reputation博得某人的尊敬 earn ones respect=earn respect from sb.2 .尊敬某人 show respect for sb. = respect sb.3 .致力于; 献身于 devote oneself to+n./doing sth. = be devoted to + n./doing sth.把(人生、时间、劳力等)专用于devote sth. to (doing) sth.某人对的奉献/热爱 ones devotion to (doing) sth.4 .平均 on (the/an) average高于/低于平均 above/below average平均有 an average of.个普通的学生an average student.努力做某事 struggle to do sth.挣扎着站起来 struggle to ones feet对某人来说做某事是一件难事Its a struggle for sb. to do sth.5 .免费 for free = free of charge = for nothing.喜爱,喜欢be fond of6 .回忆,回顾 look back (on).使某人满意的是 to ones satisfaction.表达对的满意 express ones satisfaction with.和某人交换某物 exchange sth. with sb.用 A 交换 B exchange A for B以交换.in exchange fbr.7 .前者,后者 the former, the latter我以前的同事 my former colleague.毕业于 graduate from毕业之后 after graduation8 .把捐给.donate.to.9 .谢谢你的好意 thank you for your kindness.独立于某人 be independent of sb.依靠某人 be dependent on sb.10 .利用 make use of = take advantage of充分利用 make full use of = make the best of = make the most of.明朝 the Ming Dynasty11 .北京大学的王教授 Professor Wang from Beijing University.告知某人某事 inform sb. of/about sth.随时让某人了解某事keep sb. informed of sth.12 .开放时间 opening hours.经营一家旅馆/自己的人生run a hotel/ones life13 .北匕准项计划 approve a plan=give approval to a plan 同意某人做 approve of sb. doing (不可用 agree sb. to do).现场直播 be broadcast live在电台里彳番放 be broadcast on the radio14 . 去远足 go for an outing. 一代代地传了下来be passed down generation after generalion/from generation to generation为后代造福 benefit future generations消除代沟 narrow/bridge the generation gap. 一个兴旺的国家 a developed country一个开展中的国家 a developing country逐步养成的习横develop the habit of.逐步对感兴趣develop an interest in.冲洗照片 develop photos患癌症 develop cancer研制新的药物develop a new drug.文学作品 literary works15 .参加集会 attend an assembly3().对来说可得到的be available for.31 .错过做某事的机会miss the chance to do sth.32 .跳绳 v. skip the rope n. the skipping rope.报名参加sign up for33 . 发表演讲 make/deliver a speech/an address. 几件设备 several pieces/items/articles of equipment当堂训练,探究问题一、根据首字母写出英语单词1. Simon worked an extra hour today so that he could finish the work earlier.2. 8 hours is a fairly average working day for most people, but not for teachers.3. The best way to earn respect was to devote/dedicate yourself to your work.4. He selected a shirt to match his suit to attend the ceremony.5. We exchanged ideas with each other on the hot issue.二、写出以下画线单词或词组的中文意思But legal experts are not sure if such a charge can stick.指控6. It is really a struggle to become used to academic life in Britain.学习生活He will make a speech about his splendid experiences.精彩的经历7. We should come up wilh some suggestions in terms of the problem.想出Just a minute. I will develop the film for you within five minules.冲洗三、用括号里词的适当形式填空Jack felt disappointed when he failed to have the most challenging(chaHenge) job in the company.8. The students arc as cool as a cucumber in the classroom, prcparcd(prepare) for the examination.9. When she was 75 years old, Ding Ling, a modern Chinese writer, returned to litcrrary (literature) circles.10. Much to the managers dissatisfaction(satisfy), all the workers refused his demand.11. You should learn to be independent(dependent) of your parents upon beginning your college education.四、翻译句子一听到这个好消息,他们就高兴地跳了起来。Upon/On hearing the news, they jumped with wild joy.As soon as/The moment/Immediately/Directly/Instantly they heard the news, .Hardly/No sooner had they heard the news when/than .At the news, .12. 我不想买这件外套,一是我不喜欢这个颜色,二是价钱太贵。I will not buy the coat. On the one hand/For one thing, I dont like the colour. On the other hand/For another, it is too expensive.13. 我们为人民做得越多,就越幸福。The more we do for the people, the happier we will be.五、用本单元所学词语翻译玛丽是一位大学生。为了挣(earn)一些额外的(extra)钱并培养她的生活技能,最近她在 图书馆找到了一份工作。尽管很累,她却对这种具有挑战性的(challenging)经历(experience) 非常满意。在最近的一次集会(assembly)上,她做了一次演讲,宣称毕业(graduation)后她将开办 (run)一家公司,向那些面临辍学的学生捐款(donate)来帮助他们。她受到了大家的尊敬 (respect),大家都赞赏(approve of)她的善举(kindness)。Mary is a college student. In order to earn some extra money and develop her living skills, she has recently found a job in the library. Tired as she is, she is satisfied with the challenging experience.At a recent assembly, she made a speech that after graduation she will run a company to donate some money to help the students who are faced with dropping out of school. She is respected and everyone approves of her kindness.课后巩固一、句型转换1. As soon as he entered the old building, he heard a sharp cry coming out of it. On/Upon eniering the old building, he heard a sharp cry coming out of it.2. It was such a hot day that nobody wanted to do anything.It was so hot a day that nobody wanted to do anything.Such a hot day is it that nobody wanted to do anything.3. To laugh at a millionaire? You are stupid. hs stupid of you to laugh at a millionaire.4. The wedding eventually came. I had looked forward to it all my life.The wedding wc had looked forward to came eventually.5. We want to give all children a world free of violence.We want to give all children a world where theres no violence.二、单项选择题 DCBDD CADBB ABBDBWe wanted an assistant with knowledge of English and work experience.A. the; theB. a; /C. a; theD. the; /The trains speed was no better than that of our bicycles.A. commonB. usualC. averageD. generalThe entrepreneur has made up his mind to devote all he could his oral Englishbefore paying a visit to the United States.A. to improveB. to improvingC. improveD. improvingThe film will be on in 30 minutes., lets go there for a coffeeA. MeanwhileB. AnywayC. SomehowD. ThereforeIt is necessary that teachers should be in time kept of students * needs to provideadequate guidance and help to them.A. Io be informed B. informing C. to inform D. informedFinally, my thanks go to my tutor, who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and everypage of my draft.A. approvedB.quotedC. polishedD. foldedThe place was aMajor Donald,agood-nature fellow.A. in the charge ofB.in terms ofC. in danger ofD. incase ofThe local government took many effective measures to meet the requirement that all the children vaccinated before starting school.A. must beB. areC. will beD. beThe secretary worked late into the night,a long speech for the manager.A. to prepareB. preparingC. preparedD. was preparing, the worse I seem to feel.A. When I take more medicineB. The more medicine I takeC. Taking more of the medicineD. More medicine takenDo you practice playing the violin every morning?No, but I.A. used toB. was used to do C. used to doing D. used to doThe ceremony was for the of the victims in the plane crash.A. admirationB. purposeC. respect D. impressionI tried to come closer to watch the bird, but, away it flew into the woods.A. upon noticing itB. as soon as it noticed meC. on I noticed itD. immediately noticing meThe new policy only covers such peoplehave made great contributions during the war.A. whoB. whomC. whichD. asiHave you considered going to Australia for a vacation?一rd like to, but its I can afford.A. no mare than B. more than C. no less than D. less than


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